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Post time 2-7-2004 02:51 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
apa kah nama ini ( maaf ejaan salah ) ring a bell?????

ia merujuk kepada satu lurah  bentuk muka bumi yg selari dgn  banjaran gunung di sesuatu kawasan itu.
Dan that  lembah diisi? dgn air..

tapi saya nak tahu bagaiman terjadinya Fjord ini?
bless you all

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Post time 2-7-2004 03:43 PM | Show all posts
fjord - it's a correct spelling.... yg ni rasanya terdpt kat scandinavian countries...

[ Last edited by Foxey on 2-7-2004 at 03:57 PM ]

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Post time 2-7-2004 03:56 PM | Show all posts
Fjord is steep-sided inlet of the sea characteristic of glaciated regions. Fjords probably resulted from the scouring by glaciers of valleys formed by any of several processes, including faulting and erosion by running water. When the regions occupied by these glaciers subsided, the valleys were drowned by the sea. The fjord coast lines of Norway, Scotland, Greenland, Alaska, British Columbia, S Chile, S New Zealand, and Antarctica are examples. A fjord differs from most estuaries in its sheer, parallel walls, often extending far below the water surface, and in its many branches of similar form. Often shallow at the mouth, fjords are frequently very deep farther inland. Sognafjord (Norway) is 4,000 ft (1,220 m) deep and over 100 mi (160 km) long. Loch Moran, Scotland (1,017 ft/310 m), is a typical fjord but is separated from the sea. Norwegian fjords are noted for their grandeur.

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 Author| Post time 2-7-2004 03:58 PM | Show all posts

yep...that's true

aaprt fRom Norway and the other two scandinavian cpountries tu dai ade jugak kat New zealand - Milford Sound? sapa ada gambaq?

kat Andriantic ?? or Aegean sea.. i mean where is Yugoslavia ( the former name) ??? and South America  dan juga belah belah / around the area of VAncouver..

cantiknya Ciptaan ALLAh kan..too perfect and kekadang kita malu ya ...kepadanya He's So GREAT the AL -KAMAL tapi manusia ni kekadang terlupa....wallahuallam.

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Post time 2-7-2004 03:59 PM | Show all posts
Byk site yang refer to Fjord kat Norway... Kira yg glamer la...

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Post time 2-7-2004 04:11 PM | Show all posts
tak pandai la nak attach gambar fjords nih...

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 Author| Post time 2-7-2004 04:45 PM | Show all posts

ade banyak site fjord nih

sapa boleh cut and paste ? gambaq ..cantik ....

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Post time 4-7-2004 08:34 AM | Show all posts
mb, rasanya yang kat Yugoslavia dengan Vancouver tu bukan fjord tapi 'dalmatian' (kalau tak salah) coast. Tapi fjord ni mmg banyak kat Scandinavia (hence that spelling) dengan New Zealand. Loch2 kat Scotland kebanyakannya fjord in a certain way tapi nothing beats the beauty of the Norwegian fjords.

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 Author| Post time 5-7-2004 04:41 PM | Show all posts


nak gambaq ....sob sob ade tak gambar ok yeah dalamation yess BLESSSSSSSSSSSSSS YOU..i lupa lak
good clever..

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Post time 5-7-2004 05:36 PM | Show all posts
ni gambaran secara ilustrasi fjord....


A fjord (also spelled fiord) is a narrow inlet of the sea situated between cliffs or steep slopes. Fjords exist where glaciers once formed on mountains bordering coastal areas. The glaciers carved out glacial valleys downslope. Later, when temperatures warmed, the glaciers melted and the sea level rose, flooding the valleys. Fjords frequently exceed 300 m (1,000 ft) below sea level in depth, and they may be more than 6 km (4 mi) wide and more than 161 km (100 mi) long. If the water of a fjord were drained, a typical glacier-carved U-shaped valley with steep rock walls would be revealed.

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Post time 5-7-2004 05:43 PM | Show all posts
ini plk gambor geiranger fjord

ini one of the waterfall kat geiranger fjord

ni plk sogne fjord

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Post time 5-7-2004 08:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by alphawolf at 4-7-2004 00:34:
mb, rasanya yang kat Yugoslavia dengan Vancouver tu bukan fjord tapi 'dalmatian' (kalau tak salah) coast. Tapi fjord ni mmg banyak kat Scandinavia (hence that spelling) dengan New Zealand. Loch2 ka ...

