Ni aku nak citer pasal problem kat tangan aku ni..
aku ni senang betul kebas...baru duduk kejap bila bangun dah rasa kebas satu badan..
tapi lately cam pelik pulak sebab jari ngan tapak tangan aku kebas x pasal2 walaupun bergerak 24 jam...tapi walaupun kebas, aku boleh gerak2 lagi jari2 aku..siap boleh menaip ni haa..cuma terasa lah kekebasan dan kekejangan kat tapak tangan ngan jari ni..bila menulis tulisan jadik lintang pukang sikit sebab tak bulih pegang pen betul2..
lagi satu, ada gak kawans2 aku komplen kalau dorang bergesel tangan ngan aku, dorang terasa cam kena renjatan elektrik bervoltan rendah gitu....ni jadik sejak tangan aku kebas ni..adakah bermaksud aku mempunyai superpower..? boleh ke aku mengeluarkan power elektrik dari tangan aku..? 牋ni normal ke atau simptom2 tertentu utk dapat penyakit..? |
tahniah.. anda adalah seorang superman  |
Reply #2 Snow_Lexx's post
ko nih  |
jangan mai panjat rumah ayu dah.. |
bole jd super saiya dlm dragon ball  |
korang memang tawww....melampau...
walaupun kengkadang aku pon harap aku ada kose ala-ala X-Men..
On PC letak plug celah idung, plug tv celah telinga...
boleh jimat sket bil elektrik kat umah aku... |
dh cuba try test ngan test pen? |
kwn adik aku sorang ade yg camni lepas kene karen ahaha bila org sentuh die kompem cam kene karen org yg sentuh tu huhu. |
Reply #2 Snow_Lexx's post
weh, asbenku pun kdg2 brelektrik....adekah dia superman??  |
Reply #1 ~boolean's post
kawan kroit pun serupa camnih.. ada time tertentu, kalo tersentuh dia, kena renjatan elektrik.. pernah sekali sergah dia dari belakang, tepuk bahu dia, dia menjerit terkejut, kroit pun menjerit sebab terkejut tangan kena eletrik..  |
badan banyak cas -ve kot. kurangkan pengambilan zat besi. kan ker besi tu bleh ngalir letrik.  |
aku kalau pegang barang-barang ke ataupun pintu keta ke mesti mcm terkena renjatan elektrik...kadang2 mcm phobia jer |
saya pon mcm tu.. bila org tergesel or terkena saya, sure kena renjatan elektrik, tp badan takde la kebas2 mcm boolean.
saya mmg dari kecik mcm tu. kekadang tu bole nampak elektrik tu... mcm mana nak hilangkan?? |
Reply #1 ~boolean's post
Awak, saya pun menghadapi masaalah yang sama dan saya pun sangat risau. Perkara ni berlaku semenjak saya banyak bekerja di depan komputer...lebih tepat byk menaip menggunakan laptop. Saya risau sangat kalau2 ianya simptom sebarang penyakit kronik atau side effect yg disebabkan oleh computer. Please lah kalau sesiapa yg tahu ttg simptom2 ni dan cara untk mengatasinya. |
garlic ade jwpn yg cukup saintifik utk korang
dun worry, xde penyakit kronik kot...
it's all about RELATIVE HUMIDITY
Relative Humidity
The relative humidity of the air affects how comfortable we feel. But what is humidity, and what is "relative humidity" relative to?
Humidity is defined as the amount of moisture in the air. If you are standing in the bathroom after a hot shower and can see the steam hanging in the air, or if you are outside after a heavy rain, then you are in an area of high humidity. If you are standing in the middle of a desert that has not seen rainfall for two months, or if you are breathing air out of a SCUBA tank, then you are experiencing low humidity.
The relative humidity plays a large role in determining our comfort level. If the relative humidity is 100 percent, it means that water will not evaporate -- the air is already saturated with moisture. Our bodies rely on the evaporation of moisture from our skin for cooling. The lower the relative humidity, the easier it is for moisture to evaporate from our skin and the cooler we feel.
Low humidity has at least three effects on human beings:
* It dries out your skin and mucous membranes. If your home has low humidity, you will notice things like chapped lips, dry and itchy skin, and a dry sore throat when you wake up in the morning. (Low humidity also dries out plants and furniture.)
* It increases static electricity, and most people dislike getting sparked every time they touch something metallic.
* It makes it seem colder than it actually is. In the summer, high humidity makes it seem warmer than it is because sweat cannot evaporate from your body.
Hope u all cukup brsabar mmbaca yer.... |
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