Edited by ifanonline at 21-11-2019 05:11 PM
White guys preferred: IG influencer gives up on Malaysian men after first dates at ‘mamak’ (VIDEO)Thursday, 21 Nov 2019 03:52 PM MYT BY TAN MEI ZI
Sara Anna (left) said she was ‘sick of Malay men’ after having to sit through too many disappointing first dates. — Picture from Instagram/darlingsara_
PETALING JAYA, Nov 21 — A local Instagram influencer known as Sara Anna caused a stir online when she claimed that Malaysian men supposedly lack romantic finesse.
A reposting of her Instagram Story where she lamented about first dates at the mamak went viral on Twitter and has gotten more than 800,000 views so far.
“Most Malaysian guys like to bring me to the mamak and I don’t like that.
“Sorry, I don’t want to be picky but I didn’t work hard just to loaf around at the mamak. I want to go for fine dining.
“If we’ve been a long-time couple, maybe going to the mamak is okay but for the first 10 dates, I want fine dining,” she said in the video.
donna x lfc@yourstrulydonnv
KeNapA i tAk suKa LElaKi MelAyU: 
The savvy entrepreneur told mStar that she was driven to make those comments due to her negative experiences with Malay men, who she accused of trying to mooch off her wealth.
"I went out with a Malay guy recently and he invited me to the mamak, so I just followed him.
“I’m the type to not care about going to the mamak but when it was time to pay the bill, he acted like he didn’t know any better.
“He was trying to woo me but in the end, I ended up having to pay. It’s not great.
“How would you like it if you glam yourself up, looking all vogue with high heels and you’re suddenly taken to the mamak?” she was quoted as saying.
The 25-year-old went on to express a preference for Caucasian men, who she claimed knew how to treat women better when it comes to dating.
“I like to befriend Caucasian men because they don’t know who I am.
“I tell them I’m a cleaner but they still take me for fine dining without even asking me where I want to go. They are more gentlemanly.”
She also denied allegations of being a gold-digger after social media users began scrutinising her dating history.
“I tend to date older men. My ex is 40 years old but he’s not my sugar daddy.
“People get me wrong because I’m always being labeled as a gold-digger but in reality, I’m successful because of my own hard work and effort,” said Sara, who heads companies selling ladies’ fashion and innerwear.
Malaysians have expressed mixed reactions to her views, with some saying she was within her right to date whoever she prefers while others criticised her lofty standards in a partner.
donna x lfc@yourstrulydonnv
· Nov 17, 2019
KeNapA i tAk suKa LElaKi MelAyU:

She works hard to get loads of money, its her choice to prefer what kind of men. Sukahati dia la taksuka mende, suka mende. Busuknya hati masing2 kat komen. 2,222
8:35 AM - Nov 18, 2019
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donna x lfc@yourstrulydonnv
· Nov 17, 2019
KeNapA i tAk suKa LElaKi MelAyU:

ZAILEE FLECK@zaileefd2
At least this girl is honest. Terus cakap je preference dia. Takde nak cakap berlapis lapis. May she find someone compatible. 2,421
8:03 AM - Nov 18, 2019 · Petaling, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
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donna x lfc@yourstrulydonnv
· Nov 17, 2019
KeNapA i tAk suKa LElaKi MelAyU:

Ruginya hidup tak suka makan mamak, mamak complete ada semua makanan, harga takdelah cekik darah, dan mamak 24 jam, dah pukul 1 pun mintak makan apa, mesti ada, sedap pun sedap, betapa ruginya hidup manusia tak suka mamak 87
2:08 PM - Nov 18, 2019
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donna x lfc@yourstrulydonnv
· Nov 17, 2019
KeNapA i tAk suKa LElaKi MelAyU:

Cikgu Nando's@afnanzahinnnn
apa kurangnya mamak, open 24/7 kot, ada screen besar, ada segala jenis roti, ada segala jenis kuah, air manis potong kaki, ada shisha, hahahha paling bagus dia amik order tak perlukan kertas dan pen, hanya menghafal sahaja 4
7:59 PM - Nov 18, 2019
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