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Author: mofarby

GF suke compare aku dgn ex2 dia

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Post time 21-1-2008 09:49 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by C_kenek at 21-1-2008 03:57 AM
ko citela plak xgf ko dulu mix mat saleh. sopan santun macam2 lagi yg best2 biar dia plak jeles.

aku suka cara ni.....ko kompare dia dgn exgf ko plak....pelan2 bila ada pepehal prangai dia atau cara dia yg ko tk suka atau saja nk wat point ko ckp la ...'eh exgf aku tk mcm ko....dia pandai masak..sedappp..."...apa2 je la....ko topup la mana patut....tokok tambah bg kaw2 nyer.....

tp klu exgf ko sebnarnya kureng bagus (sori ckp) pun ko cakap jer kata bagus ..biar dia rasa apa yg ko rasa....dia igt ko ni mesin ker leh adjust2.....tukar setting.....
ishh aku pplak emosi...

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Post time 21-1-2008 09:51 AM | Show all posts

Balas #1 mofarby\ catat

atau kalo ko nk wat serang hendap..ko ckp cenggini...."eh kalo ko rasa ex ko bagus sgt.....ko blah la......"......ada berani...?

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Post time 22-1-2008 10:38 AM | Show all posts
Hmm I pon tak suka pompuan perangai camtu.
Tapi ade dua kemungkinan
1) dia nak u buat camne ex dia pernah buat dulu .. sebab dia suka benda tu
2) saje nak rendah2kan u ..

Paling senang u tanya dia "why are u telling me this?" Tengok reaksi dia ... then post kat sini ape reaksi dia tuh ..

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Post time 22-1-2008 11:36 AM | Show all posts
mmmmm penah hadapi jugak

aku cakap
"i cant be him................................................."
terus aku belah, itu laa last sekali kut dia mention pasal ex dia

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Post time 22-1-2008 01:01 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 mofarby's post

cakap je..jgn main pendam2 nanti meletop macam gunung berapi terpendam susah jugak.

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Post time 22-1-2008 02:05 PM | Show all posts
ko citer la kat sini.. aper dia citer pasal xbf dier tu...

tapi awek ko ni mmg tak sedar di untung ler.. apa kata ko tinggal jer awek tu.. pas tu ko advertise kat sini yg ko dah single..

kalu idak pun masa dia compare dgn xbf dier tu, ko compare dia dgn awek2 semasa ko.. ko cakap ler.. awek saya sekarang yg 2-3 org lagi tu tak macam awk pun.. cantik, baik dsb  

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Post time 22-1-2008 02:32 PM | Show all posts
ada satu article nak share

What His Last Relationship Says About Your Current One
Posted by David Zinczenko
on Mon, Jan 22, 2007, 9:05 am PST Post a Comment

Most guys, if they're smart, spend as much time discussing their previous relationships as kindergarteners spend talking about Congressional elections. Men like to stay mum in part because we tend toward one of two stances when it comes to our exes--bragging, or whining. And neither is particularly attractive to our current squeeze. We're also quite aware of how much better your memory is than ours, and we're afraid that you'll remember every little factoid we divulge and one day, long after we've forgotten it, find a way to use it against us. ("Oh, of course you know how to get whipped cream out of upholstery, because that trashy ho sprayed Reddi-Wip all over your apartment back in '98 ... and there's still some of it in your refrigerator!"). While a woman won't, and shouldn't, know every little detail of a guy's previous relationships, she can learn some important things about her man (and where their relationship is headed) by tuning in to the Relationship History Channel. His program highlights:

If He Says She Was Crazy, It Means ...

He's still harboring intense feelings, and maybe a little guilt. By talking about her excessive stalking/nagging/obsession with Dr. Phil, he may be trying to show you that clearly there was something wrong with her, not him. But by putting her down so vehemently, it could mean he's trying to assuage some personal fear that he was somehow at fault. And even if she was a bunny boiler, the fact is that dysfunctional relationships generally rely on both parties being simultaneously, if not equally, unhinged. It may simply be that he isn't fully ready to concentrate on the present until those extreme feelings simmer down, and recede further into the past.

If He Hopes Her Relationships Fail, It Means ...

His brain's frontal lobes-which control obsessive thinking, worry, and inflexible behavior-are in overdrive. When this happens, the brain begins to work inefficiently, affecting moods and temper, which is how this type of thinking spirals not only into "If I can't have her, no one can," but equally dangerously, "I'll show her by dating somebody (anybody) else." If he wants his ex to fail, and himself to be seen as a winner, he may be exploring a relationship with you out of jealousy or revenge or something else. But subconsciously, he's also hoping that her failure may make her realize the error in dumping him, clearing the way for a reconciliation. In that case, you may be the tool he's using to make himself look more desirable. Sometimes being another person's plaything can be fun--but not if you're looking for a meaningful future.
If He Tells You Details About the Breakup, It Means ...

