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Author: muffins

Muffins Loves everyone :PLEASE TAKE CAUTIONS

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Post time 20-8-2009 03:05 PM | Show all posts

Sexual Style:Everyone knows Scorpios are freaks, but not everyone understands thatthey are discerning freaks. The mysterious, intense Scorpio may be ahorn-dog, but she prefers celibacy to milquetoast sex. She's interestedin transformative lovemaking, not just 20 minutes of missionary. "Itmust be more than sex and love," says Vega. "It must be a greaterconnection." The sexy scorpion, who doesn't understand the phrase"shades of gray," is either totally uninterested in you or focusedentirely on you. Once she has decided that you're the one, she'll showyou undying love and darkly erotic action. If you want to be with aScorpio, start working on your stamina, and brace yourself.

Sexually Compatible Signs: Cancer, Pisces, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Turn-ons:Understanding. When you know what your Scorpio sweetheart likes, do itfor her. And if you're curious about bondage, this would be the sign towhom you could hopefully offer a rope and a whip. Scorpios aren'tscared of a little kink.

Turn-offs: Naysayers, dullards andpushy people. If you think, or attempt to assert, that you're incontrol, the Scorpio will kick you to the curb. Got it?

aku x paham lerr....tolong sesapa yg paham explengkanggg.....


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Post time 20-8-2009 03:09 PM | Show all posts
iqaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... hahaha...

Sexually Compatible Signs: Cancer, Pisces, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

hahaha.. anon libra.... tu...

@odah.. hahaa.. kene lah tunggu.. dh beranak nt baru ler kuar bulan odah... hahahhaa

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Post time 20-8-2009 03:30 PM | Show all posts
bulan ape weyy

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Post time 20-8-2009 03:31 PM | Show all posts
sape nak beranak nihh

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Post time 20-8-2009 03:37 PM | Show all posts

Sexual Style:Everyone knows Scorpios are freaks, but not everyone understands thatthey are discerning freaks. The mysterious, intense Scorpio may be ahorn-dog, but she prefers celibacy to milquetoast sex. She's interestedin transformative lovemaking, not just 20 minutes of missionary. "Itmust be more than sex and love," says Vega. "It must be a greaterconnection." The sexy scorpion, who doesn't understand the phrase"shades of gray," is either totally uninterested in you or focusedentirely on you. Once she has decided that you're the one, she'll showyou undying love and darkly erotic action. If you want to be with aScorpio, start working on your stamina, and brace yourself.

Sexually Compatible Signs: Cancer, Pisces, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Turn-ons:Understanding. When you know what your Scorpio sweetheart likes, do itfor her. And if you're curious about bondage, this would be the sign towhom you could hopefully offer a rope and a whip. Scorpios aren'tscared of a little kink.

Turn-offs: Naysayers, dullards andpushy people. If you think, or attempt to assert, that you're incontrol, the Scorpio will kick you to the curb. Got it?

apekah maksud nih...

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Post time 20-8-2009 03:41 PM | Show all posts
anon jomm....hahahahahahah

tp iqa x paham langsunglah..........

tolong explengkan satu2 ayat tu


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Post time 20-8-2009 03:48 PM | Show all posts
ramai yg scorpio ker???

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Post time 20-8-2009 03:51 PM | Show all posts
twittt...twitt....bulan 1 zodiak apa erk?

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Post time 20-8-2009 04:06 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 20-8-2009 05:23 PM | Show all posts
66# raiqah

hahaa.. nak pahamm.. khwin dlu ler kot iqa.... baru pahamm.. ......hahahhaah

@odah.. bg bulan beranak ler.. hehehe....

@itik.... emmm.. hehheee..

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Post time 20-8-2009 09:40 PM | Show all posts
tepek la semua yang fins baru tepek tu di pagi 3 ni

kalau tak, nanti ada yang bingung

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2009 09:59 PM | Show all posts
tak paham apa tok ckp....

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Post time 20-8-2009 10:19 PM | Show all posts
aik? tajuk suda tukar ka?

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Post time 20-8-2009 10:24 PM | Show all posts
tak paham apa tok ckp....
muffins Post at 20-8-2009 21:59

berkenaan h1n1 tu...tepek jugak la di page 3 ni

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2009 10:48 PM | Show all posts
aik? tajuk suda tukar ka?
bzzts Post at 20-8-2009 22:19


suka topik tue yek..

