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Author: babynina30

Datin Vivy Sofinas Yusof dan dakies sekalian alam v3

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Post time 27-3-2018 10:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
joyahbawang replied at 27-3-2018 09:49 PM
Thanks for putting into words what i feel. I went through a rough pregnancy and one miscarriage  ...

baca citer uols, terus teringat betapa bencinya i dgn bau perfume laki masa pregnant.
dah la deria bau pregger mmg kuat, duduk sebatu pun boleh bau lg. pastu muntah, hidup tepi toilet aje.
semua bau tak leh terima. mekap, losyen, sabun semua tolak tepi.
rasanya i boleh keje kat airport jd drug sniffer kalau boleh minus the constant muntah.

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Post time 27-3-2018 10:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by faint_heart at 27-3-2018 10:27 PM
joyahbawang replied at 27-3-2018 09:49 PM
Thanks for putting into words what i feel. I went through a rough pregnancy and one miscarriage  ...

Thanks for agreeing .. mine was really bad. I vomitted so badly sampai it caused a tear in my uterus yg mmg dah sedia ada x kuat. Mcm u ckp i was also injected multiple times and mkn ubat for 6 months just to save the featus/baby.. but nevermindla tu. Benda da lepas pun.

I think she could hv worded the article better. Instead of saying women! Buck up its all in the mind and simply shrugging off our struggles as mere inconviniences .. she should hv said .. i understand your struggles, it will pass, there are many ppl, avenues that can support you and that you are not alone.

Imagine if i say, vivy you tak pun bfeed si mariam tu dua tahun .. 3 bulan pun cukup ke? You manjang xde je dlm life dia patut anak you spoilt .. so how?? All women are trying their best .. why must she wrote as if we are weak and making excuses when we are pregnant .. believe me no one would intentionally nak sakit la! Dah la article tu satu mesia baca sia2 je org igt pompuan ni kejenye cari alasan je .. this is not empowering women okay

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Post time 27-3-2018 10:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dia ni reminds me if nini si yoga instructor tu yg skali pukal ckp klau kita jaga badan xde toxic etc misti xde morning sickness .. amboi betsyukur je la Allah bg kemudahan. Xpayah nk insinuate yg sakit muntah2 9 bulan tu badan bertoxic

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Post time 27-3-2018 10:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
faint_heart replied at 27-3-2018 10:26 PM
Thanks for agreeing .. mine was really bad. I vomitted so badly sampai it caused a tear in my ut ...

True true. The article should have been written with more empathy, ni macam kau ialah benchmark and if u can do it orang lain pun patutnya boleh and siapa yang not like that ialah weak and saja cari alasan.

Ala macam time love vivy tu she said about her staff sakit perut nak mc and dia demam pun masuk office tu. That time pun dah terasa how annoying she was, now lagi lah. Ugh can u not compare urself to others and belittle them.

But like i said, this is the impression that i get. She probably meant to be supportive and nak bagi semangat but lol sumpah tak jadi.

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Post time 27-3-2018 10:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kekgebu replied at 27-3-2018 10:04 PM
I love love love ur ulasan. Mmg iols pon tak leh take positive article dia tu!!! Even i pregnant p ...

Thanks babe!

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Post time 27-3-2018 11:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Muigads!!! Vivy sounds so much like a makcik bawang. She reminds me of my own aunty who said my cousin was a lembik pregnant woman because she had a really bad case of morning sickness and since she finally got pregnant at 40, of course la jaga berabis and she chose to be in bed most of the time. Aunty bawang felt superior just because she did not encounter any problems during her 7 pregnancies. I got so fed up with her sampai I cakap, Kalau aunty boleh naik gunung masa pregnant, tak semestinya orang lain pun boleh! Have some empathy la woman oiiiiii

And this is coming from someone who's not married yaaa....

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Post time 27-3-2018 11:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
faint_heart replied at 27-3-2018 10:26 PM
Thanks for agreeing .. mine was really bad. I vomitted so badly sampai it caused a tear in my ut ...

I pun rasa 'empowering women' yg dicanang2 by her all this while is a BS bila baca article dia..

Eventhough i x penah pregnant, but saying pregnant women are weak is plain rude. Mana ada org mintak nak sakit and nak susah esp bila preggy kan? And cara dia compare pregnancies amongst women pun nmpk mcm bod**. Hello, our favorite food pun different, apatah lg pengalaman mengandung!

Mcm ni ka mindset orka yg spoilt? Or kiasu?

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Post time 27-3-2018 11:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
fairy_fairy replied at 27-3-2018 11:01 PM
Muigads!!! Vivy sounds so much like a makcik bawang. She reminds me of my own aunty who said my cous ...

You are truly a class act .. tq for supporting other women and not finding reason to put ppl down

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Post time 27-3-2018 11:10 PM | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 27-3-2018 08:37 PM
i feel for u.. i guess it's true that women are a woman's biggest enemy in her workplace.
yg byk ...

I beg to differ abt men being more sympathetic

Aku kena placenta praevia so kena bedrest dari 6 months sampai delivery. Boss aku lelaki punya lah bengang mcm lah kalau aku takde tempat kerja aku akan lingkup. Padahal aku officer biasa jer dan tempat kerja aku ramai staff.Aku ambil unpaid leave sebb hospitalization leave 60 hari tak cukup. Lepas dah bersalin and maternity leave , aku balik kerja terpaksa tadah telinga kena perli sampai bertahunlah juga.

Kalau tak ada labour law , rasanya dia dah sack aku dah.

Maybe case aku ni agak rare.

Bagi lady boss mcm vivy, aku tengok dia pentingkan productivity and bottom line above everything else. Empathy falls behind, tak kisah lah perempuan pregnant or lelaki yg sakit. Work comes first. Kau nak kerja kat FV , ikut cara aku. Kalau tak, pegi cari kerja tempat lain.


