Reply 1599# HangPC2
Yang last skali tuh, yang 12 juta tu utk maintenance 105mm skang ke bli lain?
gaya mcm maintenance tp paper xckp pulak |
Post Last Edit by windof at 21-4-2010 17:49
beli baru kot.... mungkin 1 bateri dolu... asses condition... next time kalu ok tambah lagi...
or typo error kot...maybe cuma beli tow truck utk 105mm sedia ada... |
MiDAS Can Be Eminent Defence Research Institute
KUALA LUMPUR, April 21 (Bernama) -- The Defence Ministry has established the Malaysia Institute of Defence and Security (MiDAS) for the purpose of drawing up security strategies and policies on national defence and security.
Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said MiDAS can be an eminent centre for research and collaboration both on the national and international arena.
"MiDAS is a professional institution that is responsible to explore defence and security matters by way of comprehensive research and sharing of knowledge.
"Besides generating research, MiDAS is also tasked to promote knowledge and exchange among researchers, policy drafters and academicians both locally and abroad," he told reporters after the launch of MiDAS at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) here today.
Also in attendance were Deputy Defence Minister Datuk Dr Abdul Latiff Ahmad and Armed Forces chief Jen. Tan Sri Azizan Ariffin.
He said to realise MiDAS as a centre of excellence in the field of defence research and security his ministry was identifying young officers of potential to be sent for courses.
Ahmad Zahid said MiDas was also in the process to develop cooperation with other government agencies to enhance knowledge related to defence and security.
Astross II: Kuasa membunuh digeruni musuh
[email protected]
Astross II mula memasuki perkhidmatan tentera darat pada Mac 2002.
PERANG Hizbullah-Israel pada 2006 membuka mata semua pihak tentang berkesannya Sistem Pelancar Roket Berganda (MLRS) sebagai senjata strategik yang ampuh.
Senjata tersebut bukan sahaja mampu mempengaruhi tempo peperangan tetapi juga meninggalkan kesan psikologi menggerunkan berikutan skala kuasa pembunuhnya yang sukar disekat.
Perang 34 hari itu, menyaksikan ratusan roket Katyusha yang hanya menggunakan teknologi era Perang Dunia Kedua ditembak ke bumi Israel tanpa dapat ditangkis oleh rejim Yahudi walaupun dunia mengakui kekuatan ketenteraan dan payung perlindungan udara negara haram tersebut merupakan antara terkuat dan tercanggih di dunia.
Malah, dalam tempoh 48 jam selepas perang tercetus, sebanyak 130 roket jenis itu membedil hampir seluruh ceruk bandar yang bersempadan dengan Lebanon, membunuh 39 penduduk awam Yahudi manakala ratusan lagi cedera sehingga memaksa rejim itu melaksanakan pelan kecemasan terhadap warganya.
Kesan kemusnahan hasil serangan balas yang tidak terduga itu, menyebabkan Israel terpaksa berundur daripada terus mengasak Hizbullah kerana pada masa yang sama negara Yahudi itu turut kehilangan seramai 119 tentera akibat dibedil menggunakan Katyusha selain senjata anti kereta kebal serta diserang hendap.
Mengambil iktibar daripada keberkesanan sistem MLRS yang digunakan Hizbullah, maka pada 3 Julai tahun lalu, Tentera Darat (TD) Malaysia secara rasminya menubuhkan sebuah Briged Artileri Roket yang mengoperasikan 36 unit MLRS, Avibras Astross II buatan Brazil.
Astross II sebenarnya telah terbukti berkesan membantu Iraq semasa menghadapi serangan bertali arus tentera bersekutu yang diketuai Amerika Syarikat (AS) semasa Perang Teluk 1991.
Briged tersebut ditubuhkan selepas TD menggabungkan Rejimen Artileri Diraja (RAD) 51 dan 52, iaitu rejimen yang bertanggungjawab mengoperasikan sistem Astross II dengan 53 RAD yang mengoperasikan radar Arthur bagi tujuan mengesan kedudukan musuh secara tepat setiap kali sebelum dan selepas tembakan dibuat.
Gandingan Astross II dengan radar Arthur meletakkan Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) sebagai sebuah angkatan yang mempunyai sistem artileri paling ampuh dan digeruni di rantau ini.
Ini kerana Astross II yang diberi gelaran Keris oleh ATM memiliki kepelbagaian variasi roket iaitu daripada jenis SS-09 yang digunakan bagi tujuan latihan dengan jarak 11 kilometer (km), SS-30 (35 km), SS-40 (48 km), SS-60 (65 km) sehinggalah roket yang menjadi taring utama TD pada hari ini iaitu SS-80 (90 km).
