rosannazmia Publish time 5-7-2011 05:52 PM

most of the time the bride looks sad..:(

lizz_7777 Publish time 5-7-2011 09:10 PM

Post Last Edit by lizz_7777 at 5-7-2011 21:11

Reply 61# rosannazmia
Hmmm nampak kan???? Ade citernye. :(

Monaco's new princess tried to run away thrice before marriage

LONDON: Prince Albert's wife tried to flee home to South Africa at least thrice before her "arranged marriage" to the 53-year-old ruler of Monaco, a report said.

The 33-year-old new Princess Charlene of Monaco made her first escape attempt when she travelled toParis in May this year to try on her wedding dress; during the visit, she "took refuge" in her country's embassy there, French newspaper 'Le Journal du Dimanche' quoted sources as saying.

Later in May, Charlene made a second apparent attempt to escape during the Monaco Formula 1 Grand Prix, the leading French newspaper said.

Then, last week, royal officials are said to have confiscated her passport en route to Nice airport via chopper service that runs between the Mediterranean principality and France. She was then persuaded to go on with the marriage, the newspaper claimed.

"Several sources have confirmed that an arrangement was reached between the future bride and groom," Britain's 'Daily Mail' quoted the French newspaper as saying.

Sources said the Monaco palace had hoped the glitzy wedding -- attended by a host of celebrities and European royalty -- would "overshadow" new claims about secret children fathered by Albert.

Instead, Charlene, a former South African swimmer, was in floods of tears at one point while her husband looked on impassively during their religious wedding on Saturday.

The couple are to fly to South Africa on honeymoon this week, presenting Charlene with her best chance yet of "escaping" Monaco.

lizz_7777 Publish time 5-7-2011 09:14 PM

Post Last Edit by lizz_7777 at 5-7-2011 21:29

Prince Albert's bride 'desperate to know' if he cheated on her while they were together

Princess Charlene of Monaco is 'desperate to know' whether her new husband Prince Albert had a love child during the five years they were in a relationship, it has emerged.
The couple were scheduled to fly off on honeymoon today to South Africa – the place which Charlene, 33, is said to have tried to flee to three times before their £55million wedding at the weekend.She was said to be hugely distraught at claims that Albert, 53, had fathered up to two more children to add to the two illegitimate ones he already has.

Dark clouds: Princess Charlene of Monaco is said to be desperate to find out if Prince Albert has been unfaithful to her and father more children

Time for reflection: The newlyweds were scheduled to fly to South Africa on their honeymoon today but there have been fears that Charlene may not return if the accusations about Albert prove to be true

Now, as doctors prepare to carry out DNA tests in relation to at least one other youngster, Charlene’s principal concern is to find out whether the Prince was cheating on her.
'That is the priority,' said a senior Palace source in Monte Carlo.'Charlene is resigned to the fact that Albert has illegitimate children, but she is desperate to know if one was born during their five year courtship.
'The priority is to reassure her.'Results of the DNA tests are unlikely to be released during the couple's South Africa honeymoon, and this is because Charlene could refuse to return to Monaco if they point towards Albert having been unfaithful, the source admitted.The only confirmed detail of the trip to South Africa is a celebratory banquet in Durban, where Charlene trained as an Olympic swimmer.
In tears: Princess Charlene was overcome by emotion during the wedding ceremony - but were tears of happiness?

Upset? Princess Charlene wipes away a tear as she leaves the Sainte Devote's Church where the couple were married

Albert will also use his time in the city to attend a meeting of the International Olympic Committee, of which he is an enthusiastic member.At the weekend it was alleged that Charlene tried to flee home to South Africa three times before her 'arranged marriage', at one point taking refuge inside her country's embassy in Paris.Sources said the Monaco palace had hoped the glitzy wedding - attended by a host of celebrities and European royalty - would 'overshadow' new claims about secret children fathered by Albert.Instead, Charlene was in floods of tears at one point, while her husband looked on impassively.
Making it official: Princess Charlene and Prince Albert sign the register, but the results of DNA tests to discover the truth in the lovechild claims will not be revealed until after their honeymoon

Distraction technique: Sources say the Monaco palace had hoped the lavish wedding celebrations would 'overshadow' the accusations

