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Author: seribulan

What comes to your "heart" when you lost something???

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 Author| Post time 12-1-2018 11:37 AM | Show all posts
che-cikL replied at 11-1-2018 08:54 PM
...pls come back to me...

Even if  it's my little little stuffs, kalau brg yg lbh important lagil ...

sori, termis bagi kredit...nape ntah lembab dah forum bila nak bagi kredit..dulu berdesup...
dah komplen @admin6 pun tak de nya improve

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Post time 12-1-2018 11:51 AM | Show all posts
seribulan replied at 12-1-2018 11:37 AM
sori, termis bagi kredit...nape ntah lembab dah forum bila nak bagi kredit..dulu berdesup...
d ...

It' ok sis.  Thank you


:) muah balik  Post time 12-1-2018 11:53 AM

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Post time 12-1-2018 01:06 PM | Show all posts
I lost 4 of my close family member before this. abah, 2 org abang, dan seorg sepupu. yg lebih memilukan adalah diorg meninggal secra berturut2.. starting 2012 abang sulong, 2014 abah 2015 abg no 2 dan 2016 abg sepupu.. I cried a lot waktu arwah abang sulong n abah meninggal. n then bila tba yg no 3 n no 4  x tau knp mcm dah xde hati nak menangis, seolah2 air mata dah habis nak mngis.. waktu tu xtau dah nak fikir apa. cuma rse knp berat sngt dugaan ni, knp Allah pilih keluarga kami?? waktu tu dalam hati cuma ada persoalan kenapa??? tu jekk ... thun lepas waktu raya kakak no 2 jatuh sakit n masuk hospital. mak dah menangis mcm apa enth, dia kata dia x sanggup lagi dah, dia tkot kalau2 dia kehilangan lagii.. tpi alhamdulilah Allah maha mendengar, kakak semakin pulih... sebagai umat islam, sy percaya itu semua takdir dan ketentuan Allah dan Allah hanya menguji hambanya yg dia rasa mampu , tapi cuma sbgai manusia biasa, sy x fikir yg hati sy blh menerimanya lagi. i just can't.



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 Author| Post time 12-1-2018 01:15 PM | Show all posts
masmelon replied at 12-1-2018 12:06 PM
I lost 4 of my close family member before this. abah, 2 org abang, dan seorg sepupu. yg lebih memilu ...

xx hugs...saya cuma mula rasa heartbroken bila kehilangan emak satu masa dulu...tak boleh bayangkan kehilangan berderet camtu...
kehilangan teman pun ada rasa terkesan...tapi Tuhan beri kekuatan untuk healing...andai itu takdirNya...

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Post time 12-1-2018 01:29 PM | Show all posts
seribulan replied at 12-1-2018 01:15 PM
xx hugs...saya cuma mula rasa heartbroken bila kehilangan emak satu masa dulu...tak boleh bayangka ...

tpi sy percaya masa mampu mengubah segalanya dan pulihkan hati yang sakit walaupun x sepenuhnya dan parut akan tetap ada.. tu je yg sy boleh harapkan skrg ni.. insyaAllah


time heals all pain  Post time 12-1-2018 01:39 PM



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Post time 12-1-2018 02:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Risaudan cakap dalam hati apa lah dosa aku ..



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Post time 12-1-2018 02:42 PM | Show all posts
Sedih... rase ada sumtin yg berat dalam hati.... ambik masa untuk buang rase tu... selalunya lega lepas menangis beria



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 Author| Post time 12-1-2018 03:48 PM | Show all posts
Minami2013 replied at 12-1-2018 01:42 PM
Sedih... rase ada sumtin yg berat dalam hati.... ambik masa untuk buang rase tu... selalunya lega le ...

alaaa...cukupla air hujan yang mencurah-curah...tak yah bazir airmata... sedap tido sejuk-sejuk...


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Post time 12-1-2018 04:14 PM | Show all posts
seribulan replied at 12-1-2018 07:48 AM
alaaa...cukupla air hujan yang mencurah-curah...tak yah bazir airmata... sedap t ...

Mood sedih selalunya seiring dengan cuaca yang suram je... tq momod bagi byk credit... ceria sikit


:) gift can always cheer someone...  Post time 12-1-2018 04:39 PM

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Post time 12-1-2018 05:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Karena itu, ingatlah kamu kepada-Ku niscaya Aku ingat (pula) kepadamu, dan bersyukurlah kepada-Ku, dan janganlah kamu mengingkari (nikmat)-Ku (QS AL Baqarah 2:152)
Mengingat Allah Setiap Saat..saya akan cuba istiqamah. walau sesukar mana.. tapi manisnya pasti ada. inshaallah
Mengingat Allah sebenarnya dapat kita rasakan dan  kita tanamkan selamanya seumur hidup melalui Akal dan Pikiran , serta pada Hati, Perasaan dan Jiwa/Rohani. Namun, Mengingat Allah dengan Akal dan Pikiran saja tidak akan tertanam dalam Hati, Perasaan dan Jiwa. Hanya akan bertahan beberapa saat saja, dan kemudian dengan mudah akan lupa dengan begitu saja.

