kaktus Publish time 21-7-2010 11:48 AM

Sultan Kelantan kena Ambushed dgn UTK ???

Post Last Edit by kaktus at 21-7-2010 11:52

Minta Maaf minta ampun... jika dah ada thread ni... sbb dah cuba search .. so far lom jumpa... or aku ada terlepas kat mana2.. Minta maaf sekali lagi... if dah ada.. MOMOD sila Delete ... aku just nak share.. dan nak tanya.. apa dah jadi sebenar nya kat KELANTAN ni... apa yg belaku kat negeri kelantan?? kenapa Sultan di ambushed oleh UTK (unit tindakan khas ) atas arahan siapa?? dan tak der plak masuk kat mana2 berita kan ?? or aku silap lg?? sbb tak mengikuti perkembangan isu semasa ?? ok korunk baca dan tgk video kat bawah ni... so sapa2 yg bijak pandai... leh tolong explain tak ??? thanks btw...

By Ken Vin Lek

KUALA LUMPUR: A video showing the Sultan of Kelantan Tuanku Ismail Petra Sultan Yahya Petra's convoy being ambushed by armed balaclava-clad special operations force personnel has been obtained by FMT.

The short video clip, which was recorded by the sultan’s personal bodyguard, showed the sultan leaving their royal palace in an entourage of vehicles heading towards the airport in a Toyota Alphard.

Just after the sultan left the palace gate, a white police car, a Proton Perdana, came between the sultan’s car and that of the personal bodyguard.

As they were driving along, the entourage came to a standstill when the sultan was ambushed by cars from all sides of the road (1.10 minutes elapsed).

A grey Proton Waja is seen on the left while a silver Honda CRV on the right, all of which were carrying armed balaclava-clad special force personnel.

The police came out of their respective vehicles, pointing their guns at the sultan’s car and his personal bodyguard.

Conflicting statement

Last month, Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said in a June 10 parliamentary reply to Puchong MP Gobind Singh Deo that the group's purpose was not to ambush the sulltan but to ensure maximum security for the sultan during his journey to the hospital.

However, Gobind said the video proved otherwise.

“The reply given by the minister is inaccurate, misleading, wholly unbelievable and clearly unacceptable. The video proves there was an ambush.

“It clearly shows that the armed men forcefully stopped the sultan (and those with him) and pointed their weapons at them," he said.

Gobind added that the sultan's entourage was escorted by the police from the palace and he was on his way to the airport at the time and not to any hospital in Kelantan.

The Puchong MP, who is one of the lawyers representing the sultan, demanded that Hishammuddin clears the air.

"I call upon the minister to explain why there are such glaring inaccuracies in his response as compared to the video.

"This strikes at the credibility of our home minister. Can we believe him? Should we believe him? If not, is he fit to be the home minister at all?" he added.

artikel di ambil dari: http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com


video link : sumber dari You tube click sini

zahirbatin Publish time 21-7-2010 11:57 AM

Kalu tk silap tu rakaman yg baru2 ni la....kan ke PRK arah UTK halang rombongan bwk Tuanku tu.....bukan apa...PRK sayangkan ayahandanya...tu semua utk keselamatan ayahandanya....:D

zahirbatin Publish time 21-7-2010 11:59 AM

Thread gini dah ade kt board CI....haku rasa delet aje lah yg ni....

kaktus Publish time 21-7-2010 12:09 PM

bak mari link yg kat CI tuh... nak membaca... kot2 leh dpt info kat sana... huhu.. btw thanks :loveliness:

zahirbatin Publish time 21-7-2010 12:14 PM

Reply 4# kaktus

ada kt page brape entah....gi lah msok sana....

kaktus Publish time 21-7-2010 12:16 PM

Reply 5# zahirbatin

    sedang gigih mencari ..... :sweat3:

tomet05 Publish time 21-7-2010 07:29 PM

kasi linknya bang

joe_sniper Publish time 21-7-2010 09:37 PM

citer dah lapok banggg ....

cendrawasih Publish time 21-7-2010 10:23 PM

tumpang lalu

tarik_mengkarun Publish time 21-7-2010 10:55 PM

apa linknya

haninuha Publish time 22-7-2010 09:33 AM

Post Last Edit by haninuha at 22-7-2010 09:52

yang dibincang kt sini ke..??

aku gogel bnyk gak dpt info..

Sumber Malaysiakini :


kalo kt Carigold Forum:


zahirbatin Publish time 22-7-2010 11:06 AM

aku tk nmpak paedah thread nidboard gosip....dah ada byk thread berkaitan d board CI...

iweed Publish time 22-7-2010 06:01 PM

link video takde ke

shaykays Publish time 25-7-2010 12:25 PM

Alah...crite da lama la..

simply_me Publish time 26-7-2010 07:30 PM

mak aiihhh dasyat
dah cam negeri omputeh

Babai Publish time 27-7-2010 12:55 PM

Tajuk thread ni mengarut la. Kan Sultan belum sihat, jadi kerana sikap mengambil berat, PRK yang akan pastikan Sultan sentiasa dalam keadaan baik dan tidak dibawa kesana kemari tanpa izin baginda (PRK).

madamme Publish time 27-7-2010 02:07 PM


shahreen Publish time 29-7-2010 09:07 AM

neh kan citer lama. thread closed :lol:
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