trexxxxxi Publish time 5-11-2014 04:10 PM

sakit leher tengok pic yoonArang tepek.. kihkih aigooo aigooo

eddlisa_uyuk Publish time 5-11-2014 08:38 PM

MistrezHermanaz posted on 5-11-2014 02:22 PM static/image/common/back.gif
hihi check in jgk..tumpang tanya..episod yg ade mendiang rise tu episod brp ye

epi 149 ................... :)

eddlisa_uyuk Publish time 5-11-2014 08:43 PM

suka epi 219 baru nih
tp nyampah bila ada guest artis pompuan tuh
tak laa cantik sgt...
tp suka tgk KS gan pompuan kawan baik dia tuh
ahhhaa bocor rahsia KS pernah ada GF pelakon gak....hahahha
ngamuk KS....

trexxxxxi Publish time 5-11-2014 08:50 PM

dok gelak2 lagi part kwangsoo oppa kantoi tuhh.. siap buat pengakuan tak langsung tentang drama2 dia sape jerr pangkat adik dengan dia.. hahaha aku dok speku dalam drama nice guy tu..

Madel Publish time 5-11-2014 09:48 PM

Aku pun tak sangka..Kwangsoo penah ada gf

Tapi kemain kasor ha..dia bergurau dgn kawan baik dia tu..
Main tarik2

trexxxxxi Publish time 5-11-2014 09:52 PM

kihkih kwangsoo oppa diam2 jerr couple..
korean memang camtu kalo rapat tu rapat sangat..
main tepuk2 kepala tu biasa jerr kat dorang
hish aku pantang orang tepuk kepala..

mommymonster82 Publish time 5-11-2014 09:54 PM

Baru juper thread ni...

Minat sgt running men...suka ha-ha

annehuda Publish time 5-11-2014 09:56 PM

siapakah awek kwangsoo? jeng jeng jeng....

oggy Publish time 6-11-2014 12:54 AM

Episod 219 lawak sangat..

Part butt wrestling tu kelakar gila..
Tercampak kemain siap berguling lagik kehkehkeh..
Lagi satu part paling lawak yang market memory game tu..
Pose sorang2 memang nak pedajal orang..
Haha awal2 lagi dah buat pose tak semenggah..
Sporting gila kot semua orang episod ni!

azwana_alia Publish time 6-11-2014 03:16 AM

trexxxxxi posted on 5-11-2014 03:54 PM static/image/common/back.gif
hari ni fokus nak tukang rumah ni bagi lawa.. chuols if ada pic RM members yang latest ker. yang peg ...

noks duk korea x pernah terserempak dgn running man ke?;P

atira Publish time 6-11-2014 08:32 AM

weols tolong meriahkan...
ambik dari sini

On episode 219 of Running Man, the members, are joined with star-studded guests Joo Sang Wook, Jung Gyu Woon, Wang Ji Hye, Han Sang Jin, andHan Ye Seul. Together, they embark on a Black Knight vs. White Knight battle! Who will reign as the winning team? Warning: Spoilers Ahead.
1. Ji Hye’s soft exterior but strong interior:Kwang Soo, immediately recognizing his close friend, yelled out that Ji Hye was wearing a revealing dress. Hearing him, she raised her arm and made a fist at him. They seem close don’t they? ㅋㅋ Casanova Kwang SooAfter seeing Han Ye Seul step off the train, Kwang Soo immediately took off the coat he placed on Ji Hye’s shoulders moments ago to put it around Ye Seul’s. Lucky for Kwang Soo that he and Ji Hye are good friends in real life, or else Kwang Soo will be getting an earful from her. ㅋㅋ First mission: Ace and Commander at peace in their place while it’s chaos on the left side.In the midst of the train art chaos, Ji Hyo and Kim Jong Kook peacefully sat in one cart, watching the others squabble for the last seat. After the game finished, they both were bewildered, and asked everyone else why no one came to fight them, saying how the game wasn’t fun at all. To this, Jae Suk responded that having them in the game was even less fun!I wonder why no one bothered the power duo…

atira Publish time 6-11-2014 08:33 AM

4. Ji Hyo yelling at Kim Jong Kook in the snack tent and throwing down her snack at the same timeJong Kook, jokingly pestered her by asking over and over again if she was a black or white knight, to the point where Ji Hyo snapped and threw her snack to the ground! Poor Ji Hyo! “Run to you” twerk danceIn a dancing frenzy, the remaining Running Man go crazy when they hear the nostalgic dance song “Run to You,” where they, in turn, all got to the ground and twerked.We couldn’t think what was funnier, Kwang Soo’s exaggerated motions or the fact that they all did it together, actors included.
6. Ji Hye’s “health” cheer for Su KjinDown to one of the last two players, Suk Jin, after hearing Ye Seul’s cheer for Sang Jin, asked Ji Hye for a supportive cheer! With this, she showed her 4D personality and yelled for Suk Jin to take care of his health!