Karena, kita harus mampu menghadirkan Allah dalam setiap aktifitas kita, hingga kita betul-betul merasakan kecintaan yang sangat kepadaNya. Dan…Sebaiknya janganlah kita sampai melupakan kegiatan Mengingat Allah ini, bahkan sampai melupakan Allah, hanya karena kehidupan Dunia, Harta, Anak-Isteri serta kesibukan-kesibukan didalam ber-ikhtiar, ber-usaha maupun pekerjaan kita.



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Post time 13-1-2018 01:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I always believe that this life is temporary. Jadi segala yg kita ada pun hanyalah utk sementara dan pinjaman semata. Kalau hilang harini akan diganti dgn yg lebih baik dimasa hadapan. Samada didunia atau disana.

I've lost so many people that I love dearly hanya sekelip mata. Kalau tiba2 teringat pada org2 yg dah tinggalkan I ni...air mata akan mengalir dan masih mengalir hingga hari ni.

Dan I pun pernah terpaksa melepaskan kerja yg best sbb company tutup. Rasa down masa tu. Rupanya lepas tu I digantikan dgn kerja yg lebih baik, dari segala segi.

All I can say is, sabar lah. Keep calm and remain positive.

Eh eh. Terpanjang pulak explanation



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Post time 14-1-2018 01:14 PM | Show all posts
Berdoa agak benda tu ade dekat dgn kite. Masih di tgn kite, cuma kita x nampak. Terselindung dari pandangan.



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Post time 14-1-2018 01:33 PM | Show all posts
the feeling of disapoinment  and thinking of how to moving on....



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Post time 14-1-2018 08:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dalam hidup ni kita akan melalui mcm2 bentuk kehilangan...Semua manusia melaluinya. ..Tetapi jangan smpi hilang tauhid...hilang iman..hilang Allah...bila saya kehilangan sesiapa yang saya sayangi. ..
Saya sedih tetapi Allah ada...itulah cara saya pujuk hati..dah setahun saya mmg senantiasa communicate with Allah setiap saat..Hanya dgn meletakkan Allah no 1...Hati kita tenang....jaga tauhid kita ...

My friends. ...
Selangkah kita mencari Allah....Allah akan datang berlari kepada kita....Kita akan rasa nikmat keimanan bila senantiasa mengingati Allah swt.
You lose your tauhid, you lose everything. Ittaqullah!

Everything is a test. Allah is testing your imaan & your tauhid. But when you put infinite trust in Allah, miracle happens. Trust Allah. Don't trust yourself. Even you will disappoint your own heart; but Allah will never disappoint you.



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Post time 15-1-2018 07:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Baru je “hilang” buku komik. Rasa apa? Rasa mrah yg sgt2 sb i jenis xsuka org usik brg. Bertahun2 kumpul n siap jaket xpenah tbukak ke apa. Skali balik rumah dah separuh xde. Mmg sakit hati sgt2 xboleh nak ckp mcm mana. Dan i akn makin “kedekut” dgn org utk brg2 i syg. Nk mknan ke duit ke xbkira sgt. Tp utk brg2 yg i syg then hilang, mmg xboleh terima



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Post time 16-1-2018 05:31 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 16-1-2018 09:32 AM | Show all posts
samperit replied at 13-1-2018 12:18 PM
I always believe that this life is temporary. Jadi segala yg kita ada pun hanyalah utk sementara dan ...

7 Steps for Dealing With Loss and Grief

By Michelle Roya Rad

The experience of losing something we value is a part of life no one can escape from.  Loss has many shapes and forms, it could be a relationship that comes to an end,   a loved one dies, a break up comes, children leave or any other sort of transition that brings about a feeling of loss.  When a feeling of loss happens, learning to cope is essential to be able to bounce back.   When we lose something, we go through a period of grieving process which can generally start with denial and then go to feelings of anger, sadness and then acceptance. Awareness is important to make sure you’re not stuck in any of these stages and that you can process each and move forward.

