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Author: snipersnake2

Low Self Esteem & Self Confident

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Post time 12-1-2007 11:33 AM | Show all posts
self confidence is the basis of sex appeal

sapa mau sex appeal dia kene ada self confidence

bukan wajah cantik yang buat oang menarik pada kita, walo pun memang ramai wajah cantik so oang tertarik tapi selalu nya sekejap saja..dan budak kecik pun belum tau menarik pada kita tapi kalo ada sex appeal semuanya tertarik kecuali besi laa..besi tu tertarik kat magnet saja

untuk self confidence kene ada self image

so self image -----> self confidence -----> sex appeal ----> success.

selalu di pendekkan maksud.. kalo mau berjaya wajar berani. sebenarnya untuk self confidence wajar berani. terutama berani buat silap. berani cuba walo di tertawa orang. berani admit silap dan mencuba option lain.

untuk jadik berani ni self imej kene btui lah. kalo self imej macam tikus takkan nak bersikap macam harimau..macam tikus lah. udah hati tikus. nampak kucing jek mencicit lari. so btui kan self imej. nak btuikan self imej kene banyak self inquiry, self examination, self challenged. Kalau oang lain buleh mengapa aku tak boleh?

kalo dah ada self confidence memang tadak low self esteem. low self esteem ni kira self imej yang terlalu rendah. Tadak power langsung. Sekali kene kritik or marah, terus lekat lam otak dia , mengiyakan pendapat sapa saja lalu di terima sebagai pendapat benar, di benarkan oleh dirinya so self imej lama2 terpahat dalam mindanya begitu. Bila dia nak cuba pekara baru or new adventures dia mengalami kesusahan bermula dari dalam minda, kendian di jadikan alasan kebenaran seperti dia jangka dan berganda lah keburukan self imej..lama2 boleh stress depress lalu mematikan diri i.e. bunuh diri.

yang post cikgu tanya sapa paling cantik , nama sapa paling besh seme tu nak pebetui self imej dulu. You must feel good about urSELF. Bila u feel good, u feel can do anything. Kalau u tokleh buat soang2 u ada power of sex appeal to ask help dan bersama2 do anything, any problem. So success will make u feel better. More confidence. Dan bukan sikit manuisa kecundang kerna sudah lalai dengan kejayaannya. Itu harus di ingati selalu.

Dengan confidence manusia beroleh apa jua skill or bakat. Contoh terbaik super confidence is 'mr spiderman' , mamat yang keje dia duk panjat building tu tanpa any protection tu. Cuba dengar stail dia cakap masa di interbiu dulu. Sekali dengar korang akan menyampah but tanpa superconfidence dia kira bunuh diri bila panjat petronas tower sekejap dulu. Dia wajib jadik super egoistic begitu untuk yakinkan mind and body dia, to avoid accident to the optimum.

Jangan sesekali ragu or DOUBT diri sendiri. Nanti brain or minda akan pick up the cue dan mula mencuba arah berlainan dari suksesnya. Ada kisah soang ni, lupa da nama, keje dia jalan rentas dawai cable di sambung ke bangunan lain dengan cara mengimbang satu batang kayu panjang. Kita salu nampak mende ni lam tv. Tadak protection di bawah, tadak jaring nak sambut dia kalo dia jatuh, ni pure courage, ko buat silap ko mati. Ada soang ni memang pakar business macam ni, dia amik faktor angin, kesihatan itu ini sebelum nak seberang bangunan tinggi begitu, dari satu building ke satu building lain. Bab paling penting lazimnya dia yakin , konpiden, tahap dewa punya sebelum buat keje tu, but one day dia doubt sekali , dan hari tu jugak yang dia jatuh mati. Ni cite lama saya baca, lupa dah nama dia. Confidence is the core for success. In a nutshell there is self image. TAK KENAL MAKA TAK CINTA. So kenal diri sendiri, jatuh cinta pada diri sendiri kendian baru mari self confidence dan akhirnya keinginan di penuhi.