There has been speculation that the marriage has been arranged to provide a legitimate heir for Albert in return for a multi-millionaire lifestyle

If an 'arrangement' has been reached it may be that Charlene's principal aim will be to produce a legitimate heir for Albert in return for a multi-millionaire lifestyle.Albert already has a six-year-old son named Alexandre through Togolese former air hostess Nicole Coste, and a 19-year-old daughter, Jazmin, with Tamara Rotolo, an American estate agent.Despite confirmation of the DNA tests, Charlene's father, photocopier salesman Mike Wittstock said: 'I am so disappointed that people believe this nonsense'.Describing the joy he felt at his only daughter marrying a multi-millionaire Prince, he added: 'It feels as if we've just won the World Cup.'

lizz_7777 Publish time 5-7-2011 09:35 PM

Post Last Edit by lizz_7777 at 5-7-2011 21:46

Rumours swirl that Princess Charlene was reluctant bride

Pre-wedding jitters are one thing. Having your future in-laws confiscate your passport so you can’t leave the country is another.Rumours swirling around Prince Albert’s weekend nuptials in Monaco suggest high jinks worthy of a Hollywood thriller. And more than the usual cold feet.Former Olympic swimmer Charlene Wittstock, Princess Charlene as of Friday’s civil ceremony, reportedly tried to bust free not once, but three times, if media reports are to be believed.She tried to take refuge in the South African embassy (she’s South African) while on a wedding-dress trip to Paris in May, according to the Sydney Morning Herald. Palace officials allegedly confiscated her passport and talked her back into the wedding.

Ms. Wittstock had reportedly been upset about revelations that her soon-to-be husband had recently had an illegitimate child and that another may be on the way. (This would bring his total out-of-wedlock brood to four, none heirs to the throne.)Perhaps the high drama merely reflects the over-the-top nature of the Monaco royal family – the Grace Kelly years, the tabloid-worthy love lives of her three children – and the current high-stakes wedding.People magazine reported that 150,000 guests and well-wishers were expected to mob the principality for the multimillion-dollar affair. More important, the clock is ticking on Prince Albert to produce a legitimate heir.The palace issued a public statement denying the rumours, as reported by The Telegraph: “The Prince’s Palace firmly denies these allegations. These rumours, spread a few days before the weddingceremonies of His Serene Highness Prince Albert and Miss Charlene Wittstock, have only one purpose – to seriously damage the Sovereign’s image and by consequence that of Miss Wittstock.”
The controversy does not bode well for a relaxing honeymoon.

rosannazmia Publish time 5-7-2011 09:35 PM

Reply 63# lizz_7777

    kesian kan??at least by marrying him she kinda hit a jackpot la gak..but hopefully her life isnt becoming like her mother in law..princess grace...:'(

lizz_7777 Publish time 5-7-2011 10:00 PM

Reply 65# rosannazmia
Memang kesian. Ape nak buat dah nasib badan she should thinks more than twice before enteringthis serious relationship. The Prince by nature womanizer and heard that he is bisexual sepatutnye dari awal Charlene undur diri. Ape pun all the best to her pandai-pandailah bawe diri. :'(

lizz_7777 Publish time 5-7-2011 10:01 PM

Post Last Edit by lizz_7777 at 6-7-2011 01:01

The £4,600-a-night hotel where Prince Albert is 'trying to persuade Charlene to stay in marriage'[*]Love child DNA test results to be delayed until honeymoon is over
Prince Albert of Monaco is set to use a £4,600-a-night hotel suite to try to 'persuade' his new bride that their marriage can work.It follows at least three alleged attempts by Princess Charlene to escape from the principality over the past year, right up until their £55million wedding last weekend.She is said to be dreading the results of DNA tests, which may show that Albert has fathered at least one other illegitimate child to add to the two he already has with two other women.
Honeymoon hideaway: The entrance of the Oyster Box hotel in Durban, South Africa, where Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene of Monaco will spend their honeymoon

The view from the infinity pool: With sweeping views of the Indian Ocean and direct beach access, the Oyster Box Hotel is one of South Africa's most distinguished hotels

But now the 53-year-old Prince is believed to be taking the 33-year-old former Olympic swimmer on a massively expensive honeymoon in her home country of South Africa.Sources in Monaco say they will book into the Oyster Box Hotel in Umhlanga, which is on the Indian Ocean.
It is less than half-an-hour's drive from Durban, where Charlene used to train, and often enjoyed by newlyweds.Its website reads: 'Constructed in 1869 and originally used as a navigational beacon, a beach cottage known as the "Oyster Box" was first converted into a hotel in the 1930s.'

