Ryo caused a pileup involving 3 cars on the Tokyo freeway on March 1.
According to the police, when he was driving alone around 3:45pm, Ryo did not look ahead carefully and his car rear-ended another car caught in a traffic jam. A 60 years old woman driving the rear-ended car has received a minor injury. Ryo is unhurt. The police is preparing to send the case to prosecutors for injury by negligence.
kenapa lak tragedi berlaku kat ryo chan time ni...
dah la dia nak kluar album baru dgn K8, pastu dah ada tapak yg kukuh dlm bidang lakonan terutama lepas last friends...
ni mesti sebab penat sangat, sbb tu x dpt tumpukan perhatian waktu memandu. harap2lah benda mcm ni x datangkan effect kat kerjaya dia...
kittie, stakat ni xde ke kenyataan rasmki dari joni...
aduhai..kenapalah benda mcm ni berlaku kat ryo chan...
dah la budaya jepun memang strict sikit kalau pasal hukuman ni...