trexxxxxi Publish time 12-11-2014 08:17 PM

kekeke bukan saja tak puas.. bahkan sanggup nak bertunggu tangga depan company oppa.. ehhh? {:handsomeo

ichi Publish time 12-11-2014 08:58 PM

loveammar posted on 12-11-2014 09:44 AM static/image/common/back.gif
episod ni sume je game recyle cume dorang ejas skit2 jer..

final game tu mcm game mase episod i ...

mmg recycle pon semua... hehehehe

yg tali tu dulu jihyo menang kan.. igt kali ni dia leh menang lagik...

trexxxxxi Publish time 12-11-2014 09:34 PM

anneyong @ichi .. iols baru dapat baca mesej chuols.. nanti iols balas sebab ada yang iols tak berapa paham {:shyo

trexxxxxi Publish time 12-11-2014 09:35 PM

momod @annehuda iols pongg layan modern farmer.. best ada hongki dgn minwoo {:thumbo
lawak plak drama tuh

soebyuk Publish time 12-11-2014 10:57 PM

Masuk umah org ...... aii duduk sopan2 ok .... hehehe
Kutuk2 ;P

azwana_alia Publish time 13-11-2014 03:02 AM

dr1234 posted on 10-11-2014 08:31 AM static/image/common/back.gif
Seronoknya ada tread pasal Running Man ni. Sebelum ni cuma silent reader je. Mula terjebak dengan Ru ...

lagi dua tahun uols akan marathon lagi sekali eps 1 sampai 220.

iols da 4 kali marathon dr eps 1. parah.

Alizawati82 Publish time 13-11-2014 07:14 AM

Alizawati82 Publish time 13-11-2014 07:15 AM

Alizawati82 Publish time 13-11-2014 07:15 AM

Alizawati82 Publish time 13-11-2014 07:16 AM

tashusyah Publish time 13-11-2014 07:30 AM

Alizawati82 posted on 13-11-2014 07:15 AM static/image/common/back.gif

nih episode yg mane ea?mcm bes je

tashusyah Publish time 13-11-2014 07:32 AM

trexxxxxi posted on 12-11-2014 06:54 PM static/image/common/back.gif
iols ada all ep.. kalo nak pm iols nanti iols bagi

ha?yeke??bole2..iols pm uolss ea...hihih..:loveliness:

atira Publish time 13-11-2014 08:48 AM

clara_nur posted on 11-11-2014 03:37 PM static/image/common/back.gif
setuju...epi220 ni games agak bosannn
kalo bukan sbb interaksi antara member dgn guest tu ...

aku pon suka kalau episode involve ahjummas..
sbb ahjumma2 sana mmg selamba

atira Publish time 13-11-2014 08:51 AM

On episode 220 of Running Man, the members, along with a variety of guests, comedians Park Soo Hong, Jang Dong Min, and Kim Min Kyo, actor Song Jae Rim, and M.I.B’s Kangnam are left as the last 12 men and women in the world. Will they be able to complete their couple races?
1. Jihyo and Jang Dong Min’s couple momentscue The Lion King’s “Can You Hear the Love Tonight”Every “couple” moment Jang Dong Min had with Jihyo, he experienced a 180 degree change, where he went from his usual dirty, stingy character to…a gentleman.…-cringe-
2. The Running Men Women colliding on the fieldAfter spinning on the spindle, three of the Running Man ladies toppled over as they tried to run across the field.Well, we know we would too, if we were spinning like tops!
3. Gary’s four years curse with JihyoAfter Dong min became noticeably smitten with Jihyo and her beauty, Gary gazed on, saying ah, falling for her is a four years curse, much to everyone’s laughterOur usual “Monday Couple” never fails to surprise us.
Last edited by atira on 13-11-2014 08:54 AM

atira Publish time 13-11-2014 08:52 AM

4. Jaerim’s bread jump…to the groundAh, to reach for the bread…or to fall flat on your faceThese were the only two choices Jae Rim was left with as he played the game. Unfortunately, gravity decided he should be rewarded with the latter, earning him a face full of mud.
5. Jongkook’s unexpected kiss from Park Soo HongCelebrating his “female” partner’s dominating man-like power, Park Soo Hong gives Jongkook Jongsook a kiss on the cheek, much to the other’s shock.
6. Jae Rim’s “male honey”As the other men called their partners “sweetie” and other cute nicknames, Jae Rim ultimately chose this one to address his partner ㅋㅋI guess this is Jaerim’s affectionate pet name for Kwangja~

atira Publish time 13-11-2014 08:53 AM

7. What great weather for nametag ripping!Noting the beautiful sunshine, Sukjin announced that this is “great weather for name tags to be ripped.” Hearing this, Jaesuk wittily replied, “Do you mean yours?”What an ironic thing to say for our usual Race Starter!
8. The men’s Test of Strength:The last 6 men on earth had to undergo 3 tests of strength, all increasing in difficulty.The first had the men squish each other’s hands, and the first person to squeal in pain lost. Ouch. The next had the remaining members pulling on each others’ sideburns, almost to the point of ripping them off (Haven’t you heard, they are a man’s pride!) double ouchThe last three members had to endure Jongsook’s tickling, which ended up being a very painful rib massage (thanks to his muscular fingers.)
9. Gary’s (own) team killOne shot K.O.Admist all the confusion, Gary accidentally ripped off Kangnam’s nametag, leaving him teammate-less against Jongkook and Park Soo Hong. We guess he got too excited!

atira Publish time 13-11-2014 08:55 AM

10. Dong Min’s low aim at JongkookNow who said he didn’t fight dirty?Dong Min, as he fought one on one with Jongkook, realized he was fighting a losing battle and did what any desperate man would do…aimed right for his crotch. Not only did Dong Min knee him there, but he also attempted to grab it multiple times to gain the upper hand.Non romantic, comedic Dong Min has returned!
Jae Rim’s small but cute gesture {:loveoAfter the women’s struggle for the prized bread, Kwangja’s partner, Jaerim, kindly gave to bread to Jihyo after seeing how hard she struggled to get it.
Park Soo Hong’s BirthdayAt the end of the episode, the Running Man staff surprised Park Soo Hong with a birthday treat, as they were filming on his birthday! Jokingly, someone slyly asked if there was a golden ring inside the cake (similar to what the winning duo was presented it), and Park Soo Hong immediately delved into it. However, his expectations fell when the PD told him there was none, and for him to just eat the cake haha.What were your favorite moments in this episode? Did we miss any? Which Running Man turned woman were you happy to see return?

rar171218 Publish time 13-11-2014 09:29 AM

soebyuk posted on 12-11-2014 10:57 PM static/image/common/back.gif
Masuk umah org ...... aii duduk sopan2 ok .... hehehe


YoonArang Publish time 13-11-2014 09:31 AM

clara_nur posted on 11-11-2014 03:57 PM static/image/common/back.gif

hahaha.. kelako je haha jd hana :lol:

YoonArang Publish time 13-11-2014 09:32 AM

ichi posted on 11-11-2014 11:13 PM static/image/common/back.gif
kelakar gak la ep220 nih...

mmg lawak tgk dorg kat game 1 tuh... lepas pusing2 semua jln senget2. ...

aku pom suke ichi si SJR ngn kwang ja.. kemain romatik.. :lol::lol:

sllu kwang ja yg suke over2.. skali.. dpt couple.. couple die yg over.. dia lak yg mcm pelik2 kene approach gitu.. wahhaha..

pkwe JK lagi la.. siap bg kiss gitu.. hahaha.. suke je aku tgk rmbut JK cmtu ;P

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