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Author: Rahah

[tvN/Disney+ 2022] ADAMAS - Ji Sung, Seo Ji Hye, Lee Soo Kyung

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 Author| Post time 11-9-2022 09:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 9-9-2022 11:06 PM
SUN tu ade ciri personality disorder dah psychpathic trait tu sebab masa kecik tu dia dah bunuh or ...

Depan stranger Sun ni tak nampak psycho la kan... yang kenal dia jer yang tau dia psycho... hehehe...

Sun nak take revenge dengan Secretary Yoon tu sebab masa kecik diorang 3 siblings tu nak commit suicide... tapi Secretary Yoon tak minum pesticide tu... Sun mintak tolong tapi Secretary Yoon ignore jer...


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 Author| Post time 11-9-2022 09:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mejaputih replied at 10-9-2022 08:06 AM
Ada 1 atau 2 lagi episode ye?

2 episod lagi... total 16 episodes...

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 Author| Post time 11-9-2022 09:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Afie13 replied at 10-9-2022 12:38 AM
Hye soon betul2 tunjuk taring episod kali ni. Dia cakap yg dia masih nak gunakan ms. Kwon tapi untuk ...

Ada lagi la plan Hyesoo tu gunakan Ms Kwon...

Ye... iols pun harap Sun tu mati tragis... dia pun kejam... heartless...

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Post time 15-9-2022 02:20 PM | Show all posts
ep 14

Sun ...dia nak bunuh Hye Soon keee? aaaarghhh noooo...takkan le kan ...heroin and hero mana boleh mati kannnnnn

Song Hyeon - dia ni lah sensorang buat operasi, memanglah.

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 Author| Post time 15-9-2022 09:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jahat betul ye agent tu jadi mole pulak... padahal Mr Kang buat team baru tu harap2 semua trusted agent... rupanya mole pun termasuk dalam team baru tu jugak... cehhh...

Hujung2 agent SIH tu tinggal 3 orang je termasuk Wooshin... mujurlah SIH datang tepat pada masanya...

Lee Chang Woo pun mati jugak... tak sempat dia nak tolong SIH... terkejut Wooshin bila Lee Chang Woo sebut nama dia... dia tau tu Wooshin bukan Suhyeon...

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 Author| Post time 15-9-2022 09:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 15-9-2022 02:20 PM
ep 14

Sun ...dia nak bunuh Hye Soon keee? aaaarghhh noooo...takkan le kan ...heroin and hero mana b ...

Ada deal dulu kot sebelum tu... Hopefully Sun yang mati... geram betul... macam dia pulak heroin...

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Post time 15-9-2022 09:36 PM | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 15-9-2022 09:16 PM
Jahat betul ye agent tu jadi mole pulak... padahal Mr Kang buat team baru tu harap2 semua trusted ag ...

dia tahu sebab tangan Woo Shin kan yg tercedera masa tangan dia kena smash denga hammerep14haritu?  seba ade signal kan woo shin yg tanak kat tangan dia??? tu....tapi yes dia tau masa di apegang tangan anak dia ...

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Post time 15-9-2022 09:39 PM | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 15-9-2022 09:18 PM
Ada deal dulu kot sebelum tu... Hopefully Sun yang mati... geram betul... macam dia pulak heroin.. ...

tapi kan i nak tergelak juga  bila tengok scene Hyunjo and SUn ni dalam kete tu
dialoge depa  hahaha

Sun tu kaki gossip ye - dia tahu semua benda yg hyunio ignore dan blu2 ayam
dia cakap siap siap  : tahu keeee agent Ex Team Leaner A tu masih hidupppp...kau tahu sape selamatkan

soo nak bagi order apeee ( tanya oder nak bunuh org macam oder KFC gittew  gilerz minah ni hahaha)

Hunjo pun cakap : hmm sambil tengok Hp..okaylah bunuh semua


giler punya dua org ini//

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 Author| Post time 15-9-2022 09:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 15-9-2022 09:36 PM
dia tahu sebab tangan Woo Shin kan yg tercedera masa tangan dia kena smash denga hammerep14haritu? ...

Haah dia tau... Wooshin ingatkan Lee Chang Woo tak perasan pasal tangan tu... tu yang muka dia nampak terkejut...

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 Author| Post time 15-9-2022 09:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 15-9-2022 09:39 PM
tapi kan i nak tergelak juga  bila tengok scene Hyunjo and SUn ni dalam kete tu
dialoge depa  hah ...