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Post time 4-3-2007 02:19 PM | Show all posts
my dad selalu cakap 'you're what you believe'

so, kalau tiap2 rase duk rase diri tu tak cukup, n etc... then u'll become one..

so, skrg ni, starts with having positive thoughts about yourself. you should know, you're yourself's biggest supporter... dlm islam pun ade ckp, lebih kurang camni la 'takde org yg bole tolong ourselves, melainkan diri kite sndiri'

so, wake up! tiap2 ari, bgn tengok cermin... n tell urself, u'll do something good today... n cube ingat bnde2 yg ko tolong org dulu... pikir kalau ko takde situ. maybe takde org nak tolong diorg n u'll feel that you're worthy. dlm hidup ni, kite mmg depend kat org n at one point org pun depend kat kite... so pikirla.. ade gunanya u hidup kat dunia ni..

ok? be positive...



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Post time 13-5-2007 01:03 AM | Show all posts
aku pun ader masalah low self-confident... tp ngan perempuan sahaja, sbb aku rase diri aku nie x hensem... x kacak....
dah beberapa kali aku lepaskan peluang utk bercinta kerana aku rase aku nih x ensem...  

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Post time 13-5-2007 01:29 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tun_nakiwa at 13-5-2007 01:03 AM
aku pun ader masalah low self-confident... tp ngan perempuan sahaja, sbb aku rase diri aku nie x hensem... x kacak....
dah beberapa kali aku lepaskan peluang utk bercinta kerana aku rase aku ni ...

jgn rase camtu...

ko lengkap idung mulut mata kaki tangan kan ( i guess laaa... kl ko OKU dat another thing.. kes lagi besar kay..)

most pompuan tak pandang sgt hensem ker takl... kl ko rajin bg attention dan slalu buat ati pompuan cair.. sure ko dapat satu....
yg penting the way ko carry diri ko.. pakai bersih.. tak busuk.. rambut kemas ..kuku bersih.. facial hair kl ader trim elok2... jgn luper senyum..... .. dan rajin keje ( tak kisah le ko keje aper asalkan rajin...)...ader kerjaya best /keta is a bonus...

percayalah cakap aku... aku ni pompuan

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Post time 13-5-2007 01:31 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tomatto_gurl at 11-1-2007 05:16 PM

"Nama siapa yang paling sedap dalam dunia?" dan lagi satu soalannya " Siapa yang paling cantik dalam dunia?"

Tau dak apa jawapan nya?? :music: :love:

"Nama sendiri yang paling cantik coz dalam banyak2 nama dlm dunia...nama tulah yang korang paling suka dengar org panggil dan nama tugaklah yang ko tulis setiap kali dapat kertas kan...kan?

"Diri sendiri yang paling lawa coz setiap kali korang dapat gambakorang akan cari muka korang dulu dalam photo tu kan?.... Punya labanyak org lawa... diri korg gak yang korg cari dlm gambar kan? kan?...PK...PK kan la

:love:i love it.. brilliant laa

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Post time 13-5-2007 10:29 PM | Show all posts
thanx... aku kan cube memperbaiki jiwa aku nih...

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Post time 14-5-2007 12:03 PM | Show all posts
Dato Fadhillah Kamah ada menyebut didlm satu ceramah nyer;
Reaksi org ramai yg anda terima adalah hasil drpd imej yg anda tonjolkan pada mereka.

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Post time 17-5-2007 10:42 AM | Show all posts
Thirteen Ways to Increase Your Self-Esteem


Confidence stays on the inside and builds from there.  So whenever you want to accomplish something, picture yourself already there.  See yourself successful, make it real in your mind. Close your eyes and fill in all the details--how it would feel, how you would behave, how others would behave in response.  Then put what you see into action.  As you think, so you are.


                Say nice things to other people.  Make a list of the things you would like and appreciate in others.  Lend a helping hand when you can.  By helping others, we feel more in control of our own lives.


                Perfectionism paralyzes you and keeps you from accomplishing your goals.


