Atomic_Omnikid Publish time 21-1-2005 09:21 PM

boleh tak terangkan tentang equation ini

X^n + Y^n = Z^n

Atomic_Omnikid Publish time 21-1-2005 09:36 PM

Einstein also states we can't acceralate a object to the speed of light because if we do so the object would have endless mass.Therefore,he concluded the mass of an object increased with motion,motion is a form of energy.If the increased mass came from increased energy , that means energy really has a mass.


[ Last edited by Atomic_Omnikid on 21-1-2005 at 09:38 PM ]

mail golok Publish time 9-2-2005 03:57 PM

Originally posted by forgiv at 2005-1-9 08:18 AM:
Light shows the duality of particle and wave. When we perform measurement on the light, it will either show a particle characteristic or wave characteristic. Which of the characteristic shown depends on the type of measurement perform.

Actually it is not like a wave that changes into a particle when you perform particle type measurement or a particle that changes into wave when you perform wave measurement.

An analogy is the story of blind man trying to "see" what an elephant is. The guy who touches the legs and the guy who touches the ear will "see" different things. It is the same thing with photon. Wave and particle behaviour are different faces of the photon, and other particles as well. Our senses and intuition are not tuned to see the whole picture.

This is my understanding of the wave particle duality. Welcome to discuss about it.

i agree with u man..
its depend on you you want to see it..

if you want to see light is a wave, u see through Maxwell or Young ..
if you want to see light as a particel, u see through einstein..

noni Publish time 10-2-2005 10:33 AM

if you want to see light is a wave, u see through Maxwell or Young ..
if you want to see light as a particel, u see through einstein..

Bagaimana cara kita hendak melihat light dr dimensi wave?
Bagaimana cara kita hendak melihat dari dimensi particel?

Kalau ada yg sudi jelaskan.

mbhcsf Publish time 11-2-2005 09:19 PM


SDr MAIl..inilah masanyaciterkanlah padakiter semua dengan lebih lanjut - c'mon ...solvay conference tahun ni depa buat kat mana?ahaks...
p/s: treat thsu as your playground as well...mcm board tulah..haiyaa...

Sarah_Radzi Publish time 12-2-2005 12:56 AM

Da, i rasa mail golok malu kat u lah .. hihihihii

mail golok Publish time 14-2-2005 09:31 AM

Originally posted by noni at 2005-2-10 10:33 AM:

Bagaimana cara kita hendak melihat light dr dimensi wave?
Bagaimana cara kita hendak melihat dari dimensi particel?

Kalau ada yg sudi jelaskan.

cara paling mudah, lampu suluh....light sebagai wave..:P

kesan photoelectric light sebagai zarah...

dan bila pulak masanyer light terdiri dari kedua duanya..iaitu sebagai wave dan sebagai zarah...

mungkin sedara mod kita iaitu mbhsf boleh share the idea..:tq:

mail golok Publish time 14-2-2005 09:32 AM

Originally posted by Sarah_Radzi at 2005-2-12 12:56 AM:
Da, i rasa mail golok malu kat u lah .. hihihihii
salam sarah..

bukan malu tapi segan...:P

sarah, topik pasai wireless technology dah dibincangkan ka belom?
kalau belom apa kata hang buat satu...:tq:

Sarah_Radzi Publish time 14-2-2005 09:47 AM

Originally posted by mail golok at Mon 14-Feb-2005 03:32:

salam sarah..

bukan malu tapi segan...:P

sarah, topik pasai wireless technology dah dibincangkan ka belom?
kalau belom apa kata hang buat satu...:tq:

er bad idea :2lol:

wireless technology ni vast sangat .. peh tu complicate utk common mortal ...
setakat nak citer boleh tengok TV guna UMTS tu ok laa .. tapi tu bod handphone ade :bgrin:

wireless tech yg lain terlalu abstract ah utk audience kat sini ..

dan tak semua wireless tech i terrer

+ i takde masa
+ Da kedekut kredit .. hihihihi

kalau sesapa ade soalan dan i tahu jawap, i jawap je lah ...

mail golok Publish time 14-2-2005 12:49 PM

Originally posted by Sarah_Radzi at 2005-2-14 09:47 AM:
er bad idea

wireless technology ni vast sangat .. peh tu complicate utk common mortal ...
setakat nak citer boleh tengok TV guna UMTS tu ok laa .. tapi tu bod handphone ade

wireless tech yg lain terlalu abstract ah utk audience kat sini ..

dan tak semua wireless tech i terrer

+ i takde masa
+ Da kedekut kredit .. hihihihi

kalau sesapa ade soalan dan i tahu jawap, i jawap je lah ...

