sitisbp Publish time 21-5-2022 06:49 AM

mbhcsf replied at 21-5-2022 01:28 AM
well masa ep 9 ke 10 ke Hee Wee siasat latar belakang Lee Min Soo and dia tau siapa lee Min soo as...

Omg... i really hope that minsoo is just one of hee woo chessmen...i really hope that he already predicted minsoo involvement so that he can use him as a pawn. Mcm skrg dia cover up as if his taeget in is only to take down seok hoon, tp his actual target is kim jung taek..the opposition party leader. Because in the future jung taek was sacrifice to let tae sob win. This part of trap only heewoo knew right? Even assemblyman hwang jing yong pun tak tau until last minutes before the new prosecutor general angkat sumpah baru heewoo bgtau kan.
Frust tp happy with the twist la sbb we already feel that minsoo is hiding something.

mbhcsf Publish time 21-5-2022 07:03 AM

Edited by mbhcsf at 21-5-2022 07:05 AM

sitisbp replied at 21-5-2022 06:49 AM
Omg... i really hope that minsoo is just one of hee woo chessmen...i really hope that he already p ...
i hope he works his plan out , u know or else...hmm hmm hmm dr k is waiting atthe other end , tu je la, well, tae sob is quite an observant - he is good in judging hee wee's aptitude : 'While the others come to me with the aim to get me solving the problems for them, he - Hee Wee always comes up withsolution and with surprises too. this hascaught me off - guard ,hee wee is brilliant and he knows that'.

the thing is , is lee min soo a loyal chess play mate or u know the other way around? drama ni tak tunjuk ape pun butir butir mission lee min soo with tae soeb or hee wee's. kot kotla ade pre panned moved.

tapi kan if u reckon , ade kevillain will have the cheek to reveal who and for whom they are working for?
perhaps may be , in teh next few incoming epsiodes , the dr`ma will show that this is all pre planned, predicted sequencesas you said on the part of Lee min soo...

ade nihyg depa tak nak kasi kita tahu , yg hee wee's did his homework detailed plan ????
but pelik is - u perasan tak why did hee we's didn't ask Jeon Seok - what was on his mind, bothering him every now and then afyer the press con?
because jeon Seok knew that he will the next target ...

sitisbp Publish time 21-5-2022 01:08 PM

mbhcsf replied at 21-5-2022 07:03 AM
i hope he works his plan out , u know or else...hmm hmm hmm dr k is waiting atthe other end , tu...

Ha tu la yg puzzling..he straight away informed heewoo that he work with taesob.But heewoo expression not that surprised either kan. Like he expecting it to happen. So maybe laa .. minsoo act as double agent?

mbhcsf Publish time 21-5-2022 05:40 PM

Edited by mbhcsf at 21-5-2022 05:42 PM

sitisbp replied at 21-5-2022 01:08 PM
Ha tu la yg puzzling..he straight away informed heewoo that he work with taesob.But heewoo expre ...
u know ...the thing is , i am not sure as ini don't understand whether this min soo thingy is the expected course of event somewhatas in he ( Hee Wee ) already khew that Min Soo is the double crosser ? well he is creepy anyway and he could read hee wee's step

hee wee didn't expect min soo to be the macai of Cho Tae soebbut,Hee wee knows sooner or later Cho Tae Sob will eventually get back athim , by any possible means though..and min soo is just the guy for the job ?


He has planned this with min soo ...? then why did hee wee look a bit surprise after min soo said he is yadda yadda with TAe Soeb?

sitisbp Publish time 21-5-2022 11:59 PM

mbhcsf replied at 21-5-2022 05:40 PM
u know ...the thing is , i am not sure as ini don't understand whether this min soo thingy is the ...

Omaigadddd.... chief jeon suk pun dah kena beli dgn tae sob :mad:

Dah la dia byk tau plan hee woo. Why la org2 ni semua berpalingtadah ... preview next epi i think sang man pulak kena bunuh dgn dr k tu. Sbb ada scene dr k n scene heewoo dlm keta crying frustrated. He even confront tae sob dah. 2 more epi je lg...if kim seok hoon lepas n park dae hoo pun lepas... tak tau la mcm mana heewoo nak dpt balik upperhand. Tu belum umpan pompuan tae sob hantar tu. Jemih nak tunggu next weekend.

mbhcsf Publish time 22-5-2022 12:34 AM

sitisbp replied at 21-5-2022 11:59 PM
Omaigadddd.... chief jeon suk pun dah kena beli dgn tae sob

Dah la dia byk tau plan hee woo ...

i know...i know.. i baru tengok

ni kire CHo Tae Soeb is chopping his proxy dah ni arms and legs

as what Hee Wee did to him in the few episodes.

kire now pay back time lah , dulu kau kenakan org I , now i kenakan you balik

tengok muke Lee Min Soo ...hmm dah senyum kan

soi dah tengok trailers next week
aiyooo, agak genting ye - Cho Tae Soeb dan his goons dah main kasaq dah...depa mula nak kenakan Hee Wee's righthand man - Park Sang Man.

