mbhcsf Publish time 6-12-2004 12:51 PM

e=mc ^2 yet again.....

salam and greetings to all...

today i have received a very sweet pm from a gal ( i think ) by the named ....( confid kot) and ini question nyer ..saya bukan physic expert and saya harap you all warga STaMs... dapat membantu...

here's the question..

E=mc(2) adalah teori enstein. Berdasarkan C(2), enstein mengukur apa ketika itu ye? Apakah atom, tenaga pada proton atao elektron atau apa ye?

Mengapa diletak c(2). Kalau tak silap c(2) adalah kelajuan cahaya kuasa dua.

Harap dapat menjelaskan

saya rasa c = speed of light bila mana atoms tu mendekati laju cahaya...

JGO Publish time 21-9-2003 02:15 PM

E=mc ^2 yet again...


okay now...INI JAWAPAN TO the gal adik yg pm saya
semoga anda beroleh manfaat....

bolehlah beri sikit respond yer dik....

[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 6-12-2004 at 02:22 PM ]

Lone_Ranger Publish time 21-9-2003 04:16 PM

Ni bab fomular ni aku rasa kalau DA dengan Anis Cair ni.:lol::lol:

Bagi aku lah kedua-dua formular itu mempunyai asa yang logic untuk dikaitkan sebabnya..

E = mc2(Energy equals Mass times the speed of light squared) dan E = hf (Energy equals frequency, h is constant).

Kalau kita E dengan hf maka formular itu dapat kita tukarkan kepada hf = mc 2

Maka bila Mass is released dan menjadi tenaga (E) dia Akan meninggalkan nucleus as Electrons dan bergerak pada free space pada kelajuan cahaya. Electron is two dimensions so, Energy equals Mass traveling at the speed (or length) of light in two dimensions or E = mc2

Sebenarnya kalau kita nak kaitkan E=MC2 =hf cara terbaik adalah dengan melihat pembaharan matahari dimana (fusion reaction in the Sun) dimana satu jumlah mass yang besar diubah kepada kuasa (Energy) . Therefore, space is being filled with mass that has been converted or changed into energy

Since mass can be called particles and energy is the same as mass only in a different shape or state, we can say that space is filled with energy or particles, it isn't a void.
E = hf :

Energy equals frequency, h is constant. If we consider any point in space, we realize it has frequency or energy traversing it from every direction, this proses yang sama is happening at every point in space. Therefore every point in space contains energy or mass. Therefore if the Earth can be considered to have mass, space has an actual mass and cannot be a void.
E = hf = E = mc2 :

hf and mc2 are both equal to E (energy),
this means hf and mc2 are equal to each other ... hf = mc2

mbhcsf Publish time 21-9-2003 04:41 PM


good one ranger i mmg cair tunggu tak ..jadi wap lagi ...anyway kepada sudara yg bertanya

BAB INI / THREAD ini ade kaitan dgn thread

"BETULKAH TEORI INI OLEH FIEZIDANE" yg membicarakan ttg time travel dan perbincanagn menarik antara Sarah, Papa , SAber Rider so silalahrujuk.

mbhcsf Publish time 21-9-2003 04:45 PM

silalah ke thread ini


marquez Publish time 22-9-2003 11:08 PM

mb + hc = sf, ada tak formula ni?


mbhcsf Publish time 23-9-2003 11:34 PM


hmm nice try Marquez..so anyone would like to discuss what is the relevance of this formula ? ( in lay person's term)
i meanin terms of its applications?
what it means really
but then Saber rider has said it all.

Sarah_Radzi Publish time 27-9-2003 12:38 AM

macammana topik ni boleh keluar ???

Sarah_Radzi Publish time 6-12-2004 12:57 PM

mod !! kat belakang tu ade explaination ..:2lol: gi korek lekas !!

ps: dera mod sket .. hehehe

Sarah_Radzi Publish time 6-12-2004 01:01 PM


mbhcsf Publish time 6-12-2004 01:44 PM


OH YA....hey sarah yang my fave thread tu ker? yg you ..papa ..and lone ranger tu aah? oh ya...nanti i suruh this gal baca ..ahahhahahah nantiiam sure pening kepala dier..wei japnaaa.. i cari....hahahhahhh ( evil grins)

mbhcsf Publish time 6-12-2004 02:09 PM


okay gal here the link to my favourite thread of all..thread ini adalah topik yg saya paling suk and you could see mee " interacting" with the rest of the players at my playground so many things to learn , lots of memories too..some of them are still here but ....ada yg pergi..but hey ..enjoy the journey of this thread , okay...from e= mc 2 to ..hahahahahahahah:):):):):)
have fun....!:cak:

mbhcsf Publish time 6-12-2004 02:10 PM

here it is....



[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 6-12-2004 at 02:17 PM ]

mbhcsf Publish time 6-12-2004 02:19 PM


Originally posted by marquez at 2003-9-22 23:08:
mb + hc = sf, ada tak formula ni?

you all nak i buat apa kat post ni?

a) nak kasi credits? ? thumbs up?
or what....ahakss...:lol

noni Publish time 7-12-2004 07:34 AM

Terima kasih MBHCSF(payah juga nak ingat perkataan ni, apa maknanya heheh..) kerana membuka tajuk ini.

Mungkin ada sesuatu yang boleh kita kongsikan nanti.

Terima kasih juga kpd Sarah Radzi atas cadangan HPnya itu, walaupun sebenarnya saya tak reti BI. Ni silap saya sendiri la ni hehehe...

Terima kasih juga kepada semua, dan salam perkenalan kepada semua warga di sini.

noni Publish time 7-12-2004 07:37 AM

Sebelum itu, saya ingin bertanya beberapa soalan, harap rakan rakan di sini sudi menjawabnya. Ringkas tidak mengapa..

Apakah unsur cahaya?

Apakah alam ini(selain cahaya kot) terbina dari dua unsur- mass dan energi?

mbhcsf Publish time 8-12-2004 01:27 PM

particle and wave = light ?
salam all.. gtg busy lately..

mail golok Publish time 17-12-2004 09:26 AM

Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2004-12-8 01:27 PM:
particle and wave = light ?
salam all.. gtg busy lately..

duality... particle and wave...

masa bila kita kata kan light itu adalah particle?

masa bila pulak kita kata light adalah wave?

mbhcsf Publish time 18-12-2004 08:00 AM


so whe is a raisin not a raisin kan MAil. that type of questionlah ek?

okay .tolonglah bagi tau.....ahks.NO MORE SOLVAY SNEAKING "OUT" Conference!!!!:cak::lol:no::lol:lol:bodek:

forgiv Publish time 9-1-2005 08:18 AM

Originally posted by mail golok at 17-12-2004 09:26 AM:


duality... particle and wave...

masa bila kita kata kan light itu adalah particle?

masa bila pulak kita kata light adalah wave?

Light shows the duality of particle and wave. When we perform measurement on the light, it will either show a particle characteristic or wave characteristic. Which of the characteristic shown depends on the type of measurement perform.

Actually it is not like a wave that changes into a particle when you perform particle type measurement or a particle that changes into wave when you perform wave measurement.

An analogy is the story of blind man trying to "see" what an elephant is. The guy who touches the legs and the guy who touches the ear will "see" different things. It is the same thing with photon. Wave and particle behaviour are different faces of the photon, and other particles as well. Our senses and intuition are not tuned to see the whole picture.

This is my understanding of the wave particle duality. Welcome to discuss about it.
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