masdiana-ana Publish time 13-1-2016 02:07 PM

ayushuhada04 replied at 12-1-2016 10:02 AM
kak ayu tk minat sgt heroin kak ayu lebih minat kat hubby dia...

hubby dia plk iols x minat...scandal byk...:lol:

ayushuhada04 Publish time 13-1-2016 02:16 PM

santubung replied at 13-1-2016 02:05 PM
Citer mcm klise jah

tak kisah ler...klise or tak..
actually mmg byk dh cite yg klise kan..
tp kita ttp layan:lol:

ayushuhada04 Publish time 13-1-2016 02:17 PM

santubung replied at 13-1-2016 02:06 PM
Iols minat citer yg rain berlakon cuma full house jah

Yg lain2 sgt mengecewakan tpi iols suka rai ...

kita tggu je le nti yer San....

dh lama tk masuk umah SFD San...awatnya?
bz ke??

ayushuhada04 Publish time 13-1-2016 02:18 PM

masdiana-ana replied at 13-1-2016 02:07 PM
hubby dia plk iols x minat...scandal byk...

part mau layan ler...yg penting lakonan dia

plasterhati Publish time 15-1-2016 01:58 AM

Harap2 cite abang hujan yg ni x mengecewakan mcm cite sblm ni lah ye. Sesendu alam drama tu. X menarik minat walaupun abang hujan yg rembes berlakon..frust nonggeng aku.

tgk list pelakon ngn sinopsis mcm best. Kim in kwon, kim su ro, oh yeon seo, ra miran..semoga cita blh follow smpai ending.

dauswq Publish time 15-1-2016 02:17 AM

aku harap2 best lah

sian lak fikirkan drama abam rain , she is so lovable menang Worst Overrated Drama 2014 ;P

ayushuhada04 Publish time 15-1-2016 08:43 AM

dauswq replied at 15-1-2016 02:17 AM
aku harap2 best lah

sian lak fikirkan drama abam rain , she is so lovable menang Worst Overrated...

ye lah daus..mmg harap sgt ler cite ni best kan...

mmg sedey le dah ler lama tk berlakon drama..
bila buat comeback...tetiba hampes jadinya...

masdiana-ana Publish time 15-1-2016 11:26 AM

rain nie best jer berlakon.... tapi dia x pandai pilih drama... byk drama dia hampeh...termasuk heroin..full house tue pun dah berzaman tapi hanya itulah drama abg ujan nie yg iols ingat sampai sekarang.... sedih...:'(;P

naqibnasuha Publish time 16-1-2016 07:00 PM

dauswq replied at 15-1-2016 02:17 AM
aku harap2 best lah

sian lak fikirkan drama abam rain , she is so lovable menang Worst Overrated...

gigih tul lyn citer rain ni walau overated:lol:

trexxxxxi Publish time 17-1-2016 09:44 PM

ni ohmyghost 2.0 ke guane ni...
lee min jung... ok... rain... hmmm babai la ye ;P

ayushuhada04 Publish time 18-1-2016 08:55 AM

Rain. Oh Yeon Seo 'Come Back Mister'. Please anticipate the NEW Oh Yeon Seo
Actor Rain and Oh Yeon Seo starring in a new Wed-Thurs drama 'Come Back Mister' ( play by No Hye Young ,directed by Shin Yoon Seob) are gaining high expectations from the public.Oh Yeon Seo is in charge of the heroine character named 'Hong Nan' . 'Come Back Mister' is Oh Yeon Seo's comeback after 10 months since finishing MBC drama 'Shine or Go Crazy''Come Back Mister' will tell a story about a formerboss who comes back to the world after an unfortunate accident . Instead of a body with six pack, he was reborn into a body of a beautiful woman.Oh Yeon Seo's come back this time is raising people expectations as this will be a big transformation from her role in 'Shine or Go Crazy' and 'Jang Bori'. The writer herself said that the script is an unique piece hence Oh Yeon Seo's acting spectrum is expected to change.Oh Yeon Seo is preparing for the role of Hong Nan. A beauty with a tough guy soul inside her body. One of thestaff from Star News said "Oh Yeon Seo preparation for this role is extraordinary, she will be showing a complete different   image"cr. Star News

ayushuhada04 Publish time 18-1-2016 08:57 AM

'Rain, Oh Yeon Seo, Lee Min Jung 'Hello My Precious' First Script Reading"

sue87 Publish time 19-1-2016 11:52 AM

masdiana-ana replied at 15-1-2016 11:26 AM
rain nie best jer berlakon.... tapi dia x pandai pilih drama... byk drama dia hampeh...termasuk hero ...
cite runaway plan B best gak...heroin pon class A...cume tu la yg cite ngan krystal tu je yg flop abis...:'(

eddlisa_uyuk Publish time 2-2-2016 03:05 AM

note lisa if dah start yaaa

shanew3stga1z Publish time 2-2-2016 08:16 AM

LMJ lead la kan ?

masdiana-ana Publish time 3-2-2016 12:45 PM

sapa Leading lady dlm drama nie ye..confuse jap..LMJ ke OH yeon seon..pasal preview mcm oh yeon seon..:o satu lg baca komen netizen kt dramabeans/koala ,naver...apasal diorg anti marah sangat kt LMJ x faham aku netizen nie..yg scandal tue bukan laki dia ke yang curang...yg LMJ tue mangsa keadaan jer..:shakehead3: macam LMJ plk yg buat salah..

naqibnasuha Publish time 3-2-2016 02:50 PM

br tgk tease....npk cam best..hehehe...

lionsleepin Publish time 3-2-2016 04:20 PM

blom start ek? abam rain harus la cuci mata walaupun....

MellyNad Publish time 4-2-2016 10:47 AM

lionsleepin replied at 3-2-2016 04:20 PM
blom start ek? abam rain harus la cuci mata walaupun....

walaupun ape uolls, heroin xbest ke..iolls pon xpernah tgk heroin ni lead, selalu jadi sampingan je..

lionsleepin Publish time 4-2-2016 12:13 PM

MellyNad replied at 4-2-2016 10:47 AM
walaupun ape uolls, heroin xbest ke..iolls pon xpernah tgk heroin ni lead, selalu jadi sampingan j ...

walaupun drama tu sendu. mcm yg dengan krystal tu mmg cringe all the way la tapi layannnn okehhh. abam comeback from army kekdahnye. hehehehe
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View full version: [SBS] Come Back Mister ~ Rain, Oh Yeon Seo, Lee Min Jung