ipes2 Publish time 3-11-2014 06:46 PM

ako_chan posted on 30-10-2014 02:38 PM static/image/common/back.gif
OK... ako dah GI klinik for the fourth time.
N is still hurt. Especially when I'm sitting infron ...

amacam Ako Chan?
belum buat MRI lagi kan.
In the meantime, jaga posture and read back advice yg I bagi before; those advice are what we give here and is in line with the current back care guidelines.
make sure you survey gak lam internet ni for formal website on backcare, not just commercial sites.
sorry lambat reply i tgh bercruise.. seronok gak..tapi keje byk so kena bawak kerja naik kapal..huhs
sekarang kapal berlabuh in montenegro, sempat la berinternetpakai free wifi kat port ..kedekut nyer pasal

ipes2 Publish time 3-11-2014 06:56 PM

kenarihitam posted on 1-11-2014 07:09 AM static/image/common/back.gif
Salam dr..sy nk tya apa mksd result mri ni..at L4/L5 diffuse disc bulge seen indenting the thecal sa ...

Waalaikumussalam KH; sory lambat jawab i tgh ber-cruise; i dpt holidays jugak tau..cuma byk sgt keje hospital kene bawak naik kapal;
disc bulge L4/5 indenting thecal sac anteriorly tu makne nya disc awak tu tak pecah la tapi dah membonjol..if u keep angkat benda beart, maka fibrosus tu pecah la dan nucleus pulposus tu kuar la; if masa bengkak ni dia dah tekan selaput spinal cord kat depan dia, if pecah nnt ada chan la dia just tekan terus spinal cord u secara kedepan..teruk gak la if that happens.. dia kata 'neural foramina with its exiting nerve roots are preserved'tu maksud dia kat l4/5 tu belum kena la spinal nerve ie L5 u yg kiri atau kanan tak le tertekan; if tertekan dgn bonjol tadi, you will get leg pain di dermatome yg L5 supply. 'L5/S1 diffuse disc bulge seen indenting the thecal sac'pon sama gak cam atas tadi; tapi ada narrowing of the neural foramina both sides dah, tapi left side spinal nerve yg ni mmg dah tertekan..u sure dapat simptom dah from this one... tu yg u kene MRI tu kot.'no associated spinal canal stenosis' is a good news. google la terms yg i ckcp ni eg apa itu spinal nerve, spinal corn, sacrla nerve ie S5, nucleus pulposus etc

ipes2 Publish time 3-11-2014 06:58 PM

honda_jazz posted on 1-11-2014 10:33 AM static/image/common/back.gif
salam...nak tanya jgk..sy baru jer discharged wad smlm.. result mri part L4/L5..disc mmg ada keluar...

sori lambat jawab i atas kapal.
darah beku?
kat dalam thceal sac ke dekat luar ke or around spinal cord ke.
sounds nasty.
u kene bagi tau i level mana
camana bleh berdarah dalam tu?
are u on warfarin?
did you have a fall and break yer back?

ipes2 Publish time 3-11-2014 07:00 PM

honda_jazz posted on 1-11-2014 10:33 AM static/image/common/back.gif
salam...nak tanya jgk..sy baru jer discharged wad smlm.. result mri part L4/L5..disc mmg ada keluar...

definitely no berurut!!

ipes2 Publish time 3-11-2014 07:05 PM

Orix posted on 1-11-2014 01:22 PM static/image/common/back.gif
my mum ad slipped disc kat c3-c5 if not mistaken. doc kata kalo operate 50-50. boleh paralyze sbb dk ...

whoa!! cervical prolapses are not pleasant at all and carries high irsk of paresis or paralysis; also, c3/c4, c4/c5 ni really high levels.
i penah la operate on c7/ti, ok je sikit..patient pon macam paresis je
high cervicals is really risky; if lmpuh at level c5 below, bleh la jugak guna some power kat kat mana mana muscles yg preserve kat tgn utk tarik monkey bar ke apa utk position kan badan, if c4, lagi la kurang function
org operate c4/c5 ni bila dah ada hig signals in spinal cord ie myelopathic changes, ie limbs dah paretic, bladder dah weak, baru kita operate sbb risk dia is total paralysis ie quadriplegia. so, discuss baik baik dgn mak you kecacatan apa yg sanggup terima; also tgk the performance of the surgeons..if baru je dlm bidang ni, baik baik skit

Orix Publish time 3-11-2014 07:21 PM

ipes2 posted on 3-11-2014 07:05 PM
whoa!! cervical prolapses are not pleasant at all and carries high irsk of paresis or paralysis; a ...

