abgsedapmalam Publish time 2-11-2013 12:02 PM

8 Common Actions That May Cause Mental Illness

8 Common Actions That May Cause Mental IllnessUnlike what many think mental disorders are not only a consequence of genetic factors, or of a serious trauma, they can be caused by many common things that may happen monthly, weekly or even daily in your lifetime. Here we give you a list with 8 common actions that may cause mental illness.1. Sales Events

There is a physiological factor involved in these events when people go crazy and trample or shoot pepper spray in each other eyes, it is known as literally crazy symptoms like anxiety among others.2. Long Winter Nights

SAD or Season Affective Disorder happens when the lack of sunlight affects your mood, leading you into a depression.3. Living alone

Depression has many factors and living alone is one potential cause that may increase the risk of being on anti-depressants.http://positivemed.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/8-commonactions-that-may-cause-mental-illness-1.jpg4. Owning a cat

Cats usually have inside them a small parasite called toxoplasma Gondi, when it leaves the cat, it gets inside another being, and this parasite might cause slower reactions and more reckless feeling. Don’t get us wrong! We are pet-lovers too! But just consider the fact that tonxoplasma is linked toschizophrenia, bipolar disorder and increased risk taking.5. A bed bug infestation

Some people may have physiological response to bed bugs, having symptoms such as nightmares, flashbacks, insomnia and anxiety.6. Having traumatic brain injury

After trauma, the rate for psychiatric disorders is almost 50%, the effects of concussions can last long past when the physical signs have gone.7. Being in a bad car accident

A car crash can give you a long term Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) causing shock and disorientation, and you can end up with a mental disorder.8. Excessive praise as a child

Praising a child for every single thing they do can lead to a serious personality disorder.

girlspretty Publish time 2-11-2013 08:42 PM

not necessarily correct

Artemesiaa Publish time 3-11-2013 01:19 AM

Yang tak baik elok le dielakan

cikatilia Publish time 4-11-2013 08:27 AM

depends on org tu gak
ada je yg takde kena mengena still kena mental illness and depressions

haliza4u Publish time 5-11-2013 10:34 PM

tension nak layan semua harga barang naik pun boleh cause mental illness jugak. nilai duit makin susut, pikir anak nak makan, hantar duit mak kat kampung, OT kurang, Boss suruh buat itu ini nak cepat semua urgent. kalau dok pikir selalu memang tak aman nak hidup.

sehelai Publish time 13-11-2013 07:19 PM

kenapa dengan kucing??

mitnick Publish time 14-11-2013 09:12 AM

macam2 :L            

finding Publish time 14-11-2013 02:13 PM

no 1,6,7,8tu bnyk berlaku

mesmerize Publish time 14-11-2013 05:35 PM

choy.. tak percayala.. aku duduk sorang n aku bela kucing.. tapi aku rasa happy je kat rumah.. rumah ku syurgaku, kucingku babyku :loveliness:

dahliateck Publish time 14-11-2013 11:54 PM

propaganda jer, kucing kan ada calming effects pd pembelanya, therapy tu bela kucing

system_failure Publish time 15-11-2013 07:51 AM

yg no 7 tu bukan hanya pd org yg alami je. org yg melihat pun ikut trauma skali tau.
masa tu mak ayh aku eksiden. aku dan adik2 bergegas ke hstpl. otw ke hstpl trnampak motor aku yg dah hancur x serupa moto dah. berderau darah aku. sampai hstpl je aku dh hilang ingatan. adik aku kata aku menjerit2 marahkan atendent kat dlm tu. huih biar betul. bukan aku tu kot. huhu..

tapi smpai skrg aku trauma giler bila terpandang eksiden. kekadang sampai termuntah dlm keta.. tapi entahlah, aku ni minat merempit.. setakat kl kb tu drive pakai ketiak jer.. hihi

Last edited by system_failure on 15-11-2013 07:55 AM

edee_91 Publish time 15-11-2013 10:09 PM

aku sekarang rasa reaction aku slow lately. adekah benar disebabkan kucing? :funk:

edee_91 Publish time 15-11-2013 10:09 PM

mesmerize posted on 14-11-2013 05:35 PM static/image/common/back.gif
choy.. tak percayala.. aku duduk sorang n aku bela kucing.. tapi aku rasa happy je kat rumah.. rumah ...

that's because you're not alone. ;P

anees~nuhara Publish time 21-2-2014 02:39 PM

living alone tu btoi

Kejora927 Publish time 23-2-2014 02:27 PM

jgn salahkan kucing..heheh

ice_sky92 Publish time 23-2-2014 05:51 PM

Yg live alone tu betul. Cakap sorang2.

skippy Publish time 24-2-2014 12:24 AM

ni mesti tak baca caption utk kucing. kan dah tulis kat situ pasal parasit.

4. Owning a cat

Cats usually have inside them a small parasite called toxoplasma Gondi, when it leaves the cat, it gets inside another being, and this parasite might cause slower reactions and more reckless feeling. Don’t get us wrong! We are pet-lovers too! But just consider the fact that tonxoplasma is linked toschizophrenia, bipolar disorder and increased risk taking.

Czaziq Publish time 24-2-2014 12:32 AM

aku pulak trauma tgk muka ex boss.

adamsone649 Publish time 11-5-2023 04:28 AM

I don't understand what is happening to me. I have panic attacks, psychological problems. But I can't spend a lot of time on doctor visits and examinations. I want to find professionals to understand what all this is caused by. It just doesn't let me live normally.

Tinot7 Publish time 18-5-2023 07:06 PM

adamsone649 replied at 11-5-2023 04:28 AM
I don't understand what is happening to me. I have panic attacks, psychological problems. But I can' ...

You need to see a doctor. Forum discussion won't help as we are not professionals. Or maybe post your queries at Bodperubatan.
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