iza_yuss Publish time 28-5-2009 12:05 AM

kahkahkahkah:lol: :lol: :lol:

ea208964 Publish time 28-5-2009 12:35 PM

HAD klu kira maksudnya to own - memiliki, possess- mempunyai,hold for use - untuk digunakan , contain - mengandungi

I had a nice dinner with my friends.

I had a bad cold last week.

tapi ..


I had already done that ----.>penggunaan salah sebab secara ringkas klu translate jadi - saya mempunyai 'telah membuatnya'.

sebetulnya tulis I have already done that- saya yang telahmembuatnya.

berbelit lak rasanya...ada sesiapa yg boleh terangkn dgn secara lebih jelas..kesalahan grammar

I had already done that...

iza_yuss Publish time 28-5-2009 01:37 PM

Reply #62 ea208964's post

kalo dia penah buat......(past tense)

she had done salah ek?

adoiii susah gak english ni

ke she have done? ---> macam salah jek

~~yg kalo dua kali had

she had had........

camne lak nak guna?:o

hyie Publish time 28-5-2009 02:59 PM

Originally posted by iza_yuss at 28-5-2009 01:37 PM http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif
kalo dia penah buat......(past tense)

she had done salah ek?

adoiii susah gak english ni

ke she have done? ---> macam salah jek

~~yg kalo dua kali had

she had had........

ca ...
rasanya "She did.."

hyie Publish time 28-5-2009 03:01 PM

Originally posted by iza_yuss at 28-5-2009 01:37 PM http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif
kalo dia penah buat......(past tense)

she had done salah ek?

adoiii susah gak english ni

ke she have done? ---> macam salah jek

~~yg kalo dua kali had

she had had........

ca ...

she had had?

contoh ayatnye cemane tu?

yg biasa hyie jumpa.. "I have had.."

hyie Publish time 28-5-2009 03:03 PM

"I have already done.."   dan   "I have done already.."

Which one is right? :L

cikgutuition Publish time 28-5-2009 03:26 PM

Originally posted by hyie at 28-5-2009 15:03 http://mforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif
"I have already done.."   dan   "I have done already.."

Which one is right? :L

Dua2 boleh..


I have already done it..

I have done it already

cikgutuition Publish time 28-5-2009 03:30 PM

Untuk nama yang berakhir dengan 's' kalau letak apostrophe sahaja pun boleh..


James' house

The actress' dress

The boss' car.

ea208964 Publish time 28-5-2009 03:52 PM

Reply #61 iza_yuss's post

kan dah kata ...baik tanya mana yg betul ..tu cikgu tuition dah cakap dua2 betul...;P ;P

ea208964 Publish time 28-5-2009 03:54 PM

Cikgu kalau ada masa tulun explain pasal ..:D

'I hadalready done it .'

penggunaan HAD kat ayat ni betul atau tidak...

cikgutuition Publish time 28-5-2009 05:00 PM

Had done - Past perfect tense and merujuk kepada dua perbuatn dah lepas and Past Perfect tu digunakan untuk perbuatan pertama dan perbuatan kedua tu gunakan Simple Past

I had done the job before I came here.

Bentuk Past perfect - Had + Verb dalam bentuk Past Participle

have done / has done - Present Perfect tense untuk satu perbuatan yang dah lepas tanpa penunjuk masa

Bentuk Presentperfect - Have/has + Verb dalam bentuk Past Participle

I/You/We/They/Plural verbs - have + Verb dalam bentuk Past Participle

Singular - has + Verb dalam bentuk Past Participle

iza_yuss Publish time 29-5-2009 12:12 AM

Reply #71 cikgutuition's post

boleh x kasi contoh ayat:$

ea208964 Publish time 29-5-2009 12:14 AM

weh iza rajin ko blajo english memalam skrg...;P ;P

* past perfect tense nilebih ke penulisan dlm percakapan kurang skit guna..

more common mistakes

1. The living's room is small -wrong

    The living room is small -right

for people and animals - living thingsboleh guna 's or s' tuk mengambarkan belonging to

2. Chase after him - salah

   Chase him - betul

chase tu bermaksud run after ..klu tulis chase after him ..actually kita dah buat ayat'run after after him'

[ Last edited byea208964 at 29-5-2009 00:43 ]

cikgutuition Publish time 29-5-2009 02:48 AM

Past perfect ni x ramai yang tahu so tak ramai yang gunakan dalam perbualan dan juga penulisan..kebanyakan orang akan gunakan Simple Past untuk kedua2 perbuatan di masa lepas..


I ate before I came here just now. - Incorrect

I read the newspaper this morning before I went to office. -Incorrect

Sepatutnya kalau ada dua Perbuatan, perbuatan PERTAMA tu mesti dalam Past Perfect seperti berikut

I had eaten before I came here just now. - Incorrect

I had read the newspaper this morning before I went to office. -Incorrect

cikgutuition Publish time 29-5-2009 02:59 AM

Ada jugak yang gunakan Present perfect untuk perbuatan pertama tu.

I have eaten before I came here just now. - Incorrect

I have read the newspaper this morning before I went to office. -Incorrect

Kelas Asas-asas bahasa Inggeris saya bermula 5/6 di Putrajaya n 6/6 di Sunway.

hyie Publish time 29-5-2009 11:39 AM

so what are the right answers?

ea208964 Publish time 29-5-2009 12:11 PM

It's 8.00 P.M at night. - wrong
It's 8.00 P.M -correct

8.00 P.M. at night - eight at nigh at night - redundant

[ Last edited byea208964 at 30-5-2009 11:47 ]

hyie Publish time 29-5-2009 04:33 PM

ok2 ..

kalo nk tanye "Awak dah makan?"

we shud say .. "Have you eaten?"

:$ :$

hyie Publish time 29-5-2009 04:40 PM

Originally posted by cikgutuition at 29-5-2009 02:48 AM http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif
I had eaten before I came here just now. - Incorrect

I had read the newspaper this morning before I went to office. -Incorrect

Originally posted by cikgutuition at 29-5-2009 02:59 AM http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif
I have eaten before I came here just now. - Incorrect

I have read the newspaper this morning before I went to office. -Incorrect

both incorrect? rasanya yg ni ayat yg betul kan?

ea208964 Publish time 29-5-2009 04:52 PM

Reply #78 hyie's post

yup.. Have/has/had + past particle...

boleh tambah timeexpression--

Have you eaten yet?

Have you eaten your breakfast?
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