Kittie Publish time 29-5-2014 06:55 PM

mbhcsf posted on 29-5-2014 06:44 PM static/image/common/back.gif
oh okay well....bagi je laa baginda...he has the aptitude of a King.

Kenalah ikut giliran, lgpun giliran selepas ni Sultan Kelantan, another sultan yg takde kurangnya. Skrg nihpun Sultan Kelantan yg byk ambik alih kerja2 agong sbb paham2 sendiri la umo agong kita tuh. Sbb tu Sultan Kelantan disayangi sultan2 lain sbb dia sgt hormat sultan2 yg lg tua, salu mengalah, dan kalau dia tegur sgt berhemah sbb ilmu agama tinggi, sbb tu klu dia tegur2 manja, sultan2 lain tak pernah sentap dgn dia. Kesian dia ulang alik Kelantan-KL, tuhpun sempat lg pegi tadi...

Sampai Tengku Mahkota, Dr. Tengku Faiz Petra (another royal with doctorate) lak yg salu ambik alih hal2 kat Kelantan.

naina Publish time 29-5-2014 06:55 PM

oh raja nazrin ada dua anak rupanya
igt sorg boy j

hanna88 Publish time 29-5-2014 06:59 PM

daulat tuanku
from anak jati kuale kangso prk :)

mizahanan Publish time 29-5-2014 07:01 PM

satriastendet posted on 29-5-2014 06:47 PM static/image/common/back.gif
teluk intan. kt sana ada istana raja dihilir.....dkt dgn sekolah menengah horley methodist

Horley methodist pon ada sek. Ren kan? Teringat masa kecik2 anta adik sek. situ..
papan je sek. nya... mesti dah ada bangunan baru..

tengokjerrr Publish time 29-5-2014 07:07 PM

takde pic baru mrk sekeluarga ker?

theotherfriend Publish time 29-5-2014 07:21 PM

Now, despite having every right to it, Raja Nazrin has refused public funding for his wedding. Instead, he will be personally paying for it out of his own pockets — including a feast for 5,000 commoners.

Moreover, Raja Nazrin has set an incredible first in the history of Malaysian macho men. You might have heard that you can tell how secure a man's masculinity is by how obsessed he is with defending it. The more a fellow trumpets how his schlong is larger than anyone else's, the smaller his genitalia actually are.

Judging by how many advertisements our public figures have to put out every time they receive a recognition for their penis size — be it a Datukship, an ISO status, a new wife, hell, even just showing up at a ceremony to cut a ribbon — we have a country run by men whose reproductive organs, if they exist at all, are so tiny as to require a microscope to view them.

Raja Nazrin, however, has insisted that not a single person or organisation issue an advertisement in the papers congratulating him on his marriage. Instead, he has requested that money which would be allocated for this purpose be donated to a charity

Ni dari blog infernalrambling

mbhcsf Publish time 29-5-2014 07:34 PM

Kittie posted on 29-5-2014 06:55 PM static/image/common/back.gif
Kenalah ikut giliran, lgpun giliran selepas ni Sultan Kelantan, another sultan yg takde kurangnya. ...
oh ya heard about Kelantan tu okay gak lah ...

but Nazrin is sharp and to the point...and he also recognises those religious scholars, i dunno something about him

dan satu lagi depa ni tak bising bsing sangat kot...

tak pelah kan ...his turn will come...insya ALLAH...

mbhcsf Publish time 29-5-2014 07:36 PM

theotherfriend posted on 29-5-2014 07:21 PM static/image/common/back.gif
Now, despite having every right to it, Raja Nazrin has refused public funding for his wedding. Inste ...

i respect his brain for that.

elamor Publish time 29-5-2014 07:42 PM

raja nazira comel btol :loveliness: raja azlan je xnmpk tadi...

genUmi Publish time 29-5-2014 08:13 PM

satriastendet posted on 29-5-2014 06:47 PM static/image/common/back.gif
teluk intan. kt sana ada istana raja dihilir.....dkt dgn sekolah menengah horley methodist

dah lama ranap istana itu

farahasyiqin Publish time 29-5-2014 08:30 PM

elamor posted on 29-5-2014 07:42 PM static/image/common/back.gif
raja nazira comel btolraja azlan je xnmpk tadi...

tulah dok tanya jugak anak sapalah mcm anak patung , geram nengok nya

matamata Publish time 29-5-2014 08:34 PM

mbhcsf Publish time 29-5-2014 09:10 PM

matamata posted on 29-5-2014 08:34 PM static/image/common/back.gif goshh.....


so ya rabbi....:loveliness:

comel ye yg the girl ..Nazira Safya...nice name...Safiyya...

fiza1 Publish time 29-5-2014 09:47 PM

lambatnye turn Sultan Nazrin jadi Agong...

Babai Publish time 29-5-2014 10:10 PM

mbhcsf posted on 29-5-2014 06:32 PM static/image/common/back.gif
oh yesssssssssssssssss

Kelako/suka tengok u punya yesss tu. Sekali baca bunyi macam orang tenga datang jer. ;P

P/S: Jangan marah, nanti kena jual.

sayawifenikmie Publish time 29-5-2014 10:11 PM

.. alaaa... dah potong Q jadi sultan perak.. takkan lah nak potong Q lagi jadi agung pulak .... sabar la tunggu turn .....

alinone78 Publish time 29-5-2014 10:16 PM

mizahanan posted on 29-5-2014 07:01 PM
Horley methodist pon ada sek. Ren kan? Teringat masa kecik2 anta adik sek. situ..
papan je sek....

Bangunan bertingkek2 dah sek rendah horkey methodist tu
Jadi landmark setiap kali aku nak turun teluk intan
Kalau tak entah k mana2 hala
Banyak jalan tutup renovation masa2 nak PRK ni

elamor Publish time 29-5-2014 10:24 PM

farahasyiqin posted on 29-5-2014 08:30 PM static/image/common/back.gif
tulah dok tanya jugak anak sapalah mcm anak patung , geram nengok nya
comelnya lahaii :loveliness:

Last edited by elamor on 29-5-2014 10:26 PM

ikan_kaghing Publish time 29-5-2014 10:30 PM


Masih teringat lagi keramahan beliau ketika

menghadiri majlis graduasi di MRSM.

olaoli Publish time 29-5-2014 11:04 PM

Comelnya anak tuanku!!
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View full version: DYMM Paduka Seri Sultan Dr Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Azlan