espirulyna Publish time 22-7-2009 01:42 PM

Anxiety, High Blood Pressure & Palpitations

Post Last Edit by espirulyna at 2-9-2009 23:08

Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress. It helps one deal with a tensesituation in the office, study harder for an exam, keep focused on animportant speech. In general, it helps one cope. But when anxietybecomes an excessive, irrational dread of everyday situations, it hasbecome a disabling disorder

High blood pressureis defined in an adult as a blood pressure greater than or equal to 140mm Hg systolic pressure or greater than or equal to 90 mm Hg diastolicpressure.
Heart palpitations are the feelings of having rapid, fluttering or pounding heartbeats.


hari tu gi hospital sbb demam selseme je..
mase cek bp mase tu 154/86...dokter suruh check bp ...
harini cek lagi 141/85
skrgni tak tau lagi bp naik sebab ape...........

kalau ikut rekod slalu bp espi dlm ±110/75
umor belum pn 23
mmg ade family ade high blood pressure
tp penah gak cek hemoglobin rendah
ade anxiety disorder tp dah kurang bile dah besar
baru2 ni ade jugak prescribe legal drug (high dos)

>>jd ape kaitan anxiety, high blood pressure & palpitation:o
>>kene ambik diet garam rendah or ade diet lain...konfius:'(
>>hbp ni ade kaitan dgn ubat2an yg penah kite ambik ke

20/7/09 154/86
121 24/7/09130/91

dah gi jumpe dokter lain...
dokter xbuatpape pn...suruh jumpe check bp weekly lak:@:@:L

AnitaSabrina Publish time 22-7-2009 02:56 PM

1# espirulyna

Tingginya your bp!That's so scary.

Seriously, you need to do something about your high bp.

espirulyna Publish time 22-7-2009 09:19 PM

1# espirulyna

Tingginya your bp!That's so scary.

Seriously, you need to do something about your high bp.
AnitaSabrina Post at 22-7-2009 14:56

takut gak...kalu dah berumur ke lain la. ni mude lagi:'(

sebab naik tak tau lg.tak tau la nak kate bp naik sbb anxiety ke /anxity lead 2 papiltions ke/bp naik sbb papilations or ade sbb lain. kne tunggu appoinment dokter nxt week..:L

>>pulse 121....pulse normal slalu brape yer?

AnitaSabrina Publish time 22-7-2009 10:56 PM

Normal pulse is between 60 to 100 beats per minute.

Btw, just a case history.My niece was 19 when docs found out her bp was exceptionally high during medical check.Anyway coupled with her problems with her menses, high fevers (really spike up) - docs investigated her and found out she had a tumour.Ovarian teratoma.With teeth, hair and other gross features.

Since that hideous creature was removed from her, her bp is in normal range.

Hope I didn't scare you.

espirulyna Publish time 24-7-2009 02:51 PM

bp hari ni dah turun sket..
130/91 , pulse 119....
harap2 bp ni naik sbb kne selseme je:L

choolakaw Publish time 24-7-2009 09:20 PM

aper sebab yg boleh kena penyakit ni yerkk:o

espirulyna Publish time 25-7-2009 09:43 PM

yg espi paham bende mungkin gak penyakit atau simptom pade penyakit lain....

AnitaSabrina Publish time 26-7-2009 09:16 AM

7# espirulyna

High bp ni bahaya sangat-sangat.Yasmin Ahmad meninggal sebab high bp caused her blood vessel in the brain to burst (brain haemorrhage)and eventually her death.

mizsela Publish time 26-7-2009 10:28 AM

erk tinggi lah espi...:L
ni pasal makan sprinolactone ke?

mizsela Publish time 26-7-2009 10:29 AM

espi try kurangkan garam...elak fast food k...

choolakaw Publish time 26-7-2009 02:14 PM

high blood pressure ni serang dalam biler biler maser yerk...tetiber pengsan gitu jeerr:funk:

espirulyna Publish time 26-7-2009 03:53 PM

7# espirulyna

High bp ni bahaya sangat-sangat.Yasmin Ahmad meninggal sebab high bp caused her blood vessel in the brain to burst (brain haemorrhage)and eventually her death.
AnitaSabrina Post at 26-7-2009 09:16

nasib baik perasan mase kne cek selseme hari buat yasmin ahmad

espirulyna Publish time 26-7-2009 03:57 PM

9# mizsela

xtau la sbb ubat tu ke tak...tgh monitar bp lg...skrg dah turun sket

tgh jage makan ni....ari tu nurse kate nasi lemak dg roti canai seminggu sekali je boleh ambik:'(
tp semalam melantak durian lak:L

Pygmalion Publish time 27-7-2009 12:51 PM

salam to all..
nak tanya gak la pasal bp nih...

kalu bp dlm seminggu tak turun2 camner? what's the next course of action?

blh tak nak volunteer masuk spital.. (kalau masuk spital dr leh buat apa?)

camner nak bp stabil cepat?

espirulyna Publish time 27-7-2009 01:54 PM

14# Pygmalion

tak tau la....
tp espi nye bp pn tak turun lg ni...
kne tunggu 5 ogos

Pygmalion Publish time 27-7-2009 02:17 PM

blh buat kerja tak kalu bp high tu? mesti cepat mengah & penat ?

aku harap ko get well soon.. ( aku harap aku gitu gak ler...)

I have to re organize my life...too much things to do...:kant:

shazuyi Publish time 28-7-2009 07:10 PM

kadang2 darah tinggi ni terlampau banyak pikir pun naik paling baik nak kawal darah,turunkan ialah puase!:loveliness:

cikguranggi Publish time 28-7-2009 09:11 PM

darah tinggi ni bahaya woo..........mcm2 penyakit boleh dtg........

tapi semuanya ketentuan Allah.........

espirulyna Publish time 6-8-2009 11:24 PM

blh buat kerja tak kalu bp high tu? mesti cepat mengah & penat ?

aku harap ko get well soon.. ( aku harap aku gitu gak ler...)

I have to re organize my life...too much things to do...:kant:
Pygmalion Post at 27-7-2009 14:17

boleh buat keje cam biase slalu rase cam confuse je...
harap same2 la kite cepat sembuh dgn jayenye....

espirulyna Publish time 6-8-2009 11:26 PM

kadang2 darah tinggi ni terlampau banyak pikir pun naik paling baik nak kawal darah,turunkan ialah puase!:loveliness:
shazuyi Post at 28-7-2009 19:10

puase pn dah dekat...harap puase ni leh la tolong turunkan bp tu...
selamat menyambut bulan puase:loveliness:
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