amazed Publish time 14-6-2009 02:54 PM

Maha Al-Sudari, bini Putera Nayef Abd Aziz (KSA) berhutang di Paris!!

Paris bailiffs chase Saudi princess for unpaid bills

A Saudi princess alleged to have run up unpaid bills worth millions of euros in a Paris shopping spree has agreed to settle a 125,000-dollar tab after bailiffs turned up at her hotel, a lawyer said.

Upmarket clothes store Key Largo filed suit in a Paris court this week against Maha al-Sudairi, wife of Saudi Interior Minister Prince Nayef bin Abdul Aziz, over an outstanding bill of 89,000 euros (125,000 dollars).

"The Saudi Arabian consul was called out in person," he said.

French media reported the princess was holed up in her room at the four-star hotel just off the Champs Elysees while her staff wrangled with the bailiffs, although the George V would not confirm she was on the premises.

After three hours of talks, the princess' aides had handed over a guaranteed cheque of 89,000 euros, with a pledge the money would be transferred by Wednesday, said the lawyer.

Benazareh said he was told the bills went unpaid due to an oversight by her staff.

But the Saudi princess is alleged to have left a trail of unpaid bills at top Parisian locations including one for 10 million euros at the Crillon hotel, according to French newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche.

Benazareh said Paris jewellers Chaumet has also taken legal action against the princess. The Journal du Dimanche says the store is owed more than 600,000 euros.

The manager of luxury lingerie store "Aux caprices de Lili," which is just opposite the George V, told AFP the princess had run up a slate of 70,000 euros' worth of designer underwear, silk bathrobes and swimwear.

laki billionaire kaya raya anak raja....tapi bini dok hutang ke huluhutang ke hiliq...apa kejadahworang arab nih.... cissssssss!!!:I

azzida Publish time 14-6-2009 07:06 PM

membeli sambil membelah ..:lol: :lol:

duit byk, beli beli beli .. sampai tak tau mana dah bayar .. mana belum

scarlett86 Publish time 23-9-2009 03:30 PM

diorang nikan suka nak ber"diskaun"2...tak caya, cuba tanya org keje shoping komplek.... kalo org arab beli, suka memborong, and then mintak diskaun tahap gaban...

pablo_honey Publish time 23-9-2009 04:47 PM

ni mmg betul... kawan aku tension layan drang,tanya bkn main, nak borong lagak cm kaya, tapi mintak diskaun mcm ingat mall tu kat pasar mlm ble tawar or pomoter ble sesuka nk bg diskaun. hampeh tol. abes free gift kawan aku drang paw

Minah Komando Publish time 23-9-2009 04:51 PM

arabian mmg suck

flames Publish time 24-9-2009 01:10 PM

haha ada jugak org mcm nie.. arab mmg berlagak

reyust Publish time 2-6-2010 11:37 AM

bior le duit byk..bleh beli belah...
then minta la diskaun kaw2...lgpun dh bribu habis...

cmf_almondpecan Publish time 2-6-2010 05:44 PM

Ini baru betul beli belah. Dah beli terus belah.

jingga007 Publish time 2-6-2010 05:53 PM

beli belah sungguh lah ni :lol: :shakehead3:
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