Here are some general steps you can follow when you’re hit with a loss:

1. Acknowledge and accept the feelings: The first step is to learn to bring the feeling out.  Many people avoid, suppress or repress these because they feel uncomfortable not knowing that these feelings will only make them feel more uncomfortable in the future if not processed at the right time. Research shows that people who do not deal with their negative emotions in a healthy way have many more physiological problems as well as psychological  ones.  Feelings like anger, sadness, confusion, being overwhelmed, loneliness, frustration, resentment, shock, disbelief, guilt, regret, emptiness, confusion, fear and many other negative emotions may come to work their way through you when you are facing a loss. You want to find a safe place to face these.  Maybe a trustworthy friend who is a good listener, a counselor, a support group, reading books on the subject, praying, meditation  or any other tool that may help you deal with the emotions.  Find what works for you and get to face these feelings and deal with them.

2. Start taking steps to fill up the void within:  When you lose something of value to you, there is usually an empty spot within you that craves your attention. The closer your connection and the more intense the loss, the more profound the emptiness may feel. When ready and within a reasonable time frame that you set for yourself, you have to find ways to fill up this gap with something positive that makes you feel good whether it is another relationship or an activity that generates vitality and gives your life a new meaning. Redefining parts of your life after a loss may be needed to compensate for the empty spot.  Getting into a good relationship, doing volunteer work that gives your life a new meaning, joining fun recreational activities, or traveling are just some of the examples of how to bring about something positive.

3. Learn to grow from the loss: Every loss has a message. Whether the message is for you to be more loving and accepting, to learn to be more resilient, to learn to adjust to what you cannot change, or to change something you can; if you can step out of the emotion and observe the message clearly, you can grow out of it with a little more awareness. Almost anyone I have talked to who has come to a place of acceptance with the experience of loss can look back and find an element of growth in it. There is an old saying that says “help me change the things I can change, adjust to the things I cannot change, and give me the wisdom to know the difference.”

4. Replace the negative feelings with positive ones: Cognitive modification is a great tool to be used here.  Using statements that focus on looking at the loss as something temporary. For example, “that was a rough period of my life but I will move forward.”  Or, seeing the event as not being your whole life “I have so many other things to look forward to in my life.” Or, looking at it as a learning lesson, “now I know how to do this” or generalize positively “so many things are working out great.” Sit down and write a list of what is good or great in your life and put it somewhere you can take a look at on a daily base until you’re at peace with your loss.

5. Feel liberated and move forward: When you lose something of value to you, you need to focus on modifying your relationship with it. You can do this by changing your relationship from an attachment to a detached way of connection. This means you can have a place for it in your heart if you chose to but a place of peace without the pain.  Any kind of pain or negative emotion will create anxious attachment. However, this takes time and practice, it takes an effort to modify your cognition to prepare for this, so don’t force it and be patient with the process. When you get to this place, you can let go when you need to and move forward without feeling like something is holding you back. In other words, you can cherish the good moments and   release the painful ones and cut the cord.

6. Learn to become more emotionally stable: Emotional health is important to be able to go through life’s ups and downs. People with high emotional intelligence learn to feel more positive emotions and less negative ones even when life’s challenges hit them.  They learn to regulate their emotions and become more resilient.

7. Start evaluating your faith: People with a set of value system that brings about a sense of reassurance and trust in life and in something bigger than themselves can bounce back easier from a sad situation. Whether through meditation, prayers, relaxation, quiet time or self reflection; identify what it is that you have or want to have faith in. Then evaluate your life, look at the past and see how things have been unfolding for you. Ask yourself what it means for you to have faith, how you can implement it to lift your spirit up, and what it can do for you and your heart’s peace.  
At the end, do things that positively impact others, engage in meaningful and creative activities, make time for your self-reflection, pay attention to your senses and enjoy simple things with full attention, and learn to discover new things in life and never lose hope since many people in your situation have been able to pass through it and there is no reason for you not to be able to do the same.

Roya R. Rad, MA, PsyD
Self Knowledge Base & Foundation
A nonprofit dedicated to public education


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Post time 16-1-2018 05:24 PM | Show all posts
bederau darah...rasa tersekat dekat kerongkong...
then, try hard to remember where i last have it...
but eventually redho je la barang hilang kalau tak dapat balik...

but kalau dapat balik Alhamdulillahhhhhhhhhhhhhh



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Post time 16-1-2018 07:16 PM | Show all posts
saya kehilangan bunga-bungaan dalam hari-hari saya
tiada lagi dah  tulisan yg manis2 untuk saya
peringatan yang elok elok utk sy

kini hanya berita berita dari tempat kerja, tempat sekolah, tempat ujikaji, jurnal2 saban hari

susah hati betul



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Post time 17-1-2018 04:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bergantung dgn barang ape yg hilang. Kalau benda penting, rasa mcm jantung luruh.

Kalau kehilangan nyawa yg tersayang, buat masa ni tak pernah rasa lagi, paling syg yg meninggalkan pun, kucing kesayagan. Sedihnya makan tahun juga la, tapi i keep telling myself to focus on happy memories that i have with my cat and knowing i had done my best to give the best life for him.



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