anakencana Publish time 5-12-2007 05:13 PM

Post Last Edit by anakencana at 29-10-2010 19:15


Calim閞o Publish time 5-12-2007 05:15 PM

Originally posted by wan_fizah at 5-12-2007 05:06 PM
bestnyer calimero....u dah lama keje kt qatar???...
best dpt pegi negara org.....biler la nk dpt peluang?????....
Not me I tak kerja, my hb yang kerja kat sini.Kitorang kat sini since september hari tu, InsyaAllah sampai 2009..lamanya lagi:mad: So far so good kat sini..things will be getting better soon I hope. CUma yang tak best for malaysian (and other asian citizens) tak boleh drive kat sini guna malaysian driving licence. Kalau nak, kena ambik balik test semua tu. I hope one day your turn will come, InsyaAllah..

Calim閞o Publish time 5-12-2007 05:25 PM

You name it..Zara, H&M, Virgin MegaStore, Banana Republic semua ada termasuk kedai yang you sebut tu. I dah masuk Topshop & Next, baju cantik, harga pun cantik:P. One simple jeans dah cost around 300RM..adoi..tapi minggu depan ada sales kat Levi's store, so nak rembat satu, tak tau cheaper than malaysia or not. Kalau you tengok makcik-makcik arab ni bershopping hb cakap, diorang nak risau apa..kan diorang ni kings and queens of petrol.. But diornag punya taste tak berapa okay sangat (to me)..too flashy, too heavy. Tengok cara diorang mekap je cukup (untuk yang tak cover mukalah). ala-ala opera cina..

I rasa orang arab suka datang malaysia sebab harga lebih kurang kat negara diorang. Tapi still suka shopping kat Malaysia (boleh tawar menawar..hehehehe)

Maid_fr_Venus Publish time 5-12-2007 05:33 PM

wahh syokkkk leh laga2 idung :$ :$

anakencana Publish time 5-12-2007 07:49 PM

Post Last Edit by anakencana at 29-10-2010 19:16


Calim閞o Publish time 5-12-2007 09:26 PM

Originally posted by anakencana at 5-12-2007 07:49 PM
wahhh.... tumpang seronoklah saja kita di Malaysia niee :'( ;P (bila lar nak sampai kat bangunan lapangan terbang Doha nie..) Alahai.. if diamonds are a girl抯 best friend, baju2 pon may be next...

Airport Doha biasa je, can say that KLIA are 1000xbetter , ni dengar kata diorang nak renovate lagi untuk besarkan. Masa baru sampai hari tu I was quite, tak glamernya..

You are right my dear..kat sini eventhough diorang pakai abaya;;tapi kat dalamnya pakai seksi meksi..Everytime I went out for shopping or window shopping (something that I like to do since sampai kat sini) I notice that almost every girls/women have at least 2 branded stuffs on them ie. handbags, shoes and sunglasses. Diorang ni suka pakai sunglasses even when shopping in the mall (malam pukul 10 pun still have it on). Brand yang paling diorang suka : D&G, Chanel, Dior, LV, Gucci; lagi besar lagi bagus hehehee. Hari tu nampak makcik pinoy pakai bag LV....hmmm I'm wondering ori ke tak..for me since I tak suka LV so I don't carelah . Even polis yang jaga traffic pun bergaya sakan dengan their big glasses yang bingkai berbagai kaler tu..tak professional langsung.

[ Last edited byCalim閞o at 5-12-2007 09:33 PM ]

anakbugis Publish time 5-12-2007 10:37 PM

Not me I tak kerja, my hb yang kerja kat sini.牋Kitorang kat sini since september hari tu, InsyaAllah sampai 2009..lamanya lagi.So far so good kat sini..things will be getting better soon牋...

calimero, tumpang tanya, hubby you ni french ke?pernah baca posting you dulu, arab french ya? sebab tu gak you punya avatar tu tulis dalam bahasa peranchis?

almari_buruk Publish time 5-12-2007 11:38 PM

:shakehead3: :shakehead3: :shakehead3: :shakehead3: :shakehead3: :shakehead3:

almari_buruk Publish time 5-12-2007 11:40 PM

LAWA:o :o :o :o :o

Calim閞o Publish time 5-12-2007 11:49 PM

Originally posted by anakbugis at 5-12-2007 10:37 PM
Not me I tak kerja, my hb yang kerja kat sini.Kitorang kat sini since september hari tu, InsyaAllah sampai 2009..lamanya lagi.So far so good kat sini..things will be getting better soon......

Yes my hb half french half algerian..

