adin Publish time 9-3-2008 06:25 PM

[ONLINE] Erepublik - Rules E-Malaysia Here

Post Last Edit by naen at 14-6-2011 20:15

This is a very interesting online strategy game.Very simple yet addictive..


History is something that already exists. You inherit it and youenrich it with your life experiences. But now you have a chance tocreate a different history in the Erepublik world.
Being part of it, you have the opportunity to develop your economy and to create a working society with political institutions. You may concentrate on serving your country or on findinga way to personally advance in this new world perhaps by havingmilitary activity, creating private companies or getting others to elect you as a political leader.
You will have to use your wits to make your country one of the best in Erepublik.You should invite your friends to join you and together to create abetter society or maybe become strong soldiers and invade others..
Erepublik intends to be an online social,political and economic mass multi player simulation that offers to itsmembers virtual fame, money and power.

Based on the system of free market and on social relations that existin the public life, the rules of the game are, most of them, created bythe users themselves.

As a citizen of Erepublik, you represent your country in the Erepublikworld. Your presence in Erepublik can help your country on differentdomains:

- you can work for a company or create your company - this will have a contribution on you making a fortune and will help your country's economy;
- you can join a partyor create your own party- joining a party will give you the chance to become a member in yourcountry's Congress; while being the president of a party will make itpossible to become the President of your country;
- you can become a soldier and even a real hero for your country.

PM me to get your invitation :)

[ Last edited byadin at 9-3-2008 06:27 PM ]

adin Publish time 11-3-2008 11:33 AM

takde ker yg nak join?

rashamus Publish time 18-3-2008 01:31 PM

meh send aku invitation..

gruddzr Publish time 5-11-2008 04:29 PM

nak saper nak join

so far e-Malaysia takde lagi, so duduk la mana2 yang korang suka, next time boleh pindah ^^

edy_uptown Publish time 17-11-2008 03:52 PM

Game nih cmne nk men?De sesape le ajar aku?:lol:

Vikta Publish time 14-11-2009 09:17 PM

Erepublik - Rules E-Malaysia Here

Post Last Edit by naen at 17-3-2010 22:27

Post Last Edit by Vikta at 14-11-2009 21:19

eRepublik sebuah game yang mensimulasikan aspek-aspek politik,ekonomi dan perang (serta parti politik seperti dalam Malaysia yangsebenar (ada parti roket juga :P), buka company, perang dengan negaralain)

Pemain-pemain dari Indonesia telah mengguna sentimen dan ketegangan di antara Malaysia dan Indonesia untuk mendapat lebih banyak pemain. Tujuan mereka adalah untuk men'Ganyang Malingsia'. Tak percaya? Tengoklah di sini

Mereka telah mengeksploitasi cara2 yang keji dan hina untuk membuka perang dengan Malaysia (GANYANG MALINGSIA)

Kalau tak percaya, tengoklah screenshot2 ini:

eIndonesia sekarang ada lebih dari 10,000 pemain. eMalaysia hanya 1,300. Kalau perang, negara kita pasti dijajah.

Jangan bagi si Indonesia yang telah menghina maruah Malaysia untuk menjajah tanah kita!



Kalau perlu tolong, hantarlah mesej kpd orang2 ini:
Jangan henti main! Kalau tak faham apa2 pun boleh hantar mesej, kita pasti tolong anda. Malaysia memerlukan kamu!

Perdana Menteri eMalaysia: SetsunaX
Menteri Pertahanan/Menteri Luar Negara: Vikta
MP Malaysia: natamhanjing
MP Malaysia: Carr De Vaux



cmf_gelugugu Publish time 14-11-2009 09:33 PM

takat main game leh bantu negara? puuurrrggghhtttttt

mohdcrow Publish time 14-11-2009 09:56 PM

sapa yg buat game nie?....lagi ramai join makin kaya la dia kan....tu jer...x der kena mengena sapa menang sapa kalah

akoknorma Publish time 14-11-2009 10:18 PM

tak main ler game camni..haprak punyer..:I

nevvven Publish time 14-11-2009 11:26 PM

Game ni kan best, bleh layan punya, try la dulu baru tau best nye!