atira Publish time 6-11-2014 08:34 AM

7. Wang Ji Hye’s butt victory!Wang Ji Hye really is unpredictable. During her “butt battle” with Jae Suk, she first got hit by his butt, but ultimately won with her rebounding falling force on him.
8. Kim Jong Kook’s powerful buttKim Jong Kook’s powerful butt easily knocked over Wang Ji Hye in butt wrestling, During his second round, Kim Jong Kook’s butt sent Sang Wook flying!We guess the Commander even exercises his butt muscles when he goes to the gym! ㅋㅋ
9. When Kwang Soo’s high speed moving hand fails and he gets hit by Sangwoo-swoosh- wha- did you see that?Kwang Soo, being his usual creative self, quickly swipes his hand across the table, leaving Jae Suk unable to get a good shot at hitting it. Bemused, Sang Woo waits until the last 5 seconds…where -SMACK- …he directly hit Kwang Soo’s hand. Ouch! I guess Kwang Soo was exerting too much energy in the beginning~ The market posing game…Both the red and blue teams attempted to do their best to make the most complex (and silliest) poses so the other team wouldn’t be able to replicate them! Here are our top choices:Haha’s signature “sock eating” pose: Soo’s imitation of a twisted pretzel: Ye Seul’s cute derp face: Jin’s “toe eating” attempt:

atira Publish time 6-11-2014 08:35 AM


BONUS: Kwang Soo’s act of kindnessThe awesome ajhummas came to the market to make the members of Running Man veggie pancakes. Awed by this gesture, Kwang Soo repays them, by giving them handwarmers to stay warm in the chilly weather. How sweet is he?

MistrezHermanaz Publish time 6-11-2014 09:41 AM

trexxxxxi posted on 5-11-2014 03:44 PM static/image/common/back.gif
anneyong @MistrezHermanaz !
rise ada dalam ep 149

anneyong..hihi..thx dear

jaja4 Publish time 6-11-2014 10:07 AM

wah ade thread running man..{:mlXD:} paling suke tngok Ji Hyo. Tp geram kalo RM invite guest pmpuan, shot untuk JH mcm kurang je..x baik tau..

rihanna88 Publish time 6-11-2014 11:11 AM

wahhhh ade threat RM bole join x? ...suke2 ...epi yg latest tu psl gf kwangsoo aku saspekdrama nice guy..lee yoo bi kot name pompan tu lawaaaa sey...aku xpernah tgk drama2 yg kwangsoo belakon..smlm try search kt tenet sekali tgk scene kwangsoo kissing dgn pompan tu hahahah gelak guleng2 aku rasa..xleh tgk kwangsoo acting serious..sebab muke die lawak...

trexxxxxi Publish time 6-11-2014 02:05 PM

jemput2 lepak semua2 penghuni baru... :loveliness:

ichi Publish time 6-11-2014 02:11 PM

dua kali tgk ep218...
lawak tgk kwangsoo dgn jihye...
ade tak gmbr gerak mase jihye ckp kwangsoo nampak ugly pastu kwangsoo pki cap sambil jihye suluh cermin kat dia..
jaesuk tgk dari jauh sengih jer...

clara_nur Publish time 6-11-2014 02:22 PM

RM member yg lelaki ni sukaa bebenor over kalo ada guest pompuan..:lol:
wlopon me rasa epi ni more to "han yeseul show",me lg prefer kwan Kwangsoo tuu:P
tengok dia teringat park yejin FO tuu plk..hehe..
segmen buat gaya pelik2 tu adoilaa..mmg pelik2 pon gaya diorg:lol:
yg 2org guest pompuan tu mmg badan diorg fleksibel laa{:1_273:}

p/s: harap2 akan dtg RM buat game "ofcourse aka dayunhaji"..segmen pebret iolls dlm attack lawan smpai dia speechless:laugh3:
Last edited by clara_nur on 6-11-2014 02:24 PM

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