BotakChinPeng Publish time 31-12-2013 11:30 PM

After KD Pari chased away a chinese navy frigate a few years ago china never dare trespass into Malaysian territory again

BotakChinPeng Publish time 31-12-2013 11:30 PM

AdamBillionaire posted on 31-12-2013 09:49 PM static/image/common/back.gif
kesimpulannya kak rosmah comel


BotakChinPeng Publish time 31-12-2013 11:30 PM

Whatever soverignty stele placed by the chinese at james shoal were dropped by their merchant ships on their way to or from Sarawak

BotakChinPeng Publish time 31-12-2013 11:30 PM

spiderman80 posted on 31-12-2013 11:09 PM static/image/common/back.gif
The legendary man with special hole with frequent PMS talks shit again with wild imaginary facts of...

You having your period again dude ? Go argue with your legendary man some place else

BotakChinPeng Publish time 31-12-2013 11:31 PM

Even a chinese frigate fear a malaysian FAC-G like the KD Pari
Last edited by BotakChinPeng on 31-12-2013 11:42 PM

spiderman80 Publish time 31-12-2013 11:45 PM

BotakChinPeng posted on 31-12-2013 11:30 PM static/image/common/back.gif
You having your period again dude ? Go argue with your legendary man some place else

Oh.... you appeared to be the sucker?:laugh3:

robotech Publish time 1-1-2014 01:03 AM

Seriously though, just put on the /ignore/ button when Botak's /rantmode/ is in full mode.

Not worthwhile, really.

spiderman80 Publish time 1-1-2014 02:19 AM

robotech posted on 1-1-2014 01:03 AM static/image/common/back.gif
Seriously though, just put on the /ignore/ button when Botak's /rantmode/ is in full mode.

Not wo ...

I agree with you. He only talks shit. He's a frog under a coconut shell.;P

JantanLombok Publish time 1-1-2014 08:29 AM

Buatlah musuh kamu merasa comfortable sebagai temandan pada saat yang sama anda menduduki wilayah mereka satu persaru - Sun Tzu   Untuk memprediksi perilaku strategis Cina di masa depan di kawasan Asia Pasifik, perlu ditinjau secara seksama perilaku strategis Beijing di masa lalu. Adapun rentang waktunya adalah sejak 1949 hingga saat ini atau sejak berdirinya rezim komunis di Cina yang menggusur Kuomintang ke Taiwan. Senantiasa akan ditemukan benang merah perilaku strategis Cina di masa lalu, di masa kini dan di masa yang akan datang.
Salah satu temuan dalam tinjauan terhadap perilaku strategis Cina adalah negeri itu gemar untuk melakukan ekspansi wilayah demi menjamin keamanannya. Ekspansi wilayah itu dapat dilihat di wilayah perbatasan dengan India, di mana sebelum rezim komunis berkuasa Peking tak memiliki perbatasan langsung dengan New Delhi. Setelah Cina menginvasi Tibet pada 1950, mulailah era di mana Cina mengklaim dan menguasai sejumlah wilayah India yang berdasarkan perjanjian Inggris-Tibet di masa lalu diakui sebagai wilayah milik negeri Sungai Gangga. Bahkan kini Cina pun mengklaim negara bagian Arunachal Pradesh sebagai wilayahnya. Klaim itu terkait dengan kepentingan Beijing untuk "menstabilkan" Tibet yang terus bergolak setelah dicaplok pada 1950.

Kalau mengacu pada perilaku strategis Cina di daratan, sangat terang benderang dan jelas kalau Beijing hobi mencaplok wilayahnegara lain demi kepentingan keamanannya. Singkatnya, Cina ingin membentuk perimeter keamanan yang jauh dari wilayahnya dan salah satu untuk mewujudkannya adalah melalui klaim dan merebut wilayah negara lain. Pola serupa juga terjadi pada domain maritim.

