[TVING/viu 2024] QUEEN WOO - Jeon Jeong Seo, Kim Mu Yeol, Ji Chang Wook, Jeong Yu Mi, Lee Soo Hyuk, Park Ji Hwan
Edited by Rahah at 2-9-2024 10:20 PMProfile
Drama: Queen Woo (English title)
Revised romanization: Woossiwanghoo
Hangul: 우씨왕후
Director: Jung Se-Kyo
Writer: Lee Byeong-Hak
Network: TVING
Episodes: 8
Release Date: August 29, 2024 (Part 1) / September 12, 2024 (Part 2)
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Genre: Saegeuk, Action
Content Rating: 21+
Plot Synopsis by AsianWiki Staff ©
Woo Hee (Jun Jong-Seo) is the empress of Goguryeo. A crisis ensues when her husband, the king of Goguryeo, dies suddenly. Woo Hee becomes the target of princes and the 5 tribes who all want to gain more power. To protect her family and her tribe, she uses levirate marriage. She struggles to marry one of her late husband's younger brothers and set them upon the throne. Woo Hee has to accomplish everything within 24 hours.
Main Cast
▪Jeon Jong-seo as Woo Hee / Queen U of Goguryeo
The queen of Goguryeo who has beauty and intelligence. She tries to protect her family and tribe by marrying one of her husband's younger brothers when the king dies.
▪Kim Mu-yeol as Eul Pa-so
Prime minister of Goguryeo and the king's soldier.
▪Ji Chang-wook as Go Nam-mu / King Gogukcheon of Goguryeo
Woo Hee's husband who is the king of Goguryeo with a brilliant mind.
▪Jeong Yu-mi as Woo Sun
Woo Hee's older sister.
▪Lee Soo-hyuk as Go Bal-gi
Prince of Goguryeo who is one of three candidates for succession to the throne.
▪Park Ji-hwan as Mugol
A commander who protects King Go Nam-mu.
Source: Asianwiki, Wikipedia Edited by Rahah at 3-9-2024 09:26 PM
Warning!!! Rated 21+...
K... bye... Rahah replied at 2-9-2024 09:55 PM
Warning!!! Rated 21+...
K... bye...
Thank you sister!! Muaaxhhh. Nak tau cite ni sbb ramai ckp best, tapi i tgh follow 2 Kdrama skng. Hahaha. :lol:
Rahah replied at 2-9-2024 09:55 PM
Warning!!! Rated 21+...
K... bye...
21+++++ scene ade JCW ke :drool3:
Edited by Rahah at 3-9-2024 05:13 PM
samperit replied at 3-9-2024 04:11 PM
Thank you sister!! Muaaxhhh. Nak tau cite ni sbb ramai ckp best, tapi i tgh follow 2 Kdrama skng....
You're welcome uols...
Iols ingatkan uols dah tengok... nak baca review... :lol:
Iols tak tengok citer ni... tapi main actors semua iols suka... ramai pelakon2 mantap berlakon...
Haah... iols baca review mostly komen storyline best except scene tu je la...
Btw citer ni ada 2 part... baru released part 1... 4 episod... part 2 release 12 September ni... total 8 episod... samperit replied at 3-9-2024 04:12 PM
21+++++ scene ade JCW ke
Rasanya ada... sebab ada nampak gambar... ;P
Oh iols lupa nak inform kalau kat viu tunjuk censored version...
Citer ni ada tunjuk kat asteruk & unifi... channel tvN... rasanya kat Malaysia censored version la uols... Rahah replied at 3-9-2024 04:32 PM
Rasanya ada... sebab ada nampak gambar...
Oh iols lupa nak inform kalau kat viu tunjuk censore ...
cite ni mmg intense. dah abis tgk, tggu next season pulak. FL x mcm typical queen, very the lemah lembut. Sheols very gangstahhh gitu :lol: yelah cite2 dia sblm ni pun mcm ape kan. JCW dah mati, jgn lah dia kawin dgn prince yg psiko tu :mad: baideway iols tgk yg x sensored ye tapi mcm merepek je scene yg xperlu kau bogel, tibahh bogel. kau dah kenapa nokkkk :laugh3: tanjat kitew
samperit replied at 11-9-2024 05:08 PM
cite ni mmg intense. dah abis tgk, tggu next season pulak. FL x mcm typical queen, very the lemah...
Part 2 release esok...
Yup... FL selalu berlakon watak badass... tu sebab iols suka acting dia... :lol:
Memang ada kdrama yang tak perlu scene tu pun... kononnya nak attract viewers la tu... padahal plot citer dah mantap... tapi iols de ternampak katanya bukan body diorang... double... ;P
PART 2...
e9ToAID6qfU?si=6u89U4vELdoVmtuq Kenapa senyap sunyi benang ni? Semua org x tgk? Iols je ke tgk cite ni? Cite ni mmg brutal & explicit ye. Tibe2 keluar backside org, boobies lah. Tanjat kitew :lol: Nasib tgk time cuti panjang hari malaysia aritu, xde lah trauma sgt. Rahah replied at 11-9-2024 09:14 PM
Part 2 release esok...
Yup... FL selalu berlakon watak badass... tu sebab iols suka acting dia.. ...
badan dia mmg cantik noks. Lean & curvy sikit. Iols first tgk FL ni cite dia dgn Sokku, Nothing Serious. Lps tu layan Money Heist.
samperit replied at 23-9-2024 04:59 PM
Kenapa senyap sunyi benang ni? Semua org x tgk? Iols je ke tgk cite ni?
Iols kurang minat saeguk drama... kalau movie boleh la layan plus tengok mood... samperit replied at 23-9-2024 05:03 PM
badan dia mmg cantik noks. Lean & curvy sikit. Iols first tgk FL ni cite dia dgn Sokku, Nothing Se ...
Iols dah tengok both citer dia tu... best...
Citer dia dengan Son Sokku iols suka sebab chemistry diorang...
Ballerina dah tengok?... watak badass woman uols... suka tengok dia fight...
Rahah replied at 24-9-2024 08:21 PM
Iols dah tengok both citer dia tu... best...
Citer dia dengan Son Sokku iols suka sebab...
belum lagi. tgk cite QW ni pun sbb nak tgk JCW & dia, walaupun bosan 1st part tapi ttp gigih abiskan jgk. tgh mood nak tgk cite tearjerking movies / drama, ada yg best2 nak suggest ? :$
Edited by Rahah at 25-9-2024 04:45 PM
samperit replied at 25-9-2024 12:02 PM
belum lagi. tgk cite QW ni pun sbb nak tgk JCW & dia, walaupun bosan 1st part tapi ttp gigih abisk ...
Kalau kdrama baru ni Queen Of Tears, Our Blues, Hi Bye Mama... tapi ni ada funny scenes jugak... yang ni kdrama lama The Smile Has Left Your Eyes (2018), My Mister (2018)... kalau betul2 tearjerking kdrama ni kdrama lama... memang berjurai airmata... menusuk kalbu...
Kmovie baru so far takde & ada yang iols tak tengok lagi... kmovie lama kalau genre romance memang sedih giler... ada jugak yang bukan genre romance macam My Annoying Brother... Best jgk tp pendek sgt episod Episod 1 ni so far i like cite ni... teringat JCW dlm empress ki Episod 8 ending tergantung.. episode 1 hingga 6 hanya utk kisah satu mlm kesana sini mencari prince no 3 prince no 4
Tp mcm drama trunk jugak xxx scene byk benor...
Kita tunggu nxt season