BMW 3 series VS Mercedes CLA200 VS Audi A3 CLA200
BMW 3 series
Audi A3 sedan
yang mana satu pilihan dihati ?
proton preve. Wud go for 328i M Sport instead of 320i or at least 320d intriQue posted on 5-8-2014 08:45 AM static/image/common/back.gif
Wud go for 328i M Sport instead of 320i or at least 320d
Yes beemer forever...driven 320i..presently driving 325i..kalau ada rezeki nak change to 328i..driven audi and merc on old models..nothing can beat the feeling and pleasure driving this UDM
320i slow............:lol: zafir posted on 5-8-2014 11:27 AM static/image/common/back.gif
Yes beemer forever...driven 320i..presently driving 325i..kalau ada rezeki nak change to 328i..dri ...
Tak pernah drive audi so tak boleh bagi feedback
I'm driving E90 325i too. Love it. Love the sound.Loving the F30 320d as well. But bunyi ada kureng sikit.
Wishing for F30 328i tapi kurang vitamin W :lol: . So saborrrrrr.....
intriQue posted on 6-8-2014 07:56 AM static/image/common/back.gif
Tak pernah drive audi so tak boleh bagi feedback
I'm driving E90 325i too. Love it. Love the so ...
wah...sama ni driving E90..leh gang jalan2 cari makan ni hehe...yeah once u drive 325i susah nak lupa the 6 potter org tgh mengeram sambil geram...ada bunyi grmmmmmmm tu hehe..i think F30 sound is not masculine enough..and i still prefer E90 handling..byk dapat road ultimate dream is M3 or M4 ...
zafir posted on 6-8-2014 11:25 AM static/image/common/back.gif
wah...sama ni driving E90..leh gang jalan2 cari makan ni hehe...yeah once u drive 325i susah nak l ...
Yess....///M3 or ///M4
ain't we all dreaming of tht {:childlikeo
intriQue posted on 6-8-2014 11:41 AM static/image/common/back.gif
Yess....///M3 or ///M4
ain't we all dreaming of tht
hehe..those beemer hard cores surely do....surely i duk jeling2selalu kalau i own one when i park my car..i will turn my head and jeling few times..i dont do that with other cars..:loveliness:
zafir posted on 6-8-2014 12:03 PM
hehe..those beemer hard cores surely do....surely i duk jeling2selalu kalau i own one ...
Well....I still jeling2 audi....very sexy. But I don't jeling2 merc. Maybe bcoz between audi n merc, I've driven merc so dah tak thrill. Dying to test drive the new audi....hehehe
btw, IF u already driving the M3 or M4, why wud u jeling other cars for? U already got the Ultimate Driving Machine what?:) tulah i ckp..i jeling kat UDM je..tapi kalau ada minah cun lalu sebelah tu i jeling jugak kot hihi sama je citarasa is very sexy yess and i feel it very feminine...merc rasa cam org tua sikit bila drive hehe...sbb used to drive the old 4 segi merc hehe..tapi now new merc pun cantik..
i love mini cooper as well.. zafir posted on 6-8-2014 12:40 PM static/image/common/back.gif
tulah i ckp..i jeling kat UDM je..tapi kalau ada minah cun lalu sebelah tu i jeling jugak kot hihi
talking about mini cooper....too bad TT tak masuk kan mini cooper dlm poll kat atas
A few months backada gi test drive mini cooper s....wahhh!! I just fell in love i tell u. Don't under estimate the size wiz it's powerful engine.For a fun car, i'd say yes.Too bad i have limited resources (read money) ;P
intriQue posted on 6-8-2014 12:54 PM static/image/common/back.gif
talking about mini cooper....too bad TT tak masuk kan mini cooper dlm poll kat atas
A few month ...
ish..sehati sejiwa ni hehe...test drive last jan...sampai marah salesman tu lama sgt i bawak hehe...bila drive i feel young at heart...suitable for lady like u...yeah even though its shorter and bit smaller...but power wise is awesome...
CLA lebih cantik dan nampak sporty.... Merc CLA nampak kacak... audi A3 nampak agak kecil bagi saya zafir posted on 6-8-2014 01:16 PM static/image/common/back.gif
ish..sehati sejiwa ni hehe...test drive last jan...sampai marah salesman tu lama sgt i bawak hehe. ...
The new mini is around RM250k so I will just continue to drool ;P
320d mmg tak syok bunyi dia tapi tahan lasak n powerful so I can live with tht
p/s - i got the opportunity to meet the M4 in person earlier. I engine sound....awesome! Music to my ears
dengar cerita tempoh masa yang lama waiting list untuk mendapatkan CLA intriQue posted on 9-8-2014 09:54 AM static/image/common/back.gif
The new mini is around RM250k so I will just continue to drool
320d mmg tak syok bunyi dia t ...
Yeah RM 250 k..u have many choices..bust most eyes on the 3 german marques and mini...
M4 basically is M3 with 2 doors..comes with 420 hp, 3 ltr inline six...double the horsepower of 218 hp from i cant imagine how it zoom...hoping one day i can own own ..segan nak try skrg..x mampu nak beli jeling2 jelah hehe
kalau i beli sure jadi bini pertama i hehe..i kena ada bunyi tu le..that grrrrmmm sound tu...baru ada that road feel...sound to my soul..hehe
go for merc or bmw
audi pun spare part paling mahal antara 3 brand ini