Haah kan... Sun tau semua pasal team dia... Team Leader Lee hidup pun dia tau...  

Boleh jadi geng 2 orang ni... dua2 pun nampak giler & psycho... sorang suka bunuh orang & sorang lagi suka take drugs...

No wonder la Chairman Kwon nak Minjo yang takeover Haesong masa dia hidup dulu... tengok Hyunjo ni takde charisma langsung jadi Chairman Haesong...

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Post time 15-9-2022 11:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Afie13 at 16-9-2022 01:38 AM

Adoi ending menyakitkan hati je mcm x cukup rasa n nak cepat2 habis Jadinya adamas yg woo shin bagi dekat hye soo tu yg fake lah kan?? sapa yang hantar surat tu bagi woo shin? Song soo hyun sendiri ke? I x rasa akan ada season 2 sbb kdrama mmg suka buat ending mcm ni

Sampai skrg i sakit hati dgn ending drama memories of the alhambra n vagabond sampai ke sudah xde pun season 2 padahal dua2 drama tu best

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Post time 16-9-2022 01:31 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 16-9-2022 01:51 AM

ep 16

I dah tengok endingnya - so - bijak juga depa let The  ex team leader Lee to alive sebab dia may be aset  dalam citer ni - kalau...dia   dibunuh maka eun Hye Soon akan jadi too dominant. Dan akan jadi macam Haseong. Sebab her interest macam mendiang Chairman Kwon juga.

cuma i exepct more  yang  prosecutor Song Hyeon ni comeback and bawa case tu ke mahkamah...
Tapi babak akhir sekali dalam citer ni promising - Song Hyeon is alive and yeah they could be working for the final report ...tapi alamak kena find ADAMAS balik...why ye?

sebab ADAMAS yg genuine tu masih kat dalam tangan HA Wooshin hahaha and i think sebijak bijak Hye Soon  well...i think Hye Soon pun tak kisah pasal adamas tu dah ...she has  gotten what she wants - hyunjo sadly passed away ke - atau ape jadi kat mamat ni , Yoon - well  who cares...noW SUn boleh lambai - bye bye pulak dah - si  giler  ni, makna kata kalau Team Leader Lee comes out of the van tu...he will be surely shot to death i said  and SUN ni di bawah order HYe Soon.

I mean sia sia je kematian lee chang wook in a way sebab well yerkilan je sebab tak dapat nak tengok  song hyein  tu heret Haseong ke pengadilan...dan nak tengok hard justice is done tapi tak,,sini tak puas hati.

i mean - ending tang part antagonist tu macam malas sikit - semua depa blame kat chairman Kwon hahaha ...well...hehehe..yg untung Ha Woo Shin and Eun Hye Soon...i think  ade tak Hye Soon terfikir yang the one adamas in the bag WAS NOT the real adamas?
dia pun nampak tak kisah sangat pasal perjanjian depa masa malam sebelum operasi tu...


Butler Known / Miss Kwon cari MAster baru - hmm asyik keje bawah org je makcik ni sian.

ending yg best ialah adamas tu berada dalam tangan Woo Shin tu yg buat lega and well Woo Shin wasnt that daft and stupid. hahahah

and yes Song Hyeon okay yeah...

yg ouak jahat terima pembalasan cuma SUN and Team Leader Lee tu...

may be ade potensi season 2...

okay - pada I org boleh mengamuk pasal k ending finale dia tak umph sebab tak dapat punchy ending , we expect more to be done on the  bad guys...

tapi bad guys ended up being killled by Eun Hye Soon in a way - kan melalui SUN justice for Minjo...
haha - suke tengok watak Hye Soon lakonan Seo Ju Hye ni - wah bagus dia ni -  Hye Soon calm je gune psychology nak turn the table around for Hyunjo'splan to just slip away hahaha...


annoying ending but  i am sooo okay pada side good guy ...
cuma more is expected to be done for ex team leader A - Lee tu...and SUN...dan bagaimna song hyeon terselamat ?

other than that - okay
silalah tengok citer ni...

and i rasa akan ade kot season 2 tapi depa tak nak cakap kot sebab banyak potential...