DA kedekut kredit ka sarah..?
ishishihssshh..tak tau ler pulak aku...:P
apa nak kedukut tuan mod....tak boleh kaya pon..:lol

alah sarah sebagai mengisi masa yg terlapang tuh jerr..

sarah citer sikit pasai prinsip2 utk wireless nih..
kalau kat U, ni bawah kejuruteraan ka? kejuruteraan apa?

mbhcsf Publish time 14-2-2005 01:57 PM


nanti Da bagi kredit sapa boleh jawab bila light boleh wujud dalam dua keadaan - particle and wave?

yg i tau in Quantum world the law of Physics won't applied there...

yer ker Sdr MAil Golok....?

Sarah_Radzi Publish time 14-2-2005 09:36 PM

Originally posted by mail golok at Mon 14-Feb-2005 06:49:

DA kedekut kredit ka sarah..?
ishishihssshh..tak tau ler pulak aku...:P
apa nak kedukut tuan mod....tak boleh kaya pon..:lol

alah sarah sebagai mengisi masa yg terlapang tuh jerr..


Wireless ni biasanya dalam EE ataupun Comunication Engineering ataupun Telecommunication engineering, kekadang dlm Microwave engineering dan skarang ni dah start guna dlm optics (free space optics, FSO)..
pendek citer, semua perhubungan tanpa wayar boleh masuk kategori wireless lah .. (telepathy pun boleh kira gak )

the very base of Wireless ni adalah Maxwell Equations (yg i dah ingat ingat lupa . hehe) sbb dia base on wave propagation ..

peh tu, teknik teknik utk hantar maklumat tanpa wayar ni dipecah pada dua kategori besar (3 kalau nak kira FSO) .. analog dan digital(guna wayar pun pecah dua gak) .. peh tu bergantung pada frekuensi ..

ada part antenna, part channel estimation, part equalizer, part multi user mitigation, part multipath , part source coding , part channel coding, part IF RF, part oscillator, part modulation, part synchronization, part amplifier dan gain control, part sequencing, part filtering, part beam forming, part sectoring, part jamming, part anti jamming, part security, part distortion, dispersion dan lain lain spare part yg tak tertulis di sini ..

tu baru physical layer, yakni bab perhubungan fizikal(refer osi model)

kalau nak citer pasal wireless technology .. kena citer semua komponen yang ada dlm osi model spt dlm layer LLC, MAC, Network, transport, session, application dan presentation ..

amacam mail .. nak continue ka ? :cak:citer bab physical layer tu pun boleh buat beberapa thesis phd .. hik hik hik

Sarah_Radzi Publish time 14-2-2005 09:45 PM

Originally posted by mbhcsf at Mon 14-Feb-2005 07:57:
nanti Da bagi kredit sapa boleh jawab bila light boleh wujud dalam dua keadaan - particle and wave?

yg i tau in Quantum world the law of Physics won't applied there...

yer ker Sdr MAil Golok. ...

Da, wave atau particle bukan kewujudan, tapi cara nak describe light tu sendiri ..

anggap mail golok tu light ..

mail golok nak kawin ..

sblm kawin , bakal bini dia suruh mail describe tubuh badan mail tu .. saja nak tau apa yg perlu di expect :bgrin:

AWAS, 18SX lepas ni

jadi mail golok ade dua cara utk terangkan pada bakal bini dia ..

1) dia describe dengan kata kata, contohnya dia ade bekas gigitan harimau kumbang kat atas pusat ..

2) dia bukak baju, dia tunjuk je parut gigitan tu

camtu gak ler ngan light .. u describe dalam wave, particle ataupun cara geometri..tapi yang penting, outcome tiga tiga cara tu mesti sama ..tak boleh contradict antara satu sama lain ..

cuma, ikut situasi, ada cara lagi senang dari yang lain ..dalam fiber optik, biasanya lagi senang guna wave, tapi dalam semiconductor, biasanya lagi senang guna particle ... dan utk pantulan (SPM), lagi senang guna geometri ..

macam utk mail golok tadi laa ..

kalau bakal bini dia tu kurang penglihatan, lagi senang explain dengan kata kata (nak suruh raba takleh .. belum kawin .. hehehe)
kalau mata bakal bini tu elok, tunjuk je lah parut rimau tu ..

bak sini kredit lekas !

mail golok Publish time 14-2-2005 09:52 PM

Originally posted by Sarah_Radzi at 2005-2-14 09:45 PM:

Da, wave atau particle bukan kewujudan, tapi cara nak describe light tu sendiri ..

anggap mail golok tu light ..

mail golok nak kawin ..

sblm kawin , bakal bini dia suruh mail des ...
chehhhhh..hang guna nama aku sebagai contuh nooo sarah..

tak guna betuii..:P
tapi hang memang terer sarah..
so yg penting sekarang kegunaan dia laa noo...samada photonic atau electronic/semiconductor..

sarah dari dulu aku tanya hang keje kat mana sarah..?

