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Author: n_melankolia

2 personality

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Post time 16-4-2007 11:38 AM | Show all posts

Reply #20 MelahJanda's post

pesal ko x paham?...kan citer die stret fowed je...tula ko melah, salu sgt tgk nombo, bile nmpk je words mule penink pale...

p/s: ekceli akak pon x paham jugak...ken somwan plis elaboret that post...

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Post time 16-4-2007 12:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19 hardeyboyz's post

well... aku dh sebut td kan... bab ruh sakit...

u know what? ruh sakit sbb apa?
sbb pengisian ruhani dia x de aka makanan rohani spt solat, zikir, tahmid, mengaji n etc...

dan yoga tu.... adalah alternatif atau cara...bagaimana untuk bernafas dgn betul...
supaya oksigen lebih msk dlm otak... dan otak jd cergas.... u see what is the rational?

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Post time 16-4-2007 01:41 PM | Show all posts

klik kat atas sana.......

[ Last edited by  geng_tx at 16-4-2007 01:44 PM ]

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Post time 16-4-2007 06:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fish_o7 at 16-4-2007 02:32 AM
depression - a state of being intensely sadness and despair ....

for kroit ... i guess ... u don't have serius case of depression .... maybe ... u have some sort of channell to express ur naga ...

herm..1st, im only 15..dont have any bos..
2nd, mende ngko speaking nih?!!

actually..maybe truth kot aper ko ckp nih..(patah haram tak paham, ikut je ar..)
so, can u plzz translatekan?? plzz..

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Post time 16-4-2007 10:31 PM | Show all posts
heheh ....aiseh men kene translate BM lak ..... aku igt ko paham aiseh ......

oklah ..... aku jawab simple2 jerk

berdasarkan .... ko punye jawapan ko ni tak der ....masalah depression ...if ade tak der laa teruk sgt ...mungki cumer stress ..... or tak keseimbangan hormon since ko baru 15 ....since ko ade kawan baik, pets dan hobby meaning ko ade satu medium nk utk express diri ko sendiri ko takde laa teruk sgt

so ...nasihat aku ....selalu express pendapat ....jgn simpan .... selalu mencuba bende baru
...amalakan kehidupan yg active .....bersukan ke apa .... dan bersocial laa selalu jgn jd....jd lone ranger ajer .... ok

depression :  masalah kesedihan/gloomy/down yg teramat hingga menganggu...rutin atau tabii kehidupan seharian..tulah secara ringkas

sori laa ko tk ckp ko pandai english .... hehe

no8 ... ko penah rase ko nk jad org lain takk ?? ...jd superman ker ...tapir ker ... klau ko rase nk jd tapir .... mmg confirm kene masuk tanjung rambutan ...hahah

[ Last edited by  fish_o7 at 16-4-2007 10:32 PM ]



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Post time 16-4-2007 10:44 PM | Show all posts
ramai yg confuse ttg split personaliti ngan depression ...

split personaliti ...secara ringkas ...bermaksud mempunyai pesonaliti yg berbeza dan tiap identity ... adelah independent/stand alone ....tak kene mengene atau bergantung ngan mane2 personaliti yg wujud .... cth bile kite marah ...tetibe org ckp kite berubah ... ni bkn split personality but more to how anger effect ur judgment and thoughts ...tu jerk ....

or satu lagi disorder .... yg pesakit mendengar bunyi atau suara yg menakutkan dan adakala meyuruh membuat perkara yg negatif plak ...schizophrenia... this one ... lebih kepada biology otak pesakit ...

satu lg org biasa tak boleh or takkan tau dier ader split personality ...this one hanya doctor terlatih je tau ..... diorang lebih pakar dlm bidang ini...satu lg split personality disorder .... if berlaku transition from one personality .... the original personality will have some sort of amnesia .... maksudnye if pertukaran terjadi ...identity takkan ingat ape yg berlaku bile ...identity satu take over ..... so bile org ckp diorang .... double personality then meaning ..that person don't know what they talking about .....

