mizsela Publish time 25-6-2012 03:34 PM


Islaam (yang takde badan)..ade brain.dia boleh reflex, senyum and sedih

liza_shariza Publish time 25-6-2012 03:51 PM

kesiannya... {:imisso

mrs.wentworth Publish time 25-6-2012 04:25 PM


shahx Publish time 26-6-2012 08:45 AM

kesian dia takleh tido terlentang, kene mengiring je...

adikfatin Publish time 26-6-2012 09:29 AM

kembar ni...sayang..dia bunuh kembar dia skali...kembar tak jadi ..kuasa ALLAH

fifie_olin Publish time 26-6-2012 10:37 AM

ada gak mcm ni ye...seram weiii...ape ntah lg empunya badan yg menanggung...dia bunuh diri kan...mesti tension tahap moyan...x tahan tiap2 mlm dgr org dok berbisik ngan dia...

Knowlee Publish time 26-6-2012 11:05 AM

maybe kembar-tak-jadi dia yg sempat jadi muka je. kesian dia...mesti sangat tertekan sampai bunuh diri...

BuBuComey Publish time 26-6-2012 07:30 PM

Reply 5# edee_91

i dont think so kot..maybe dia sendiri yg create another personality utk muka satu lagi..bole kata split personality kot kan. personality satu lagi mungkin juga tercipta disebabkan keadaan dirinya sendiri yang pelik. kemungkinan besar sepanjang hidupnya, dia diejek oleh rakan2 sebaya dan setiap org yg memandang, pasti akan pandang dia lebih dari sekali. kesan dari itu, dia mungkin mengalami mental problem, low self esteem, insecure, etc. dan akhirnya mengambil tindakan membunuh diri. ermm..kesian dia.

BuBuComey Publish time 26-6-2012 07:50 PM

The curious case of Edward Mordake is probably unknown to most people. He was a man that lived in the 19 century and was born with an odd deformity. He had an extra face on the back of his head which was able to laugh or cry, although there isn’t any proof that it actually expressed these emotions. He committed suicide when he was 23 and lived totally isolated for most part of his life.

The face on the back of his head seemed to be that of a woman, in Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
we are told that I was a beautiful female face “lovely as a dream, hideous as a devil”. Apparently it smiled when he cried and the eyes followed the movements of people around him. According to some sourcesit seems that the face couldn’t have been the one of a woman because parasitic twins are always the same sex, which is correct. So, it seems that this whole story about the face being a beautiful woman was just a way to make things more spectacular.

Another interesting but highly implausible thing was the fact that the face seemed to be speaking, but nothing could be heard. However, Edward could hear what it was saying and he begged the doctors to remove the face from his head because it talked to him forever about “things from hell”. But the surgeons refused to remove it because it was too risky.

He used poison to commit suicide and asked in his suicide letter that the face would be removed before burial “ lest it continues its dreadful whisperings in my grave”.
So is the story true? That’s hard to decide, especially since there is no historical evidence. There might have been a man with a parasitic twin on the back of his head, but the fact that it spoke is definitely something that was made up to make the story seem more spectacular.

Further reading about deformities and anomalies: Gould, George M. & Walter L. Pyle, Anomolies and Curiosities of Medicine, New York: 1896

BuBuComey Publish time 26-6-2012 07:54 PM

dari sumber lain lak.
The true tale of Edward Mordake (Mordrake) has been lost to history. His unusual case occurred early in medical history and is referenced only in tales handed down. The tale of his life has become so muddled through the passage of time that no solid date of birth or death is evident to modern researchers.The story always begins the same way. Edward Mordake is said be have been heir to one of the noblest families in England.He was considered a bright and charming man – a scholar, a musician and a young man in possession of profound grace. He was said to be quite handsome when viewed from the front – yet, on the back of his head there was a second face, twisted and evil.In some versions of the story, the second face of Edward Mordrake is a beautiful girl.This is an impossibility as all parasitic twins are of the same sex. Often it was said that it possessed its own intelligence and was quite malignant in its intentions.It has been said that the eyes would follow spectators and its lips would ‘gibber’ relentlessly and silently. According to legend it would smile and sneer as Edward Mordrake wept over his condition.While no voice was ever audible, Edward Mordrake swore that often he would be kept awake by the hateful whispers of his ‘evil twin’.The story has always concluded with young Edward Mordrake committing suicide at the age of twenty-three.The method of his death also differs, sometimes poison does him in and in other versions a bullet ‘between the eyes of his devil-twin’ puts him out of his misery. In both versions Edward Morkdrake leaves behind a letter requesting that the ‘demon face’ be destroyed before his burial, ‘lest it continues its dreadful whisperings in my grave.’

zaliyana Publish time 27-6-2012 01:53 AM


nbr_lifestyle Publish time 30-6-2012 05:51 PM

takut nya..x leh bg hidup dia

akuchenta Publish time 1-7-2012 04:01 PM

eee....takutnya.. {:omgo

cmne dia leh thn smpi 23thn..seram la dgr memalam ari {:deado

ILoveN Publish time 2-7-2012 09:51 AM

huhuh....takut nye

Mamason Publish time 2-7-2012 10:13 AM

Astaghfirullah.... sampai bunuh diri tertekan dgn keadaan dia tu... entah aper dibisik dek kepala satu lagi tu haa..sian dia... menyeramkan sungguh...

gile_kentang Publish time 2-7-2012 05:16 PM

menakutkn {:3_89:}

FanTasyCreaTioN Publish time 26-12-2021 05:54 AM

Terbaca cerita dia ni minggu lepas ...

pikir nak buka Thread ... nasib baik search dulu ...dah ada ... :sweat3:


ada yang kata ... cerita ni hanya rekaan ...


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