KILL_NANCY Publish time 13-3-2019 02:14 PM


Who is your hero?

Your super brave people
The very hater of your zero

The one who sacrificed
His strength,
His mind,
His equity
for you?
Who have been always there
for you?
When your ways turned lousy,
When you felt like you're not enough,
When loneliness,
And anxiety
Took you like a hostage?

Who is that hero?


KILL_NANCY Publish time 13-3-2019 04:32 PM


A motivational

Life is due harsh,
When patience stills in search,
And it gets too much,
When you distrust someone in lurch.

Need peace!?
Pray in HIS name,
Raise your voice without any shame,
And if you're hurt,just do the same,
Do this in his trust,not playing a game
Or like you're reading a funny meme.

Rebuke the negativity,
And don't let them kill your ability,
For he knows your heart and mentality,
You need to stand and use your full capacity,
And don't let people disbelieve your loyalty.

If you don't like charity,
You're increasing poverty,
For the majority are jealousy,
You need to change your privacy policy,
And have symphonies of symphathy,
So that you can give some quantity,
On your blessed property,
And this will be your best liberty.


KILL_NANCY Publish time 13-3-2019 09:53 PM


Tenets of Humanist

Its not only ....
The lizard's tail.

Selfishness, injustice and hate,
And the devil's will.

That have the power,
To thrive in a place,
Filled with greedy desires.

Slightest vibs of ....
A human heart, even old,
Or failed!

Although buried under,
Tones of hard ....
Stone rocks.

Has the power to turn,
Every molecule of a mountain,
Into ashes.

You are yet to believe,
How goodness is pure,
And Godly.

And how heart in chest ....
Of men,
Is God's unequivocal resting place.


seribulan Publish time 14-3-2019 04:09 PM


A reminder
A testament
An atonement
An achievement


A virtue
A solace
An answer
An abstinence

KILL_NANCY Publish time 15-3-2019 10:54 AM


Servile Flattery And Submission

No, it doesn't make sense,
No, We don't need more evidence,
This is a violance,
Gender violance,
Women proved their innocence,
Longing for making difference,
But still there is no chance.

If I, the man doesn't change,
And know that i too,
I'm allowed to cry,
And that pink is not just ....
a women's color,
That the strength i feel in ,
My nerves and veins,
A woman feels them too,
And she'd proved it.

Changes, changes ....

We need ....
Changes in parliament,
We need ....
changes in goverment,
We need ....
Changes in our minds.

Our sisters and mothers,
Can't be held down this long,
They've cried,
They've fought,
For their rights,
Those laws have to change,
And break down all those barriers,
To build a gender balanced,
And Based nation.


seribulan Publish time 16-3-2019 06:12 PM

37 c


seribulan Publish time 25-3-2019 05:37 PM


menunggu mentari menjadi bulan

Usah ditunggu merak mengigal kalau panas hujan merenjis
Kan berteduh jua ia mencari lindung, mengintai pelangi
Usah diharap si rambut ikal kalau sedu berselang tangis
Kan hilang dia dibalik terang, berharap berahi kembali

Indahrupawan Publish time 4-4-2019 08:04 AM

Kosong sunyi dah sepi
Itulah yang aku lalui
Setiap hari Setiap pagi
Hanya sendiri
Sendiri mencari arah tuju yang belum pasti

Aku mencarimu kesana kemari
Namun tiada disini
Aku berasa seolah bermimpi
Tapi tidak ini adalah realiti
Realiti yang perlu aku harungi

Dulu engkau selalu berada disisi
Temani aku kemana saja aku pergi
Kini engkau jauh di alam abadi
Entah bila dapat kita bertemu lagi
Hanya doa mampu kupanjat kepada ilahi

Kappa8990 Publish time 5-4-2019 09:44 PM


Farewell to such a world! Too long I press
   The crowded pavement with unwilling feet.
Pity makes pride, and hate breeds hatefulness,
   And both are poisons. In the forest, sweet
The shade, the peace! Immensity, that seems
To drown the human life of doubts and dreams.

Far off the massive portals of the wood,
   Buttressed with shadow, misty-blue, serene,
Waited my coming.

seribulan Publish time 8-4-2019 07:07 PM


Good night, love.