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Post time 16-4-2007 11:07 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 n_melankolia's post

i think u don't have any multiple personality or anything related to that ... u mere having depression ...
thinking that u want to became someone else doesn't mean u have multiple personality but it shows that u are ...suppressing ur mind ....

the thing u having now is ..... a way of ur semi-conscious mind expressing ...any conscious thought or emotion ...

like u hate someone .... and u never really express that emotion ...u keep it inside ... of u ...and the emotion u suppress becomes bigger and  bigger maybe ...because u see her/him everyday ....and ur semi concious start expressing that emotion either in dreams or thought ... i positively think that what ur having ... but my assumption is made .... with little facts and info ... maybe ..if u can provide more info .... such about urself ..... but issues u currently facing

maybe ... i can post some question ...

gender, age, occupation,marital status

1. do u always sink in ur own thoughts... meaning selalu layan perasaan ...selalu termenung
2. do u have any stress from work?
3. do u have any stress from ur marriage/relationship
4. do u have experience any traumatic event in the past ....anything from breakup...or getting fired
5. do u express ur emotion/thoughts through physical activities ...sports, writing a diary, drawing etc
6. do u express ur emotion/thoughts verbally....singing, talking to a friends/bf etc etc
7. do u have any pets ....
8. do u have any unresolved issues ...
9. are u submissive person .....selau ikut ckp, tk suke bantah jarang bg pendapat
10. do u have any issues with ur family....
11. do u feel u're overly sensitive ....even its a small matter
12. do u have any issue of gender confusion....

jawab yes or no ... okeh
answering this question might give me a bit information about who u are ... want to post many more but a bit tired...

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Post time 17-4-2007 07:40 AM | Show all posts
plez consult your shrink quickly. fail to do so, may cause the world to explode... kaaabooom.

so basic nya, ko ni ada stress, dan menda ni kena tangani secepat mungkin... jika tdk boleh melarat... pi lah jumpa doktor sakit jiwa. MALU? apa yg nak dimalukan? sakit jiwa tu... adalah sejenis penyakit jugak. mcm kurap dan panau... kalau tak dirawati, lama2 boleh merebak.

ko gi jumpa doktor, crita a-z. pastu doktor tu akan tentukan samaada ko ada problem atau cuma mengada ngada.


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 Author| Post time 18-4-2007 01:31 PM | Show all posts
aku rase ko bkn ade multiple personality..... ko ade masalah depression.... tu je lah aku leh boleh kata ....

  for my opinion .... ko ade masalah depression ....nk tanya:

  1.selame klau ader masalh selalu tak luahkan kt org? - the real prob no

  2.are u a submissive person ....  seseorang yg selalu ikut ckp org jarang membantah ? - normally yes you have any hobbies ...or other cara nk expressi feeling, thought or emotion cam melukis, aerobics or anything? - no always think that life no fair ..and u deserve more? - i never think i can deserve more always envy people ...who u think are better than u? - always always feel doing something that's totally different from ur nature .... such klau u nipendiam tetibe u rase nk nyanyi depan crowds? no feel always feel tired and lack of energy, unmotivated to do anything ? yes

  8. do always dream about being other person any other aside from urself ? yes you have any close friends or pets ? no either one!

  10. do you feel all alone and there's no one beside one u can trust ..? yes you fell overly sensitive .....even if its asmall matter ? usually yes but i dun show it up

  jawab yes or no je tau ... i just want to know more about u ...

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 Author| Post time 18-4-2007 01:39 PM | Show all posts
i think u don't have any multiple personality or anything related to that ... u mere having depression ...
thinking that u want to became someone else doesn't mean u have multiple personality but it shows that u are ...suppressing ur mind ....

the thing u having now is ..... a way of ur semi-conscious mind expressing ...any conscious thought or emotion ...

like u hate someone .... and u never really express that emotion ...u keep it inside ... of u ...and the emotion u suppress becomes bigger and  bigger maybe ...because u see her/him everyday ....and ur semi concious start expressing that emotion either in dreams or thought ... i positively think that what ur having ... but my assumption is made .... with little facts and info ... maybe ..if u can provide more info .... such about urself ..... but issues u currently facing

maybe ... i can post some question ...

