myakayina Publish time 6-9-2012 01:00 PM

so, dia ni still Islam or dah murtad?

BeasT Publish time 6-9-2012 01:22 PM

macam nak pecah je....

wizza Publish time 6-9-2012 03:36 PM

seksi + seksa....

Knowlee Publish time 6-9-2012 03:43 PM

muka tak lawa mana pun, tu yg gigih tunjuk benda lain.

miasyifa Publish time 6-9-2012 03:46 PM

clarizsa posted on 3-9-2012 10:22 PM static/image/common/back.gif
muka x lawa pun... dada besar tersembul je..huhu

hehehe lucu basaha u ni... hehehe

anees~nuhara Publish time 6-9-2012 04:33 PM

sape ni? xknai..

chazey Publish time 6-9-2012 09:22 PM


yang ni lagik nan hado banding daphne dahlia.

chazey Publish time 6-9-2012 09:25 PM

sue_liah posted on 6-9-2012 10:04 AM static/image/common/back.gif
aku x dpt berita dri mana2 pun
ye la biasanya muallaf ni cenderung kembali ke agama asal klau b ...
kamu ini menfitnah atau apa?

sila jelaskan kenapa kamu anggap beliau udah bercerai? kerana fbnya mengatakan beliau kristian? apakah itu memang fb sohih?

sila jangan berfikir seperti melayu kampung mengatakan jika mualaf bercerai biasanya akan kembali pada agama asal.

ramai saja yang kuat tidak menjadi kapir kembali ok.

mclaren Publish time 6-9-2012 10:20 PM

chazey posted on 6-9-2012 09:25 PM static/image/common/back.gif
kamu ini menfitnah atau apa?

sila jelaskan kenapa kamu anggap beliau udah bercerai? kerana fbny ...

org kata bercerai tu maybe sebab she herself blogged the word "EX-MIL". kalau still married takkan letak ex kot. agama tu tuhan je yg maha mengetahui. tak berani nak cakap.

chazey Publish time 6-9-2012 10:30 PM

mclaren posted on 6-9-2012 10:20 PM static/image/common/back.gif
org kata bercerai tu maybe sebab she herself blogged the word "EX-MIL". kalau still married takkan ...

oh, aku tak nampak frasa ex-mil itu. aku hanya nampak gambar beliau, (ex) suami dan anak2.

dia nak jadi nora danish ka? udah bercerai tapi fefeling masih baik dengan laki gitu?

mclaren Publish time 6-9-2012 10:34 PM

chazey posted on 6-9-2012 10:30 PM static/image/common/back.gif
oh, aku tak nampak frasa ex-mil itu. aku hanya nampak gambar beliau, (ex) suami dan anak2.


rasanya dia just cerita about thn ni for raya, anak dia ikut his daddy beraya kat rumah ex-mil (grannies of the boy). dia tak lah ikut sekali, just the kid, which is how it's supposed to be lah kan..

so mcm takde similarity dgn ND tu la kot. :D

chazey Publish time 6-9-2012 10:35 PM

mclaren posted on 6-9-2012 10:34 PM static/image/common/back.gif
rasanya dia just cerita about thn ni for raya, anak dia ikut his daddy beraya kat rumah ex-mil (gr ...

oic. i shudn't jumpa into conclusion. tenks mclaren. aku malas baca blog penuh dengan gambar syok sindri. kerana itu aku masuk kejap tadi tros kuar balik tak tahan tengok pelacuran kamera tahap tinggi. :$

mclaren Publish time 6-9-2012 10:40 PM

chazey posted on 6-9-2012 10:35 PM static/image/common/back.gif
oic. i shudn't jumpa into conclusion. tenks mclaren. aku malas baca blog penuh dengan gambar syok...

neither did i (read her blog). but i saw some words here and there, and saw that her blog (the one she blogged about her son) was really done in great detail and i gv her some credit for that, nampak mmg dia put a lot of effort in there. skimmed thru the front page je, tak baca pun.

chazey Publish time 6-9-2012 10:42 PM

mclaren posted on 6-9-2012 10:40 PM static/image/common/back.gif
neither did i (read her blog). but i saw some words here and there, and saw that her blog (the one ...

at least u did skim thru.

me, blah camtu ja lepas nampak gambar2 yang lawa tapi tak berminat untuk hayati.

viva_gerl Publish time 7-9-2012 01:15 AM

isu murtad timbul after she states her religion as roman catholic in her fb. as it has her latest pics in europe, i rasa the fb account is sahih. who r we to judge? tapi if its stated that way, of course we cant help but to presume...:(

viva_gerl Publish time 7-9-2012 01:17 AM

btw, she has updated her relationship status. its with that chap in the pic...

juliez Publish time 7-9-2012 01:23 AM

skymania posted on 4-9-2012 10:48 AM static/image/common/back.gif
smalam aku usha pesbuk die..kat situh agama die :

sekai jd momod bod mana? gosip kah?

congrats! {:1_152:}

juliez Publish time 7-9-2012 01:24 AM

kukukatablog posted on 4-9-2012 11:19 AM static/image/common/back.gif
dia g europe, but anak dia dengan Remy, raya kat Ipoh... dia g sorang saja kot... nampak dlm blog...

laki dia ni remy innuendo ker?

lotionmilo Publish time 7-9-2012 02:45 AM

juliez posted on 7-9-2012 01:24 AM static/image/common/back.gif
laki dia ni remy innuendo ker?

remy innuendo bukan dengan hannah tan?

kukukatablog Publish time 7-9-2012 02:51 AM

juliez posted on 7-9-2012 01:24 AM static/image/common/back.gif
laki dia ni remy innuendo ker?

Remy Ryzal tu kump anuendo* (aku x reti eja) ker?

ni muka suami dia

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