ayukpingu Publish time 19-10-2022 03:44 PM

info yang menarik. suka aje baca

kamexkame Publish time 19-10-2022 03:53 PM

Page88 replied at 19-10-2022 03:24 PM
You have to understand, apart from looks, character & family background matter. The reasons why ma ...

Ramai je malay girls yang full package camtu..

311gurl Publish time 19-10-2022 08:23 PM

kamexkame replied at 19-10-2022 02:48 PM
Maybe sebab mak dia kot. I tgk mak dia rupa chinese jugak. Ada darah cina ke eh diorg?
Alaa xyah l ...

still ke uols? or ex heols yg dulu? i dont get the appeal, no shade to any chinese forummers ya.
just irony royals beriya ckp pasal malay rights but ended up with foreign/different race utk wife.

311gurl Publish time 19-10-2022 08:25 PM

about marrying outside your own race because of they are looking more than looks tu satu hal, but yg foreign spouses/race ni background pun shady. so apa beza nya?

Incanto Publish time 19-10-2022 08:47 PM

311gurl replied at 18-10-2022 09:05 PM
I wonder mcm mana muka dia nmpk chinese when parents malay? but he is good looking, i tgk kemain c ...

Tuanku Mukhriz muka mcm Chinese juga ....dgn misai melintang dia

Tg Aishah pun kulit putih tp mata tak sepet

aku jumpa Tuanku Mukhriz dgn Tengku Aishah kat wedding minggu lepas. Dua dua baik dan chill

Incanto Publish time 19-10-2022 08:50 PM

kamexkame replied at 19-10-2022 03:53 PM
Ramai je malay girls yang full package camtu..

Belum tentu derang nak kawin dgn anak anak Sultan

kamexkame Publish time 20-10-2022 05:26 PM

311gurl replied at 19-10-2022 08:25 PM
about marrying outside your own race because of they are looking more than looks tu satu hal, but yg ...

Ya betul jgk kan. So bukan la psl background sgt. Mmg more taste diorg lah kot

theotherfriend Publish time 20-10-2022 07:37 PM

gunkgurl replied at 18-10-2022 03:30 PM
Hahahahaha kenapa dengan isteri sultan selangor tu? Share sikit. Ada apa2 yang cendeng ke masa jum ...

she's okay je tapi dalam forum ni dulu ada gosipan pasal sheols, iols terjebak. Tak baik kan...

PanadolExtend Publish time 24-10-2022 03:23 PM

Pernah je beraktiviti sukan dgn Tengku Bakar. Rupa sama mcm dalam instagram. Very humble orangnya. Relek je join kitorang makan minum atas lantai stesen minyak masa stop refill air.

kamexkame Publish time 25-10-2022 11:31 AM

PanadolExtend replied at 24-10-2022 03:23 PM
Pernah je beraktiviti sukan dgn Tengku Bakar. Rupa sama mcm dalam instagram. Very humble orangnya. R ...

Husband faith tu ye?

rezaremy Publish time 25-10-2022 03:48 PM

Page88 replied at 19-10-2022 05:14 PM
True but once the nitpicking has started (from the Royalty side to the suitor), doing background c ...

yekerrr kaji betul2...kalaulahhh kaji betul2..tak mungkin jagong K dulu boleh kawin dgn oks tu....ini pendapat i jer yerrr...maaf kalau salah

PanadolExtend Publish time 25-10-2022 04:49 PM

kamexkame replied at 25-10-2022 11:31 AM
Husband faith tu ye?

Yesss husband faith.. jenuh iols memikir siapa faith.. rupanyaaa direct translation :lol:

electricopop Publish time 3-11-2022 10:00 AM

Sultan Nazrin and Tuanku Zara Salim. Such a beautiful couple.

nirman Publish time 3-11-2022 11:59 AM

Page88 replied at 19-10-2022 05:14 PM
True but once the nitpicking has started (from the Royalty side to the suitor), doing background c ...

