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Author: azradiza


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 Author| Post time 13-7-2011 12:30 PM | Show all posts
Sy booking 23.04.12 - 30.04.12, ada sape nk follow together gether?
teringin nk tgk blooming flowe ...
apple_m Post at 13-7-2011 12:24

jgn lupe pegi Everland... tak silap each year ade tulip festival from end March until early May ...

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Post time 13-7-2011 12:35 PM | Show all posts
Reply 281# azradiza

Wow, tulip festival!! smua ada lam thread nih ke? x go through lagik hehe

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 Author| Post time 13-7-2011 12:39 PM | Show all posts
Reply  azradiza

Wow, tulip festival!! smua ada lam thread nih ke? x go through ...
apple_m Post at 13-7-2011 12:35

mostly ade dekat first page ... just a rough guide la...

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Post time 13-7-2011 02:47 PM | Show all posts
Tab.. ayu book ngan AA la dear... ayu g 7/10 - 14/10 tix + hotel tuk 2 org rm2588.. ada yg kata  ...
AreYou69 Post at 13-7-2011 11:03

    eh yeke?sape yang kata dia amik mas dulu?lupa dah heheh hot seat rm100 lebih kan?tab amik standard je   ayu pegi bape hari ek?tab pegi 4-5 hari tu pun rasa mcm x cukup..takpe lain kali ada rezeki pegi lagi

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Post time 13-7-2011 02:48 PM | Show all posts
takde kene deposit ape2 pun... mase check in nanti baru kene bayar rega bilik in full
azradiza Post at 13-7-2011 08:03

    ooo yeke?okla leh book sekarang

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Post time 13-7-2011 03:02 PM | Show all posts
salam, hmm.syok jugak baca post kat sini. banyak gak leh tambah ilmu alang-alang tengah studi Korea habis-habisan sebab next week pergi sana. 18/7-22/7. so far, aiza ada buat itenerary, planning budget. so, ni nak kongsi2 la. kalau ada kekurangan, let me know, leh oter oter sket before pergi.hihihih. kitorang berenam nanti p. all girls.haha! ;) tinggal kat Bangrang Hostel. murah and sangat nice. aiza ada buat preview kat blog, ... angrang-hostel.html
okeyh, ni itenerary & planning kitorang yg cam serabut gak la.ahaha. mesti tak semua pergi.ikut kekuatan kaki masing2.ahaha

yg ni budget selama kat sana. ihihih.tak termasuk shopping.kalo masuk shopping mesti lebeh.ahaha

nanti lepas pergi, aiza bitau lagi apa best.hahaha. jangan sesat sudahler. ahaha

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 Author| Post time 13-7-2011 03:40 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by azradiza at 13-7-2011 16:07
salam, hmm.syok jugak baca post kat sini. banyak gak leh tambah ilmu alang-alang tengah studi Korea  ...
aiza89 Post at 13-7-2011 15:02

tetibe je aku rajin plak nak membelek2 ko punye itinenrary... hahahah.. kepoci punye org nih.. hahaha
ok 1 je aku nak comment pasal korang punye subway route tu... contoh yg pegi nami island nih:

Chungjeongno Station충정로역 (Line 5) – Gunja Station 군자역(Line 5) (1000 won) – estimated time : 24minutes

Gunja Station군자역 (Line 7) – Sangbong Station 상봉역 (Line 7) (900 won) – estimated time : 8 minutes

Transfer Korail Line : Sangbong Station상봉역 – Gapyeong Station 가평역 (1700 won) – estimated time : 46 minutes

kalau ikutkan ko nye route kat atas tu, as if mcm ko sampai satu station, then ko kluar dari station itu, then ko masuk balik station itu utk amik another train...
actually dari chungjeongno station tu ko bleh stret je pegi Gapyeong station without kluar masuk station mcm ko stated kat atas tu and pay so much...
Contoh nye Gunja station tu is a transfer station.. meaning ade 2-3 lines stop kat station ni... bile ko sampai kat station ni, ko takyah kluar dari station..coz kalau ko kluar, ko dah kene charge 1,000 won... ko just follow transfer signboard kat station tu utk  board another line to Sangbong station ( in this case Line 7 ) ... then sampai Sangbong station ko follow another transfer signboard utk board train pegi Gapyeong .. kat sini ko follow transfer to Gyeongchun Line ....

kirenye kalau ko pakai t-money, ko tap skali mase ko nak naik subway kat Chungjeongno and ko tap lagik skali mase nak kluar kat Gapyeong station ... and totalnye aku rase dlm 1,800 won jer one way...

kalau ko tengok dekat subway map tu, ade stations yg banyak2 line stop kat situ, tu maknenye transfer station... ko boleh amik another line kat dlm station tu without kluar dari station... transfer station ni mcm kalau ko naik komuter dari port klang and ko nak pegi seremban.. coz train dari port klang tu tak pegi stret ke seremban, ko kene stop kat kl sentral, kluar kat situ then tunggu train dari rawang utk pegi seremban... maknenye ko takde la nak kluar dari station tu kan. ko dok pusing2 kat dlm station tu jer.. and ko beli tiket skali je kan ... aaaa transfer station diorang lebey kurang gitu la jugak...tempat diorang tukar2 line subway tapi ko kene berjalan agak jauh la utk amik another line to your destination tu....tapi dun worry coz signboard ade tertampang , in english lagik...