dan ape dia nak buat dengan That Lady actress tu ye, dia cabar lady seducer to ganggu He Wee ye?


best best drama ni ...macam strategy...

tapi apa akan terjadi kat Lee Min Soo akhirnya?

adakah Cho Tae Soeb nak kenakan Hee Wee'sdengan cara scandal?

mbhcsf Publish time 22-5-2022 12:37 AM

sitisbp replied at 21-5-2022 11:59 PM
Omaigadddd.... chief jeon suk pun dah kena beli dgn tae sob

Dah la dia byk tau plan hee woo ...

then takkan lah kan Han Ji Hyuk tu dah intervene kan?

i mean apa guna watak Han Ji Hyuk tu selain daripada Grim reaper ep 1 yg nak sangat Hee wee balas dendam kat Cho Tae Soeb?
takkanlah dia tak main ape2 peranan dah selain ep yg sebelum ni?

pelik, kan?

mbhcsf Publish time 22-5-2022 12:42 AM

sitisbp replied at 21-5-2022 11:59 PM
Omaigadddd.... chief jeon suk pun dah kena beli dgn tae sob

Dah la dia byk tau plan hee woo ...

Kim Seok Hoon lepas pun ...apakah peranan dia lepas ni sebab, Han ji Hyukdalam conversation with Cho Tae soeb ( CTS) dia cakap Kim Heine Seok tu dah terpalit scandal anak tak sah taraf tu dah so agak sukar dia nak makingacomeback..

Parl Dae Hoe - yess ini mungkin boleh berlaku - sebab CTS nak dapatkan pemilikan JQ construction tukan?
right now shares are with LSM and Kimm Hee A ... god what do you think would happen next?

takkan hee wee terikat dedua kaki and tanganmacam ep 1...

dan ingat tak syarat ep 1 tu Grom reaper tu ckp if dia gagal dalam misi dia maka dia akan mati..

so han ji hyuk ni agak kejam jugak lah , baik hee wee take her down as well, dia ni tak bantu

or do u think han ji hyuk akan main peranan yg besar ep 14 or 15 ...sebab tu may be dia terbunuh? may be dia nak bantu hee wee????

mbhcsf Publish time 22-5-2022 12:43 AM

i guess ni drama yg kedua terbaik dalam plot , actings etc elepas lah..

mbhcsf Publish time 22-5-2022 12:44 AM

eh takkan tak leh drama akasia , ke samarinda ke ade penulis yg boleh guna idea akal and intelligent depa buat macam ni ye?

mbhcsf Publish time 22-5-2022 01:06 AM

apa yg jadi kekuatan dan kelemhan and vantage points Hee Wee ade untuk kenakan Cho TAeSoeb?

dia ada kawan kat Gim San tu kan?
Hee Wee Is smart tapiLee Min Soo and Jeon Seok semua kat dalam team CTS dah...
dia ada source money PSM - ni pun kalau tak dikacau oleh CTS dalam apa jua cara
Dia ade director Hwang - kan Director Hwang tu kata kena ade plan A, B and C
tak banyak source dah mamat ni kecuali otak dia je

macam mana dia nak selesaikan ni...
semua evidence salah laku semua musuhhee Wee, hee Wee ade ...

i think Han ji hyuk tak dapat tidak akan intervene...sebab she has helped him once..

sitisbp Publish time 22-5-2022 05:35 PM

mbhcsf replied at 22-5-2022 01:06 AM
apa yg jadi kekuatan dan kelemhan and vantage points Hee Wee ade untuk kenakan Cho TAeSoeb?

dia a ...

I was hoping that ni trap to infiltrate taesob fr bila preview heewoo crying n mcm something bad happen tu sangman so maybe mmg betul2 minsoo n jesok berpaling tadah. At this point with 2 episod left..i pasrah la whatever the plot twist will be. My only hope is that generally krama mcm ni ... the evil one will fall in the end, maybe with some sacrifice fr the good side . So heewoo winning over taesob is at least 50% assured based on what normally kdrama direction haha. Itu je la. I cannot think how heewoo going to win so terserah hehe

mbhcsf Publish time 22-5-2022 08:59 PM

sitisbp replied at 22-5-2022 05:35 PM
I was hoping that ni trap to infiltrate taesob fr bila preview heewoo crying n mcm some ...

yg i geram tu han ji hyuk nampak mcm ..tak buat ape2 langsung as in oblivious gitu sedangksn dulu dia pernah bantu

sitisbp Publish time 22-5-2022 09:32 PM

mbhcsf replied at 22-5-2022 08:59 PM
yg i geram tu han ji hyuk nampak mcm ..tak buat ape2 langsung as in oblivious gitu sedangksn dulu...