                Your physical appearance is a critical factor in your self-esteem.  Resist         the urge to get sloppy on days when you feel bad.  In fact, those are the days when you should take extra care to look your best.


                Get regular exercise; when you can use your body effectively, you feel more in control.  Listen to music, commune with nature, meditate.  As you do these things, let thoughts come and go.  Daydream and center yourself.  What were your passions as a child?  What do you fantasize about now?


                List 50 reasons why you can respect yourself.  If you get stuck, think of people who admire you or have admired you, and write down what they would say about you.


                When you're going through tough times, find a strength or piece of knowledge (knowledge is power, you know) that you would not otherwise have were it not this particular trauma.


                Sometimes values conflict. In that case, practice role playing with a friend and explore the various consequences of each action.  Then choose what feels best for you.


                Do something that makes you feel good--something that's just for you -- every         day.


                Take a course.  travel to a new place -- it's easier to try out new facets of your personality when you are away from the familiar.  As you meet new challenges, you gain new confidence and enhance your sense of accomplishment.


                Dispute your pessimistic beliefs.  Think of misfortunes as temporary and specific instead of permanent and general. For example, "All managers are jerks" is permanent and pervasive, a view that can lead to feeling hopeless about a particular problem you've encountered. "He was in a bad mood this morning" is an explanation that takes the temporary/specific viewpoint.  It allows hope for improvement.


                When somebody behaves in a manner that you find rude or abrasive, that tells         you something about that person and how he or she is feeling at the moment.  Try to see the pain or fear the other person is experiencing and tackle it from that perspective.


                See the humorous side of life's everyday calamities.  When you can see both the serious and humorous side of a given situation, your perspective and your approach will be more balanced.  So lighten up. You'll bounce back from disappointments and embarrassing moments more quickly, and more people will like you better, too.

        Practice these positive measures to reinforce your own belief in your self worth and increase your self-esteem.  Then you'll have the master key to you own success.

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Post time 17-5-2007 10:50 AM | Show all posts
9 Ways to Increase Your Self-Esteem
By Debra Moorhead

Whenever you feel your current performance and behavior is consistent with the best person you can possibly be, your self-esteem goes up.  You feel happier, have more energy, and are positive and personable with others.  Your entire life improves exponentially as your self-esteem rises.  Here, then, are nine ways I have found to increase self-esteem.

1. Exercise daily.  Surprised?  You know you should exercise and you know all the reasons.  You know that it’s one thing you can do for yourself that would have a long-term effect on your mental and physical well-being.  What I’ve learned is that just 30 minutes every morning of walking on my treadmill jump starts my self-esteem for the day and keeps it going all day long.  So the next time you’re thinking of sleeping in instead of working out, don’t think of your routine as weight loss or body building, instead, remind yourself that your self-esteem needs this workout.

2.Keep your commitments.  Especially the ones you make to yourself.  Going back to exercising for a moment.  Every time you make a commitment to yourself to get up tomorrow morning and work out, but then don’t – your self-esteem is negatively affected.  If you’ll watch yourself, you’ll  probably notice that you then berate yourself all day over other things.  This is true for any commitment you make, but especially those that you make to yourself.  You know that you have no excuse for not following through, and you end up beating yourself up.  So keep your commitments – all of them.

3. Plan your work and work your plan.  This is an old paradigm with a contemporary approach.  When you set your plan for the day, I’m assuming that you do so in a manner that is consistent with what you think would be the best use of your time.  So, when you implement your plan, you are “consistent with the best person you can possibly be,” causing your self-esteem to soar.

4.Help someone else.  Perform an RAK – Random Act of Kindness.  Do something nice for someone else without being asked.  Return someone’s cart at the grocery store; pitch in to help a co-worker who is behind with her work; let someone get in front of you in line.  Only powerful people do these sorts of things and knowing that you have power increases your self-esteem.

5.Remember your purpose.  You are a unique individual here to provide a valuable service or resource to the rest of us.  What is it?  Just remembering this fact causes your self-esteem to rise.

