ifanonline Publish time 3-10-2013 01:45 PM

What is happiness to you?

Salam all forumers,

What is the meaning of happiness to you?

banyak harta? ilmu yg tinggi? bini ramai?

What makes you happy...short term and long term...

DeWaveless Publish time 3-10-2013 04:18 PM

happiness for me is when i can educate people about taking care of the important things in their life..

NorAddin Publish time 5-10-2013 07:52 AM

5 simple rules of Happiness ..

[*]Free your heart from hatred
[*]Free your mind from worries
[*]Live simply
[*]Give more
[*]Expect less

Do your BEST .. Allah will do d'REST .. static/image/smiley/default/flower.gif

ifanonline Publish time 16-10-2013 02:18 PM

people sometimes measure happiness through wealth...but actually, true happiness is when u are free of world's riches...

Elle_mujigae Publish time 16-10-2013 02:42 PM

ifanonline posted on 16-10-2013 02:18 PM static/image/common/back.gif
people sometimes measure happiness through wealth...but actually, true happiness is when u are free...

"True happiness"... that means "false happiness" do exist...........?...............
If so..can we differentiate between both two when it happen.......................

Elle_mujigae Publish time 16-10-2013 03:01 PM

Can;t seem to find the right vocabulary to define happiness..

But what I know is...

Short term happiness is...
When you find the shoes you like {nice design,nice colour. nice texture,nice height,nice fit} .On sale. And they have your size. New stock. Not display.

Long term happiness is...
When you wear that shoes,you didn't think about it at all. For the whole day.

besties Publish time 17-10-2013 01:42 AM

Short-term (daily)
Saya happy bila dapat SOLAT dengan SEMPURNA
Saya happy bila dapat luangkan masa dengan BERKUALITI bersama SUAMI

Ada 3 benda ni, saya akan happy untuk satu hari. Mood memang terbaiklah. Even ada masalah pun insyaAllah tak terasa sangat.

NorAddin Publish time 24-10-2013 12:50 AM

Happiness is not a when - Happiness is a now.

The key to happiness is not that you never get

[*]frustrated or
It is how quickly you decide to snap out of it.

Happiness is not dependent on

[*]your circumstances or
[*]your bank balance.

Happiness is a daily decision.

dafiza Publish time 28-10-2013 10:25 PM

samada long term ataupun long term..happiness itu adalah dari diri sendiri.
make peace with yourself first....appreciate more, open your mind, dont think too much, learn to agree to disagree.
Semua permasalahan asalnya dr pemikiran yg tidak bersetuju dgn sesuatu.
Walaubagaimanapun bagi org yang happy...masalah itu tidak wujud pun.
Cuma sekadar senda gurau.

NorAddin Publish time 29-10-2013 11:59 AM

Being happy can be hard work sometimes.

It is like maintaining a nice home

[*]you’ve got to hang on to your treasures and
[*]throw out the garbage.

Being happy requires looking for the good things.

[*]One person sees the beautiful view and
[*]the other sees the dirty window.

Choose what you see and what you think ..

Mr_Beruk Publish time 7-11-2013 08:39 AM

Happiness terjadi bila kamu sepadan dengan kehidopan-mu, bila kamu sepadan dengan begitu harmonis di mana apa sahaje yang kamu lakukan adalah kegembiraan-mu.

lajjad666 Publish time 10-11-2013 10:20 PM

what is happiness to me? no i dont have the answer.. and even if i do.. knowing what makes me happy is no longer that important..

i only need to make sure whatever that i don't have or can't do.. doesn't interfere with what i CAN DO and secara tak langsung losing everything that i already have..

so aku nak share kisah ttg Helen Keller..

beliau seorg deafblind.. yupp buta dan pekak.. cuba korang try menyelam masuk dlm diri dia.. pejam mata korang dan bayangkan.. aku buta dan pekak.. tak nampak apa2.. gelap.. tak boleh dengar apa2.. zero.. nothing..

pergh kalau aku la.. yg macho abis ni.. mungkin tanggapan aku life is meaningless.. better die lah..

tp helen keller ni boleh plak dia sampai graduate dpt bachelor of arts degree.. dan mcm2 lg yg sihat mcm aku pun blum tentu boleh achieve..

helen keller quotes:

-When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.

-I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.

-I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.

biografi The Story of My Life By Helen Keller

Last edited by lajjad666 on 10-11-2013 10:24 PM

manjalara_01 Publish time 2-12-2013 07:47 PM

lajjad666 posted on 10-11-2013 10:20 PM static/image/common/back.gif
what is happiness to me? no i dont have the answer.. and even if i do.. knowing what makes me happy...


manja dh bc dh buku hellen keller..tp sekerat jalan jek...
sbb english beliau fantastic..tu yg x habis baca..
tp pd manja..hasil tulisan beliau ni..ialah by far..
the most beautifully written...book..yg manja pernah baca..{:1_513:}

nak kata manja ni bookworm..jauh skali..
tp so far..novels ke ape jek..buku motivasi..what not..
yg manja pernah baca..semuanye ditulis oleh org yg pancainderanye sempurna...
tp xde 1 pun yg sehebat..hasil tulisan hellen keller ni..

i'm amazed...:o...

P/S:..ade x filem kisah hellen keller?..if not..they should make a movie out of her story..

midori888 Publish time 1-1-2014 11:07 AM

Happiness to me is when I can do whatever I want....go wherever I want....do as I please without have to think bout other ppl opinion or their feelings...live my life as I see fit...

NorAddin Publish time 1-1-2014 05:36 PM

happiness bila you know what you doing ..
you do it with love .. with passion and enjoy it ..
sampai success .. no regret ..

lil_honey Publish time 18-2-2014 07:02 PM

happiness for me is when I'm with my family. nothing to worry, nothing to think. it's all gone when with them.

saya juga happy bila buat kerja dengan betul. focus tanpa gangguan. tak kisah sampai ke tgh malam..but the key is focus.

inter_milan Publish time 10-3-2014 04:10 PM

happy laaaa.. :)

Emoloser Publish time 2-4-2014 12:44 PM

youll be happy if enough serotonin in your brain

mommymonster82 Publish time 7-4-2014 03:10 AM

Allah..rasul..Berilmu,beramal..my family..shopping holiday

incek_akim Publish time 7-4-2014 02:07 PM

What makes you happy...short term and long term...

short term: if my supervisor acknowledge my efforts. a simple pat on the back pon kira ok la daripada xdapat recognition langsung. nak kipas bos xreti. haha {:3_86:}

long term: debt-free life, anak-anak happily married, got time to read books, settle down kat sebelah pantai sambil tengok cucu-cucu main istana pasir. bla3~ ;P
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