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Author: blankie

[SBS] City Hunter (Lee MinHo, Park MinYoung, Lee JunHyuk) ~ Sesi Borak2

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Post time 29-7-2011 10:26 PM | Show all posts
April pun mau donload ini drama...
sudah pergi ke kpopella..
tapi tidak boleh la..

ada sesiapa kah yg boleh ajar sama April..
terima kasih.

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Post time 29-7-2011 10:34 PM | Show all posts
skrg ni mmg trend twisted ending kot.... ala-ala 49days..
semua nya jadik sedih..

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Post time 29-7-2011 10:47 PM | Show all posts
Reply  shiraloveyou

kalo ada season 2 drg nak story psl ape lak yer?? takut tak best jadinya.. ...
eunnisa Post at 29-7-2011 20:02

    klau ade special edition msti best!nana ngan YS kawenx kesah la season 2 @ tukar tajuk lain,yg pnting nk min ho ngan kimnana jd hero heroin n ade scene action mcm dlm city hunter tu...klau bleh bwat la citer ala2 sweet spy lakonan dennis oh dgn nam sang mi..

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Post time 29-7-2011 10:49 PM | Show all posts
Reply  shiraloveyou

kat jek nama tuh...nnti ada kuar

dload pakai torrent.. ...
Jelita Post at 29-7-2011 19:45

    thanx jelita

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Post time 30-7-2011 12:45 AM | Show all posts
Ratings Episode 20 --- July 28, 2011

AGN Nielsen
city hunter 18(nationwide)/20(seoul)

city hunter 19.1(nationwide)/20.6(seoul)

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Post time 30-7-2011 12:53 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 30-7-2011 11:50 AM | Show all posts
^ perghhh kak jel glemer gitu

dah habis tgkkkkkk...wp ending tak berapa memuaskan hati..aku wat ending sendiri ah

tunggu dvd ori kuar pasti ku sambar

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Post time 30-7-2011 05:39 PM | Show all posts
klau ade special edition msti best!nana ngan YS kawenx kesah la season 2 @ tuk ...
shiraloveyou Post at 29-7-2011 10:47 PM

yup, hero/in haruslah yg sama kan..yg lelain pon..kalo tak, xde S2 pn xpe...

OT cket...sweet spy ending pon lebey kurang jek...han yoo il tu mati ke tidak...tiba2 je namsang mi dpt call~koala(secret code nih dorg b2 je yg tau kan) ble assume hero hidup la kan...hehe

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Post time 30-7-2011 07:54 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by airwickss at 30-7-2011 20:05
   leh ajarkan kaka na cara2 nak donlod..
donlod ni mmg amik masa 6,7hour kah?
cuma sekali sehari je leh donlod kah?
perlu ada account utk mendonlod kah..?
kenapa kalau kaka donlod selalu tak penuh..mesti interupt.

antara soklan2 yg kaka ingin sgt nak bertanya...

tq ye..
carold Post at 28-7-2011 09:32

ekceli ai pun x teror nk menjawab soalan neh..
haruss la kena tya kat skymania, hhhhh atau momod kittie yg arif lagi bijaksana dlm sesi2 mendonlod neh..

tp salunya ai mmg donlod direct terus kat link yg diberi..
sebab x reti kekdahnya camne nk donlod dr torrent...

ble ada link, ai prefer link dr MU sebab mmg ada acnt kat MU yg di share dgn kwn2...
kalu ada acnt MU, boleh donlod byk2 dalam satu masa..
kalu xde, hanya leh donlod satu vid jer satu masa...
(kalu x silap la...)

kalu nk donlod, x semestinya kena ada acnt..
kalu xde acnt, kita masih leh donlod..
cuma kurang sket la keistimewaan berbanding org yg ada acnt..

pastu pulak,
donlod neh kena bgantung pada speed tenet..
kadang2 sejam pun dah siap..
kadang2 smpai sehari pun ada...

kalu tgh2 donlod tu tetiba interrupt,
mebi tgh2 donlod, tetiba line tenet terputus kot...
kot ajer la...

sekian jawpan dr ai..
harap2 dpt menjawab persoalan saudari carold..
nk panggil kaka carold cam x seswai ajer..
kang tetiba sebaya ai pulak...

mohon juga jawapan tambahan dr forumer yg lain utk lebih pencerahan....



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Post time 30-7-2011 07:58 PM | Show all posts
ewikkss nak link boley?
eunnisa Post at 29-7-2011 19:43

    link yg ai maksudkan ialah link utk mv hara ost city hunter tu..
bukan link drama city hunter..

neh link --> mv hara city hunter

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Post time 30-7-2011 08:01 PM | Show all posts
April pun mau donload ini drama...
sudah pergi ke kpopella..
tapi tidak boleh la..

ada sesiapa  ...
AprilNing Post at 29-7-2011 22:26

   cuba try link dari am.addiction atau blog medium quality atau blog myasiancinema..