Cina sejak akhir Perang Dunia Kedua telah mengklaim wilayah Laut Cina Selatan lewat nine dash line. Klaim yang diawali oleh Republik Cina itu kemudian diteruskan secara asertif oleh Republik Rakyat Cina. Beijing mendasarkan klaimnya pada sejarah masa lalu dan juga kemudian UNCLOS 1982. Padahal apabila mengacu pada UNCLOS, wilayah berdaulat Cina hanya akan sampai 200 mil laut dari daratan utama negeri itu.

Dalam rangka mendukung klaim berdasarkan nine dash line, taktik yang digunakan oleh Cina adalah merebut dan menduduki pulau, karang dan atol yang ada di Laut Cina Selatan. Vietnam dan Filipina telah menjadi korban dari taktik Cina itu sejak 1970-an hingga saat ini. Apabila pulau, karang dan atol itu sudah direbut dan diduduki, kemudian Beijing akan membuat klaim berdasarkan UNCLOS 1982 guna menegaskan kebenaran nine dash line. Dengan kata lain, Cina tak menerapkan perhitungan ZEE dari daratan utamanya, tetapi dari wilayah-wilayah yang berhasil dicaplok dari Hanoi dan Manila di Laut Cina Selatan.

alphawolf Publish time 5-1-2014 08:27 AM

BotakChinPeng posted on 31-12-2013 09:31 PM static/image/common/back.gif
Of course there was no reaction from Malaysia. Why would the malaysian govt make any statement eve ...

please check what shoal means in this context, will you?

BotakChinPeng Publish time 5-1-2014 12:08 PM

alphawolf posted on 5-1-2014 08:27 AM static/image/common/back.gif
please check what shoal means in this context, will you?

Its the spineless chinese navy who should have checked what shoal means in this context before they fabricated that wacky fairy tale of landing marines on something below water.

Photo of James Shoal from

BotakChinPeng Publish time 5-1-2014 12:14 PM

All other photos of James Shoal displayed online before March 2013 showed the same thing. James shoal being completeley submerged.

Dated 2011-04-20

Dated 2010-10-11

zainmahmud Publish time 5-1-2014 07:24 PM

China: PLA Navy amphibious task force reaches Malaysia ‘to defend South China sea’
Posted: March 27, 2013 | Author: chankaiyee2 | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: amphibious task force, Brunei, China, Chinese navy, Greg Torode, James Shoal, Malaysia, nine-dash line, the Jinggangshan |Leave a comment »       Rate This

Chinese Navy’s amphibious landing ship Jinggangshan is seen during a training with a hovercraft in waters near Hainan Province on March 20, 2013. Photo: Xinhua

Chinese navy vessels at James Shoal yesterday. Photo: SCMP Pictures
A Chinese amphibious task force sparks jitters around the region by reaching the southernmost waters of its claimed domain

A fully equipped PLA amphibious task force has reached China’s southernmost claimed possession in the South China Sea in an unprecedented show of force that is raising eyebrows across the region.

The four-ship flotilla headed by the landing ship Jinggangshan visited James Shoal – some 80 kilometres from Malaysia, less than 200 kilometres from Brunei and 1,800 kilometres from the mainland coast – close to the outer limits of China’s “nine-dash line”, by which it lays claim to virtually the entire South China Sea.

A Xinhua report yesterday described marines and crew gathering on the deck of the Jinggangshan – one of the PLA Navy’s three 200-metre landing ships – to pledge to “defend the South China Sea, maintain national sovereignty and strive towards the dream of a strong China”.

“It was a surprisingly strong message in sending out this task force, on such a new operational role from previous PLAN patrols in the region,” said Gary Li, a senior analyst with IHS Fairplay in London.

“It is not just a few ships here and there, but a crack amphibious landing ship carrying marines and hovercraft and backed by some of the best escort ships in the PLAN fleet,” he said, adding that jet fighters had also been used to cover the task force.