Under the guise of a story ("she did this, I did that, it didn't work out"), he's trying to offer up his personal product details-specifically, the things that he has adverse reactions to, whether it's not getting enough space, or lovin', or whatever. He'll fess up some of his faults, but he's also sending signals about who he's ultimately compatible with-and, more important, who he's not. Listen closely--he's giving you the instruction manual.

If He Praises Her, It Means ...

It may seem that any guy who compliments his ex to his new girlfriend has a one-way ticket on the train to Not Getting Any Tonight. But as long as he doesn't go on and on about all of his ex's remarkable qualities, his praise may very well be the sign that he's mature enough and ready for your relationship. What you're looking for is something on the order of: "She was and is a wonderful woman, and I wish her well, but we didn't offer each other the things we needed, which is why I'm with someone who does." After all, that's what you expect from a good man-that he's good to women.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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Post time 22-1-2008 02:54 PM | Show all posts
rajin ko pak tam paste atrikel yg brguna ni... tapi englishnya.. poning pokcik memikior maksudnyer...

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Post time 22-1-2008 04:56 PM | Show all posts
aku rasa
cuba kita perhatikan gf yg compare tu sbg positif
cuba kita majukan diri kita, smpai satu masa, kalau ada jodoh dan berkahwin
dia takkan cari yg lain lagi

dan kalau kita dah tiada
cinta kita tiada berganti

kalau ex dia dulu, kemas bergaya
kita bleh cuba...................

kalau ex dia dulu bergaji tinggi

jgn ikut kan ego
jgn bertuankan emo......

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Post time 22-1-2008 04:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jinakji at 22-1-2008 02:54 PM
rajin ko pak tam paste atrikel yg brguna ni... tapi englishnya.. poning pokcik memikior maksudnyer...

aku rasa part ni kene mengene kut

If He Praises Her, It Means ...

It may seem that any guy who compliments his ex to his new girlfriend has a one-way ticket on the train to Not Getting Any Tonight. But as long as he doesn't go on and on about all of his ex's remarkable qualities, his praise may very well be the sign that he's mature enough and ready for your relationship. What you're looking for is something on the order of: "She was and is a wonderful woman, and I wish her well, but we didn't offer each other the things we needed, which is why I'm with someone who does." After all, that's what you expect from a good man-that he's good to women.

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Post time 22-1-2008 08:32 PM | Show all posts
kalu aku la..jgn mrh or ikut sgt kate wat dowh jek ape yg die ckp 2..wt cm dgr xdgr..sepatah ape pon jgn ckp..

bl die dh abis sesi compare mengompare ni..ko tny r..'dh abis dh ke?'

mst die mkn dlm n akn pkr sndrik..

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Post time 23-1-2008 11:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hitamputih at 22-1-2008 02:32 PM
ada satu article nak share

What His Last Relationship Says About Your Current One
Posted by David Zinczenko
on Mon, Jan 22, 2007, 9:05 am PST Post a Comment

Most guys, if they're smart, ...

does this applicable to the other way round? meaning that wut HER last relationship says about ur current one. coz i think tuan rumah ni lelaki, kot.

i agree wif hitamputih that maybe u shud buang yg keruh n ambil ygjernih. jadikan apa yg ur gf ckp tu something that u shud improve on.but then again, i understand that guys have their own egos. kalu dhterlalu sgt byk kali wat comparisons, i know ko musti rasa tercabar,nye... kan?

anyway tuan rumah, slow talk je dgn dia. i thought guys are the type who wud go straight to the point. kalu dia x ske, dia akan ckp x ske. maybe she's not aware that wut she's doing now is offending u. ko je yg sibuk nk jaga hati dia. dia xde pun nk jaga hati ko. xbestla camtu...

[ Last edited by  juz_a_gurl at 23-1-2008 11:54 AM ]

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Post time 23-1-2008 11:59 AM | Show all posts
klu aku lah kn!!!
sng jer. str8 ckp klu dia byk ckp lg, aku blah tgglkn dier jer. nmpk sgt dier tue xde respek n x tau nk jg ati perasaan owg len. tu br kapel tue. blm lg da kawin. agakny klu da kawin, lg truk. sumer die nk kawin. agak aku je lah. huhuhhu.. anyway, happy Thaipusam tuk tuan uma n his gF dier lah...

