MissVixen Publish time 12-10-2012 05:23 PM

C1k_J4h posted on 11-10-2012 12:10 AM static/image/common/back.gif
confess ja..kalau x confess smpai bila2 pun xtahu ape perasaan dia..
ikut kata hati..bila ko terp ...

{:runodah luahkan...lega.

C1k_J4h Publish time 12-10-2012 05:59 PM

MissVixen posted on 12-10-2012 05:23 PM static/image/common/back.gif
dah luahkan...lega.

tahniah!!kerana mengambil tindakan berani..
so mcm mana penerimaan dia?

MissVixen Publish time 12-10-2012 07:00 PM

dia terkejut.
sebelum pakai aku kau...tiba2 saya awak.
aku pulak macam kekok. :$

mood: diawangan~ :loveliness:

babydevil Publish time 12-10-2012 09:42 PM

ini akn menjadi kenangan yg plg x dpt ko lupakan..
aku pun pnh jg confess ngan lelaki...
n dia terima ak seadanya..
tp ak plak yg awkward..
last2 kami remain best friend..
smpai skrg..
ayat t'akhir yg x leh bla yg ak pnh bg kat dia ms ak confess feeling ak ialah,
"kalo ko rs nak menjauhkan diri dari ak, ak x kisah sbb ak dh timbangkan baik buruk tindakan ak sblm ak confess feeling ak ngan ko.."
finally dia ckp dia ok..
n smpai skrg ktorg msh lg best friend..
siap boleh main mata lagi...
sebab 2 la ak menggalakkan ko confess..
sbb selagi ko x buat smpai satu masa ko akn menyesal gila2...
tahniah skali lagi babe...

AndySixx Publish time 12-10-2012 11:26 PM

Innrukia posted on 11-10-2012 10:36 AM static/image/common/back.gif
camna kalau laki ni
1) sms/email/call jrg2 & x pnh bg hadiah etc
2) tp apa jer yg pompuan ni ckp d ...

bole gak.
nie jenis yg condition monitoring , die akn follow je sbb tu je yg mampu die buat utk buat mase tu lah . start slow2 , lepas tu makin frendly

itik_magic Publish time 15-10-2012 12:31 PM

lelaki kalu suka ppuan tu ..mungkin...

1. dia akn cuba menonjolkan diri...

2. dia kan nmpak cam malu atau serba salah utk b'bual

3. .............

C1k_J4h Publish time 15-10-2012 05:28 PM

MissVixen posted on 12-10-2012 07:00 PM static/image/common/back.gif
dia terkejut.
sebelum pakai aku kau...tiba2 saya awak.
aku pulak macam kekok.

xsia2kan usaha ko..berbaloi2..{:singo

MissVixen Publish time 15-10-2012 06:11 PM

babydevil posted on 12-10-2012 09:42 PM static/image/common/back.gif
ini akn menjadi kenangan yg plg x dpt ko lupakan..

tima kasih {:1_200:}
sekurang-kurangnya aku dah bagitahu dan dia cakap dia suka aku.
tapi ktorang tak declare sebagai kapel tapi ramai orang tahu.
kalau ada jodoh nanti, ada la. :$ 3 tahun lagi.

MissVixen Publish time 15-10-2012 06:14 PM

C1k_J4h posted on 15-10-2012 05:28 PM static/image/common/back.gif
xsia2kan usaha ko..berbaloi2..

tima kasih {:1_149:}
rasa lega sangat2.
takde teka-teki sama ada aku kena penyakit syok sendiri atau macam mana. {:runo
tapi kali ini, aku cuba sayang siket2 supaya nanti kalau apa2 jadi takde la frust tonggeng2 lagi.

babydevil Publish time 15-10-2012 08:23 PM

MissVixen posted on 15-10-2012 06:11 PM static/image/common/back.gif
tima kasih
sekurang-kurangnya aku dah bagitahu dan dia cakap dia suka aku.
tapi ktoran ...

samala situasi kita..
ak prefer lg x declare...
kemungkinan utk curang 2 tggi..
ak mendoakan agar korang bersatu...hehehe..

C1k_J4h Publish time 15-10-2012 08:37 PM

MissVixen posted on 15-10-2012 06:14 PM static/image/common/back.gif
tima kasih
rasa lega sangat2.
takde teka-teki sama ada aku kena penyakit syok sendiri...

all the best dear!!{:thumbo

belita Publish time 17-10-2012 08:01 AM

Aii wanita.....nak tolong jawab gak....ni ambik dari yahoo :)
yg No.6 tu aii pernah buat :lol:

It's no secret that guys can take for-ev-er to drop the L-word. But just because he hasn't said "I love you" yet doesn't mean he isn't head over heels for you. We got real men to spill on the signs a guy is crazy about you.

By Cosmopolitan

1. You Catch Him Staring at You
Men always ogle the objects they desire - it's the reason you're always busting us cleavage-peeping. So consider: With all that eye candy out there, if it's you he's staring at, his affection runs deep. There's the secret stare (you'll have to catch him in the act). "Watching my girlfriend at a party allows me a private moment when I can pinch myself and wonder how I deserve this amazing person in my life - a perspective I can't get when she's right there in front of me," says Patrick, 30.

2. He Gazes in Your Eyes
Another I-love-you look is the steady gaze. Guys are guarded when it comes to showing emotion. If they lock eyes for a full-tilt, unabashed stare, they're lowering their shield to let you in. "I'd never hold that sort of eye contact with anyone else, but an intense gaze with my girlfriend reflects how comforted and captivated I am by her," says Chip, 29.