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Post time 16-9-2022 01:39 AM | Show all posts
Citer ni ...pada I fast paced , plot  cantik , organized tapi kalau org kate ade episode tertentu yg agal slow and draggy well it is okay yeah ade jugak part 3 - 6 but for me , it is okay sebab plot progress dalam setiap tindakan woo Shin  - ke atas watak dalam plot dia and song hyeon - kim seonhee dalam plot line memasing...

tapikan i terfikir now  -  Team Leader Lee kene tembak kat knees , both his knees were shot  by Woo Shin , so awat nampak okay pulak dalam bilok soal siasat? and kenapa policemen tu nak  lepas dia. i guess sebba tu dia tak nak turun kot sebab lari pun tak boleh dah le...

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Post time 16-9-2022 01:39 AM | Show all posts
dalam bebanyak citer , citer ni OST dia heheh tak ade ye.

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Post time 16-9-2022 01:42 AM | Show all posts
Afie13 replied at 15-9-2022 11:38 PM
Adoi ending menyakitkan hati je mcm x cukup rasa n nak cepat2 habis  Jadinya adamas yg woo  ...

song hyeon may be -  atau ade penghantar utusan yg kasi letter tu kat Wo Shin...
i think Hye Soon pun tahu benda tu palsu...sebab tu i  nampak dia macam tak expect ape ape sangat kat Woo Shin ni...dia pun anggap song hyeon dead, dan tak pun expect woo shin nak sent her the adamas...

i ean bukan ke adamas fake tu dimusnahkan dalam bilik bukti sebelum ni hahahaha

i dunno ...woo shin bijaklah..dia main psychology , sama method dengan Hye Soon manipulate SUN...

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Post time 16-9-2022 01:48 AM | Show all posts
oh by the way - i am glad kim seonhee - song hyun tu tak ade babak babak jiwang seba minah ni nampak stiff le , i mean lacking or void of any facial expressions macam tak tahu berlakon...

so...pada I hmm minah ni kalau ade season 2 sila gugurkan nama dia.

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Post time 16-9-2022 01:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 16-9-2022 01:31 AM
ep 16

I dah tengok endingnya - so - bijak juga depa let The  ex team leader Lee to alive sebab dia  ...

I x pernah berharap kdrama ada season 2 I ok je ending adamas cuma x puas hati masa episod 15 lee chang woo mati awal i sebenarnya nak tengok pertembungan antara team leader Lee, lee chang woo n pasangan kembar tu rasanya lagi dramatic kalau lee chang woo mati depan diaorg berdua

I rasa hye soo akan jadi pemilik haesong mcm chairman kwon. I kesiankan hye soo dia jadi mcm tu sbb minjo mati tapi dah itu pilihan dia nak stay dlm haesong n jadi chairman. I setuju yg u ckp rasanya dia x kisah pun pasal adamas. Itu simbol haesong je pun hari tu dia nak adamas pun sbb chairman kwon yg suruh cari n bawa balik

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Post time 16-9-2022 01:54 AM | Show all posts
satu lagi
whay did he mean - he - refers to Woo Shin - bila Hye Soon cakap dalam bilk dia kat mansion tu ( ni babak lasssst sekali ) yg we wont be meeting again..air muka dia lain sikit and Woo Shin cakap : we shall meet again ke something like that ...


and the way she looked at him - i think she knows Woo shin ni  sama level of thinking dengan dia..? ke?

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Post time 16-9-2022 02:01 AM | Show all posts
i think  i have to say that Ji Sung ni bijak pilih watak watak dalam drama yg pelbagai genre  dari Familiar Wife - Dr John, Devil's Judge  now Adamas -  yg sesuai dengan diri and peringakt umur dia..dia macam ade that skills like song joong ki...

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Post time 16-9-2022 02:05 AM | Show all posts
Afie13 replied at 16-9-2022 01:51 AM
I x pernah berharap kdrama ada season 2  I ok je ending adamas cuma x puas hati masa episod 15 ...

i guess you are righy Hye Soon nak dapatkan keadilan pada Minjo - pada dia Hujo tak layak nak dapat Haseong and etc.

I agree with you yg org boleh ngamuks pasal ending dia - care depa nak wrap up the bad guys tu macam tak puncy , tak really umph - sama feeling macam Again , My Life Lee Joon Ki tu ...yups...

i hope ade season 2...

sebab alaa hero 1/2 je yg nampak dalam ending ...cheh...

K drama so far yg i harap ade season 2 ialah Mr Queen, The  Veil, Dr prisoner, Vincenzo, Kiss Sixth sense, Again , my life ....and a few more tapi... sebaliknya pulak - yg ade season 2 pulak Poong the joseon psychiatrist hahahahaha okaylah hadap je hahahahahahah


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