Kappa8990 Publish time 9-4-2019 08:33 PM

Stressed Out

There's not enough time
To finish everything
I have to do
Today, tomorrow -
I just can't find the time
There's never enough time
Where did it all go
They say time flies
When you're having fun
But with all this stress
Time must not exist
And I'm certainly not
Having fun at all

-such a hectic week-

kimika Publish time 10-4-2019 04:43 PM

waiting for you everyday just make my heart wonder...
is it only me who always waiting for you...
Hoping is that might be a positive feedback...

Even we only met for the first time...
you had made my heart flutter...
knowing it is not only me have the intention...

seribulan Publish time 11-4-2019 09:26 AM



Thank you, Allah {:1_545:}

fahdramli Publish time 11-4-2019 10:10 AM

Kau hadir tanpa diundang,
Kau pergi tanpa ucapkan selamat tinggal.
Kenapa begitu,
Hina sangat kah aku di mata mu..
Andai diberi peluang untuk ku putar segala kenangan,
Pasti kehadiran mu awal2 lagi kutolak
Apa yang tinggal kini hanya sisa duka yang berkuntum dalam jiwa
Sendu rindu menjadi satu
Terhimpun menjadi luka seribu rindu.....

fahdramli Publish time 2-5-2019 05:45 PM

Edited by fahdramli at 2-5-2019 05:48 PM

Aku hanya pendatang. Pendatang sepi yang berjalan sendirian meniti kehidupan. Segala onak duri ketempuhi dengan penuh kerelaan hati.
Kadang-kadang sepi dingin hati menyapa diri. Tega kah aku begini. Demi sebuah kehidupan, segala ranjau perjalanan ku titi dengan berani.
Aku merenung ke dada langit dan tertanya2 apakah khabar aku pada hari esok. Betahkah aku begini menelusuri sisa2 kehidupan sendirian. Selagi bernama manusia dan bergelar hamba, selagi itu akutega dalam setiap langkahku menuju kepadaMu. Di subuh sepi di setiap bait2 doaku, ku pohon di bekalkan kekuatan agar dimudahkan jalan untuk ku habiskan baki2 kehidupan.

berakit2kehulu Publish time 22-7-2019 11:18 AM

Seperti digenggam erat 5 jari
Terpercik air dicelah jari
Begitulah eratnya

Berlapang dada lah dgn ujian
Mungkin petanda mau hujan

Langit tak kerapnya cerah
Hari2 ada gelapnya
Bila malam tiba

Dan ingat
Pasti siang menjelma
Setelah malam yang kelam
Itulah aturan pencipta

Ditulis & disimpan dari 2 tahun lepas :)

seribulan Publish time 22-7-2019 01:23 PM


Bersotong Publish time 22-7-2019 04:47 PM

Kuala Berlumpur rimbanya batu
Penghuninya semua bertopeng halwa
Salah halwa rupanya beracun

Jagalah diri bila di ibu kota
Kelak diracun malap hidupmu

Bila tiba waktu berburu di kota
Pandailah berkawan pandailah mengenal musuh
Jerat kawan tidak mengenal kawan
Jangan jerat sendiri menambah musuh

Nasihat begini sudah berdekad
Di dalam lagu, di dalam panggung
Masuk telinga kiri keluar telinga kanan
Beringatlah sentiasa wahai BBNU

Sekian. Nak 10000 kredit.

berakit2kehulu Publish time 23-7-2019 04:45 PM

berakit2kehulu replied at 22-7-2019 11:18 AM
Seperti digenggam erat 5 jari
Terpercik air dicelah jari

Thank you seribulan yang pemurah, bagi kita kredit. Tengah merangkak2 kumpul kredit ni. Hehehe

orgsepang Publish time 23-7-2019 11:23 PM


Seorang suami sering mengulang
Ayat sekadar ingatan
'Mungkin ini masa terakhir kita bersama'
Mahu setiap saat bersama
Adalah sewangi semekar bunga
Tanpa sekelumit pun bara
Buat isteri bersedia
Agar tiada rasa sesal terkilan
Andai dia yang pergi dahulu
Biar tahu ajal adalah rahsia Allah
Harapan tetap diharap
Kerna tak sanggup berpisah hidup atau mati
Dengan kenangan
Dia suami yang tidak sekuat isteri
Tanpa sedar adakah seorang isteri
Yang diyakini ceria, manja, kuat dan tabah
Mampu terus begitu
Tanpa suami disisinya lagi?
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