gender, age, occupation,marital status

1. do u always sink in ur own thoughts... meaning selalu layan perasaan ...selalu termenung? selalu berangan
2. do u have any stress from work? no
3. do u have any stress from ur marriage/relationship? not married yet can't answer this question
4. do u have experience any traumatic event in the past ....anything from breakup...or getting fired? not sure
5. do u express ur emotion/thoughts through physical activities ...sports, writing a diary, drawing etc? diary yes but long time ago now tak lagi lebih senang simpan dlm hati! (can't trust anyone coz someone dah pernah baca my diary b4 and really pist off!!)
6. do u express ur emotion/thoughts verbally....singing, talking to a friends/bf etc etc? i dun really talk to my fren bout my prob kalau tgh bermasalah i usually do something yg boleh i mengalihkan perhatian dari ingat masalah itu
7. do u have any pets ....? no
8. do u have any unresolved issues ...? yea
9. are u submissive person .....selau ikut ckp, tk suke bantah jarang bg pendapat? normally yes
10. do u have any issues with ur family....? yes
11. do u feel u're overly sensitive ....even its a small matter? normally yes
12. do u have any issue of gender confusion....? huh...?

jawab yes or no ... okeh
answering this question might give me a bit information about who u are ... want to post many more but a bit tired...

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 Author| Post time 18-4-2007 03:12 PM | Show all posts

Reply #28 geng_tx's post

aku sememangnya nak sangat2 gi jumpa doc. tapi aku tak tau mcm mana nak pegi...doc apa aku nak cari dan dimana aku nak cari doc. tu??? berapa bayaran kena bayar? kalau bayaran tinggi aku memang tak mampu

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Post time 19-4-2007 12:56 AM | Show all posts
moreless.... what i can say here ... u have something in u that need to be settle ..and what ever coming out of is due to that matter .... me opinion here maybe u need to submerge into ur sub-concious and find what the thing that are bothering u ....what problem that need to be handle and how to handle it

other ..thing ....maybe u need to find away to express ur emotion and thoughts ....find any activity or hobby that can gives .....relaxation and comfort ..... and try to open up a bit ...and socialize more  ok ....maybe u can try yoga ...

maybe the bes advice here is to see an expert .... or join any group therapy ....

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Post time 19-4-2007 11:01 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by n_melankolia at 18-4-2007 03:12 PM
aku sememangnya nak sangat2 gi jumpa doc. tapi aku tak tau mcm mana nak pegi...doc apa aku nak cari dan dimana aku nak cari doc. tu??? berapa bayaran kena bayar? kalau bayaran tinggi aku memang t ...

ko duk mana?

pi sepital besar... kat klinik psikitrik.. biasanya ada dekat wad psikitrik. sepital kerajaan free jer. ko masuk dlm klinik tu, musti ada kaunter reception, ko bagi i/c, dan kata kat nurse tu ko ada masalah... nak jumpa doktor. Doktor akan buat interview dan decide samada ko ni ada prob atau tak... kalu ada prob, dia akan buat 2nd appoinment and will prescribe u obat... dan kalau kronik ko akan dapat "green card". ini lesen besar... kalu ko kerja gomen, beban tugas ko akan di kurangkan secara drastik dan ko akan masuk kategor i" POL" . ko bunuh org pun, abis kuat ko kena pasung kat sepital gila 3-4 bulan. Dan ko akan dikira sebagai golongan istimewa.

yg paling penting, jgn takut utk jumpa doktor. sedangkan kalu tak berak 3 hari pun kita dah risau, ini pulak menda yg berkaitan dengan otak dan kewarasan. Aku doakan ko berjaya....dan sembuh.

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 Author| Post time 19-4-2007 04:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #33 geng_tx's post

Green Card..??? hish teruk sgt ke sampai leh dapat green card tu? ko ni buat aku think twice!! mmmm...tapi seram juga nak gi jumpa doc. takut kang doc. kata mengada2 pula padahal masalah tak lah besar mana pun
dari mana ko dapat all info ni geng_tx?