Berbeza dengan Katyusha yang dicipta pada era Perang Dunia Kedua, roket SS-60 dan SS-80 dengan saiz kaliber 300 milimeter (mm) mempunyai kuasa membunuh yang lebih jitu iaitu setiap satu roket mampu memusnahkan secara total kawasan seluas empat padang bola sepak.
Manakala satu rejimen lengkap sistem itu dipercayai berupaya memusnahkan kawasan seluas 60 hektar dengan hanya sekali tembak secara berturut-turut roket jenis SS-60 dan SS-80 (setiap satu unit Astross mampu melancarkan empat roket berkaliber 300mm serentak).
Kemusnahan secara menyeluruh itu berlaku kerana setiap roket tersebut dimuatkan dengan kepala peledak pembawa kargo yang dikenali sebagai Dual Purpose Cargo Improved Munitions (DPCIM).
Setiap DPCIM pula boleh membawa sehingga 64 bom berangkai atau submunisi daripada pelbagai kategori termasuk peledak jenis letupan kuat (HE) sama ada bagi tujuan anti material atau anti landasan terbang.
Bagi peledak letupan kuat anti landasan terbang, setiap bom berangkai mengandungi peledak kepala jenis fius tertunda bagi merobek landasan konkrit sedalam 0.5 meter.
Ia bermakna hanya sebutir peluru SS-80 dengan DPCIM secara teorinya sudah mampu untuk melumpuhkan keupayaan taktikal sesebuah pangkalan udara musuh.
Pada masa yang sama, roket SS-80 juga boleh digunakan bagi tujuan menyerang kapal. Dalam hal ini, jika Keris dioperasikan di sepanjang pantai barat Semenanjung Malaysia, ATM mampu menutup terus laluan Selat Melaka.
Astross II (Keris)
Mula memasuki perkhidmatan TD pada 13 Mac 2002. Sebenarnya keputusan kerajaan membeli 18 unit pelancar Astross II (tidak termasuk kenderaan sokongan) dengan kos berjumlah RM791.92 juta, menjadi perdebatan pihak asing khususnya mereka yang tidak senang melihat proses pemodenan ATM.
Ini kerana pembelian itu menandakan buat pertama kalinya TD memiliki sebuah sistem persenjataan ofensif jarak jauh yang mampu menyerang musuh melebihi jarak 50 km berbanding keupayaan meriam medan FH-70 dan meriam howitzer 105 milimeter (mm) yang menjadi taring utama rejimen artileri bagi mempertahankan negara sebelum perolehan Keris dibuat.
Kebimbangan pihak asing itu berasas kerana Astross II didatangkan sekali dengan sejumlah 1,000 roket jenis SS-30, 224 buah roket SS-60 dan 576 unit roket SS-80 yang merupakan sebahagian daripada kontrak pembelian tersebut.
Kemudian, pada tahun 2006, iaitu selepas empat tahun TD mengoperasikan Astross II, Kementerian Pertahanan membuat pembelian susulan 18 unit lagi (juga tidak termasuk kenderaan sokongan) pelancar Astross II bagi menjayakan hasrat ATM untuk menubuhkan sekurang-kurangnya dua buah rejimen Keris.
Namun, sesuai dengan perkembangan semasa, TD mengambil langkah lebih ke hadapan apabila menubuhkan Briged Artileri Roket dengan diketuai Brigadier Jeneral Razali Mohd. Regen bagi memantapkan lagi inventori tempurnya.
Kemajuan ATM itu menyaksikan Singapura membeli sistem MLRS jenis Himars, buatan AS tetapi pada harga yang jauh lebih mahal daripada Keris.
Mengulas penubuhan itu, Panglima Medan TD, Leftenan Jeneral Datuk Raja Mohamed Affandi Raja Mohamed Noor menegaskan, pasukan itu relevan dan sejajar dengan keperluan strategik pemerintahan Medan TD yang memerlukan satu platform bagi menggandakan kuasa tembak sedia ada.
"Berbeza dengan unit artileri medan, Astross II menyediakan tembakan berselerak (mass) dengan kesan kemusnahan besar sekali gus meningkatkan kuasa tempur TD di medan perang.
"Oleh itu dengan adanya briged roket yang berpangkalan di Kem Gemas, bantuan tembakan dapat dikoordinasi dengan lebih baik, jitu serta berkesan," katanya baru-baru ini.