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Post time 13-7-2011 03:41 PM | Show all posts
jz come back home from south korea nk share itinerary spjg tse kat mmg tough n x seswaiiiiii langsung utk shopaholic la khennn...hehehehe~~

upon arriving: seoul...
day 1: busan - naik free shuttle bus around 5 jam, lwt masjid busan, haundae beach+surrounding, busan->jeju...
day 2: jeju - east course...
day 3: jeju - mt halla, museum2, submarine tour (x dpt byk sgt jln sbb ujan!! T_T but luckily x tht heavy)...
day 4: jeju->cheongju - sangsoo herbland...then sitanjin->suwon...hwaseong fortress...
day 5: everland...suwon->sokcho...(sbb leka main kat everland so smpi sokcho dh mlm...x mmpu nk jln2!!huhuhuh~~)...
day 6: mt seorak, lighthouse observatory...sokcho->gapyeong...nami island...then back to seoul...(ujan sgt lebat so kemalasan melanda!!{:1_146:})
day 7: seoul...x byk sgt tmp cover...kimchi chongga world, sempat merasa jujube latte recommended by seohyun tu ...namdaemun (main grab jer ape2 jnis souvenir pon yg ade jupe dpn mata...x lalu nk tawaf keliling sgt!!) war memorial park...itaewon...incheon (pi epot nk blk msia kekdah nye!!hehehhe )...

x byk tmp leh cover due to time mmg pueh hti sgt789x sbb dpt cuci mata lyn permandangan yg shanteqqqqq+mat2 downtown yg ncem2...hahahahah ...overall mmg mabelessssss

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Post time 13-7-2011 03:51 PM | Show all posts
salam semua... aku fly ke korea 11/10 ni....aku turun kat incheon...

kalo boleh aku naak cari gunung yg berdekatan yang ade salji... aku

teringin sangat nak pegang salji tu... ade tak sape2 tau lokasi yg aku nak pegi?

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Post time 13-7-2011 03:51 PM | Show all posts
kalo tau tolong pm kat aku lokasi tu

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Post time 13-7-2011 04:08 PM | Show all posts
Reply 287# azradiza

   ha itula, bila tgk2 balik dlm map, buat transferring lagi cepat kan? aku rasa aku ikut plan nya tu. senang sikit kan? ;) dari incheon airport pergi chungjeongno tu boleh tap t-money je kan?

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 Author| Post time 13-7-2011 04:16 PM | Show all posts
Reply  azradiza

   ha itula, bila tgk2 balik dlm map, buat transferring lagi cepat kan? aku ra ...
aiza89 Post at 13-7-2011 16:08

mmg semua org amik transfer... takde nak kluar kat satu2 station tu unless that transfer station is ko punye destination la kan...

train to/from epot aku tak penah naik, so tak tau la bleh pakai t-money ke tidak...

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 Author| Post time 13-7-2011 04:17 PM | Show all posts
jz come back home from south korea nk share itinerary spjg tse kat mmg tough n x ...
cmf_tse Post at 13-7-2011 15:41

free shuttle to busan tu bleh amik 1 way journey gak ehh..? i tot kene buat return trip...

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Post time 13-7-2011 04:21 PM | Show all posts
mmg semua org amik transfer... takde nak kluar kat satu2 station tu unless that transfer station ...
azradiza Post at 13-7-2011 16:16

aku cuak sebenarnya dgn subway kat Korea ni, tapi memandangkan nak belasah je, try jelah. ahaha. insyaAllah tak pape kot, sesat2 tu biasa kot. ahahaha. so aku amek dari chungjeongno transfer kat wangsimni ngn sangbong jela cam tu. hee

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Post time 13-7-2011 04:36 PM | Show all posts
yeaaaa dah confirm booking dari namsan...cepat betul dorang reply...cayalah namsan

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 Author| Post time 13-7-2011 04:39 PM | Show all posts
yeaaaa dah confirm booking dari namsan...cepat betul dorang reply...cayalah namsan
tabasco Post at 13-7-2011 16:36

diorang mmg cepat jer reply.. maklum la hari2 diorang dok melangok kat depan pc jer...
ko book bilik mane?

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Post time 13-7-2011 04:43 PM | Show all posts
diorang mmg cepat jer reply.. maklum la hari2 diorang dok melangok kat depan pc jer...  
k ...
azradiza Post at 13-7-2011 16:39

    amik namsan 3   nanti aku amik gmbr tiap inci bilik tu utk review

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Post time 13-7-2011 06:14 PM | Show all posts
Reply 277# azradiza

Hoo... good, good. Ingatkan sgt seksi. Segan la plk nnt ngan roommate.

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Post time 13-7-2011 07:19 PM | Show all posts
free shuttle to busan tu bleh amik 1 way journey gak ehh..? i tot kene buat return trip...
azradiza Post at 13-7-2011 16:17

seoul->busan jer busan->seoul xleh!!jz tick for 1-way trip shud b fine...dia ltk kat situ smpi busan 2 PM...but around 12:30 PM smpi kol 8 AM pacak dh gerak...x tggu2 derrrrr!!

RECOMMENDED journey to uols especially budget travellers n most important thg...scenery dia nian la shanteqqqq...bonus mat chumillll as co-pilot hoccay....heheheheh~~~

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Post time 13-7-2011 07:33 PM | Show all posts
aku cuak sebenarnya dgn subway kat Korea ni, tapi memandangkan nak belasah je, try jelah. ahaha. ...
aiza89 Post at 13-7-2011 16:21

dont worry...subway sgt la sng...especially klo ade ifon leh install jer apps dia...plg koman pon putaq2 tang tuuuuu gak...x kemana nyeeee...subway adelaaaa transport plg sng kat sana (specifically seoul!!)...klo nek bus/taxi agak laaaa susah skt kottt...especially cam iols nye situation yg pi downtown ni kannnn...mmg real la ayam ckp gn itik nye situation everytime...but ok la...since iols byk lyn cte koya so leh phm pe dia ckp!!huhuhuhu~~~yg penting confident hoccay... ~

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