Sumptuous: The sea views and ocean air will help Prince Albert and Princess Charlene work up an appetite - and hopefully help her forget about his lovechild dramas

Time for a dip: The hotel's premier suite includes a marble bath with a view of the Indian Ocean

Magical: A fairytale suite fit for a prince and his princess

Albert, who is a billionaire, is believed to have booked the Presidential Suite, which is set on two floors and includes an ornate-leafed bed, its own swimming pool and a freestanding marble bath overlooking the Indian Ocean.The suite, which has its own terrace overlooking the sea and a private dining area which can seat ten, is priced at £4,600 a night.On Thursday, the royal couple are also expected to attend an International Olympic Committee banquet in their honour at the hotel.

Hard at work: A member of staff at the Oyster Box hotel in Durban puts the finishing touches to preparations for the arrival of Prince Albert and Princess Charlene

Important guests: Staff at The Oyster Box in Durban prepare to fly the Monaco flag in the foyer in preparations for the arrival of Prince Albert and Princess Charlene

A senior Palace source in Monte Carlo said: 'It's a perfect place for a pair of newlyweds, and may well be all that Charlene needs to make her feel certain that marrying Albert was exactly the right thing to do.'William took Catherine to a very expensive beach resort for their honeymoon following the British Royal Wedding, so why not Albert and Charlene?'
Results of the DNA tests are unlikely to be released during the couple's South Africa honeymoon, and this is because Charlene could refuse to return to Monaco if they point towards Albert having been unfaithful, the source admitted.Sources said the Monaco palace had hoped the glitzy wedding - attended by a host of celebrities and European royalty - would 'overshadow' new claims about secret children fathered by Albert.Instead, Charlene was in floods of tears at one point, while her husband looked on impassively.If an 'arrangement' has been reached it may be that Charlene's principal aim will be to produce a legitimate heir for Albert in return for a multi-millionaire lifestyle.Albert has a six-year-old son named Alexandre through Togolese former air hostess Nicole Coste, and a 19-year-old daughter, Jazmin, with Tamara Rotolo, an American estate agent.Despite confirmation of the DNA tests, Charlene's father, photocopier salesman Mike Wittstock said: 'I am so disappointed that people believe this nonsense'.Describing the joy he felt at his only daughter marrying a multi-millionaire Prince, he added: 'It feels as if we've just won the World Cup.'

MaryyMulia Publish time 6-7-2011 01:13 PM

huh nasib baik ada org nak! kalo tak terus membujang sepnjng hayat....:lol:

BabyR Publish time 7-7-2011 11:38 PM

jadi isteri kerabat diraja ni memang cam kisah dongeng berakhir ngan happy ending...
tapi realiti kene pekak kan telinga dah batukan hati kalau diorang ada pompuan lain..
depan org senyum jer jah...
dalam hati tuhan jer tau...

jeygi Publish time 25-7-2011 10:58 AM

mantap sehh

cmf_yipun78 Publish time 6-9-2011 05:20 PM

Charlene ikat nafsu Albert
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•Dunia •Dunia •2011-09-04 08:55 •Click: 109 •Disediakan oleh Berita Harian

Puteri Monaco arah suami lupakan semua bekas kekasih

MONACO: Putera Albert tidak lagi berpeluang untuk berfoya-foya selepas isterinya, Charlene Wittstock menetapkan supaya beliau tidak lagi berhubung dengan semua bekas kekasihnya. Puteri Charlene, 33, dikatakan cuba melarikan diri dari Monaco dua hari sebelum perkahwinan berlangsung selepas mengetahui Albert mempunyai anak luar nikah ketiga, ketika mereka bertunang. Selepas dinasihatkan oleh pegawai istana, pasangan itu berkahwin Julai lalu disusuli satu lagi dakwaan bahawa mereka bermalam di hotel berasingan ketika berbulan madu.