Pendapat itu turut disokong oleh penganalisis pertahanan yang juga Pengarang Majalah Tempur, Muhammad Fuad Mat Noor kerana katanya, Keris sebenarnya tergolong dalam senjata yang diklasifikasikan sebagai senjata pemusnah besar-besaran (WMD).
Jelasnya, dengan kemampuan itu, pemilikan Keris oleh TD membolehkan ATM mengatur corak peperangan jika konflik tercetus sama ada bagi tujuan menyerang atau bertahan.
Tambahnya, dengan setiap satu roket mengandungi puluhan bom berangkai ia mampu memusnahkan kawasan yang luas kerana corak serangannya adalah bertubi-tubi sehingga tidak mungkin senjata itu mampu ditangkis oleh pihak musuh.
"Astross II adalah senjata strategik yang sangat digeruni kerana corak serangan dan kuasa pemusnahnya. Apatah lagi sistem ini turut memiliki kemampuan mobiliti yang mantap bagi membolehkan ia melarikan diri sebaik sahaja serangan dilepaskan
"Keupayaan mobiliti ini mampu mengelakkan Keris daripada dimusnahkan oleh pesawat musuh dan taktik tembak kemudian lari lebih berkesan dalam persekitaran hutan tropika di negara ini.
"Lebih menakutkan, sistem ini juga mampu ditingkat upaya melalui penggunaan roket pintar yang boleh dipandu bagi meningkatkan lagi jarak serta ketepatan serangan," katanya.
Kesimpulannya, pembelian sistem roket Astros II membuktikan perancang pertahanan negara mengetahui kemampuan senjata itu untuk merobek titik kelemahan musuh khususnya negara yang terpaksa bergantung sepenuhnya pada kekuatan udara dan laut ekoran bentuk muka bumi yang tidak mengizinkan.
Apatah lagi, terdapat laporan bahawa pengeluar Astross iaitu syarikat Avibras sudah pun menjual roket-roket termoden daripada jenis TM (Peluru Taktikal) sebagai sebahagian pakej pembelian susulan 18 unit oleh ATM.
Walaupun laporan tersebut gagal disahkan, sekiranya ia menjadi kenyataan, roket jenis itu mampu membunuh sasaran bersaiz kompeni atau seramai 200 tentera dari jarak 150 km.
Maka, atas dasar itulah mudah untuk kita memahami kenapa Singapura begitu berminat untuk membeli sistem penangkis mortar dan roket yang dicipta oleh Israel. Tetapi dengan puluhan roket dilancarkan serentak dan ditambah pula dengan ribuan bom berangkai tiada sebarang sistem sebenarnya mampu menangkis ancaman MLRS dengan berkesan.
spoil 1 jer.... sejak bila astross jadi meriam G5 155mm? |
Indonesian-made armoured vehicles for Malaysia's UN mission in Lebanon
Monday, March 22nd, 2010 12:01:00
KUALA LUMPUR: The Anoa APS-3 armoured personnel carrier (APC) manufactured by Indonesia's state-owned PT Pindad has reportedly emerged as the front-runner to meet the requirements of the Malaysian Battalion (Malbatt) in the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).
Malbatt has an " urgent operational requirement " for the procurement of up to 30 units of 6x6 APCs to replace its almost obsolete Condor armoured vehicles which had been in service since the early 1980s.
However, an official announcement on the procurement is not expected soon, according to defence industry sources. They expect an official announcement, at the earliest, during the upcoming Defence Services Asia exhibition, on April 19.
As the procurement is for a United Nations (UN) mission, the world body will reimburse the purchase and shipping cost of the APCs.
The Indonesian-developed vehicle was shortlisted with two other 6x6, namely, the VAB from France and South Korea's Black Fox, to meet the urgent requirement as the German-made Condors reportedly had been worn out as they had been used daily since deployment.
Some 750 Malaysian soldiers are deployed to Lebanon as part of Malbatt, using the Condors and unarmoured Land Rovers for patrols since 2006.
Although the Condors have been the mainstay of Malaysian peacekeeping missions from Bosnia to Somalia, the Army wanted the vehicles to be replaced since the early 1990s, as operational experience showed that the 4x4 vehicles were prone to tipping over, especially in off-road conditions where it spends most of its time while on missions.
However, budgetary constraints meant that the vehicles continue to soldier on despite its deficiencies and age. Malaysia became a part of the UNIFIL peacekeeping mission after the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 1701 intended to resolve the Israel-Lebanon conflict after Israeli forces attacked Hezbollah militants in 2006.