6.Act on your purpose.  If you’re not sure what you’re purpose in life is, find out.  Then, do just one thing today in line with that purpose.  I guarantee this will improve how you feel about yourself.

7.Learn something new.  Remember how good you felt when you were in elementary school and you learned a new subject.  Or when you learned something new at work, had to apply it, you performed really well and everyone noticed.  Even when we learn something new and nothing happens to give us recognition for it, we still feel better about ourselves for having learned it.  After all, you will have that information the next time you need it.  Anytime we learn something, our self-esteem goes up because we know we’re capable of learning, doing, and accomplishing consistently more throughout our lives.  The people who are the happiest in their retirement – and statistically live longer – are the people who continue to learn new subjects long after the “need” to do so expires.  I say the need to learn never stops.  If you’ve truly reached the highest level in your career, there’s nothing more for you to learn, maybe it’s time for a new career – like teaching others what you know.

8. Teach someone else how to do something.  Whether it’s teaching your children or grand-children how to read, a co-worker how to do part of your job, or writing a step-by-step guide for your husband on how to fix dinner, there are plenty of things you know that others would love to learn.  Teaching someone else to do something successfully – meaning that they can then do it for themselves, is one of the greatest feelings in the world.  Maybe that’s why we’re always drawn to teachers – they are full of self-esteem!

9.Create your own.  While many more ways exist to increase one’s self-esteem, these are the main ones that I share in my seminars on career development.  Each of us has our own unique triggers that work for us and some things work at certain times better than others do.  You have certain behaviors or things that you do that you know make you feel good about yourself.  Keep a list somewhere handy and refer to it often.

Your Assignment

If you’re having trouble setting aside time to do the above list and need help immediately, try this:
- List ten things you like about yourself.
- List five of your most positive characteristics.
- List three goals you have set and accomplished.
- List the two most important lessons you’ve ever learned.
- Name one major tragedy or setback that you have survived.

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Post time 17-5-2007 11:04 AM | Show all posts
Wow, byk boleh buat tuh....
Aku pun kena buat mcm ape yg penulis2 kat atas tu suggest...
Byk yg aku pun perlu belajar...

But artikel 1 no 2 tu - Reach out to others - aku cuba buat selalu.
Last week end aku join kwn2 aku bagi motivasi utk pelajar2 yg bakal mengambil SRP dan SPM di sebuah sekolah luar bandar di Teluk Intan.
U know what? I thought kami facilitator yg akan bg motivasi kat mereka rupe2nya kami pun dapat motivasi jugak - by listening from a true success story dari one of our own friend. Bagaimana dia menyara keluarga dia dari tingkatan 3, ke ITM, ke luar negara dan sekarang dia sudah dikira "financially independent" if u know what this word means.

To tuan rumah, lets do what was suggested here. Berkesan, insyaAllah jika kita betul2 buat apa yg dicadangkan tu

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Post time 17-5-2007 11:20 AM | Show all posts
Twelve Steps to Increase Your Self-Esteem

By Nisandeh Neta

It all begins one day, with your birth into the world.
Showered with love and affection, you are adored, appreciated and enjoyed...

A low self-esteem simply does not exist.
Everything around you, indeed the whole universe, is simply an extension of yourself.
Although you were cranky when you were hungry, tired or wet, you made no negative judgments about yourself the way adolescents and adults do. You never cried about self-doubt, self-hate, or wanting to be popular.

As an infant, you still hold the idea that you're the center of the universe.
When you enter the shopping mall - you don't just want a toy - you want the toy store.

And then... 20-30-40 years later (after a few 'failures' and many statements such as "You can't always get what you want..." or "You've been bad this morning, so you can't have it now..." or "If you'll behave yourself, tomorrow you can have one...") ... you visit someone for the first time.
They ask you a simple question: "would you like tea or coffee?"
And you answer: "oh, it doesn't matter" or "what's easier for you" or "no thanks, I've had coffee in the morning..."

What a long way down the hill, from the once high-point of a healthy self-esteem...

As adults, we can choose the messages we accept or reject.
No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.

