Jika tuhan anda benar, agama anda benar, kenapa rasa terhina?
Sedarkah kamu bahawa anak2 adam dan hawa melakukan sumbang mahram? lagi jelek drpd berzina
Maideen 2016 -- Memang ramai orang beragama yang mudah terhina. Sikit-sikit terhina. Bila orang tak kagum jer terhina. Terhina ke sana terhina ke mari. Itu memang salah daripada sifat-sifat mereka. Bak kata omputih, bagi mereka, "It's a way of life".
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Post time 22-5-2016 04:12 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by Dwdrum at 21-5-2016 12:18 PM
No relligion, No involvement. No divine revelation. No interaction with the deity. No spiritual directives. No moral command. No scripture. ...At least, there is no logical contradiction. No dealing with Euthyphro's Dilemma.
Essentially, deism has no content, other than stating a creator with no specific qualities prolly highest power who isn't actively involved. To learn more about the world, study the world. To understand more about the eternal questions, philosophize, read openly, consider scientific progress and discoveries, keep an open mind. close to atheism.
No batman ,no spiderman or all kind of superheroes too
The truth seeker too
Kau mana ada buktikan apa-apa.
Fakta ugama lain kau tembak ugama lain.
arnab dengan khinzir kau kata tuhan .... kalau kau nak sembah dia kau punya pasal .... tapi kalau nak berhujah, berhujah dengan ilmiah. jangan jadi idiot.