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Knowing Your Cosmetic Ingredients

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Post time 22-2-2017 01:08 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by Elle_mujigae at 20-10-2017 09:08 PM

Hello uols...woot woot... lately selalu juga kita baca forumer bertanya mengenai bahan yang terkandung dalam produk kosmetik sama ada selamat atau tidak.. First of all, kita impressed sangat sebab forumer cakna gitu dengan kandungan bahan yg dipakai pada wajah.. kita sebelum ni tak pernah terfikir pun nak check mengenai ingredients dalam krim muka yang dipakai....Usually I just concern whether this cream going to make my skin look pretty or not, that's all..hehe...  

so terinspirasi dari sikap concern para forumer, kita pun google-google la pasal bahan dalam produk kosmetik ni...bila guna kata kunci  "knowing cosmetic ingredients" , kita jumpa website ... bagus kandungannya so kita decide nak share kat bod ini...dan di thread ini juga kita akan listkan website2 yang boleh dituju kalau nak check kandungan bahan dalam produk kosmetik dan penjagaan kulit...

Teaser info : Paraben termasuk dalam kategori bahan yang selamat digunakan untuk produk penjagaan kulit..

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 Author| Post time 22-2-2017 01:12 AM | Show all posts

Website :

Expert Reviewers

Dr Oliver Jones
Senior Lecturer in Analytical Chemistry
RMIT University

Professor Ben Selinger
Emeritus Professor, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Australian National University

Artikel di website ni terbahagi kepada beberapa pecahan tajuk utama:

  • Introduction
  • Cosmetic chemicals interactive
  • What is a cosmetic?
  • What do cosmetics contain?
  • Are cosmetics dangerous?
  • Conclusion

Tapi di thread ini, kita ambil point menarik dalam tajuk "Are cosmetics dangerous?" untuk dikongsi..

There’s nothing like a bit of controversy to generate some media buzz. For over a decade there have been recurring reports in both the media and on hundreds of internet sites relating to potentially toxic substances present in cosmetics (lead, mercury, parabens) and the dangers they pose to the public. Should consumers be worried? Are these claims backed up by reputable, published scientific research or have the findings been misinterpreted and exaggerated? Let’s take a look …


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 Author| Post time 22-2-2017 01:15 AM | Show all posts


Parabens are a class of chemicals commonly used as preservatives in food, therapeutic and cosmetic products.

The use of parabens in cosmetics hit the media in 2004 after a research study conducted by Dr. Philippa Darbre of the University of Reading in England reported findings that 18 out of 20 breast cancer tissue samples contained parabens. As parabens can weakly mimic the actions of oestrogen, and as oestrogen can enhance tumour growth, this was thought to be a problem. The presence of parabens in breast tumours was picked up by the media and presented as evidence that parabens contribute to breast cancer. This was incorrect.

While the presence of parabens is notable, the study found no direct evidence that they had caused the cancer or contributed to its growth. Breast tumours have a large blood supply, so it is likely that any chemical found in the blood stream will be present in the tumour.

In a later statement to the media, Dr. Darbre, referring to her 2004 study, said ‘No claim was made that the presence of parabens has caused the breast cancers.’

There have since been dozens of studies undertaken around the globe on the safety of parabens, which time and again have exhaustively demonstrated that parabens are broken down, metabolised and excreted harmlessly from the body.

Currently, both in Australia and internationally, the science community consider the use of parabens in cosmetics to be safe.

In response to consumer demand, some companies have begun to manufacture paraben free products, which consumers can purchase if they are concerned.


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 Author| Post time 22-2-2017 01:18 AM | Show all posts


Concerns regarding cancer are also linked to the use of aluminium in deodorants and anti-perspirants. In the early 2000s various news outlets reported apparent links between the use of antiperspirants containing aluminium and breast cancer. Similar reports connected the use of such products to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. These supposed links have never been scientifically proven despite multiple studies.

Aluminium works to block the sweat ducts to reduce sweating. Some argue that this process prevents us from releasing toxins, causing them to build up within our lymph glands. However, breast cancer tumours do not originate in the lymph nodes, they start in the breast, and travel to the lymph nodes later. Another study found no difference in the concentration of aluminium between the cancer and the surrounding tissue.

Currently there is no clear link between the use of under-arm products containing aluminium and breast cancer.

