seribulan Publish time 18-2-2022 03:35 PM


Tashu Publish time 22-2-2022 02:50 PM

be the best among the best

seribulan Publish time 22-2-2022 03:09 PM

Tashu replied at 22-2-2022 01:50 PM
be the best among the best

Better than all the rest {:singo

MsJules Publish time 23-2-2022 08:11 PM

Be myself. The good, nice, decent myself!

seribulan Publish time 23-2-2022 09:38 PM

MsJules replied at 23-2-2022 07:11 PM
Be myself. The good, nice, decent myself!

Yes. Have a conscience{:thumbo

jambuberhias Publish time 23-7-2022 01:46 AM

Be the best person while u can. But the most important is, be yourself! So the true people will like you just the way you are, without you’re faking yourself.

@seribulanminta tacang

totheleastchild Publish time 12-9-2022 02:43 PM

I want to be invisible? So that people won’t see me and i can do wtv i want

AraBellaJuan87 Publish time 26-9-2023 11:34 AM

Deep inside kan, I want to be me as me, yang proudly be me. Aaa gitchew.

sambalitam Publish time 1-7-2024 10:56 PM

Edited by sambalitam at 1-7-2024 11:00 PM

Be more confident n healthy
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