The building of a high self-esteem is a continuing process, not something that can be developed overnight.
From my experience of working with thousands of people, every person has the capacity for a high self-esteem.
The only question is, are you ready to make the commitment necessary to increase your self-esteem?

If your answer is yes, here are 12 steps to get you started:

Stop comparing yourself with others.
There will always be some people who have more than you and some who have less.
You are unique and your purpose is to express your uniqueness. Who can do that better than you?

Stop diminishing yourself with negative judgments.
You can't develop high self-esteem if you repeat negative phrases about yourself and your abilities.

Avoid perfectionism.
Perfectionism paralyzes you and keeps you from accomplishing your goals.

Surround yourself with positive, supportive people.
When you are surrounded by negative people who constantly put you down, your self-esteem is diminished.

Acknowledge yourself.
Get yourself a beautiful booklet, and write in it every night, before going to sleep, 20 things you did well during the day. Big or small, doesn't matter, as long as you allow yourself to feel acknowledged.

Give more of yourself to those around you.
When you do things for others, you are making a positive contribution and subsequently begin to feel more valuable, which, in turn, lifts your spirits and raises your own self-esteem.

Get involved in the work and activities that inspire you.
It's hard to feel good about yourself if your days are spent in work you detest.
Even if you cannot leave your present work situation immediately, you can still devote leisure time to hobbies and activities, which you find stimulating and enjoyable.

Be true to yourself.
Live your own life - not the life others have decided is best for you.
If you're making decisions based on getting approval from friends and relatives, you aren't being true to yourself and your self-esteem will suffer as a direct consequence.

Solve problems.
Don't avoid problems, and don't complain about them.
Treat them as challenges and opportunities for growth.

Respect your own needs.
Recognize and take care of your own needs and wants first.
Identify what really fulfills you - not just immediate gratifications.
Respecting your deeper needs will increase your sense of worth and well-being.

Free yourself from "shoulds".
Live your life on the basis of what is possible for you and what feels right to you instead of what you or others think you "should" do.
Discover what you want and what you are good at and take actions designed to fulfill your potential.

And the most important of them all,

Take action!
You won't develop high self-esteem if you sit on the sidelines and avoid challenges.
When you take action - regardless of the result - you feel better about yourself.
When you fail to move forward because of fear and anxiety, you create frustration and dissatisfaction within yourself.

The 'real you' is a magnificent, unique being with enormous potential and capacity for experiencing self-love and extending that love to others.
As your self-esteem grows, this 'real you' emerges.
You begin to take more risks without the fear of failure.
You are no longer preoccupied with obtaining the approval of others; your relationships are much more rewarding; you pursue activities that bring you both joy and satisfaction; and you will make a positive contribution to the world.

Most importantly, high self-esteem brings you peace of mind.
When you're alone - you truly appreciate the person you're with - yourself.

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Post time 28-6-2007 08:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Hana at 8-1-2007 11:53 AM
uik..ko keje line sales? tapi, low self esteem & self confident..
mcm mana ko dpt keje bhg sales nieee?
mcm mana ko nak convince org beli produk/services sykt ko nie?

adehh..selalu aku jumpa org sales.. sumer lawa2.. hensem2 mcm pelakon korea..pastu..kalau bercakap.. org yg dengar..cairr..sedar2..tersign setuju..

:setuju: :setuju: :setuju: :setuju: :setuju: :setuju:


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Post time 30-6-2007 11:53 PM | Show all posts an art to like ur urself

cemana nak selesa dgn org lain kalo kita rasa tak selesa dgn diri sendiri.....back to ur nest and explore urself from within...

if u dun mind ....org2 yg nak jadi sales person kena tgk pd character memasing...bukan sembarang org ada "aura " to be like one...kualiti boleh belajar tapi diajar tapi "inborn character" must be rite...

kita tak boleh harap org yg peramah sgt2 nak jaga projek high profile gomen...nanti takut terbocor dlm forum secara tak sengaja

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Post time 1-7-2007 05:59 AM | Show all posts
i always confident ...but jangan selalu over confident............

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