philipinoe2 Publish time 14-11-2014 04:14 PM

da tgk smalam...

lps 20-30 minit, tetibe ade ah beng menjerit " shit, what movie is this!!" pastu kluar dr hall...:lol:

tu menjelaskan betape slow cite ni mase memule sblm nk tggu metiu mekonohi nk g interstellar tu..

sinopsis paling ringkars: hero (metiu mekonohi) g space edvencer konon nk cari planet lain utk dihuni manusia utk ganti bumi yg dah problem x seswai dihuni, last2 die temasok balik dlm rak buku bilik anak die...:lol:

kome sembang la psl hukum fizik ke, quantum data, gravity ke, wormhole ke a$shole ke, kesahnye science fiksen ikut sukati bapak nolan je ending muvie ni...jd kome hadap jela lojik ke tidak..

iolss lebih terkesan pabila tgk cite gravity (sandra bulok) banding cite ni...cnth cite yg simple, plakon 2,3 org ja, tp dr mule smpi ending sgt best, iolss terpaku terase mcm iolss plak yg terapung sorg2 kt erospes itew...:$

kenape cite ni x best:-

1. ending cam haramzad..
2. musik score bingit konon2 nk bg lebey dramatik/saspen...hans zimmer khen compose?
3. TARS..really robot bentuk 4 segi?...:laugh3:
4. jokes yg x menjadi...

iolss bg 2.35/5...:laugh3:

budakshinchan Publish time 14-11-2014 04:46 PM

ending cite ni mmg x best..

chippotato Publish time 14-11-2014 11:02 PM

3 jam di wayang = 1 jam di luar.. :lol:

tk rasa ngantuk seminit pon tgk citer nie....mmgbest dan kene banyak fikir...

tpi ending kurengfaham sket.... dan citer nie part2 sedih mmg sampai nangis..nasibkt dalam tu gelap... :'(

paling best part yg diorg kebali ke kapal asal tu...bila tgk member yg black tu dh tunggu smpai 23 thun...ayat dr brand lebih kurang cmni " saya tahu dalam teorinya,,...tapi tk boleh terima realitinya".. bru brapa jam jer kt planet lain...bila kluar dh lama rupanya tinggalkan kapal asal tu...member dia pon dh putus harap utk diorng kembali

bluemenx Publish time 15-11-2014 10:04 AM

philipinoe2 posted on 14-11-2014 04:14 PM static/image/common/back.gif
da tgk smalam...

ko tgk cite Hantu Kak Tom Balik Rumah je lah.... :lol:

ni cite, org kampung tak reti tgk ;P

bluemenx Publish time 15-11-2014 10:31 AM

Things to know about Interstellar (2014) Explained - Part 1

Things to know about Interstellar (2014) Explained - Part 2

philipinoe2 Publish time 15-11-2014 05:20 PM

"THEY" refer to future human yg choose/send metiu into interstellar edvencer lps tu last ending utk send code to Murph through tessaract (dlm bedroom)..

soalan: kalu future human so advance (boleh wujud), boleh survive dying earth (zaman cooper), knape perlu cooper (through THEIR message/code) to change present history (which might change future as well)...   :laugh3:

*calling astrofizik @MeeSai utk sexplen...:$

philipinoe2 Publish time 15-11-2014 05:42 PM

komen menarik dr porumer porem lain..:laugh3:

So what if it's Christopher Nolan? It is exactly because it was Nolan that I expected much more. Not this plot convenient, save the star of the show and humanity at the same time trick.

I expected Cooper to die when he shot himself into the black hole. Mana tau this director, Nolan, so conveniently put a tesseract there to save him. And who put it there? Future ascended humans! So Nolan is telling me that future ascended humans do not know their own history or is just sick because they:

1. Had to put the wormhole near Saturn and not nearer to earth.

2. Open the wormhole to a bunch on planets that are not really viable. Why not just open a wormhole near a viable planet? They are from the future and ascended, right? They should know which planet is suitable because heck, they can create wormholes, create a 5D realm and survive a fricking blackhole singularity! Surely they can point you to a suitable planet, right? No! They had to open up one dozen candidates and let the dying humankind suffer even more to find out which one is good on their already limited resources. Sick or what?

We are not talking about scientific accuracy here. It's about an author pulling a cheap stunt like that in his story. The characters in the story are facing great obstacles but were conveniently saved by the author using a cheap plot device. This is similar to Harry Potter defeating Voldermort just by sneezing unexpectedly near the end of the 7th book. Wouldn't you be mad if Rowling did that?

kerelovani Publish time 16-11-2014 11:34 PM

cerita ini sangat menghampakan.. saya harap jalan cerita yang mind blowing macam inception, atau memento (dari pengarah yang sama)

ini saya punya teori untuk filem ni

- Cooper sebenarnya sudah mati bila memasuki wormhole untuk kali kedua

- apa yang dialami selepas memasuki wormhole kali kedua tu hanyalah projection atau ilusi Cooper sebelum mati.. Dr Mann ada bagitau "sebelum kamu mati, kamu akan nampak orang yang paling kamu sayang"

- wormhole itu bukannya dicipta oleh manusia masa depan. "ghost" yang bagi koordinat tu bukannya cooper, tapi pihak NASA sendiri, supaya Cooper sanggup menjadi pilot mereka. Drone yang kita lihat pada awal movie ialah drone dari pihak NASA untuk mengintip Cooper

axl_bach Publish time 17-11-2014 11:15 AM

siputsedut posted on 10-11-2014 01:28 PM static/image/common/back.gif
dah tengok..tertengok secara tak sengaja gituh..niat nk tgk fury tp semua sold out...ada cite ni je...