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2009 10:48 PM | Show all posts
berkenaan h1n1 tu...tepek jugak la di page 3 ni
tokmanting Post at 20-8-2009 22:24

ooo..okies... org tepek gak..

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2009 11:27 PM | Show all posts
H1N1 dah mengakibatkan kematian 63 org hari ini.. jadi sebagai langkah berhati - hati please watch out....

Pengalaman orang yang ade familydijangkiti H1N1.Untuk panduan bersama.

High risk infection to person yg smooking,has atshma, children, pregnant woman

Beginner stage
Batuk, selsema, demam, sakittekak, bila terbesin bunyi tak kuat...

Second Stage
Susahbernafas, simtom macamasthma but not asthma, at this stage if you touchthe person, or breathin the same room 80% boleh kena...masa ni hospital.Masalahnya sekarang dah ramai yg tak cukup katil &bilik kuarantin...Bila u pengsan macamnak mati baru dia org admitted.macamkes adik I.

Lunginfection. Bila X raywe can see the virus covered the lung. Like mybrother case. Very scarybila tengok x ray tu. At this stage u needoksigen with highest level,Strongest antivral..very high drug. At least7 days oksigen kena bagi.% to recover depend to age, imune badan u.That's why kalau baby atau budak2susah nak kata...normally die. Mybrother hari ni genap 8 hari..still needoksigen. Kesian dia. Masa tahapcritical tu tercungap2 dia bernafas, sampaimenangis..Sampai satu tahapdia berguling atas simen sbb dah tak tahan...sampaidia give up ..sampaidia blh cakap lebih baik Allah ambik nyawa dia...Itulelaki tu..imaginekalau pompuan atau budak2. We all cuma blh tengok diadari cermin...takblh masuk dlm bilik kuarantin...Dr & nurse aje bolehmasuh...siappakai baju plastik. To support him, what we did bagi sms,bagi diaalquran biar dia baca so that dia tenang, bagi tasbih biar diazikiringat Allah & bagi Air yasin...Alhamdulillah pastu dia oksikit.Adahikmahnya...All the family member unite to support my brotherfightingthe virus.

Masalahnyahospital swastatak terima H1N1 case, sekarang ni semua depend hospitalkerajaan yg mostof the doctors still young . The oldest dr in mybrother ward was 28 years.All the Otai dah pergi private. Lepas tu plakthis is the first time totreat H1N1 patient. At the same time dr bzwith other case as well...1doktor 5 patient...kat gov hospital...kesiandr2 tu...berhempas pulas nakselamatkan patient. I appreciate them, mmgvery appreciate dia org jagaadik i dgn baik sekali..So far hospitalAmpang is the best goverment hospitalyg i jumpa..very efficient.Veryquick action ..Even senior dia org dahpergi private & they don'thave much experience , dia org tetap workhard give the best treatmentto the patients..sampai tak balik rumah...tidorkat hospital.

Takecare & be careful with H1N1. Virus tu very strong...sapekena...memangsuffer nak recover...No vaksin..cuma ada antiviral &our mental warriorto fight them. Very genius virus..Can hide in ourbody...difficult to detect.Only can detect thru swap which the cost is1K above. Unable detected inblood as well. When they start action...Cankill the person if the bodyimune does not strong. For those have babyatau anak2, U & ur familydo not go to crowded place, better wearmask when u outside from home.The vaksin will come to Msia in Nov-Dec.So far yg I nampak..hanya lelakidewasa can fight the virus...womanmight be 70% , children most probablywill die.

*sumber dr email peribadi.

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2009 11:27 PM | Show all posts
Apa itu H1N1?

viralnovelinfluenza type A H1N1. ianya berasal dr virus avian flu (selsemaburungH5N1) yang telah menjangkiti babi @ khinzir dan telah bergabungdenganswine flu (yg sepatutnya hanya menjangkit ternakan babi sahaja)dantelah evaluasi (mutasi) untuk penyesuaian diri di dalam ‘host’ yglebihtinggi di dlm rantaian makanan @ manusia. dan semasa di dlmbadanmanusia, sekali lagi ia berevolusi supaya ia menjadi ‘air born’danmenjangkit dr manusia kpd manusia.

jangka hayat virus

Olehkeranaia adalah viurs yg air born, ia hanya boleh bertahan di udaraselama 2hingga 8 jam sahaja. jika selepas tempoh tersebut ia idakmendapatperumah @ host( badan manusia) ia akan mati.
Maka bilik yang dibiarkan selama 24 jam dengan air ventilation yg baik….akan ‘bersih’ dr virus tersebut.

