manjalara_01 Publish time 2-8-2023 03:35 PM


Edited by manjalara_01 at 2-8-2023 04:17 PM


manjalara_01 Publish time 2-8-2023 04:36 PM

Edited by manjalara_01 at 2-8-2023 05:30 PM

Women are more likely to experience depression in the years leading up to menopause. Many people misunderstand how the hormones change around perimenopause. In this clip, learn about the relationship between perimenopause and depression and potential treatment options.

During perimenopause and menopause, the body makes less estrogen than it used to. As the levels of these hormone levels drop, it can lead to worsening ADHD symptoms. In some cases, this can mean a new treatment plan is needed. It can even lead to someone with ADHD getting diagnosed and treated for the first time.


ADHD as an Adult

Laura never realized not everyone felt like there were two brass bones going off in her head! After an appointment with a doctor at the Nightingale Clinic in London who life changed. She was given the piece of the puzzle she had been missing her whole life. Laura has inattentive ADHD.

Perimenopause & Adhd

Covid was a tough time for many people. Laura found she needed an increase in medication as her Adhd became worse. When she started experiencing worse brain fog and mood swings Laura knew something else was going on. Not satisfied with puttingup with it as 'part of the course for women' she sort help from her GP.

Finding a silver lining

Covid brought more changes for Laura when she was made redundant. She was forced to think about what she wanted to do to make an income. She shares how created her online shop Sonas Crystals and found her passion. Laura encourages anyone with Adhd to think about where their passions are and make space for creativity in their day.

adila39 Publish time 2-8-2023 10:31 PM

Good job Manja!

adila39 Publish time 3-8-2023 11:44 AM

i think manja, this is something that all women cant avoid, its a lumrah la mmg kita wanita akan lalui fasa ni..But the most important thing is how we handle and cope and we still lead life normal and happy

manjalara_01 Publish time 4-8-2023 06:14 PM

Edited by manjalara_01 at 4-8-2023 06:15 PM

adila39 replied at 3-8-2023 11:44 AM
i think manja, this is something that all women cant avoid, its a lumrah la mmg kita wanita akan lal ...

I rs ramai kot x tau psl ni so that's why i bukak thread just nk bg awareness :loveliness:

Like me, I was clueless before i googgled ;P

And also ada kesan pd those yg ngidap depression and anxiety :$

For me skrg ni my ADHD is confusing me{:3_86:}

manjalara_01 Publish time 4-8-2023 06:16 PM

adila39 replied at 2-8-2023 10:31 PM
Good job Manja!

No problem :loveliness:

manjalara_01 Publish time 4-8-2023 06:19 PM


UMMI_MAI Publish time 23-5-2024 03:23 PM

any supplement to combat the symptom ?

notfound Publish time 7-7-2024 09:34 AM

Good i fo

ipes2 Publish time 11-7-2024 01:46 AM

UMMI_MAI replied at 23-5-2024 03:23 PM
any supplement to combat the symptom ?

Untuk combat symptoms Perimenopause (time interval dekat2 dengan menopause, tetapi belum lagi menopause), paling utama ialah untuk kita isolate apakah symptoms yang paling teruk. Sebahagian besar wanita tiada sangat symptoms nya, dan jika ada pun, ianya adalah agak mild tanpa perlu ditangani doctors. namun, ramai yang hadapi symptoms yang seprti diatas, tetapi teruk. Malangnya, sedikit sahaja ruang utk supplements yang dapat membantu symptoms ini.

Contoh, jika Hot Flashes sangat buruk dan ramai wanita lalui ini, maka terpaksalah ambil HRT dan kami sebagai doctors adalah selalunya cukup experienced untuk menjaga pesakit on HRT.

Jika mood swing nye teruk atau depression nya is deep, maka tidak salah untuk ambil anti depressant buat sementara waktu sampailah Menopause sudah berlaku dan things stabilizes.