hahahahah, nape citer ko sama cam aku gak

masa aku pegi tgk pun penuh dgn india jer layan citer nih.....mmg india minat citer berkonsepkan quantum fizik, teori relativity ke hapa??

ke ko pegi wayang yg aku pegi gak...

citer nih mmg best walaupun ending dia aku x suka sgt tp definitely x sampah cam Left Behind.....yg tu aku tertipu tgk poster ada gambo Nick Cage jer....citer cam bangsat

axl_bach Publish time 17-11-2014 11:15 AM

siputsedut posted on 10-11-2014 01:44 PM static/image/common/back.gif
I rasa cite ni yang cooper masuk dlm blackhole boleh survive masuk...interact dengan murph..pastuh ...

yup, aku pun x puas ati dgn ending dia bleh kuar dari wormhole tu then sampai kat Zuhal plak dah......

siputsedut Publish time 17-11-2014 11:42 AM

axl_bach posted on 17-11-2014 11:15 AM static/image/common/back.gif
hahahahah, nape citer ko sama cam aku gak

masa aku pegi tgk pun penuh dgn india jer layan citer ...
hahaha kiri kanan depan belakang aku semua yenna ngn yenni wehhh...

cite ni byk loophole jugak..aku tak faham sangat astrofizik...contoh la...yang plg common skali aku dengar....blackhole akan telan semua partikel dikeliling dia....dan partikel ni akan jadik pecahan kecik sebesar atom...aku dengar2 je okayy..aku tak pernah nk hadam why and how dlm movie ni planet miller yg plg dekat dengan gargantua yang gile besar pun tak kena telan uols...padahal planet miller compared to gargantua tu mmg beza gila jarak dia kira jauh? survive jah planet tu siap ada ombak setinggi gunung...dan cooper pun selamat jah masuk blackhole...siap boleh keluar balik...bekalan oksigen heols cukup plak tu kan?ini plg tak puas hati ;P;P tp aku tak fikir sangat...aku tengok pun sbb nk g dating ngn laki aku jah uols ;P;P kang aku fikir lebih2 kang spoil mood plak...

tp ye lah...astrofizik bukan bidang aku...aku tak reti aku nk puji sikit..ost cite ni best...aku suka bila dia buat muzik2 mendebarkan..tiba2 muzik stop..bunyi senyap...dengar nafas cooper tu je huhhh hahhh huhhh hahhh...perasaan aku time tu...agak mcm org claustraphobic...mcm terperangkan kat satu ruang infiniti..yang aku tak nampak akhiran dia kat mana...kacau bilau jd perasaan...ost dia bg aku best...
Last edited by siputsedut on 17-11-2014 11:46 AM

axl_bach Publish time 17-11-2014 11:47 AM

siputsedut posted on 17-11-2014 11:42 AM static/image/common/back.gif
hahaha kiri kanan depan belakang aku semua yenna ngn yenni wehhh...

cite ni byk loophole jugak. ...

tu laa pasal, bleh plak ada bekalan oksigen dlm black hole tu......senang citer tgk citer nih kena abaikan teori logik manusia biasa sbb kita x mampu berfikir kayak Einstein,huhuhuhuhu

siputsedut Publish time 17-11-2014 11:57 AM

axl_bach posted on 17-11-2014 11:47 AM static/image/common/back.gif
tu laa pasal, bleh plak ada bekalan oksigen dlm black hole tu......senang citer tgk citer nih kena ...

kannnn..tengok je gambar2 bergerak tu sambil makan popo corn...nama pon cite sci-fi kan...bukannya dia nk prove mana2 teori fizik tu ;P;P

HangPC2 Publish time 17-11-2014 01:26 PM

saya tertarik dengan Indian Airforce punya Drone @ UAV yang boleh terbang selama 10 Tahun kerana kemajuan teknologi Solar negara India

HangPC2 Publish time 17-11-2014 02:30 PM

vanillarexy Publish time 17-11-2014 02:54 PM

Dah tengok....memang suka idea2 quantum fizik ni walaupun aku tak terer mana. Tapi menarik la dapat tahu sikit2 pasal wormhole, gargantua, and bla2 hahaha...

And katanya movie ni ada consultant iaitu ahli fizik bernama kip thorne...

Memang movie ini slow....perlu penghayatan...30 min pertama husband aku dah tunjuk ciri2 kebosanan, dia kata "bagus cite ni, sampai sekarang tak tahu lagi hala tuju cite ni" hahahhah...

tapi lama2 ok la...kalau nak relax2 sila jangan tengok ini cerita ya. Pi tengok big hero 6 kikiki...

overall, aku suka je. Tapi aku suka Transcendence lagi. Sila jangan lahar aku haha

*Gravity tak tengok takleh nak compare...nanti aku tengok la

ultraman_nexus Publish time 17-11-2014 04:54 PM

Saya bagi 5/5 {:thumbo

Terlalu khusyuk menghayati cerita sampai x perasan yang cerita nie 3 jam{:laugho

HangPC2 Publish time 17-11-2014 05:01 PM

bluemenx Publish time 17-11-2014 09:57 PM

Sabtu ni aku nak tengok sekali lagi {:1_132:}

dr_stein Publish time 18-11-2014 12:59 PM

siputsedut posted on 17-11-2014 11:42 AM static/image/common/back.gif
hahaha kiri kanan depan belakang aku semua yenna ngn yenni wehhh...

cite ni byk loophole jugak. ...

Oh sebab planet Miller tu outside Event Horizon blackhole tu. Kalau dah masuk Event Horizon tu dah takleh escape dah..
Sebab tu masa diaorang nak pegi ke planet edmund tu diaorang guna black hole punya gravity untuk sling shot ke situ.
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