Truth.8 Publish time 19-4-2016 05:46 PM

Why would Saudi foreign minister lie????

Why would Saudi foreign minister lie: link :

This make me wonder if Muhammad also lie to protect his faith ?? to extend to create thing not from God??

Muslims lie not because they are liars by nature but by choice. Systematic lying as a religious policy is deadly, and if our politicians do not understand this, thousands could die. :

swimswim Publish time 19-4-2016 06:19 PM

Hahahaha lie..?based on whose research?
U know that there is a book written by a non muslim on why prophet muhammad is the most influential person ever lived?

Google resources applenty if u ever bother to read the original book

sam1528 Publish time 19-4-2016 07:27 PM

I really don't understand just how you can comprehend that the Saudi Foreign Minister lied.

The question et verbatim : "Your Excellency," said the reporter, "are you aware of the background and details about the issue on the donation to the Prime Minister of Malaysia?His answer :
"We are aware of the donation and it is a genuine donation with nothing expected in return."
Being aware of something does not mean he agrees with it. It was a diplomatic answer.

Suddenly you tie this to takkiya claiming of systematic lying by muslims and Prophet Muhammad(saw) lied. We have been thru this. Can you now provide any references to the Quran and/or hadith to back up your claim?

I forsee you would not answer this question but run of to some other issue. This shows how shallow and unlearned you are. Yet you wonder why others come down so hard on you.

Truth.8 Publish time 19-4-2016 09:04 PM

sam1528 replied at 19-4-2016 07:27 PM
I really don't understand just how you can comprehend that the Saudi Foreign Minister lied.

The q ...

read the lastest newsand you know the arabs...yes some bad rotten one i would says..than again they use such tactic by following the hadis or the quran??

Truth.8 Publish time 19-4-2016 09:05 PM

swimswim replied at 19-4-2016 06:19 PM
Hahahaha lie..?based on whose research?
U know that there is a book written by a non muslim on why...

najib and tun also influences people what is the big deal??

sam1528 Publish time 19-4-2016 09:11 PM

Truth.8 replied at 19-4-2016 09:04 PM
read the lastest newsand you know the arabs...yes some bad rotten one i would says..than again they use such tactic by following the hadis or the quran??

Take note , this is post#5. I wonder how many posts it would take before you answer the question.

My questions are very specific :
(1) What makes you think the Saudi Minister lied. Being aware of something , does not mean he agreed with it
(2) Can you now provide references where in the Quran and / or Hadiths that require a muslim to lie

Why are you asking me to read the 'latest news'? What is in the 'latest news' apart from what the Saudi Minister stated? Again you stated it follows
they use such tactic by following the hadis or the quran??
Can you refer to my question #2.

Can you answer the questions with references? Are you going to run off to some other things again as you usually do because you are scared to address the questions.

Truth.8 Publish time 20-4-2016 02:35 PM

sam1528 replied at 19-4-2016 09:11 PM
Take note , this is post#5. I wonder how many posts it would take before you answer the question.

u can google " muslim lie to protect islam"

happying googling:loveliness:

sam1528 Publish time 20-4-2016 07:20 PM

Truth.8 replied at 20-4-2016 02:35 PM
u can google " muslim lie to protect islam"

happying googling

Translation : I , truth.8 , do not have any evidence nor reference to my claim. Therefore I am looking to run away ..... as usual

Truth.8 Publish time 21-4-2016 05:02 PM

sam1528 replied at 20-4-2016 07:20 PM
Translation : I , truth.8 , do not have any evidence nor reference to my claim. Therefore I am loo ...

here we go again......
so how you explain"Taqiyya "

sam1528 Publish time 21-4-2016 08:35 PM

Truth.8 replied at 21-4-2016 05:02 PM
here we go again......
so how you explain"Taqiyya "

Ha ha , there you go again. You made a claim that the Quran / Hadith teaches takkiya.

It is your responsibility to provide the evidence.

However , as usual , you tried to run away. Why are you expecting me to explain takkiya or me to google for anything as it is your claim. This again shows that you are just a snake that runs away because you cannot back up your claim.

Therefore your claim is an empty one .... as usual ... nothing new

Acong_II Publish time 25-4-2016 10:29 PM

biasa laa...... semua agama penipu;P

alasala Publish time 13-5-2016 08:31 AM

Edited by alasala at 13-5-2016 08:50 AM

In certain case, Allah swt order the believer to "respect" those who we know as unbeliever by looking at the last ayyah, surah Al-Baqarah. It's because, Allah also say in Surah Asy-Syam about His doing. So, there is the word "respect" that unbeliever don't aware. They hope believer "respect" them, but they also forget to "respect" Allah anyway. Only Allah THE ONES who must decide everything that will happen and we as a human, only "plan" until we see His resault on what He want.

Acong_II Publish time 16-5-2016 12:22 AM

alasala replied at 13-5-2016 08:31 AM
In certain case, Allah swt order the believer to "respect" those who we know as unbeliever by lookin ...

yr book also written by HUMAN:D

alasala Publish time 16-5-2016 11:47 AM

Acong_II replied at 16-5-2016 12:22 AM
yr book also written by HUMAN

;Pyou make me:zz

Acong_II Publish time 16-5-2016 10:33 PM

alasala replied at 16-5-2016 11:47 AM
you make me:zz

kau nak cakap tuhan ko yg tulis kaa?{:1_563:}

alasala Publish time 17-5-2016 01:11 AM

Acong_II replied at 16-5-2016 10:33 PM
kau nak cakap tuhan ko yg tulis kaa?

Allah yg "perintahkan"

Ada lagi soalan?

Acong_II Publish time 17-5-2016 10:40 AM

alasala replied at 17-5-2016 01:11 AM
Allah yg "perintahkan"

Ada lagi soalan?

ayah pin juga mendapat wahyu dari tuhan - ini kenyataan;P

alasala Publish time 17-5-2016 12:54 PM

Acong_II replied at 17-5-2016 10:40 AM
ayah pin juga mendapat wahyu dari tuhan - ini kenyataan

Itu hanyalah sangkaan kamu.

Acong_II Publish time 17-5-2016 09:09 PM

alasala replied at 17-5-2016 12:54 PM
Itu hanyalah sangkaan kamu.

aiks..... ikut sukahati laa tuhan palsu ko tu nak bagi wahyu kat sesiapa...... ;P

alasala Publish time 17-5-2016 09:15 PM

Acong_II replied at 17-5-2016 09:09 PM
aiks..... ikut sukahati laa tuhan palsu ko tu nak bagi wahyu kat sesiapa......

Pun itulah jua jawapan dari sangkaan anda
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