Apa yg perlu tahu ?
Asal virus ini

Sebenarnyatelahterdapat outbrake di US sebelum terjadi outbrake di mexico tptidakdilaporkan kpd WHO. kemungkinan outbrake ini telah dikesan dan USmahu‘baling batu sembunyi tangan’ lalu tercetus la outbrake di mexico .
virologi virus H1N1

incubation period yg singkat pada purata 2 hari dgn julat 1 – 4 hari
ini bermakna ia cepat menyerang badan manusia setelah ia menjangkit pesakit
pesakit akan menunjukkan simptom selepas 1 hari dijangkit paling cepat dan selewat2nya hari ke-4
H1N1sebenarnyaadalah selsema biasa namun kpd pesakit yg berisiko, ia dapatmembunuh.jika pesakit adalah seorang yg normal, ia hanya akan memberikesanseperti demam selsema biasa dan batuk.

cara serangan

virus ini boleh disebarkan melalui batuk, bersin dan percakapan
virus ini akan menyerang sistem pernafasan ( seperti selsema burung dan SARS)
peringkatawal,ia hanya pada ‘trakea’ jika tidak mendapat rawatan awal, iaakanmenyerang paru2 dan boleh menyebabkan kematian akibat ‘lungcollapse’
ia amat merbahaya kpd golongan yg berisiko tinggi

siapa yang berisiko

1.orang yg ada masaalah ‘obesiti’ @ gemok
2. perempuan yg mengandung
3 .orang yg ada astmatic
4.orang2 yg bermasalah dgn sistem imunisasi ( menjalani ‘operationygbesar’, kanak2 yg belum cukup suntikan imunisasi, golongan2 ygrendahtahap imuniti eg. HIV ext.)
* kematian yg telah dilaporkan terdiri drpd golongan2 di atas


day 1 – rasa kurang sihat, tak bermaya
day 2 – selsema, batuk dan demam yg kekal ( demam tidak turun walaupun telah mkn ubt demam)
day 3 – rasa kurang selesa di bahagian dada dan sesak nafas
day 4 – sakit dada yg teruk……..jumpa doktor dengan segera…….
day 5 and above lung collapse @ koma

langkah2 kawalan

1 – golongan2 yg berisiko, elakakn drpd kesesakan ( kawasan yg padat dgn orang ramai)
2 – menjaga kebersihan diri, basuh tangan selalu dan dgn betul, jaga kebersihan rumah dan persekitaran
3 – elakkan diri jika terdapat ‘orang batuk, bersin dan kurang sihat’
4 – jika kurang sihat, elakan diri dr beraktiviti (sosial dan berkumpulan)
5–jika kurang sihat dan ada ILI ( influenza light illness @ selsemabiasa)jgn hadirkan diri di kawasan orang ramai. jika terpaksa, pakai‘mask’(sekurang2 nya 3 ply mask)
6 – utk org yg sihat, elakkan dr kawasan yg padat.
7 – jika ada tanda2 simptom diatas, segera ke hospital untuk pemeriksaan dan rawatan
8 – jika sihat, jgn ke hospital atau klinik utk ‘checkup’ kerana di kawasan tersebut mengandungi bnyk virus.
9–tak perlu ambil anti-viral @ apa2 ubt influenza!!!!!!!!!!. jikasihatdan mengambilnya, akn mengakibatkan resistan kpd vaksin @ ubt2untukmerawat jika terkena jangkitan. ini adalah kerana berlakunyaresistansivirus terhadap persekitaran badan yg telah mengambil ubt2tersebutterlebih awal.
10 – vaksin hanya akan ‘wujud’ seawal2nya pada oktober dan hanya utk ‘frontliner’ shj. dan utk awam selewat2nya pada 2010.
11utkmakluman, influenza test hanya dijalankan di 2 makmal shj dimalaysia .mengambil masa 6 jam utk run test kpd 1 batch sample. jikaklinikmenyatakan mereka boleh jlnkan ujian, itu tidak betul. tak perluambilsuntikan seasonal influenza kerana ia tidak berkaitan.
12–tahap kesedaran dan pengetahuan yg tinggi amat perlu utk kitasama2menghadapi outbreak ini. sama2lah kita berdoa kpd ALLAH s.w.t agarbalaini cepat berlalu.

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