“We’ve never seen anything like this that far south in terms of quantity or quality … it is hard to know whether it is just coincidence, but it does seem to reflect Xi Jinping’s desire for more practical operationally based exercises.”

The landing ships are considered some of the most sophisticated vessels in the PLA and are thought to be key to any strategy to invade Taiwan. Their deployments are closely watched by regional rivals. The first of the landing ships, Kunlunshan, has been used in anti-piracy work off the Horn of Africa.

Photos circulating on mainland websites show marines storming beaches, backed by hovercrafts and helicopters dispatched from the Jinggangshan during several days of exercises that saw them visit all of China’s holdings in the Spratly Islands.

The PLA took six Spratlys reefs and shoals from Vietnam in a sea battle 25 years ago this month.

The ships are due to head back north, crossing into the western Pacific for further drills via the Bashi channel between Taiwan and the Philippines, Xinhua said.

News of the Jinggangshan’s appearance off James Shoal last night sparked chatter among military officials in the region.

“That is quite a show of sovereignty – an amphibious task force,” said one military attaché monitoring developments. “It has got everyone talking.

“The Spratlys is one thing, but turning up at James Shoal is quite another. Once again, China is showing it is quite unafraid to send a message to the region – and in a year when Asean is chaired by Brunei, turning up down there in such a fashion is pretty strong symbolism.”

PLA deployments into the South China Sea in 2009 and 2010 sparked fears across the region of a new assertiveness by Beijing. Those concerns in turn prompted fresh moves by several Southeast Asian nations to force the long-simmering South China Sea dispute back on to the regional agenda – and forge closer ties with the US

Source: SCMP Chief Asia Correspondent Greg Torode’s column article on March 27 “PLA Navy amphibious task force reaches Malaysia ‘to defend South China sea’”

For Youtube video’s CCTV footage of Kunlunshan, a PLA Navy amphibious landing ship similar in model to Jinggangshan, please visit SCMP website at: ... shoal-near-malaysia Last edited by zainmahmud on 5-1-2014 07:36 PM

zainmahmud Publish time 5-1-2014 07:30 PM

Yg hovercraft landing bagai tu bukan di james shoal, tapi terumbu2 lain di spratly yg china dah amik. Yg di james shoal tu depa kata depa berbaris atas kapal tu aja. Last edited by zainmahmud on 5-1-2014 07:34 PM

BotakChinPeng Publish time 5-1-2014 09:06 PM

zainmahmud posted on 5-1-2014 07:24 PM static/image/common/back.gif
China: PLA Navy amphibious task force reaches Malaysia ‘to defend South China sea’
Posted: March...
Those pictures and story proves what ?

Just about any country on earth can publish a photo of their warships and say it was taken at James Shoal

BotakChinPeng Publish time 5-1-2014 09:10 PM

This is the link to the aerial view of James Shoal from that I uploaded earlier.

zainmahmud Publish time 6-1-2014 07:05 PM

BotakChinPeng posted on 5-1-2014 09:06 PM static/image/common/back.gif
Those pictures and story proves what ?

Just about any country on earth can publish a photo of t ...

Baca n fahamkan betul2 la.. Akai ada pakai..

BotakChinPeng Publish time 7-1-2014 05:32 AM

zainmahmud posted on 6-1-2014 07:05 PM static/image/common/back.gif
Baca n fahamkan betul2 la.. Akai ada pakai..

mau berdalih apa lagi

zainmahmud Publish time 8-1-2014 01:12 AM

Navy sendiri pon mengaku shadow fleet china tu, ada pulak budak botak cin peng hingus dok berdolak dalih...;P

BotakChinPeng Publish time 8-1-2014 03:49 AM

zainmahmud posted on 8-1-2014 01:12 AM static/image/common/back.gif
Navy sendiri pon mengaku shadow fleet china tu, ada pulak budak botak cin peng hingus dok berdolak d ...

bideo ada bideo ?

Tak ada video pengakuan TLDM .....tak caya

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