Yang lain2 nya pun perlu treatment juga, eg jika ada pain atau kering semasa hubungan sex, HRT boleh membantu; juga vaginal cream etc. Jika bones mula menunjukkan kemerosotan dan mula nak jadi osteoporosis bila di scan dgn DEXA scan, maka Calcium Tablets (ini mungkin supplements boleh bantu), Vit D (supplements boleh bantu) atau ubat melawan osteoporosis mungkin di perlukan.

UMMI_MAI Publish time 11-7-2024 10:44 AM

ipes2 replied at 11-7-2024 01:46 AM
Untuk combat symptoms Perimenopause (time interval dekat2 dengan menopause, tetapi belum lagi meno ...

skrg sya on supplement Agenol , reccomended by pharmacist . Sya memang ada masalah hot flushes yg teruk . so Agenol agak membantu ...tapi baru nak habiskan 1 botol , planning to continue .

ipes2 Publish time 14-7-2024 10:13 PM

UMMI_MAI replied at 11-7-2024 10:44 AM
skrg sya on supplement Agenol , reccomended by pharmacist . Sya memang ada masalah hot flushes yg...

Agenol ye?
ini adalah supplement
Main ingredients dia agak simple je ie Vitamin K2 (boleh dapat dari beef liver, cheeses, egg yolk, chicken, butter dan diproduce oleh Bacteria dalam tali perut kita) dan Vitamin D3 (matahari pukul 1200 hingga kol 1400, ie UVB atau beli dari kedai2 - sy guna dari botol £1.00 dari Poundland utk 60 tablets of 1000Units sbb UK ni bila sgt ada matahari). Awak kekurangan elements ini kah dalam darah? Mahal supplements yang awak beli ni, considering the ingredients are truly sgt ringkas dan widely available. Tgk2 jugak Calcium awak (sebab dua2 ingredients awak ini boleh menaikkan kadar calcium).

Lebih elok jika awak ambil supplements yg betul2 awak tidak akan dapat dari makanan harian eg Cod Liver Oil etc dan improve bukan hanya sudut2 physical; cod liver oil boleh improve mood, focus dan ini adalah based on Scientific Research etc. tak payah cap yg mahal2 seperti Seven seas etc.. yg penting is the contents, not the brand.

ipes2 Publish time 14-7-2024 10:16 PM

UMMI_MAI replied at 11-7-2024 10:44 AM
skrg sya on supplement Agenol , reccomended by pharmacist . Sya memang ada masalah hot flushes yg...

Agenol ye?
ini adalah supplement
Main ingredients dia agak simple je ie Vitamin K2 (boleh dapat dari beef liver, cheeses, egg yolk, chicken, butter dan diproduce oleh Bacteria dalam tali perut kita) dan Vitamin D3 (matahari pukul 1200 hingga kol 1400, ie UVB atau beli dari kedai2 - sy guna dari botol £1.00 dari Poundland utk 60 tablets of 1000Units sbb UK ni bila sgt ada matahari). Awak kekurangan elements ini kah dalam darah? Mahal supplements yang awak beli ni, considering the ingredients are truly sgt ringkas dan widely available. Tgk2 jugak Calcium awak (sebab dua2 ingredients awak ini boleh menaikkan kadar calcium).

Lebih elok jika awak ambil supplements yg betul2 awak tidak akan dapat dari makanan harian eg Cod Liver Oil etc dan improve bukan hanya sudut2 physical; cod liver oil boleh improve mood, focus dan ini adalah based on Scientific Research etc. tak payah cap yg mahal2 seperti Seven seas etc.. yg penting is the contents, not the brand.

UMMI_MAI Publish time 15-7-2024 12:48 PM

so better ambik Cod liver oil gak? ada buleh suggest brand ? yg agenol ni sebab sya minta phrmacist cadangkan utk beat the menopuase simpton , so dia cadangkan Ageno n nuvafemme
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