skymania Publish time 3-2-2011 07:20 AM

usui kiut!!~

juju_amin84 Publish time 7-2-2011 02:35 PM

usui hensem hokkay :$

mijot Publish time 7-2-2011 02:40 PM

tak sangka banyak geng usui...
aku jer kot yg suka san-baka :lol:

pacey Publish time 9-2-2011 10:52 PM

Post Last Edit by pacey at 9-2-2011 23:45

Ni aku join sekali, yek TT, atas undangan Mijot-san..

Scenes from one of the Maid sama omake
The gender bender episode.
Usui absolute hawtness as a girl...
What an I say... Usui is still Usui walaupun masa jadi pompuan
Still teasing Misaki-kun mercilessly..
Tapi aku lebih suka Misaki as a girl... so kawaii.. and Usui as a boy so kakkoii..

Dengan ehsan Marisol-chan...

ibuKA Publish time 11-2-2011 04:22 PM

perghhhhh...gambo last tu...hensom gilos tenungan usui...{:3_85:}

mijot Publish time 12-2-2011 08:06 PM

hoyeh pacey dah datang {:1_152:}
{:3_84:}{:3_85:} tengok gambar usui

acquiller Publish time 16-2-2011 03:03 PM

gambo usui pakai spek tade keh...
time misaki dok ziarah usui tuh...
lagi2 time suap bubur... rase cam nak suh misaki peluk2 jek usui...

pacey Publish time 17-2-2011 11:44 PM

Reply 26# mijot

    Sankyu.. sankyu..

This one for you..

pacey Publish time 17-2-2011 11:46 PM

Reply 27# acquiller

    Hok ni boleh...

Nanti aku sambung lagi, Insya Allah...

acquiller Publish time 18-2-2011 11:32 AM

Reply 29# pacey

mekasih pacey..
de lagi x??
time bukak pintu??

pacey Publish time 22-2-2011 12:11 AM

Reply 30# acquiller

    Aku tak tau hok mana se..

Aku tepek mana yang sempat jek, OK..

acquiller Publish time 22-2-2011 09:47 AM

Reply 31# pacey

gugugugu.... ;P
muka suprise de sparkle2 tuh la...
no 4... priceless woo... x sangka die misaki datang...

babyila Publish time 23-5-2011 11:09 PM

cke bget cte nie...bwu jer abes tgk cmlm......
love jer....
ape stuasi pn....
LOVE THIS ANIME.....{:3_91:}

naeila1807 Publish time 8-8-2011 04:55 PM

suka sangat
baru je beli dvdnya aritu
tgk sambil {:3_85:} je
agak ada tak sambungan versi kartun ??
walaupun dpt baca sambungan komik tp tak puas la {:3_98:}
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