DARSITA Publish time 6-12-2007 08:57 AM

Pinggannya ramping macam viola ~

wan_fizah Publish time 6-12-2007 09:47 AM

cmaner nk dpr pinggang kerengge cam ni nih?????:o :o :o

Maid_fr_Venus Publish time 6-12-2007 10:01 AM

gi buat lippo

anakencana Publish time 6-12-2007 10:29 AM

Post Last Edit by anakencana at 29-10-2010 19:16


Calim閞o Publish time 6-12-2007 10:42 AM
H.H. Shaikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani - CP of Qatar

Calim閞o Publish time 6-12-2007 10:47 AM

Family of sheikh hamad bin khalifa al thani

Sheikha Mariam
Sheikha Mozah
Sheikha Noora

1) H.E. Shaikh Misha'al bin Hamad Al-Thani (s/o Shaikha Mariam).
2) H.E. Shaikh Fahad bin Hamad Al-Thani (s/o Shaikha Mariam).
3) H.H. Shaikh Jasim bin Hamad Al-Thani. b. at Doha, 25th August 1978 (s/o Shaikha Mozah), educ. RMA, Sandhurst. Cmsnd. as 2nd-Lieut. Qatari Armed Forces 9/8/1996. Appointed as Heir Apparent with the title of Crown Prince and style of His Highness 22nd October 1996. Renounced his rights in favour of his younger brother, 5th August 2003. Chair. Higher Cttee. on Co-ordination & Pursuance 1999. Rcvd: GC (special grade) of the Orders of the Renaissance of Jordan (1997), Merit of the Lebanon (2000), and the Order of al-Nahayan 1st class of the UAE (2000). m. at Al-Wajbah Palace, Doha, 30th March 2006, H.H. Shaikha Buthaina bint Ahmad Al-Thani, daughter of Shaikh Ahmad bin 'Ali Al-Thani.
4) H.H. Shaikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, Crown Prince of the State of Qatar. b. at Doha, 3rd June 1980 (s/o Shaikha Mozah), educ. Serborne, Dorset, and RMA, Sandhurst. Cmsnd. 2nd-Lieut. Qatar Military Forces 1998. Appointed as Heir Apparent with the title of Crown Prince and style of His Highness 8th August 2003. Presdt. Qatar National Olympic Cttee., Chair. Doha Asian Games Organising Cttee. (DAGOC), Mbr. IOC, "Sports for All", etc. Rcvd: the Collar of the Shaikh Zaid bin Sultan Order of Honour of the UAE (2004), and the Order of Khalifa Distinguished Class of Bahrain (23.2.2004). m. at Al-Wajbah Palace, Doha, 8th January 2005, H.H. Shaikha Jawahar bint Hamad al-Thani, daughter of H.E. Shaikh Hamad bin Suhaim al-Thani, sometime Minister of State without portfolio.
5) H.E. Shaikh Jawa'an bin Hamad Al-Thani (s/o Shaikha Mozah).
6) H.E. Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al-Thani (s/o Shaikha Noora). Copyright〤hristopher Buyers
7) H.E. Shaikh 'Abdu'llah bin Hamad Al-Thani (s/o Shaikha Noora).
8) H.E. Shaikh Muhammad bin Hamad Al-Thani (s/o Shaikha Mozah), educ. Qatar Acad., Doha.
9) H.E. Shaikh Khalifa bin Hamad Al-Thani (s/o Shaikha Mozah).
10) H.E. Shaikh Thani bin Hamad Al-Thani (s/o Shaikha Noora).
11) H.E. Shaikh Al-Qa'qa bin Hamad Al-Thani (s/o Shaikha Noora).
1) H.E. Shaikha Al-Mayassa bint Hamad Al-Thani (d/o Shaikha Mozah), educ. Qatar Acad., Doha, and Duke Univ., Durham, North Carolina, USA (grad. 2005). Chair. Reach Out to Asia Appeal Fund since 2005, and The Cncl. of Trustees of Qatar Museums Authority (QMA), etc.
2) H.E. Shaikha Hussah bint Hamad Al-Thani (d/o Shaikha Mozah), educ. Qatar Acad., Doha, and Saratoga Univ., San Jose, California, USA (grad 2005).
3) H.E. Shaikha Hind bint Hamad Al-Thani (d/o Shaikha Mozah), educ. Qatar Acad., Doha, and Duke Univ., Durham, North Carolina, USA.
4) H.E. Shaikha Lulwa'a bint Hamad Al-Thani (d/o Shaikha Noora).
5) H.E. Shaikha Mariam bint Hamad Al-Thani (d/o Shaikha Noora).
6) H.E. Shaikha Al-Anood bint Hamad Al-Thani (d/o Shaikha Noora).
7) H.E. Shaikha Maha bint Hamad Al-Thani (d/o Shaikha Noora).
8) H.E. Shaikha Dana bint Hamad Al-Thani (d/o Shaikha Noora).

Calim閞o Publish time 6-12-2007 10:54 AM

anakencana Publish time 6-12-2007 11:27 AM

Post Last Edit by anakencana at 29-10-2010 19:16


Calim閞o Publish time 6-12-2007 11:39 AM

Originally posted by anakencana at 6-12-2007 11:27 AM
Bonjour Ana...
sekarang ni my daughter tengah ajar cakap arab..few words a week, sebab dia belajar kat sekolah (kelakarkan, anak ajar mak). Alhamdulillah, I'm happy with my experiences so far (merantau jauh and inter-racial marriage)..I don't want to change it with anything.

Eh dah terborak my cerita pulak...kejap lagi I cari lagi gambar sheikha Mozah ya..

anakencana Publish time 6-12-2007 11:59 AM

Post Last Edit by anakencana at 29-10-2010 19:17

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