I pun x paham memori and stand dia mcm mana sebenarnya. Maybe 2 epi last nnt ada kot..if not than kira thats the flaw la yg scriptwriter overlook ... dah 14 epi tp so far takde langsung connection dgn 1st epi intro tu

mbhcsf Publish time 23-5-2022 08:34 PM

sitisbp replied at 22-5-2022 09:32 PM
I pun x paham memori and stand dia mcm mana sebenarnya. Maybe 2 epi last nnt ada kot..if not than...

hmm tu lah pasal...tak sabar juga nk tunggu next week, nak tengok camne...

mbhcsf Publish time 28-5-2022 01:47 AM

Edited by mbhcsf at 28-5-2022 01:48 AM

ep 15

wow makin menarik, hmm...yes seperti yang dijangke , mesti ade satu nyawa terkorban...disebabkan oleh nyawa itu maka Hee Wee terpaksa berkonfrontasi dengan Cho Tae Soeb.

ini tak ape lagi, cuma...apa pernan Director Han ni ? macam ..dia akan lakukan sesuatu atau tidak ye?

sitisbp Publish time 28-5-2022 06:49 AM

mbhcsf replied at 28-5-2022 01:47 AM
ep 15

wow makin menarik, hmm...yes seperti yang dijangke , mesti ade satu nyawa terkorban...diseba ...

I chicken out:lol:..... i nak tunggu epi 16 malam ni keluar baru nak tgk 15. I cannot be at peace for sure the whole day ni kalau i tgk n kena tunggu 24 jam for finale ;P

mbhcsf Publish time 28-5-2022 11:20 AM

Edited by mbhcsf at 28-5-2022 11:25 AM

sitisbp replied at 28-5-2022 06:49 AM
I chicken out..... i nak tunggu epi 16 malam ni keluar baru nak tgk 15. I cannot be at peace...
ler apesal...tak pe ...ok-okje, cume sedih lah sikit .....tak lah terkorban as in mati lagi ....cume park sang man tuyg degil..hee wee dah kate jgn jumpeDr K atau jgn balas call cho tae soeb setelah diadah beli saham JQ construction...

so Hee Wee dah called up Park Sang Man supaya jgn pi , jgn keluar tapi Park sang man mendapatlah...dia dijadkan mangsa exactly macam hee wee dulu, dr K campak dia dari atas bangunan tinggi, tapi sebelum tu , dia nak dapatkan pengakuan depa tang sapa suruh hantar arahan tu, tu so, depa dua penjahat tu peliklah :awat dia beriya iya nak dapatkan conformation kepada soalan tu , then Dr K check badan dia dan ade phone dok rakam , depa rmpas and depa campak dia . sebelum tuarahan Cho tae soeb adalah untuk park sang man jatuhkan image Hee pak sang man tak nak lah...masa dia nak dijatuh humbankan ke bawah tu,tu dia dah cakap, you asked me to betray Hee wee, well no. i want to be his friend forever.

masa tu , time depa nak bunuh Park Sang Manhee wee dok confront cho tae soeb, Hee Wee declared that he will take Cho tae Soeb down,...maka...u cam watch how sad hee wee was then...bila Cho Tae Soeb cakap kat Hee : kau tak dapat nak musnahkan aku, dan ikut pengalaman , aku aka jatuhkan org tu atu mule atteck org yg dia sangat peduli atau dia pentingkan, u are not supposed to meet me here, your friend park sangma1 dalam bahay masa tu hee wee called up park sangman and the ther guy yg bodyguard tu, dia ni agak bodoh sikit sebab dia kata kat hee wee park sang man pi restrant kat bwah nak beli makanan tapi tak balik balik...Hee wee pun...dahkecewa dah..he knows that guy will die.
sedih dia..park sang man dalam vegetative state as in like JIRISAN tu...sopakar bedah tu ckp , pelunag dia nak regian consciousness tipis.

then part wanita yg ditugaskan Cho Tae Soeb nak tainted image Hee wee..kat sini best best of Hee Wee...sebab dia ada prior info about that lady..

mbhcsf Publish time 28-5-2022 11:28 AM

I geram kat Han Ji hyuk ni sebab lembab dan tak membantu langsung. dia mula rasa tak senang hat dengan Cho Tae Soeb tapi ...dia buat poyo ajaa...

mbhcsf Publish time 29-5-2022 01:14 AM

Ep 16

i love the ending!! so reaistic , kira depa wrap up the loose ends nicely and logic and realistic jugak.

the best part is barulah Han Ji hyuk tu tersu terang ape pasal dia intuitively felt HEe Wee is the person to keep Cho Tae Soeb in check...

kelakar pun ade masa Hee Wee buat anncoucement istimewa pasal hubungannya dengan Kim Hee A, tapi Han Mi tu banyakberjasa actually...

and Lee Min Soo....hahahah

Kire well realistic juga ending dan akhirnya badan prosector tu dah bersih dari individu yg corrupt...

s far lah



masihingatkah Queen Dowager Mr Queen tuhaaaaaa hahahahahah

but well...i loe the drama

bagus bagus ending dia..


lagi satu fittrah manusia ni baik, dan org tu walaupun sejahat mana pun kalau ade lagi conscience dia akan tahu juga kat mana nak buat tindakan...

tapi bestnya part 16 ni , dia tunjukkan duality of two individuals - satu pihak pilih A and satu pihak dah mereng dan pilih B...dan dia dalam bilik soal siasat...
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View full version: [SBS/viu] Again My Life - Lee Jun Gi, Kim Ji Eun