[ Last edited by mail golok on 14-2-2005 at 09:54 PM ]

mail golok Publish time 14-2-2005 09:57 PM

Originally posted by Sarah_Radzi at 2005-2-14 09:36 PM:

Wireless ni biasanya dalam EE ataupun Comunication Engineering ataupun Telecommunication engineering, kekadang dlm Microwave engineering dan skarang ni dah start guna dlm optics (free space o ...
physical layer pon buleh buat bebrapa PhD noo...

sarah, macamana dgn data, voice, video?

Sarah_Radzi Publish time 14-2-2005 11:09 PM

Originally posted by mail golok at Mon 14-Feb-2005 15:52:

chehhhhh..hang guna nama aku sebagai contuh nooo sarah..

tak guna betuii..:P
tapi hang memang terer sarah..
so yg penting sekarang kegunaan dia laa noo...samada photonic atau electronic/semi ...

u punya sarban tu buat i terkasima .. :bgrin:
sarban top model tu ;)

ha'ah .. particle atau wave tu macam tools utk u manipulate light atas kertas laaa

u nak tebang pokok takkan pakai pisau lipat kot ..mesti laa pakai gergaji ..paling koman pakai pedang Laserala Luke Skywalker ...

Sarah_Radzi Publish time 14-2-2005 11:15 PM

Originally posted by mail golok at Mon 14-Feb-2005 15:57:

physical layer pon buleh buat bebrapa PhD noo...

sarah, macamana dgn data, voice, video?

hehe .. kalau u survey jumlah PhD setahun pasal physical layer ni di seluruh dunia, memang penuh satu kargo laa kot ..

data, voice, video tu semua masuk ke dalam aliran source coding .. ade gak laa part bandwidth nak kena perati .. tapi mostly source coding yakni camna nak represent information dengan cara paling effisyen ..cara nak hantar tu citer lain ..

ps: kerja kat mana takleh citer .. nanti u tau sape i .. dan i takmo org tau sape i .. senang sangat nak trace :bgrin:

forgiv Publish time 14-2-2005 11:36 PM


Originally posted by mail golok at 14-2-2005 09:31 AM:


cara paling mudah, lampu suluh....light sebagai wave..:P

kesan photoelectric light sebagai zarah...

dan bila pulak masanyer light terdiri dari kedua duanya..iaitu sebagai wave d ...

lampu suluh bolehkah?
Interferens atau pembelauan juga boleh.

Originally posted by mbhcsf at 11-2-2005 09:19 PM:
SDr MAIl..inilah masanyaciterkanlah padakiter semua dengan lebih lanjut - c'mon ...solvay conference tahun ni depa buat kat mana?ahaks...
p/s: treat thsu as your playground as well...mcm board ...

solvay aku tak tahu, tapi yang ini tahulah:
International Meeting on Frontier of Physics, dianjurkan oleh UM, Unesco dan lain lain.

btw, besides the duality of light, it is interesting to study about the duality of particles, such as electrons.

oh yeah.. tahukah bahawa tahun in adalah World year of Physics 2005? :P

[ Last edited by forgiv on 14-2-2005 at 11:39 PM ]

fireunicorn_85 Publish time 23-2-2005 10:31 AM

e=mc^2 ni salah satu equation of energy kan..
pernah gak terbaca dia nya theory..mengatakan if a mass of let say 1kg is travelling at the speed of light(squared le)..this mass will transform into absolute energy..pelikkan?
tapi tgk dari segi dimensions equation ni mmg betullah m(kg) times c^2(m^2s^-2) equals kgm^2s^-2..definitely energy..
anyways..equation ni byk digunakan dalam nuclear physics & photonics kot..controversial la equation ni..baca le einstein nye explanation especially dlm theory of relativity..susah nak faham..humm..

Atomic_Omnikid Publish time 17-3-2005 03:14 PM

Tapi boleh tak terangkan teori ether dahulu ....terbaca masa baca Theory Of rElativity

Tak faham maksud ether nni...:geram::geram:

[ Last edited by Atomic_Omnikid on 17-3-2005 at 03:15 PM ]
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