anakencana Publish time 4-12-2007 01:00 PM

Post Last Edit by anakencana at 29-10-2010 19:12


cik_ani73 Publish time 4-12-2007 04:14 PM

she is so beautifuland her son is handsome but the hubby
is very cubby..:;P

kukulangau Publish time 4-12-2007 04:23 PM

berapa botol sebulan pompuan arab ni beli celak yek

Calim閞o Publish time 4-12-2007 04:56 PM

kalau korang datang kat sini (Doha), tetiap hari boleh tengok spesis sheikh jaseem ni..melambak sampai tak tertengok..

anakencana Publish time 4-12-2007 05:31 PM

Post Last Edit by anakencana at 29-10-2010 19:12


anakencana Publish time 4-12-2007 05:44 PM

Post Last Edit by anakencana at 29-10-2010 19:13


anakencana Publish time 4-12-2007 06:37 PM

Post Last Edit by anakencana at 29-10-2010 19:13


anakencana Publish time 4-12-2007 06:43 PM

Post Last Edit by anakencana at 29-10-2010 19:14


anakencana Publish time 4-12-2007 07:25 PM

Post Last Edit by anakencana at 29-10-2010 19:14


Incanto Publish time 4-12-2007 11:49 PM

she's tall, slim , beautiful and doubt

tp muka nampak " ketat" ...

tak tau camner nak explain tp senyuman dia mcm di paksa

dove Publish time 5-12-2007 09:31 AM

Originally posted by da_vinci at 4-12-2007 11:54 AM
ish baju dier lawo la yg kat Istana Thai..tapi kener buang ler yang ropol2 kat kaki tu:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: perg!! ader duit sumer bley jadi......

setuju le... yg ropol kat kaki tu...macam baju barbie dolls pulak !!!:lol: :lol:

Maid_fr_Venus Publish time 5-12-2007 11:07 AM

i dont really like her face.. cam dragqueen jerk.. but her sense of style tu mmg tabik spring lah

gorgeous body oso.. chic kan ana ... but sorry to say la about her hubby,.. gowddddddd sempot
bila kena hempap;P ;P

btw i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee her dress yg ini

anakencana Publish time 5-12-2007 11:20 AM

Post Last Edit by anakencana at 29-10-2010 19:14


anakencana Publish time 5-12-2007 12:23 PM

Post Last Edit by anakencana at 29-10-2010 19:15


Calim閞o Publish time 5-12-2007 01:25 PM

Originally posted by anakencana at 5-12-2007 11:20 AM

haiyooo... yer ker??:loveliness: kalo camnie.. harus ler sihat & cerah bijik mata selalu..kalo hari2 tengok mende2 yg mengujakan jiwa dan hidup niee...heeheehee..:lol:sesekali boleh ler ant ...

Ana, datanglah sini...memang kalau weekend jalan kat shopping complex..melambak tau..cuma kena pilih je..sambil tengok sambil excercise mata:lol:

anakencana Publish time 5-12-2007 01:47 PM

Reply #35 Calim閞o's post

Post Last Edit by anakencana at 29-10-2010 19:15


Calim閞o Publish time 5-12-2007 03:40 PM

Originally posted by anakencana at 5-12-2007 01:47 PM

ye ker... makasih sangat...terharu nie :handshake: (sambil tu menghitung duit kat akaun sendiri nie.. dan trus nangis.. sebab no money to go...tiketnyer mahal..:'( )

..wahhhh u keja/berhij ...

Kitorang tak berhijrah Ana, actually my hb got 2 yrs contract kat sini with Oil & Gas. Nak kata tak best duduk kat sini, tak jugak, mungkin sebab baru 3 bulan, so just have to wait and see. Everything is provided by the co. so kitorang duk sini goyang kaki (except my hb, kenalah dia kerja kan.:lol:) Sekolah, rumah f/furnish (sampai peti ais pun penuh masa kitorang sampai), sekolah semua memang diorang bayar dah tu depan mata pulak. Baru sampai hari tu diorang kasi allowance about RM2500 untuk beli barang keperluan..hb pergi beli dvd recoder..hancusssss;P

Basically kat sini, only 45% local Qatarians yang lain tu semua foreigners. And this people/foreigners yang bangunkan this country ie. buruh kasar up to professional. Orang Qatar hidup makan gaji dengan government ataupun business. Outsiders mesti kasi share 55% untuk Qatarian kalau nak bukak business kat sini. So memang ramailah pak arab kaya kat sini. This people not that friendly specially towards asian community. Pada diorang, asians just a coolies and the lowest of the ranks, mat saleh coming to second place and qatarians are the best race of all. I can say they are quite racist..unfortunately..tapi not all I guess..Diorang tak sedar, kalau takdalah orang-orang ni datang sana nak buat kerja macam tu, negara diorang takkan membangun. Agaknya masih duduk kat tengah padang pasir jaga unta..

Cost of living depend jugak how you live. Kereta murah, petrol murah (se liter lebih kurang 1RM), makan nak kata mahal takdalah mahal, macam beli barang kat Cold Storage, makan kat sini 100% halal (vavi kat sini takda langsung) since kitorang tak bayar api, air and gas so cannot reply on this. Shopping okaylah, banyak french and english brands kat sini (Topshop, Debenhams, Boots etc) siapkan duit ajelah.

Nanti kalau I keluar jenjalan this weekend, I snap few photos for you all here okay..

[ Last edited byCalim閞o at 5-12-2007 03:47 PM ]

anakencana Publish time 5-12-2007 04:35 PM

Post Last Edit by anakencana at 29-10-2010 19:15


Calim閞o Publish time 5-12-2007 04:51 PM

Originally posted by anakencana at 5-12-2007 04:35 PM
Wahhhh....interesting sangat bila mengetahui komuniti Melayu-Malaysia terbina disana & dapat gak berkongsi citer/ilmu kat CARI.Com nie..

pengalaman hidup kat perantauan ni sgt bermakna sbb sma ...
Thank you Ana..actually we are very grateful kena hantar kat sini compare dari kena hantar to nigeria or vietnam..Kat sini ramai melayu/malaysian. Yang I kenal 2 orang je baru..sorang tu pun I kenal dari Cari forum jugak. Kat Doha ni dah nak ada 3 carrefour..pilih je nak pergi mana, french products memang banyak - sediakan duit ajelah though tak semahal kat KL. Sayang malaysian punya products tak banyak sangat, tapi tongkat ali coffee dengan kacip fatimah ke benda tu memang ada..

I nak tumpang thread you boleh tak? I nak paste few photos about Qatar
View from my room (19th floor)
kat tepi jalan nak ke pantai
The Corniche Park - kat sini pekerja bangla/india/nepal tak dibenarkan masuk, kalau tak akan dihalau oleh pak polisi
Doha bidding for Olympic Games 2016
Minah qatar pergi bershopping
Mamat qatar
Inside shopping center - look at the ceiling
Inside shopping center - sungai kat dalam shopping center, peak hours ada gondola dan boleh naik, sorang tambang dalam 15RM

[ Last edited byCalim閞o at 5-12-2007 04:56 PM ]

wan_fizah Publish time 5-12-2007 05:06 PM

bestnyer calimero....u dah lama keje kt qatar???...
best dpt pegi negara org.....biler la nk dpt peluang?????....
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