Likewise, studies have shown no relationship between Alzheimer’s disease and deodorant/antiperspirant use. Every day, humans are exposed to aluminium through food, packaging, pots and pans, medicine and even air and water. The official position of both the Alzheimer’s Society (US) and Alzheimer’s Australia is that a link between environmental aluminium absorption and Alzheimer’s disease seems ‘increasingly unlikely’.

Despite these findings, some manufacturers have begun producing aluminium-free products for consumers who still hold concerns.

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 Author| Post time 22-2-2017 01:22 AM | Show all posts

Lead in your lipstick?

News reports detailing levels of lead and other metals in lipsticks are persistent and recurring, but should consumers be worried? A 2013 study by the University of California Berkley examined the metal content of 32 different lipsticks. Researchers found traces of aluminium, manganese (which can cause neurological problems) and titanium in all the products they tested, while three-quarters of the products contained lead (which affects the nervous system, and can cause learning disabilities in children). Many of the lipsticks and lip glosses also contained nickel and cobalt, as well as cadmium and chromium—both known carcinogens.

Why would manufacturers add these ingredients to their products? The answer is—they don’t. They exist in the products as ‘impurities’, that is, they are present in other ingredients such as the wax, oils or the mineral pigments used in the formula. Because of the persistent nature of these substances and the fact they occur in the natural environment, including in water, it is almost impossible to remove all traces of them.

However don’t throw your lippy away just yet. The presence of these naturally-occurring elements in lipsticks is not necessarily a problem—the important issue is the level or concentration. Are the the levels high enough to be considered toxic, or are they low enough to be deemed safe? Remember, sunlight is also a proven carcinogen (skin cancer)—but you still go outside and you might even sunbathe. It all comes down to dose.

With the exception of chromium, the study concluded that the metal concentrations were comfortably within the ‘acceptable daily allowances’ as determined by the researchers via a comparison with accepted water and air contamination levels. Basically, you will consume more lead from drinking water than you will from applying lipstick. However, the study did conclude that further research into the metal content of cosmetic products is necessary, particularly with respect to chromium.

Impurities in lipstick are normal, but what's important, as with all chemicals, is the level of impurity.


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 Author| Post time 22-2-2017 01:36 AM | Show all posts
kita kongsi  info untuk 3 bahan yang kontroversi,  selanjutnya boleh baca di website asal...  Kesimpulan awal yang boleh dibuat, yang menjadi concern sebenar adalah concentration bahan2 ini ...  pada paras yang dibenarkan ia adalah selamat untuk digunakan, tapi pada paras yang tinggi ia boleh memudaratkan.. tapi bagaimana  nak tahu kandungan bahan ini dalam peratusan yang selamat? haa..di sini la kuasa pembeli boleh digunakan....beli produk yg ada research,RND semua tu... yang clinically tested, yang tulis ingredients dengan details kat packaging....kalau kat Malaysia, yang ada kelulusan KKM..

dan juga balance is the key here...ada masa kita pakai product, ada masa kita restkan kulit...

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 Author| Post time 22-2-2017 01:53 AM | Show all posts
Masa cari info mengenai arbutin hari tu, kita jumpa website-website yang boleh dituju  untuk check kandungan bahan yang terdapat dalam cosmetic...

source : Milady Standard Esthetics: Fundamentals


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Post time 22-2-2017 01:54 AM | Show all posts
Selalu jugak tgk ingredients tulis kecik2 esp kt lipstick. Berpinau biji mata
Pertama nk tau produk tu halal atau tak. Tapi sebagai layman sekadar tahu perkataan biasa. Kedua nk tau sama ada bahan berbahaya digunakan atau tak. Paraben jadi top of the list. Tapi byk produk guna paraben.


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 Author| Post time 22-2-2017 02:06 AM | Show all posts
sharlenetexas replied at 22-2-2017 01:54 AM
Selalu jugak tgk ingredients tulis kecik2 esp kt lipstick. Berpinau biji mata
Pertama nk tau p ...

so small kan yg dekat lipstick tu..kena guna kanta pembesar nampaknya lepas ni..
kat website Elle, ada article How to Decode Your Skincare Ingredients Like A Pro.. ceewah tajuk..hehe..

kalau nak diikutkan semua yg kita apply ni ada chemcial..even yang claim organics pun still consider bahan chemical juga.. I think the best is,either tak pakai langsung apa2 produk atau kalau nak pakai, tak berlebihan la...huhu..