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Post time 20-4-2007 01:41 AM | Show all posts la ...ko.... every doctor kene maintain high level psychiatrist in their right would put u in a mental hospital ....

they will put u there ...for several reason ...

1. u insanity cause danger anyone around u or the public

2. ur insanity cause u not to function normally

3. ur insanity cause suicidal tendency

4. u insanity cause danger to urself ..

so if u don't have this symptoms then don't worry about going to the ...mental hospital

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Post time 20-4-2007 07:37 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by n_melankolia at 19-4-2007 04:00 PM
Green Card..??? hish teruk sgt ke sampai leh dapat green card tu? ko ni buat aku think twice!! mmmm...tapi seram juga nak gi jumpa doc. takut kang doc. kata mengada2 pula padahal masalah tak lah  ...

apa yg ikan kata tu betul... doktor-patient relationship cannot be reveal unless u got court order... kalu doktor tu kondem memacam, maknanya doktor tu tak pro lah...

well actually aku nak betul kan satu fakta, ko tak bleh pi jumpa doktor jiwa(sepital gomen) secara direct. ko kena pegi jumpa doktor biasa dulu (outpatient). kalu ko disyaki mempunyai masalah ,baru ko dirujuk dengan temujanji kpd doktor jiwa...once again redtape!!!!

tapi takpe, kalu kita rasa kita sakit, elok lah kita berbuat sesuatu yg wajar. jgn sampai melarat dan akhirnya menyusahkan kaum keluarga kita yg lain.

p/s: abg aku doktor kat HTAA... so aku tanya dia lah... hu hu..

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JintanManis This user has been deleted
Post time 23-4-2007 12:15 AM | Show all posts my case bad

i am a single mother for the 3rd years.  how to say ye..saya ni mcm dah pelik sikit.  At times saya rasa nak berfamily, at times ist like..I dont give a damn.  Saya takde steady boyfren.  Yg suka pada saya...sorang tu much younger and earning much lower tp dia bersungguh dgn saya, yg sorang lagi husband orang, madly in love with me tp terlalu sibuk dgn urusan kerja.  Yg hubby orang ni dah beberapa kali ajak saya kawin, tp saya cume jawab dgn sengeh je.  
Ex-hubby saya dah bertunang, saya menangis macam orang gila...sebab deep down I still love him..cuma saya tak di beri peluang utk menyampaikan hasrat hati saya...and he assumed I am happy with my life.
I live alone in a small pad...hobby wise..tak menentu, semua yg nak buat..semua tak terbuat...reading, cross-stich, baking...
Saya mcam phobia to commit to anything.  I cant focus in my work and that makes me quit my job.  Now mcm orang hilang arah...
Rasa mcm tak fair je live nie..but well, pada Allah I give in...mintak sabar.  Saya di padang negatif oleh bekas mertua saya.  Saya fikir, bila saya ada lelaki lain apa kata dia pulak nanti...

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pzoe This user has been deleted
Post time 5-7-2007 04:23 PM | Show all posts

ye ke?

n_melankolia, ko ni ade split personality ke? sbnarnya aku pon same.dah lame aku cri org yang sama dgan aku. aku x nak pi jumpa doktor. coz 'dia' ni selalu bantu
aku. agipun, aku x ske pi jumpa doktor. malu!

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pzoe This user has been deleted
Post time 5-7-2007 04:26 PM | Show all posts

Reply #36 geng_tx's post

tul ke ko ade abg kat HTAA. wow. ko tlong r tanya die. aku pon nak tau perihal
split personality ni..........

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 Author| Post time 5-7-2007 06:48 PM | Show all posts
bahaya tak kalau kita ikut saja tapi maintain lah tahap kesedaran itu jgn lah sampai jadi teruk...?? fish what u think??? aku sekarang ni dah tahap tak leh nak pk lagi utk diri aku...dia mcm block dah can't think for my self!!!! tapi kalau utk kebaikan atau keburukan org lain aku masih boleh fikir lagi!!!  arghhhhh...!!

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