Fjord kat Scandinavia memang cantik.. Kalau kat scotland... kalau kena panggil Loch tu bermaksud Lake.. so mostly memang lake tu jauh nuuun kat tengah2  kws scotland.. contohnya Loch Lomond, Loch Braemar,Loch Ness... nanti jap eva tolong carikkan pic fjord eiks.. :hmm:

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Post time 5-7-2004 09:06 PM | Show all posts
ok eva nak paste some info about fjord

A fjord (pronounced FEE-ord or fyord, SAMPA: ['fi:3:d] or ['faI3:d]; sometimes written fiord) is a glacially overdeepened valley, usually narrow and steep-sided, extending below sea level and filled with salt water.

Fjords are found in locations where current or past glaciation extended to sea level. A fjord is formed when a glacier (carving its typical U-shaped valley) meets the sea and melts. This leaves a narrow, steep sided valley into which the sea floods. The flood creates a narrow, deep lake (sometimes as deep as 1300m) connected to the sea. The terminal moraine pushed down the valley by the glacier is left underwater at the fjord's entrance, causing the water at the neck of the fjord to be shallower than the main body of the fjord behind it.

This shallow threshold and the protection afforded by the valley's sides generally means that fjords are excellent natural harbours. Consequently fjords often provide the home-port to fishing fleets, and in industrialised locations have come to be used for fish farming and ship building.

The word fjord comes from the Scandinavian languages, and is cognate to firth. In Scandinavia, fjord is used for narrow inlets in Norway, Denmark and western Sweden, whereas the name Fj鋜d is used in a synonymous manner for narrow inlets on Sweden's Baltic Sea coast, and in most Swedish lakes. This latter term is also used for bodies of water off the coast of Finland where Swedish is spoken. Note that the uses for the words fjord and especially for the eastern form fj鋜d are more general in the Scandinavian languages, than in English. Fjord in the English sense is taken from a type of fjords found in Norway and in parts of Sweden.

Fjords are found all along the coast of Norway, Iceland and Greenland, in the southwest corner of New Zealand (see Fiordland), and on the south and west coasts of Alaska. The west coast of Scotland also features fjords (called "sea lochs"), and the long fjord-like bays of the New England coast are sometimes referred to as "fiards". The largest fjord in the world is Sognefjorden in Norway.

source :

[ Last edited by eva on 5-7-2004 at 01:38 PM ]

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Post time 5-7-2004 09:35 PM | Show all posts
ok may be apa yg eva paste nie mungkin off topicff: tapi bleh memberi gambaran mengenai formation of fjord... soo eva ambik  The Formation of the Ilulissat Icefjord di Greenland today yg bleh memberi gambaran mengenai pembentukkan fjord secara am.. contoh terdekat je la kot.. may be pembentukkan lebih kurang sama seperti Fjord kat Scandinavia ...

(first pic: 70 million years ago, Greenland is covered with green vegetation; the climat is warm.)

(second pic: During the iceage, Greenland is covered with ice, and is pressed down because of the thick ice cover)

(third pic: 10.000 years ago, the ice draws back, watch the ice-tongue! This ice-tongue will cause the deep icefjord of Ilulissat)

(last pic: Present: The icefjord is created. You can clearly see the "threshold", over which the icebergs are pressed, when the fjord is overfilled with icebergs. In summer time when the ice cap "calves" lots of ice, the fjord is completely filled with icebergs. Every time a new piece of ice breaks off from the icecap, around 3 km. (2 miles) the icebergs are pushed over the threshold and begin to float to the North )

source :

Fjord kat Norway : Eide Hardanger

copy pic from :

[ Last edited by eva on 5-7-2004 at 01:37 PM ]

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Post time 6-7-2004 02:15 AM | Show all posts
some pic of fjord


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 Author| Post time 6-7-2004 04:30 PM | Show all posts


salam bless you all...that's why i lurveeee geog ....SUBHANALLAH.

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Post time 7-7-2004 08:41 AM | Show all posts
eva pon luv geo..:hug: paling suka tengok pemandangan time citer Lord of The Ring sbb pemandangan yg cantik dan segar.. :bgrin:

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2004 07:23 PM | Show all posts


okay ni tanya sikit, apa BEZA Fjord AND DALMATIA....any articles with pictures / diagram are very much appreaciated...blessyou all lebarkan budaya ilmu okay guys..pahala ni...

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Post time 23-7-2004 11:16 PM | Show all posts
Teringat pulak Norway bila sebut pasal fjord ni
Very very beautiful

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