dats y my mum taknak operate n sggup amek morphine n paracetamol hari2 utk kurgkan rasa sakit. dlu penah pegi swasta, the doc tgok hasil MRI n terus je ckap dh bleh msuk wad esk operate. my mum shocked habis sebab before dia jmpa specialist kt private hosp dia dh consult ngn pakar kt hosp jb. take time jugakla. sebulan mcm tu smpai next appointment. smpai doc pakar tu ckp, dia suggest amek morphine instead of operate sebab risky sgat. before morphine doc ad bg celebrex tp my mum ngadu rse sakit jugak. tu yg doc bg morphine. mula2 cecair lama2 doc bg jenis pil. but now my mum mcm dh xde selera nak makan. doc kata efek dari amek paib killer, hati akan disfunction slowly. sbb tu kurg selera makan. i mcm nak insist je pegi je operate wlupun 50-50 peluang utk sembuh drpd bgantung pd pain killer

kenarihitam Publish time 4-11-2014 12:54 AM

ipes2 posted on 3-11-2014 06:56 PM
Waalaikumussalam KH; sory lambat jawab i tgh ber-cruise; i dpt holidays jugak tau..cuma byk sgt ke ...

Sorry sbb ganggu doktor tgh holiday.Tqvm doktor..byk sgt2 info yg doktor bagi thu saya ni.mmg sy kne wt mri coz now tgh sakit drpd blkng turun smp di belakang kaki n ke bwh.adakah simptom2 spt ini becoz of narrowing of neural foramina both sides n left side spinal nerve yg mmg dh tertekan tu? Last edited by kenarihitam on 4-11-2014 06:45 PM

ako_chan Publish time 4-11-2014 12:33 PM

ipes2 posted on 3-11-2014 06:46 PM
amacam Ako Chan?
belum buat MRI lagi kan.
In the meantime, jaga posture and read back advice yg...

Ako xwat MRI lagi. Back pain tu mmg mcm dah xde. Tapi tu r... sakit2 punggung n peha lutut tu kadang2 ad.... emm.. even dah berkurang... but ako akn pi gak appointment.

Ako kadang2 sengal2 tu mcm dah jadi biasa even rasa xselesa tu ad...
Emm... skrg sabar ajelah tunggu 18/11 ni. Hope xde ape2 yg teruk.sebb skrg tgh banyk keje... Last edited by ako_chan on 4-11-2014 12:34 PM

ipes2 Publish time 5-11-2014 06:06 PM

Orix posted on 3-11-2014 07:21 PM static/image/common/back.gif
dats y my mum taknak operate n sggup amek morphine n paracetamol hari2 utk kurgkan rasa sakit. dlu ...

oooh if depa ramai dah kata kena operate cepat cepat and ada pulak yg kata risky and elok makan painkillers je, tu i rasa maknanya really bad and masuk kategori kene operate but with risks. masa i consult dgn my boss in this area dulu, mmg ramai gak yg tak nak accept risks dia; ramai yg tahu depa gonna end up on a wheelchair anyway samade depa gi op or not..jadi, they can live la with their decision.

yg syrup tu maybe oramorph kot; tablets maybe mst; sevredol tabs or targin. apa apa on it depends apa yg mak u can accept as a risk. if dia kata dia tak nak amik the rsik, biar kan je lah. jg main maian dgn apa yg u bleh accept; if you beli rumah yg u tau jauh dari jalan, u may be able to live with that..but if u beli without that knowledge, then u will not accept yg u dok jauh dari jalan besar and everyday u akan rasa tak puas hati. analoji je

Orix Publish time 5-11-2014 06:12 PM

ipes2 posted on 5-11-2014 06:06 PM
oooh if depa ramai dah kata kena operate cepat cepat and ada pulak yg kata risky and elok makan pa ...

tu lah. tp ap penyebab slip disc ni eh? doc suspek my mum penah jatuh or something. tp my mum kata dia xd igt plak ad jatuh smpai efek tengkuk.

ipes2 Publish time 7-11-2014 04:24 PM

Orix posted on 5-11-2014 06:12 PM static/image/common/back.gif
tu lah. tp ap penyebab slip disc ni eh? doc suspek my mum penah jatuh or something. tp my mum kata ...

byk je cause.. degenerations and overuse with time; some people are predisposed.
commonest is angkat benda benda sambil tgh berpusing ie poor backcare.
bersin pon bleh cause this; batuk buleh etc.

ipes2 Publish time 7-11-2014 04:27 PM

kenarihitam posted on 4-11-2014 12:54 AM static/image/common/back.gif
Sorry sbb ganggu doktor tgh holiday.Tqvm doktor..byk sgt2 info yg doktor bagi thu saya ni.mmg sy ...

kenari, i dah jawab soalan ni masa i kat montenegro.. u dapat tak answer nyer?
simptoms ni ipsilateral.. ie if l5 on left, maka symptoms will be on left too

kenarihitam Publish time 7-11-2014 05:53 PM

ipes2 posted on 7-11-2014 04:27 PM
kenari, i dah jawab soalan ni masa i kat montenegro.. u dapat tak answer nyer?
simptoms ni ipsila ...