Berikutan itu, Charlene ketika ini dilaporkan menggunakan kuasanya untuk mengawal Albert, 53, yang sudah mempunyai dua anak luar nikah.

Majalah Paris Match mendedahkan bekas perenang Olimpik itu menyebabkan seorang daripada bekas kekasih Albert, Nicole Coste, dikeluarkan daripada senarai tetamu ke majlis Palang Merah besar-besaran di Monaco.

Coste yang berasal dari Togo, ialah ibu kepada anak luar nikah Albert yang berusia enam tahun, Alexandre. Pemerintah Monaco itu mempunyai seorang lagi anak perempuan, Jazmin, 19, yang dilahirkan selepas menjalin hubungan singkat dengan ejen hartanah Amerika Syarikat, Tamara Rotola.

Dalam kedua-dua kes, ujian DNA dilakukan sebelum Albert mengaku dia adalah bapa kepada kedua-duanya, dan bersetuju membiayai perbelanjaan membesarkan mereka.

Sumber yang rapat dengan istana Monaco memberitahu Paris Match: “Charlene perlu menerima kehadiran Coste dalam majlis tahun lalu ketika mereka bertunang.

“Tetapi, oleh kerana mereka sudah berkahwin, dia bertegas dan mahukan Coste dikeluarkan daripada senarai tetamu.

“Dia tidak mahu memberi status tetamu istimewa kepada Coste pada majlis rasmi dan tidak mahu Albert bergaul dengan mana-mana bekas kekasih.”

Sebelum bertemu Charlene empat tahun lalu, Albert menjalin hubungan dengan berpuluh-puluh wanita cantik dan terkenal di dunia termasuk Angie Everhart, Brooke Shields dan Claudia Schiffer. Albert juga terpaksa berdepan khabar angin dia adalah gay.

Khabar angin mengenai permasalahan mereka yang disangkal keras pasangan itu, tersebar selepas Charlene dilaporkan bergegas ke Lapangan Terbang Nice dua hari sebelum perkahwinan berlangsung.

Majalah L'Express melaporkan, Charlene mengetahui Albert mempunyai anak luar nikah ketiga ketika mereka saling berhubungan. Laporan juga menyebut Albert menjalankan ujian DNA sebelum bertolak ke Durban untuk berbulan madu.

Charlene bercakap mengenai kesunyiannya di Monaco awal tahun ini dan menambah: “Saya cuma ada dua orang yang saya anggap rakan di sini.”

Sumber dalaman Monaco memberitahu media Perancis bulan lalu, satu perjanjian dibuat antara Albert dan pengantinnya selepas dia berundur untuk memastikan Charlene memberikan waris sah kepada suaminya.

Perlembagaan Monaco menetapkan bahawa semua anak luar nikah Albert tidak boleh mewarisi takhta kerana dilahirkan tanpa ikatan perkahwinan.

Sumber lain pula mendakwa: “Charlene akan memberi waris, kemudian jika keadaan masih serba tidak kena, dia akan dapatkan pampasan perceraian lumayan.”

Jurucakap kerajaan Monaco berkata, sebaik bertemu Charlene, Albert tahu dia akhirnya menemui wanita yang dia mahukan memberikan waris untuknya.

Jurucakap itu memberitahu majalah Point de Vue tahun lalu: “Charlene cantik dan bergaya, dan kami semua berharap dia akan memastikan kesinambungan institusi diraja. Albert tidak pernah berkahwin tetapi tahu ini masanya untuk melahirkan pewaris Monaco.” – Agensi

rosewhite Publish time 20-9-2011 05:15 PM

Newlywed Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene of Monaco attend the Yorkshire Variety Club Golden Ball at Harewood House on Sept. 4, 2011, in Leeds, England.

rosewhite Publish time 20-9-2011 05:16 PM

rosewhite Publish time 20-9-2011 05:17 PM

rosewhite Publish time 20-9-2011 05:19 PM

rosewhite Publish time 21-9-2011 04:47 PM

rosewhite Publish time 21-9-2011 04:49 PM

rosewhite Publish time 21-9-2011 04:51 PM

rosewhite Publish time 21-9-2011 04:52 PM

rosewhite Publish time 27-9-2011 04:31 PM

Princess Charlenehosted a Lunch on Board of The World to celebrate the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Day
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