Acong_II Publish time 12-4-2016 07:50 PM

Pencacai dapat cash?

Loud Muslims Praise Allah, But GOD Intervenes & Shows Them Who’s Boss
Posted on April 3, 2016 by Robert Rich

Things went terribly wrong for Muslims at an Arizona mosque after they decided to hold yet another one of their loud chanting sessions to Allah. Unfortunately for them, it seems that as they were making all that noise while worshiping, God decided to intervene and show the Muslims who’s boss.

It all started on Friday at the Muslim Community Mosque in Phoenix, Arizona, when the Muslim attendees fired up the speakers for their daily routine. Little did they know, their praise to Allah was about to unleash hell on them.

As it turns out, bees were in the process of making a nice home under the eaves of the mosque’s roof, and they were making fast progress. In fact, things had become such a problem that they had scheduled for an exterminator to fix the problem on Saturday, but it would be too late.
The Muslim Community Mosque in Phoenix, Arizona (Photo Source: Mail Online)
Making matters worse, the bees living in the mosque were actually “Africanized” bees, which unofficially hold the nickname of “killer bees.” Furthermore, the bees had made their home right next to the establishment’s speakers. Once the Muslims inside fired up those speakers, it unleashed a swarm of 20,000 bees down upon them. In a way, it seems that God was sick of the noise, and boy did he put a stop to it.
20,000 Africanized, or “killer,” bees (Photo Source: Mail Online)
According to Joseph Mikesell of Truly Nolen Pest Control, “It’s always a bad situation when you’re talking about Africanized bees, because once one bee creates a pheromone which sends off the other bees to attack.” As people came frantically running out, over 20 people were stung “multiple times” and a 24-year-old man was even hospitalized in the end.
Muslims desperately fled after being attacked (Photo Source: Mail Online)
Local firefighters and EMTs were called to the scene of the problem, which would eventually leave the place of worship completely trashed. First responders reportedly used a foam to soak down the entire area – inside the mosque included – leaving everything dripping wet with chemicals.

It just goes to show, God is out there and he is watching. He must have been sick of all the noise and decided to put an end to it. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

ini ujian kaa? hari tu yg hindu pun dah dapat cash   ;P

Acong_II Publish time 12-4-2016 08:32 PM

Over 100 dead as fire sweeps through Hindu temple in India
Posted Apr 10, 2016 7:59 am EDT Last Updated Apr 10, 2016 at 1:45 pm EDT
Bodies of victims lie outside a morgue at the Kollam district hospital after a massive fire broke out during a fireworks display at the Puttingal temple complex in Paravoor village, Kollam district, southern Kerala state, India, Sunday, April 10, 2016. Dozens were killed and many more were injured when a spark from an unauthorized fireworks show ignited a separate batch of fireworks that were being stored at the temple complex, officials said.(AP Photo/ Jyothiraj. N.S)

A massive fire broke out during a fireworks display in a Hindu temple in south India early Sunday, killing more than 100 people and injuring at least 200 others, officials said.

The fire started when a spark from the unauthorized fireworks show ignited a separate batch of fireworks that were being stored at the Puttingal temple complex in Paravoor village, a few hours north of Kerala’s state capital of Thiruvananthapuram, said Chief Minister Oommen Chandy, the state’s top elected official.

Thousands had been packed into the temple complex when a big explosion erupted around 3 a.m., officials said. The blaze then spread quickly through the temple, trapping devotees within.

Most of the 102 people died when the building where the fireworks were stored collapsed, Chandy told reporters at the temple complex.

Local TV channels broadcast images of huge clouds of white smoke billowing from the temple, as fireworks were still going off in the night sky. Successive explosions from the building storing the fireworks sent huge chunks of concrete flying as far as a kilometre (a half mile), according to resident Jayashree Harikrishnan.

The temple holds a competitive fireworks display every year, with different groups putting on successive light shows for thousands of devotees gathered for the last day of a seven-day festival honouring the goddess Bhadrakali, a southern Indian incarnation of the Hindu goddess Kali.

This year, district authorities denied permission for the fireworks display, Chief Minister Chandy said.

The state’s High Court had earlier mandated that fireworks must be stored more than 100 metres (yards) from temples – orders that were flouted at the Paravoor temple, said Loknath Behera, a top police official.

“We will be investigating how the orders were flouted and who was responsible for the decision to go ahead with the firework display,” Chandy said.