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Post time 22-2-2017 06:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tq for info Elle..betul Tu..yg penting kena tau jenis kulit kita pstu sesuaikan dgn produk yg kita guna..cth Kalau Kita ada Allergi dgn certain chemical so Bila beli product kena check ingredient Tu Ada x dlm item Tu..Kalau Ada kena avoid guna..yg lain2 Tu asalkan mematuhi limit ok je kan

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Post time 22-2-2017 08:36 AM | Show all posts
i smpai skrang akan tgk ingredients. nampak je word 'Dimethicone' mmg xnak beli lagi2 utk cream muka.

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Post time 22-2-2017 08:36 AM | Show all posts
useful info thanks 4 sharing


most welcome irlene.. =)  Post time 25-2-2017 12:22 AM

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Post time 22-2-2017 08:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
thanks for the info..very useful..

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Post time 22-2-2017 08:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
thanks for the info..very useful..sllu jga kalau nak beli brg kosmetik msti akan baca dulu ingredient dlm produk..


most welcome mamakylekelvin.. =)  Post time 25-2-2017 12:22 AM

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Post time 22-2-2017 11:45 AM | Show all posts
Elle_mujigae replied at 21-2-2017 05:36 PM
kita kongsi  info untuk 3 bahan yang kontroversi,  selanjutnya boleh baca di website asal...:lovelin ...

thanks Elle for the info...

mmg some product contains chemical but mcm Elle katakan kandungan dia dibenarkan oleh pharmaceutical should be ok.. cuma kena ada rest pada kulit..

dulu i selalu jealous dgn kulit wanita yg putih bersih siap berkilat umpama healthy glow... sbb i nye kulit jenis bermasalah.. pimples on off mmg ada tgk pada hormone etc...

jumpa pharmaceutical ni, dia yg explain details pasal merkuri and hidrokuinon.. (biasa la kalau membaca impak lain dari org explain face to face)

pakai merkuri ni mmg kesan dia cepat..sbb dia hakis tu yg boleh dapat kulit bebas jerawat, parut pn hilang.. but in long term, kulit kita sensitif pada matahari... merah x tentu pasal kena matahari.. hidrokuinon plak kesan dia muka ada tompok lebam.. dulu2 selalu nampak gak perempuan kulit mcm ni.. tak sangka puncanya sbb lama sgt pakai


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Post time 22-2-2017 01:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
iloveyou replied at 22-2-2017 08:36 AM
i smpai skrang akan tgk ingredients. nampak je word 'Dimethicone' mmg xnak beli lagi2 utk cream muka ...

Simethicone dimethicone bukan bagus utk kecikkan pores ke uols?

Haritu tgk satu utube korea ni ckp bha bagus utk long term pore minimising. Xtau plak apd bha tu.

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Post time 22-2-2017 01:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nut.legacy replied at 22-2-2017 11:45 AM
thanks Elle for the info...

mmg some product contains chemical but mcm Elle katakan kandungan d ...

Ngeri hydroquinone ni mmg reduction agent. Sbb tu boleh putih kalau apply kat kulit.

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Post time 22-2-2017 02:14 PM | Show all posts
mokcikKSKB replied at 22-2-2017 05:15 AM
Ngeri hydroquinone ni mmg reduction agent. Sbb tu boleh putih kalau apply kat kulit.

betul mokcik.. sama mcm mercury.. ada sorang doc ni mengaku dulu dia pakai tabita..mmg x de jerawat tumbuh..flawless sajo...

tp dah benti sbb effect dia kan...nasib kau doc.. leh buat rawatan muka percuma

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Post time 22-2-2017 04:24 PM | Show all posts
mokcikKSKB replied at 22-2-2017 01:13 PM
Simethicone dimethicone bukan bagus utk kecikkan pores ke uols?

Haritu tgk satu utube korea ni ...

dimethicone ni terlalu rich utk kulit i. jd breakout lepas tu.
ntah la u, tp perasan klu ada dimethicone ni, berhati2 je la. boleh pakai klu kadar % sikit la.
pore filling pun i xboleh pakai


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 Author| Post time 25-2-2017 12:05 AM | Show all posts
wanta replied at 22-2-2017 06:35 AM
Tq for info Elle..betul Tu..yg penting kena tau jenis kulit kita pstu sesuaikan dgn produk yg kita g ...

kita pernah try krim Olay, pastu naik rashes..terus stop guna... tapi itulah sayang kita tak check ingredients krim yg kita try tu, so tak boleh nak tahu ingredients apa yg tak sesuai dgn kulit kita... kalau tahu boleh avoid krim2 yg ada bahan tu kan di masa akan datang.....

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