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Post time 23-1-2008 09:19 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 mofarby's post

flies pernah kena mcm ni..

tak tau la nape dia asyik nak citer je. kekadang tu rasa mcm dibandingkan.
kalau awak lelaki pun trase inikan pulak flies yg pompuan..mmg kecik ati.
rasa mcm tak dhargai pun ada.jeles mestilah. 'kau dgn aku' nape nak citer pasal dia?"

smpi satu hari flies dah tak tahan ckp kat dia " boleh tak jgn bandingkan saya dgn dia? kalau dia baik sgt nape dia tinggalkan awak? satu je saya nak ckp, saya tak boleh nak jd mcm dia yg awak nak.." ...yg sedey tu...dia leh simpan lagi gambo ex tunang dia dlm wallet....sedey gak tp buat dono tu br stahun gak kwn.

pastu flies diamkan diri sbb ajak dia kuar asyik bz2 jer...smpi 1 hari tu br dia call tanya nape senyap. ms tu flies ingat dah tak nak ada apa2 ngan dia kalau dlm bln 'dot dot' dia takde call lagi..tup2 dia call.

so on smpi skrg cuma bbp bln ni kitaorg ada masalah sket pun dia yg mula gak...flies guna cr yg sama diamkan diri...kalau dia masih nak kat kita tu pandai2lah pujuk...dia yg cari pasal kan...:@

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Post time 24-1-2008 09:19 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by juz_a_gurl at 23-1-2008 11:51 AM

does this applicable to the other way round? meaning that wut HER last relationship says about ur current one. coz i think tuan rumah ni lelaki, kot.

i agree wif hitamputih that maybe u sh ...

alaaa dah taip panjang but server hang

rumusan aku taip tu:
nak satu hub yg ok,
yg pompuan, sesekali hormati ego lelaki
yg lelaki, sesekali layani emo perempuan

and aku setuju sgt ngan gurl....jgn laa kerap sgt

but we as man, try to improve ourself mana mana yg patut...........and keep on upgrading. sbb aku rasa tuan umah ni yg baca, so the advice/tips to tuan umah laaa, if the gf baca, well simply said

"STOP IT!!!!!!!!, u are pushing ur bf away!"

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Post time 24-1-2008 09:10 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 mofarby's post

sabar je lah

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Post time 25-1-2008 01:15 AM | Show all posts
Pandangan dari seorang perempuan ye...

I must admit,perempuan ni expectation sgt tinggi wooo....especially kalau dh pernah bercouple sblm ni.Bile die break,she's looking for someone better.Psl tu aku slalu pesan kat kawan2 laki dan adik2 aku,nk cari bini,carik gf,carik yg x pernah bercinta.

Mmg sakit jiwa la asyik2 citer pasal ex bf ke ape kan.Tp pd aku,ko kene bg die sentap sket kot.Pompuan dh sentap,baru nak dgr ckp,baru nak diam,baru x mau gaduh.Jgn bg muke sgtlah kirenye.Just tell straight to her face that you really really hate the way she's comparing u with her other bfs.Stress kan hate tu ye..Tell her,u can't be someone else,u r u.Tell her u dont freaking care about all her ex bfs  and tell her how u really feel.Jgn simpan2.Relationship kene ade 2 ways communication.Ko simpan2..nnt merana lah..

Pastuh ko tgklah reaction die cane.Klu die marah ko balik,tinggalkan aje pompuan cenggitu.She does not worth ur time or ur love.Kalau die betul2 syg ko,mesti die x mau lg dh ckp pasal ex bf die.

Yg paling baik,ckp elok2 dgn die..nape die buat mcm tu..manelah tahu ade bende pasal ko die  puas hati tp x dpt nak ckp.tuh yg dok compare2 je tuh..

[ Last edited by  farfar at 25-1-2008 01:19 AM ]

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Post time 25-1-2008 05:53 AM | Show all posts
to proceed into a relationship...kite kena buang sume perkara2 yang terdahulu..
bknnye suruh lupakan segalanya...
tapi takyah dikenang-kenang perkara terdahulu...

tindakan membangkitkan cerita-cerita terdahulu, memuji ke mengeji ke...adalah sesuatu yang tidak elok diperkatakan SELALU...
kalau kadang2 tu boleh laa...
tapi kalau selalu...bole jadi muak tau...

ini menunjukkan ur gf tu mmg tak boleh nak get over dgn relationship terdahulu...
senang ko ni tak matang lagi sbnrnye...
dia tak tau ape yang ko rasa...dia tak fikir ape dia ckp tu akan melukakan hati ko...

dulu aku jenis camtu ar...suka comparekan org sesuka hati...
lepastu bile aku dicomparekan...
time tu baru aku rasa cemana sakitnye hati hehe...

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Post time 25-1-2008 03:09 PM | Show all posts

Reply #37 farfar's post

Betul ... orang pompuan nih ... kalau kita tak suka cakap jer terus-terang kat dia kita tak suka ...

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