3. He Buys Food You Like
Discovering that his kitchen is loaded with biscotti, lemon-lime seltzer, and other feminine edibles (that would only pass his lips at gunpoint) shows you're lingering on his mind in the most unexpected, unromantic places - like the produce aisle on a solo shopping trip. "One day I checked out my shopping cart and saw all the bags of baby carrots and bottles of diet soda meant for my girlfriend," says Patrick. "It struck me that it had become second nature for me to consider what would make her happy, and that's when I knew I was in love."

4. He Keeps Your Stuff Out at His Place
He's gone public with your place in his pad. You see, men like to maintain at least the image of being detached for as long as possible. So leaving unmistakable evidence in our home that there's a woman present in our life is a bright red flag that you're The One.

5. He Talks About the Future
Telling you he plans to relocate out West one day may seem like a neon warning. However, it might also be his wily way of letting you know that he wants you in his future. "Every time I tell my girlfriend where I see 'me' down the road, I'm really trying to gauge whether she sees herself there with me," says Jon, 26. How do you know when a guy's just bragging about his game plan and when he's quietly declaring his love? It's all in the way he talks. If he tells you he wants to move to Tahiti, be a beach bum, and ogle the local girls, no dice. If he mentions that he sees himself eventually settling in San Francisco, then immediately asks if you could ever envision living there, he's emitting serious long-term relationship rays.

6. He Wears the Sweater You Gave Him
Trusting you behind the wheel of his wardrobe is something no man does readily. Not that guys are really all that picky about their appearance, it's just that we pride ourselves on being, well, ourselves. "Blame it on the inflated male ego, but to permit any tampering with our identity, even if it's for the better, is considered a sign of weakness," explains Seth, 29. Consequentially, every time a guy does don some item he obviously didn't pick out for himself, he's showing that he's letting you take control and do a little remodeling.

7. He Stands Right Next to You in Public
Where he stands when you're out together says a lot about where you stand in his life. Consider this key truth: Guys are hard-wired to check out women. That's why when a man's still uncertain about his feelings, he'll either trail several feet behind you or get out in front and lead the path - two safety positions that keep his wandering eyes hidden. Sidling up shoulder-to-shoulder is his way of showing his commitment by keeping his eyes right where you can see them. Plus, sticking close puts him in range of being touched in public by you, and that limits his ability to go after a sexy chick he may spy. "Being side-by-side puts my girlfriend within lips' reach, making it easy for her to whisper in my ear or lean in for a surprise quick kiss," says Ryan, 27. "It's my way of telling other women that I'm taken."

8. He's Okay With You Answering His Phone
Men never know what potentially image-damaging force might be lurking on their phone - from ex-girlfriends looking for a last hurrah to an overly inquisitive mom. If we let you answer that jingling time bomb, it means there's absolutely nothing about us we want to keep concealed from you. "Men aren't big on sharing. So when a guy lets you grab the phone - possibly making you privy to personal information you could use to blackmail him for the rest of his life - it means he's planning on staying with you for a very long time," says Rich, 29.

Last edited by belita on 17-10-2012 08:06 AM

Sagoo Publish time 17-10-2012 08:21 AM

abg sagoo : ehh pompuan, kau ni lawa la...baik plak tu,...aku da lama peratikan ko ni....suke la kat ko
awek tudung pepel baju kebaye ketat kain terbelah : ehh ye ke bang?...betul ke ni? mcm x caye je abg suke kt kite..

abg sagoo : sungguh la..ingt aku main2 ke?...penampar kang!
awek tudung pepel baju kebaye ketat kain terbelah : time kasih bang,..suke kite mendgrnye..kite kapel eh hari ni...?

abg sagoo: ok deal...pas abis keje nnt kite date.


a.ceCCo Publish time 17-10-2012 02:26 PM

Sagoo posted on 17-10-2012 08:21 AM static/image/common/back.gif
abg sagoo : ehh pompuan, kau ni lawa la...baik plak tu,...aku da lama peratikan ko ni....suke la kat ...

apa ko merepek nih? ;P

Sagoo Publish time 17-10-2012 02:30 PM

a.ceCCo posted on 17-10-2012 02:26 PM static/image/common/back.gif
apa ko merepek nih?

aku buat skrip drama la....ko ape taww? ;P:lol:

camarsepi Publish time 22-10-2012 10:45 PM

Sagoo posted on 17-10-2012 08:21 AM static/image/common/back.gif
abg sagoo : ehh pompuan, kau ni lawa la...baik plak tu,...aku da lama peratikan ko ni....suke la kat ...

eh,cm kes sy la...mula2 dia ajak kuar, kenal2 xlama pastu terus masuk merisik dan 3 bulan pastu terus meminang..insyaAllah dlm masa terdekat ni kitorg nikah...tp idok le sy pakai kebaya ketat dan kain terbelah..haha...

Sagoo Publish time 23-10-2012 08:01 AM

camarsepi posted on 22-10-2012 10:45 PM static/image/common/back.gif
eh,cm kes sy la...mula2 dia ajak kuar, kenal2 xlama pastu terus masuk merisik dan 3 bulan pastu te ...

tak nk tau pun :o

mitchyan Publish time 23-10-2012 09:00 PM

walau kite cerewet macam mane, kerenah berlambak2, perangai childish ya amat, asyik buat perangai tapi dia tetap sabar dengan kita, please married this guy :loveliness:

jiraiya89 Publish time 25-10-2012 01:17 PM

klu sy suka kat pompuan mane2.. sy suka gurau manje2 ngan die.. ckp pun cool je.. x nk die terasa.. hihihi...

syitaeyqa Publish time 15-2-2017 06:37 PM

Keliru betul bila bab ni. kadang-kadang dia mcm positif. kadang2 mcm negatif. ada masa mesra ada masa cold. haih
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