Defence industry sources told The Malay Mail that the VAB was the early favourite to clinch the tender, but due to technical and logistical reasons, the Anoa reportedly surged into contention following trials at the respective countries late last year.
The VAB was initially considered as many of the countries involved in UNIFIL are equipped with the VAB in both versions, the 4x4 and 6x6.
Even the Indonesian contingent at Lebanon are using VABs purchased from France.
As the VABs being offered to Malaysia are ex-France armed forces stock, these could be quickly made available to Malaysia. Shipping costs would also be minimised as the vehicles are located near Lebanon.
One industry source said Malbatt should not have any problems maintaining the Anoas as the vehicles are also fitted with Renault engines and transmission. However, he added, PT Pindad may have to fit a new engine and transmission for the Malaysian-bound vehicles as it does not have the rights to export them under its contract with Renault, which also markets the VAB on behalf of the French government.
The source said the Anoa procurement also could be seen as the forerunner for the formation for the Asean Security and Defence Industry Council (ASDIC), proposed by Malaysia to tap the huge security and defence market in the region and reduce dependency on other parts of the world.
The procurement would also pave the way for Indonesia to purchase Malaysia-made defence items as part of a counter-trade arrangement.
On the downside, the source said it was not known whether PT Pindad would be be able to fulfil the Malaysian order as fast as the French as PT Pindad would have to built the vehicles from scratch unlike the VABs which are refurbished stock.
The Anoa is usually armed with a 12.7mm heavy machine gun or a 40mm automatic grenade launcher.
The vehicle has a crew of three and can carry up to 10 soldiers. PT Pindad is manufacturing 150 Anoas for their own country's armed forces.
- Malay Mail -
DSA 2010 Records RM25 Bln Worth Of Contracts And Agreements
KUALA LUMPUR, April 22 (Bernama) -- About RM25 billion worth of contracts and agreements were signed at the Defence Services Asia (DSA) 2010 exhibition and conference which ended here on Thursday, the highest amount since the event was launched in 1988.
From the total, RM15 billion came from an agreement between Russia's Irkut Aviation Corporation, which manufactures modern jet fighters, and the Defence Ministry.
Under the agreement, Irkut will be involved in supplying spare parts and weapon systems, and producing aerospace components for the local and international markets.
In addition, 20 agreements worth RM10.355 billion were signed by the ministry and related agencies with 11 companies, including five foreign firms, during the four-day event.
The agreements comprised eight contracts, five memorandums of understanding (MoUs), three letters of agreement (LOAs) and four letters of intent (LOIs).
"The figure (RM25 billion) is the highest recorded in the organising of the series," Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said at a press conference at the Putra World Trade Centre here today.
Zahid said that Irkut had also proposed to set up a component and spare part facility at Taman Teknologi Pertahanan dan Keselamatan Malaysia which would be built soon.
"Through this collaboration, Malaysia will not only be getting benefit from the huge investment but also from the sharing of expertise and transfer of technology," he said.
Zahid said he was pleased that the participation of local companies in the biennial event had increased by 300 per cent, which would help in the growth of the defence industry.
"This year 250 local companies took part compared to only 61 companies two years ago," he said.
Zahid attributed the drop in the participation of foreign companies to several factors, including the global economic environment and difficulties in getting flights.
This year, only 500 foreign companies took part compared to 657 firms at DSA 2008.
"To ensure that this problem does not occur at DSA 2012, I will be having face-to-face communication and visits to Europe and Asia to promote the event," he said.
"The organisers should also plan their promotion and marketing strategy earlier to attract foreign participation," he added.
Overall, DSA 2010 which started on April 19 had attracted the participation of 22 countries, with most of them from Europe as well as Australia.
DSA Exhibition and Conference Sdn Bhd's director Datuk Azzat Kamaludin said the four-day event had attracted about 26,000 visitors from 60 countries.
Despite the challenges faced by several overseas participants, especially those from Europe, who eventually managed to fly in despite the flight woes caused by the ash volcanic, Azzat said the event had succeeded in providing the platform for successful networking, business collaborations and strategic alliances.
"By all accounts and based on feedback received, it was a very successful and fruitful event for exhibitors and trade visitors alike," he said in a statement on Thursday.
Reply 1603# windof
Ooppss..my bad..aku tak perasan ada perkataan gun-towing kat belakang tu |
Reply 1605# windof
Tula awal2 baca lagi hilang kredibiliti artikel tu. Maybe editor salah letak gamba kot |
spoil 1 jer.... sejak bila astross jadi meriam G5 155mm?