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Post time 30-7-2011 08:53 PM | Show all posts
leh ajarkan kaka na cara2 nak donlod..
donlod ni mmg amik masa 6,7hour kah?
c ...
carold Post at 28-7-2011 09:32

   soklan pertama : donlod pakai apa?? internet download manager ?? orbit downloader?? atau apa2 manager?? **ramai weols kaki donlod pakai IDM ..tak beli yg pakai crack sajork..kalu nak leh sky kasik n guide how to donlod..**

kedua : slalu pakai link dari mana? megaupload?? mediafire?? atau lain2.. **macam weols kat sini..ramai yg beli akaun speed up skit..pastu leh donlod skali banyak..**

ketiga :  uols pakai apa?? wireless broadband atau streamyx?? atau unifi??..**ikot speed jugak..dnlod neh..kalu tenet mmg besa2 tuh amik maa lama skit nak donlod..tuh yg pakai download manager nak kasik grab speed skit..**

Use magic Report

Post time 30-7-2011 08:56 PM | Show all posts
Reply 801# AprilNing

   am-addiction **kene register..

my asian cinema  **kene register jugak..

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Post time 31-7-2011 01:05 PM | Show all posts
sapa leh bg sub epi. 20??

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Post time 31-7-2011 01:13 PM | Show all posts
sapa leh bg sub epi. 20??
eddlisa_uyuk Post at 31-7-2011 13:05

    kat darksmurf dah kuar...

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Post time 31-7-2011 01:17 PM | Show all posts
kat darksmurf dah kuar...
airwickss Post at 31-7-2011 01:13 PM

    yes, got it kat situ

TQ, actually lisa lupa nama darksmurf itu, ahhhaa, tQ lagi

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Post time 31-7-2011 02:13 PM | Show all posts
[Recap] City Hunter Final Episode a
by: jbarky on Jul 28, 2011

We are at it, the final episode of City Hunter! Damn I really liked this drama!!! Also, I am so sad to see the characters say goodbye~ Let’s quickly get down on this recap!

[Recap] City Hunter Episode 20

We find out that JP had texted YJ to come and get the secret document. Yoon Sung says that JP has pretty much killed innocent YJ. JP tells Yoon Sung that he is going to kill Target Number Four.

JP finds Target Number Four at some kind of docks.

JP kills Target Number Four with his cane/sword.

Yoon Sung arrives too late and finds Target Number Four’s dead body.

Yoon Sung remembers what YJ told him before he died, to reveal the truth found in the secret documents. Yoon Sung ends up reading the secret documents.

Yoon Sung goes to JP’s home. Yoon Sung, “Have you cleaned off Target Number Four’s blood? You should clean off YJ’s blood as well.” Yoon Sung says that JP is the same as Target Number Four, because JP has caused YJ’s death.

JP tells Yoon Sung that he looks forward to seeing Yoon Sung when he finds out the true and ugly side of the President that he respects so much.

Target Number Two is telling news sources that the City Hunter’s next target is the President. Target Number Two said that the President was the leader of the “Wipeout Plan.”

The President is having a press conference about these allegations, he denies all of them.

The ex-officer is with JP asking that he just return honor to the dead of the “Wipeout Plan.” The ex-officer doesn’t want to see the whole nation become shaken.

The next scene shows Sehee crying at YJ’s funeral. It looks like Target Number Three has waked up.

YJ’s supervisor promises that he will finish everything YJ wanted to see done. The President also arrives at the funeral.

Yoon Sung is at the funeral as well. YJ’s underling goes crazy on Yoon Sung, calling him the City Hunter and blaming Yoon Sung for YJ’s death.

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Post time 31-7-2011 02:15 PM | Show all posts
[Recap] City Hunter Final Episode b
by: jbarky on Jul 28, 2011

The President is thinking by himself, he’s connecting the dots and begins to think that Yoon Sung is the City Hunter after all. YJ’s underling ariives at the Blue House and begins to relay everything that YJ has figured out about the City Hunter.

Yoon Sung arrives in the President's office and asks the President whether the news conference was true. Also, Yoon Sung asks the President about his motives etc. The President explains that it is his cause to make life better for Korea’s citizens by passing tuition decreases and also blocking privatized insurance from passing.

Nana is waiting at Yoon Sung’s home. She asks if Yoon Sung is going to find out dirt and “take out” the President like everyone else. Nana doesn’t want Yoon Sung to do anything he will regret.