ahmad_fazill Publish time 15-11-2009 07:48 AM

kira2 indon berfantasi jer nak jajah malaysia..nak ganyang pun kena main game kekdahnya..indon low class... :kant:

akumirul Publish time 15-11-2009 11:33 AM

amende le game cam nie :mad::mad::mad:

din_atos Publish time 18-11-2009 04:19 PM

ok aku try

edy137 Publish time 18-11-2009 04:44 PM

aku tak paham sgt laa games nyerr... macamana entah... aku register.. tengok2 lepas tuhh buat bodo ajer.. tak tau nak mula macamana..

din_atos Publish time 18-11-2009 05:03 PM

9# edy137
ada ditunjuk guide camne nk food, camne nk cari job, tp agak leceh la nk baca n pahamkan... aku pn malas.. hehe

msl8208 Publish time 22-12-2009 12:05 AM

A Sosial Network Online game in erepublik (eMalaysia need you)

My dear fellow Malaysians,

In a virtual world, not too far away in eRepublik (, our peaceful nation is under attack from our aggresive neighbour - eIndonesia. In an attempt to flame real-life sentiments to garner new members, the eIndonesia leaders have effectively 10 minutes ago, submitted a congressional proposal to declare war on eMalaysia. In 24 hours, it is expected that eIndonesia would invade Sabah, Sarawak and Penisular Malaysia in a simulatenous attack.

See this link for the eIndonesia declaration of war:

See this newspaper/blog for updates on eMalaysia and why eIndonesia is attacking us:

Come on Malaysians! We in eRepublik need you. Only with more Real Life Malaysians joining in the action, that we will have a chance to be independence again (upon being conquered by eIndonesia). We currently have 1800 citizens while eIndo has nearly 9000 citizens. I said it again - this is the time to show our strength.

"With 300millions RL indonesians with nearly 30mil RL internet Indonesia users, we can anticipate some major baby boom there soon. In comparison, RL Malaysia has approximately 28mil population and nearly 19mil RL internet users, while RL Thailand has 68mil pop and 15mil RL internet users. What does that tell us? eMalaysia and eThailand combined, technically have more baby-booming potential than eIndonesia .

Let's us not tremble in fear in sight of the 224 Field Marshals, 691 Generals and thousand others Colonels and Captains from our 'friendly' neighbour. Let's us not cower in trepidation, and run to the enemy of our possible enemies (Eden and Brolliance) - and inevitably give them a real excuse to invade us. Let's us not be afraid - my fellow eMalaysians, even if the war comes to our shore. "

Erepublik is A social network global online game.

The Erepublik story

History is something that already exists. You inherit it and you enrich it with your life experiences. But now you have a chance to create a different history in the Erepublik world.

Being part of it, you have the opportunity to develop your economy and to create a working society with political institutions. You may concentrate on serving your country or on finding a way to personally advance in this new world perhaps by having military activity, creating private companies or getting others to elect you as a political leader.

You can register using this link or email your email address at

Watch this for tutorial. These will help immensely in understanding the basics of the game.:

Hiyamoon Publish time 16-1-2010 07:29 PM

Join free online game!!Suprise!

Visit here:

Hi everyone!!I would like to introduce a free online game to all of you.

Global strategy game!Join if u love your country^^
This game will definitely be your second real life.With the real mapand real politic system,u will be able to fully enjoy this game.Tobecome a citizen of your country,pls visit to register youaccount.Up your character to level 6 and u will be surprised!!^^

Those are the game pictures....

War game...
Our country situation

Voting system
Player's aims

To join this game,register at here

kroit92 Publish time 16-1-2010 09:17 PM

macam galakkan perang je.. :L

Hiyamoon Publish time 17-1-2010 02:14 PM

2# kroit92

dun worry,game only,just for fun

Hiyamoon Publish time 8-2-2010 04:24 PM

Malaysia Boleh.Join Malaysia Online Game!!

Visit here:

Hi everyone!!I would like to introduce a free online game to all of you.

Global strategy game!Join if u love your country^^
This game will definitely be your second real life.With the realmapandreal politic system,u will be able to fully enjoy thisgame.Tobecome acitizen of your country,please visit to register your account.Up your character to level 6 and u will be surprised!!^^

Those are the game pictures....

War game...

Our country situation

To join this game,register at here
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