emera Publish time 9-2-2009 06:54 PM

Originally posted by dove at 8-2-2009 02:01 PM http://mforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif
nama bini pun sebijik nama mamak...

bini dia melayu tulen.. aku penah jumpa....dulu masa aku jumpa, dia pakai tudung bulat labuh... now, tak sure dah bergaya ke tak....

HARRIER28 Publish time 9-2-2009 07:13 PM

Originally posted by dove at 8-2-2009 02:01 PM http://mforum4.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif
nama bini pun sebijik nama mamak...

bini die melayu lah...bkn mamak....(aku bela bini die je....)ehhehehehe:lol::lol:

totokreturn Publish time 10-2-2009 02:29 PM

MB dari United Mamak Nation Orgasm (UMNO)

tak hairan laa mamak...:lol: :lol: :lol:

ilya Publish time 10-2-2009 03:36 PM

MB yg kena tanggung Malu sampai 7 keturunan...

Apo nak buek....

Aizadora Publish time 11-2-2009 08:05 AM

Tak kisah lah...mamak ke melayu ke.... janji kerja boleh buat..

shidahameera Publish time 11-2-2009 08:35 AM

Originally posted by ilya at 10-2-2009 03:36 PM http://mforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif
MB yg kena tanggung Malu sampai 7 keturunan...

Apo nak buek....

MB yg naik jawatan secara haram.;P

lenny275 Publish time 11-2-2009 10:38 AM

kesian....:shakehead3: :shakehead3: :shakehead3: :shakehead3: :shakehead3:

rozza Publish time 11-2-2009 10:43 AM

Originally posted by mak at 7-2-2009 05:19 PM http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif
naper bandO Ipoh tak leh jadi cam bandO MElaka??...dari generasi MB dulu2 tak de perubahan langsung..cam mati aje Ipoh tu...ni pendapat aku ajee...:)

strawberyummy Publish time 11-2-2009 04:29 PM

Balas #15 beta_carotene\ catat

die bukan india r.....die kan duduk pulau.....
so keputihan die dah ditelan oleh kepanasan pulau itu.....
tp perak kan tempat die panas......no wonderlah.....
akku ade sorang member duk perak sekali pandang cam mamak or india or whatever....
tp die melayu tau......die ckp mmg orang perak banyak yang berkulit gelap....

yipun78 Publish time 12-2-2009 08:56 AM

Zambry’s wife: He inspires me

IPOH: Datin Saripah Zulkifli fell in love with her husband’s writings about education and breaking away from the cycle of poverty.

The 43-year old recalls how she used to read the Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Dr Zambry Abd Kadir’s articles that were printed in the newspapers when she was a schoolgirl.

“He had not even entered university yet and they would publish his articles about education, the plight of Pangkor folk and how we should break from the cycle of poverty,” she said at their Taman Golf home yesterday.

“I fell in love with him because of his struggle. I really admire him. Even today, I keep his newspaper cuttings, you know?” Saripah: ‘He had not even entered university yet and they would publish his articles about education, the plight of Pangkor folk and how we should break from the cycle of poverty’

The media-shy Saripah said she would proudly show the articles to the couple’s five children – three girls and two boys – aged eight to 21.

Saripah married Dr Zambry, 47, in 1987 when she was 21 years old and he was 25.

Both are born and bred Pangkor folk. They have known each other since they were youngsters since Pangkor is “a small island.”

The two are the oldest among their siblings and they are children of fishermen who have experienced what it means to be poor.

When asked how and when they actually started dating, she laughs and blushes but declines to answer, adding that she would not even tell her children.

The former Universiti Islam Antarabangsa lecturer is quick to tell Perakians that she stands firmly with her man and is ready to help him in any official duties.

Now a full-time housewife, Saripah raised all five children single-handedly.

“I don’t have a maid. I can do it! No problem,” she adds energetically.

Saripah’s reaction to her husband being named the 11th mentri besar was one of total surprise as there had been no warning.

She said he had been with her at home when she heard the news on television but Dr Zambry only smiled.

“Datuk is very secretive, you know. Don’t worry, he can keep a secret,” she said.

Asked if Dr Zambry was a romantic person, Saripah replied “of course” before shyly admitting that he wrote her poems.

Her husband, who was at home in between official business, added that he loved to write something that allowed him to reflect himself and his feelings.

“She is one of my sources of strength,” said Dr Zambry with pride.

beta_carotene Publish time 12-2-2009 08:59 AM

Reply #30 yipun78's post

chenta sejati nehhh ;P ;P ;P

till death do us part kekdahnya :$ :$ :$

emera Publish time 12-2-2009 09:37 AM

Originally posted by yipun78 at 12-2-2009 08:56 AM http://mforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif
Zambry’s wife: He inspires me

IPOH: Datin Saripah Zulkifli fell in love with her husband’s writings about education and breaking away from the cycle of poverty.

The 43-year old recalls ho ...

aikk!!! dah lain.. dulu nampak chomey jek....

^ween^ Publish time 12-2-2009 11:14 AM

MB melayu pun
kalo angguk2 geleng2 je
ikut telunjuk YB cina tue nk wt per ;P

800214 Publish time 12-2-2009 11:17 AM

sapo yg kutuk ipoh tu???marah aku!!

cintakalin Publish time 12-2-2009 03:11 PM

Originally posted by Aizadora at 11-2-2009 08:05 AM http://mforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif
Tak kisah lah...mamak ke melayu ke.... janji kerja boleh buat..

itu aku sokong :handshake:

shidahameera Publish time 12-2-2009 05:47 PM

Originally posted by yipun78 at 12-2-2009 08:56 AM http://mforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif
Zambry’s wife: He inspires me

IPOH: Datin Saripah Zulkifli fell in love with her husband’s writings about education and breaking away from the cycle of poverty.

The 43-year old recalls ho ...

harap datin tak dapat madu almaklumlah kot-kot hubby tersayang ikut perangai ahli politik lain yg suka main perempuan.;P

minaq_jinggo Publish time 12-2-2009 05:59 PM

Yang si Nizar muka sepet sebiji macam Lim Kit Siang tu ada darah apek ke ?? Cuba selidik skit :o

alesandra Publish time 12-2-2009 06:04 PM

Reply #37 minaq_jinggo's post

tak payah selidik.mmg dia ade mixed chinese.mak dia kalo tak silap aku.

minaq_jinggo Publish time 12-2-2009 06:07 PM

Originally posted by alesandra at 12-2-2009 12:04 AM http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif
tak payah selidik.mmg dia ade mixed chinese.mak dia kalo tak silap aku.

So kalo yang mixed Chinese boleh diterima liPAS kenapa pulak mixed mamak tak bleh diterima puak lain... fair play la woooi:P

alesandra Publish time 12-2-2009 06:16 PM

la tak paham konsep ke?
PAS tu bukan parti based on kaum.asalkan muslim jer
UMNO tuh sket2...hidup melayu katanya:I :I nak fair play mendenyer.
marah la org umno sendiri.diri sendiri yg jahil;P
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