Ok.baru i faham.tqvm doktor..

ipes2 Publish time 12-11-2014 06:48 AM

kenarihitam posted on 7-11-2014 05:53 PM static/image/common/back.gif
Ok.baru i faham.tqvm doktor..

teruk lagi ke symptoms Kenari?
Kalau baca thread yg lalu, mcmc menderita jugak.
jaga belakang elok elok.. spine kita ni tak sesuai utk di bengkok bengkok kan.
cuba tgk pics spine dlm internet ni..cuba bayang kan tulang spine tu di bengkok benkok.. tak ke nmpk risky

kenarihitam Publish time 12-11-2014 06:55 AM

ipes2 posted on 12-11-2014 06:48 AM
teruk lagi ke symptoms Kenari?
Kalau baca thread yg lalu, mcmc menderita jugak.
jaga belakang el ...

Sakit tu msh ada doktor.ubat2 yg sy mkn skrng ni masih belum dpt kurangkn sakit.buat ms ni saya dibekalkn dgn ubat2 dr hosp iaitu celebrax,eperisone,gabapentin,mecobalamine n tramadol.tq di atas nasihat doktor.

ipes2 Publish time 12-11-2014 07:02 AM

kenarihitam posted on 12-11-2014 06:55 AM static/image/common/back.gif
Sakit tu msh ada doktor.ubat2 yg sy mkn skrng ni masih belum dpt kurangkn sakit.buat ms ni saya di ...

hmm siap dgn gabapentin lagi.. sabar lah dan jaga jaga selalu dgn posture eg semasa duduk atas kerusi, semasa tidur; amalkan good backcare..tgk la dlm youtube and webpages.. byk guides to delay deterioration of our backs.

kenarihitam Publish time 12-11-2014 07:10 AM

ipes2 posted on 12-11-2014 07:02 AM
hmm siap dgn gabapentin lagi.. sabar lah dan jaga jaga selalu dgn posture eg semasa duduk atas ker ...

Tq for ur consultation doktor.byk sgt input yg sy dpt drpd thread doktor ni.sgt2 membantu saya.saya doakn doktor n family dimurahkn rezki oleh Allah.

ipes2 Publish time 13-11-2014 12:48 AM

kenarihitam posted on 12-11-2014 07:10 AM static/image/common/back.gif
Tq for ur consultation doktor.byk sgt input yg sy dpt drpd thread doktor ni.sgt2 membantu saya.say ...

ameen ya Rabb.
hanya ingin membantu

nicrye Publish time 16-11-2014 06:01 PM

dr...nak tnya gak ni...sy penah jatuh terduduk taun lps...pinggul kiri asyik rs sengal dan kebas..
lps tu bln 10 aritu eksiden. makin kerap plak sy rs pada bhgn sama. apa mslh sbnrnya ya? ..sy patut refer mana?
sb skrg ni kalau turun tangga sy rs tulang kt pinggul kiri tu mcm bergesel, selisih..sorry sb sy xtau istilahnya apa...tp sakit sgt.....agkt barang pon sy rs sakit....posisi terbaik sy ialah sy berbaring dan tinggikan bhgn kaki kiri..itu yg buat sy rs plg selesa. mohon nasihat dr utk sy terima rawatan yg terbaik. t.kasih

ipes2 Publish time 17-11-2014 05:57 AM

nicrye posted on 16-11-2014 06:01 PM static/image/common/back.gif
dr...nak tnya gak ni...sy penah jatuh terduduk taun lps...pinggul kiri asyik rs sengal dan kebas..

dr...nak tnya gak ni...sy penah jatuh terduduk taun lps...pinggul kiri asyik rs sengal dan kebas..
lps tu bln 10 aritu eksiden. makin kerap plak sy rs pada bhgn sama. apa mslh sbnrnya ya? ..sy patut refer mana?
sb skrg ni kalau turun tangga sy rs tulang kt pinggul kiri tu mcm bergesel, selisih..sorry sb sy xtau istilahnya apa...tp sakit sgt.....agkt barang pon sy rs sakit....posisi terbaik sy ialah sy berbaring dan tinggikan bhgn kaki kiri..itu yg buat sy rs plg selesa. mohon nasihat dr utk sy terima rawatan yg terbaik. t.kasih

askm Nicrye;
gluteal symptoms cam yg u citer ni can be part of sciatica tau (google sikit..sikit je, takyah baca yg susah susah)
tulang bergesel tu maybe just some arthritis, tapi kene be careful tau, arthritis akan sampai tahap dia yg akan really give you a lot of trouble

the specialist to be referred to is the Ortho or Spinal Surgeon.. apa apa pon u tak perlu operation ke apa tahap ni..
but you must not twist your back and jjangan akan barang2 berat
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