Krishna Das, a resident of Paravoor village, said he had started walking away from the temple as the fireworks display was about to end when a deafening explosion followed by a series of blasts went off.

“I had been in the temple just a few minutes before watching the fireworks,” Das said. He said he saw scores of people running away, chased by fire and chunks of concrete and plaster from the temple building.

Das said as soon as the first explosion was heard, a power outage hit the complex.

“It was complete chaos. People were screaming in the dark. Ambulance sirens went off, and in the darkness no one knew how to find their way out of the complex,” he said.

He said that six ambulances had been parked outside the temple complex as a precaution. They were used to rush the injured to hospitals in the nearby cities of Kollam and Thiruvananthapuram.

Local villagers and police pulled out many of the injured from under slabs of concrete.

Many of the buildings within a kilometre (mile) of the temple were damaged with cracks in the walls or broken window panes from the impact of the explosion, Das said.

By morning, firefighters had brought the blaze under control, officials said. Rescuers sifted through the wreckage in search of survivors, while backhoes cleared the debris and ambulances drove away the injured.

As day broke, thousands of anxious relatives reached the temple in search of their loved ones. Many wept and pressed police officials and rescue workers for information on their family members.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, accompanied by doctors, was flying to Kerala to meet with the survivors and victims’ families.

At one of the main hospitals in Thiruvananthapuram, senior physician Thomas Mathew said that judging from injuries, a stampede was also likely to have occurred at the temple.

“There were few women or children among the injured. Most were men,” Mathew said.

apakah ini konsep dugaan?   :o

ibnur Publish time 12-4-2016 09:22 PM

Syukur alhamdulillah.Mereka tetap islam walau diserang dengan meriam.

Acong_II Publish time 13-4-2016 02:09 AM

@ibnurkena faham....... agama nie utk bodohkan penganut2 yg tolol   :$

Acong_II Publish time 13-4-2016 05:41 PM

fungsi dan peranan agama / tuhan utk beri 'kelegaan' kpd golongan manusia yg lemah dari segi mental / IQ:D

agama / tuhan memberikan harapan PALSU kpd golongan miskin dan BODOH bahawa ada AKAN ADA kehidupan yg lebih baik selepas mati;P

kenapa kehidupan yg lebih baik selepas mati? sebab semua bahalol tidak akan dapat buktikan wujudnya syurga & neraka{:1_563:}

dah mati, nak bukti apa?


Acong_II Publish time 13-4-2016 05:42 PM

siapa yg percaya ada syurga dan neraka, apasal tak pi MATI untuk buktikan?   {:1_563:}

Truth.8 Publish time 20-4-2016 02:34 PM

Acong_II replied at 13-4-2016 05:42 PM
siapa yg percaya ada syurga dan neraka, apasal tak pi MATI untuk buktikan?

aku rasa kau ini dah banyak dosa /banyak negative lekat dkt u...sebab itu u pahit dgr syurga dan neraka

Acong_II Publish time 21-4-2016 01:18 AM

Truth.8 replied at 20-4-2016 02:34 PM
aku rasa kau ini dah banyak dosa /banyak negative lekat dkt u...sebab itu u pahit dgr syurga dan n ...

mcm mana boleh timbul isu pahit sedangkan tuhan, syurga & neraka tidak wujud?:o

Truth.8 Publish time 21-4-2016 05:04 PM

Acong_II replied at 21-4-2016 01:18 AM
mcm mana boleh timbul isu pahit sedangkan tuhan, syurga & neraka tidak wujud?

mcm mana boleh timbul isu pahit sedangkan tuhan, syurga & neraka tidak wujud? mana kau boleh berada di dunia???

Acong_II Publish time 22-4-2016 01:59 AM

Truth.8 replied at 21-4-2016 05:04 PM
macam mana kau boleh berada di dunia???

tuhan lahirkan ko?:o

Truth.8 Publish time 22-4-2016 10:57 AM

Acong_II replied at 22-4-2016 01:59 AM
tuhan lahirkan ko?

aku tanya kau lah bodoh...macam kau lahir di dunia.....

Acong_II Publish time 23-4-2016 04:55 AM

Truth.8 replied at 22-4-2016 10:57 AM
aku tanya kau lah bodoh...macam kau lahir di dunia.....BAHALOL sudah SENTAP
hasil persenyawaan embrio & sperma   :$

tuhan engkau tu tidak wujud;P

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