The President is talking with a senator in order to pass the law to decrease tuition costs he wants.

(Yoon Sung has sneaked in and is talking to the President, asking why he is so good at making deals.) Yoon Sung says that he will make the President regret this decision about trying to pass a law while making shady deals.

Dahae is depressed. She laments about how YJ’s death is so sad.

Yoon Sung has arrived at the President’s home saying that he is tutoring Dahae, Yoon Sung is looking for the President’s diary that has the information about the funds received during his candidacy days. The President finds Yoon Sung and asks him why he’s doing this. Yoon Sung says that it is because of faith. Faith of a better country etc.

The president offers the diary to Yoon Sung, and says “Yoon Sung I am sorry as a father for having let you live such a life.”

Nana is outside and asks Yoon Sung if he is going to continue on with his course of action. Yoon Sung, “I’m the only one who can do this, I need to do it.”

Right at the moment of the President’s victory in passing the tuition reduction, the City Hunter has released all information about the “Wipeout Plan” and also the illegal ways he has gathered funds for his presidential candidacy.

The President finds out that the Korean senate is calling for his impeachment.

The City Hunter also has sent the senators who have received illegal funds in order to pass the tuition decrease law to the prosecutor's office. (Now everything is set up, the President is broken and now it seems JP will step in and assasinate the president.)

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Post time 31-7-2011 02:17 PM | Show all posts
yup, hero/in haruslah yg sama kan..yg lelain pon..kalo tak, xde S2 pn xpe...

OT cket...sweet  ...
eunnisa Post at 30-7-2011 17:39

    rasanye x la,klau x,xkan dpt call dr 'koala'...code tu han yu ill ngan nam sangmi je yg tau...citer ni pn katanye nk bwat s2 tp mcm xde pape berita pn

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Post time 31-7-2011 02:18 PM | Show all posts
[Recap] City Hunter Final Episode c
by: jbarky on Jul 28, 2011

JP and Yoon Sung prepare for the final showdown.

It seems that Yoon Sung was trying to get Nana out of the upcoming conflict, she has been put off-duty when her personal diary says otherwise.

JP calls the President and says it is time to receive my judgment instead of the people’s judgment.

The President asks Nana’s supervisor that he has an important guest and wants him to be sent in without any body-checks. Also, the President wants to be left alone.

JP arrives at the meeting place of the President and he has a face-off with Yoon Sung. Yoon Sung, “A ruthless vengeance where I have to kill my biological father. Do you think I can be fine after it’s done? Do you think I’ll be fine after having to point a gun at the woman I love? What do you think it would be like, to have to face off against the father who lost a leg to save me? I wished that you would stop this just thinking about me for once. I just wanted to live with you happily. But, it was all just a dream.”

Yoon Sung ends up pointing the gun at himself. If this is my own destiny, I’ll end it myself.

The President arrives saying “NO!!” Nana also says “Stop! Please stop now. Yoon Sung please stop now, please put down the gun.” The President, “I’ve been waiting.” JP, “I’ve come for the life that was promised.”

The President pushes Nana aside saying “I am sorry Nana.”, the moment JP fires, Yoon Sung takes the bullet for the President. Nana also shoots JP.

The President's Secret Service arrive on the scene probably because of the gunshots. JP is pointing his gun at Yoon Sung, and in order to protect Yoon Sung, JP declares that he is the only survivor of the “Wipeout Plan.” Also, JP declares that he himself is the City Hunter.

As JP dies, he reaches his hand out for Yoon Sung. Father and son hold hands one last time, much like Yoon Sung’s dreams scene (Of course in the dream it was Nana instead of his father.)

We don’t know how many days it has been but Nana is seen at Dahae’s café. We learn that Nana’s father has passed away.

Also, Ki Joon and Nana’s partner ended up getting hitched.

It seems that the bald guy and Yoon Sung’s mother are heading off to the U.S. Yoon Sung’s mother received a letter from the former President. Also, the bald guy sadly sends off his love, Nana’s partner.

Nana appears before Yoon Sung with a carrier bag and the two are smiling at each other.

Also, there is a memorial stone erected for those who have died during the “Wipeout Plan.”

The final scene is of Yoon Sung driving off into the city night.

Final Comments

I heard that some Korean Netizens online have stated that they believe the happy ending is all in Nana’s head. I highly disagree with that, because we know that this is kind of a prequel setup for City Hunter the comic series. Anyways, JP in the end sacrificed himself once more for Yoon Sung, in true fatherly fashion. I liked how the dream scene was reenacted, and JP dies an honorable man, at least in Yoon Sung’s mind.

Phew these last two episodes were too much for my heart. I almost died of heart attack because of all of the suspense. What did you guys think?



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