I dont think so. Habis tu sultan kelantan kahwin ex porn star? i think they just dont find malay ladies attractive.dan mungkin nak baiki keturunan kut macam ex sultan pahang anak semua hodoh kahwin pakistani wah la Tengku Fahd yang handsome

nirman Publish time 4-11-2022 08:28 AM

Page88 replied at 4-11-2022 12:16 AM
You have your opinion & I have mine. I said what I said. Also, about the Kelantan Royal Family, I...

satu dunia kecoh sultan kelantan pakai jubah busuk kahwin dengan porn star and you tak tau hahhha

nirman Publish time 4-11-2022 04:31 PM

Then don't have to act hollier than thou la. They way u pretend u don't know anything about the porn star and undistinguished husband. Also if you can't justify ur claims don't write here

nirman Publish time 5-11-2022 01:10 PM

Hahahah moron. Bila tak tau justify comment personal attack. Eh u don't even know me ya so screw u bitch. Don't bother to respond I tak.layan ur comments.

mendeluk Publish time 6-11-2022 12:48 AM

Edited by mendeluk at 6-11-2022 12:52 AM

nirman replied at 5-11-2022 01:10 PM
Hahahah moron. Bila tak tau justify comment personal attack. Eh u don't even know me ya so screw u b ...

I rasa dia foreigner. I pun kena jgak, suddenly dapat PM dia, takde bagi salam apa, terus mcm ugut after case i spill tea tu hari and insist gila nak mintak priv ig ku rahman. Sbb dia kata aiols slalu mention nama ku iman’s ig. Padahal sejak bila weyhh. Haha.

Bila reply lambat, dia post lakk kt thread and bg tau kat i yg i kasar and disrespectful dgn dia.

gucci_advocate Publish time 6-11-2022 11:18 AM

Haha, kalau nak kata royals cerewet tentang background bakal isteri or suami, banyak bukti yang tunjukkan sebaliknya :lol:

nirman Publish time 6-11-2022 11:34 AM

gucci_advocate replied at 6-11-2022 11:18 AM
Haha, kalau nak kata royals cerewet tentang background bakal isteri or suami, banyak bukti yang tunj ...

Exactly Kida yang malay muslim pun ex Ms. Rempit, zaman dulu pun Johor sultan pernah ada affair dengan perempuan kabaret

Lydia Cecilia Hill (20 July 1913 – 11 October 1940), known as Cissie Hill or Cecily Hill, was an English cabaret dancer notable for being a favourite of Ibrahim, Sultan of Johor and for being briefly engaged to him. A new Art Deco house, Mayfair Court, was funded for her in Herne Bay, Kent, by the Sultan. She was killed during World War II in her native Canterbury at the age of 27 in a German airstrike. There is an elaborate, marble monument on her grave in Herne Bay cemetery, Eddington, paid for by the Sultan.

On 25 June 1934, it was announced in the Court Circular that Ibrahim, Sultan of Johor had arrived at the Grosvenor House Hotel in Park Lane at the West End of London, during part of his world tour that year. He left for continental Europe, but returned to the Grosvenor House Hotel on 6 September. Cissie was appearing as a dancer in the floor show at the same hotel, and first met him there.She became his favourite, and the Sultan was "fabulously wealthy": in 1935 he gave £500,000 to the British Government for the defence of Singapore, and in 1940 he gave £250,000 towards the cost of World War II. He was also a six-foot-six-inch-tall playboy, whose playgrounds included Sumatra and London, and the relationship with Cissie continued. The Sultan funded a new home for Cissie in Herne Bay in 1934 or 1935, and by 1935 she was living in the newly built Mayfair Court. She is recorded as living there in 1935; also in 1936 when her father, Lieutenant Hill, retired and came to live with her and her mother. On 20 July 1936, Cissie and her mother Florence Cecilia Hill arrived at Southampton from Colombo on the ship Sibajak. According to local historian Harold Gough, she and the Sultan travelled frequently to Johor and Europe in the 1930s.https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f5/MS_Sibajak_launch_1927.jpg/220px-MS_Sibajak_launch_1927.jpg
Cissie and Florence travelled on MS Sibajak in 1936

Sometime in 1937, robbers broke into Mayfair Court and stole £5,000-worth of jewellery from Cissie's bedroom; this brought the affair with the Sultan into the public eye. Descriptions of the stolen items were published, and it was disclosed that two of them were inscribed, "With all my love, S.I." S.I. was Sultan Ibrahim, but Cissie's personal life had been private, and local rumour had invented an Indian maharajah to account for the Hill family's rise in fortune and for the building of Mayfair Court by a resting dancer in 1934. The publicity embarrassed the family, and Cissie's mother Florence Hill told a Press reporter that "Lydia" had gone into hiding under medical care due to shock at public attitudes, and that they knew no maharajah. It is not known whether the pressure of this publicity incited the Sultan to announce an engagement in May, 1938.

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