Turansufomaaaaaa ..... Autobotto! |
.... From the total, RM15 billion came from an agreement between Russia's Irkut Aviation Corporation, which manufactures modern jet fighters, and the Defence Ministry.
Under the agreement, Irkut will be involved in supplying spare parts and weapon systems, and producing aerospace components for the local and international markets.
In addition, 20 agreements worth RM10.355 billion were signed by the ministry and related agencies with 11 companies, including five foreign firms, during the four-day event.
The agreements comprised eight contracts, five memorandums of understanding (MoUs), three letters of agreement (LOAs) and four letters of intent (LOIs).
"The figure (RM25 billion) is the highest recorded in the organising of the series," Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said at a press conference at the Putra World Trade Centre here today.
Zahid said that Irkut had also proposed to set up a component and spare part facility at Taman Teknologi Pertahanan dan Keselamatan Malaysia which would be built soon.
"Through this collaboration, Malaysia will not only be getting benefit from the huge investment but also from the sharing of expertise and transfer of technology," he said....
Ahaaaa, ini yg aku suka. Aku dah expect dah Ruskies musti nak lobi next MRCA deal ngan kita, bg sweetener dulu ngan component & sparepart facility kat Mesia ....
Deal tu direct ngan MINDEF tuhhh ... pergh, bygkan, Vietnam operate Su-27s & Su-30s, Indonesia pun ada Su-27s & Su-30s .... kalau dpt kontrak menten spare part Su-30MKAs drp Algeria ataupun deal supply kat Venezuela yg pakai Su-30MKV (leh barter trade ngan minyak Venezuela! ) .... perghhhh, duit2 ...
Irkut musti mau offer 2nd batch Su-30MKM atau Su-35BM sbg option pertama TUDM bagi next MRCA deal ...
I like ... |
found source stated cabinet delay NURI replacement |
found source stated cabinet delay NURI replacement
gancity Post at 24-4-2010 23:23
mane source nye tu??? tepek la |
Misi perubatan ke Kabul
Oleh Abu Bakar Al Sidek
[email protected]
Pegawai ATM dihantar ke Afghanistan sebaik tentera AS berundur
BAGAN DATOH: Malaysia melalui Kementerian Pertahanan akan menghantar misi perubatan ke Afghanistan pertengahan tahun ini bagi membantu menyediakan rawatan kesihatan kepada masyarakat di sana, sebaik tentera Amerika Syarikat berundur dari negara itu.
Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, berkata misi disertai antara 80 hingga 100 pegawai Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) itu dibuat atas permintaan Kerajaan Afghanistan. Katanya, Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, ketika membuat lawatan kerja ke Amerika Syarikat, baru-baru ini turut memaklumkan perkara itu kepada Presiden Barack Obama.
“Obama memberi penghargaan atas komitmen Malaysia untuk menghantar misi perubatan itu,” katanya selepas merasmikan Majlis Khatam al-Quran dan Ikhtifal di Sungai Nipah Darat, di sini, semalam.
Ahmad Zahid yang juga Ahli Parlimen Bagan Datoh berkata, penghantaran misi perubatan ke Afghanistan dibincangkan secara lanjut antara beliau dan pegawai atasan Amerika Syarikat sempena Pameran dan Persidangan Perkhidmatan Pertahanan Asia (DSA) 2010 di ibu negara, beberapa hari lalu.
Beliau berkata, ATM sedang membuat persiapan, antaranya menyediakan hospital bergerak ATM yang sama saiznya seperti hospital daerah di negara ini yang turut dilengkapi kemudahan bilik bedah bagi melaksanakan misi selama enam hingga sembilan bulan itu.
Katanya, Kerajaan Afghanistan meminta Malaysia menghantar lebih ramai pegawai perubatan wanita dan ATM sudah pun mengenal pasti pegawai berkenaan.
Sementara itu di SUBANG, Zahid berkata, kombinasi anggota dari tiga perkhidmatan dalam Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) menjadi pakej lengkap dan model terbaik dalam melaksanakan misi pengaman di bawah panji Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (PBB).
“Malah, kerjasama yang terjalin sekian lama ini memperlihatkan keazaman ATM dalam membantu PBB menjaga keamanan dunia,” katanya dalam teks ucapan dibacakan Panglima Angkatan Bersama, Leftenan Jeneral Datuk Wira Allatif Mohd Noor pada Majlis Penerimaan Kumpulan Pendahuluan Malbatt 1 di Pangkalan TUDM, di sini semalam. |
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