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Post time 27-3-2018 11:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
primadonia replied at 27-3-2018 11:02 PM
I pun rasa 'empowering women' yg dicanang2 by her all this while is a BS bila baca article dia..

Rasanya ni prangai tak memahami kepayahan org lain. I rasa dia x cukup practice bab ni growing up .. mumgkin dia x didedahkn dgn masalah2 org lain .. so dia ingat mudah je .. semua org pun mcm dia. You imagined la lahir2 pun dah kaya .. dah 20 tahun washing machine pun x reti guna .. masak2 ni renyeh untuk dia .. maid and driver all her life .. kuku pun mil yg potong .. nak expect faham msian women’s struggles? We do not hv maids, we do not have drivers .. some of us do not even hv parents anymore ..

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Post time 27-3-2018 11:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Incanto replied at 27-3-2018 11:10 PM
I beg to differ abt men being more sympathetic

Aku kena placenta praevia so kena bedrest dari 6 ...

It’s a bit ironic though because her whole biz set up and revenue is generated by women yg adore and respect her .. klau stakat quality barang dia jual .. mehhhh byk lagi brand lain yg better .. even zalora pun bg refund duit x mcm fv store credit je

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Post time 27-3-2018 11:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
faint_heart replied at 27-3-2018 11:10 PM
You are truly a class act .. tq for supporting other women and not finding reason to put ppl down

Hormone menggila before period pun iols dah kalah apalagi hormone changes time pregnant. Tu jer lah yang I selalu ingat whenever I have the inclination to think like Vivy.

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Post time 27-3-2018 11:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hari tu masa dia post psl the 1st LV in msia tu i dah fikir dah .. wah brani mati dia post mcm ni .. x humble langsung .. masa tu ingatkn 1 off case je la .. now her true colours dah kluar jeng jeng jeng

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Post time 27-3-2018 11:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Incanto replied at 27-3-2018 11:10 PM
I beg to differ abt men being more sympathetic

Aku kena placenta praevia so kena bedrest dari 6 ...

Boleh je nak bagi semangat. Tapi boleh cakap dengan lebih baik.

Bila dia bagitau apa yang dia rasa selama ni, seolah2 sebelum ni dia merasakan pregnant woman ni adalah beban. Kalau ex staff dia baca, atau staff dia baca, tak ke buat diorang rasa guilty & useless everytime diorang pregnant?

Morning sickness i teruk. Terlalu teruk sampai fobia rasa nak pregnant. Pergi ofis, kejap2 pergi toilet. Rasa nak angkut meja letak dalam toilet je. Dengan placenta prevea lagi. Kawan2 i yang lain? Elok je dari mula sampai beranak takde masalah. Jadi rezeki orang tu berbeza2. Orang lain? Tahap kena bed rest. Siapa suka? Takde siapa suka. Terpaksa tahan juga, asalkan anak yg dikandung selamat.

Memang dia rasa perempuan patut lawan supaya dapat bekerja dengan baik. Tapi... sekiranya seorang wanita tu rasa terseksa kena pergi kerja sebab takut kena pandang hina. Benda ni akan menyebabkah high turnover rate pada sesebuah company. Bukanke reputasi company tu sendiri akan merudum?

Member i kerja petronas bgtau,  pregnant woman dapat balik awal. Surprisingly productivity mereka meningkat.

Tapi maybe niat dia baik. Cuma dia salah cakap kot

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Post time 27-3-2018 11:32 PM | Show all posts
faint_heart replied at 27-3-2018 11:17 PM
Rasanya ni prangai tak memahami kepayahan org lain. I rasa dia x cukup practice bab ni growing up  ...

Dari dulu lagi aku rasa part yg tak reti guna washing machine tu is temberang besar
Heck..with her brains , kalau dia tak pernah guna pun takkan dia boleh figure out dgn baca instruction manual?
Saja jer tu , nak buat diri dia appear more marhaen / bimbo.
Why? Nak jadi kan diri dia relatable...consumers rasa she is one of them


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Post time 27-3-2018 11:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Incanto replied at 27-3-2018 11:32 PM
Dari dulu lagi aku rasa part yg tak reti guna washing machine tu is temberang besar
Heck..with he ...

Marhaen lagi power kot guna washing machine. Tahap yang separa automatik tu pun reti guna

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Post time 27-3-2018 11:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Incanto replied at 27-3-2018 11:32 PM
Dari dulu lagi aku rasa part yg tak reti guna washing machine tu is temberang besar
Heck..with he ...

Yes i pun rasa dia sengaja nak buat2 macam bimbo marhaen relatabe. Konon2 funny and comel gittew. Maybe it was cute before but now it's just annoying. Tak tahu lah pasal i'm getting older ke apa tapi tak lawak lah nak buat2 bengong tu. I'm her age tho so maybe she's trying to appeal to younger ladies ke? Entah lah. Ngan iols ni yang dah jadi mak2 rasa cam "tak koser nya kau ni".

On another note, i grew up with a maid and all too, bila dah kahwin baru start belajar buat sendiri semua. Tapi pandai je nak guna washing machine. How stupid can u get, really? I tak baca pun manual tapi ada buttons ngan gambar kan? Tiba2 annoyed pulak hahaha

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Post time 27-3-2018 11:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I ada perasan, few times dia macam pandang rendah pada orang lain.

Pasal sakit perut
Pasal wanita tak bersolek

Kalau betul nak empower women, seeloknya kita bagi semangat la dekat each other.


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Post time 28-3-2018 12:25 AM | Show all posts
Dah 100 pages so I am closing this thread.
Gi cari V4.

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