saden Publish time 1-4-2009 08:52 PM

Paricutin - new volcano

Paricutin - a new volcano formed in 1943 in Mexico... subhanAllah!

mbhcsf Publish time 1-4-2009 10:23 PM

erk? you ? geography ek? favourite subject? lucky youmasa i dah tak boleh ambil geod ambil sejarah.

well ...teh volcano ...appeared out of a cornfield ..eee bayangkan kalau kat sawah tetiba munculcam tu....

why didyou find it intesting tu ? that's the question?

why not vesuvius? Pompeii?

mbhcsf Publish time 1-4-2009 10:24 PM

it was reported to erupt between 1943 - 1952? jer kan?

saden Publish time 2-4-2009 01:25 AM

interesting pasal kita tengok kelahiran gunung berapi tu depan mata.... dari asalnya cornfield yg rata sampai jadi gunung 1391 feet high in a few years aje.

pompeii vesuvius sume tu, as far as we are concerned, they have always been there.

(best student geography sekolah ;) )

mbhcsf Publish time 2-4-2009 01:42 AM

then oh yaaaa

from cornfield to corn FLAKES?:P :P

mbhcsf Publish time 2-4-2009 01:42 AM

i see best student sure tahu kat mana tasik Kori ni :lol: :lol: ;P ;P ;P oops tutup mulut

mbhcsf Publish time 2-4-2009 01:45 AM

could u imagine thefarmer 's horror kan? when he saw the earth that he used to walk onto was actually gosh a volcanic ? area? hehheeee...heeee really spooky

saden Publish time 2-4-2009 01:55 AM

Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2-4-2009 01:42
i see best student sure tahu kat mana tasik Kori ni :lol: :lol: ;P ;P ;P oops tutup mulut
hahahaha ya rabbiiii!!!! lupa dah pasal tasik kori ni sume.... makanan ruji negeri china; sekoi dan kaoliang ;P;P

mbhcsf Publish time 2-4-2009 02:05 AM

heard of bleawater wesmorland? i think ...anyway i gotta sleep esok perhimpunan . Bye then salam..

mbhcsf Publish time 2-4-2009 02:06 AM

hmm? kaoliang?

u mean kaolin? itu bukan bhn galian ker ? i dunno....where's Mr Shih Huang ti

saden Publish time 2-4-2009 02:07 AM

Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2-4-2009 01:45
could u imagine thefarmer 's horror kan? when he saw the earth that he used to walk onto was actually gosh a volcanic ? area? hehheeee...heeee really spooky
ataupun cuba bayangkan gunung Pinatubo tu (contohnya), masa zaman dulu tanah rata je ada orang tanam padi.

satu lagi, i just find that events happen in 3D to be fascinating. contohnya, ajal maut seseorang... telah disuratkan yg dia akan mati di sekian2 coordinate latitude dan longitude...tapi bukan atas tanah, tapi 100 feet up in the air. rupa2nya tak lama lagi akan dibuat rumah pangsa kat situ dan dia akan meninggal di tingkat 10..

yg gunung paricutin tu, just thinking yg bawah gunung tu used to be an open flat space with farming activities, just boggles my mind.

saden Publish time 2-4-2009 02:09 AM

Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2-4-2009 02:06
hmm? kaoliang?

u mean kaolin? itu bukan bhn galian ker ? i dunno....where's Mr Shih Huang ti
kaolin tu tanah liat...yg orang buat tembikar tu.

memang kaoliang....tah macamana rupa dia i pun tak tau hehehe

mbhcsf Publish time 2-4-2009 02:50 PM


Originally posted by saden at 2-4-2009 02:07

ataupun cuba bayangkan gunung Pinatubo tu (contohnya), masa zaman dulu tanah rata je ada orang tanam padi.

satu lagi, i just find that events happen in 3D to be fascinating. contohnya, ajal...

ahaaa u ambil kira spatial attribute ni okay ....

you know what i think, i am thinking that poor Mr Diego ofthe Cornfield has not realised that he was setting up his abode on a magma+ pressure macam dok kat atas pressurised pot of very extremely hot magma....

and how do the scientistscalculate the amount of "energy" like kilotons and made it equivalent to the magnitude of a nuclear bomb blast, eh, Saden?

u happene to know ker?

saden Publish time 3-4-2009 12:09 AM

Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2-4-2009 14:50

you know what i think, i amthinking that poor Mr Diego ofthe Cornfield has not realised that hewas setting up his abode on a magma+ pressure macamdok kat atas pressurised pot of very extremely hot magma....

i pulak terkesima bila fikirkan we are witnessing the creation of a MOUNTAIN in a blink of an eye (~1 year tu kira sekelip mata la)
and how do the scientistscalculate the amount of "energy" likekilotons and made it equivalent to the magnitude of a nuclear bombblast, eh, Saden?

u happene to know ker? hehe not too sure...kena tanya geologist ni. a hurricane releases energy equivalent to thousands of hydrogen bomb. tapi hydrogen bomb is dramatic because the RATE of energy release is in milliseconds. it's the intensity..

mbhcsf Publish time 4-4-2009 12:16 AM

Originally posted by saden at 2-4-2009 02:09

kaolin tu tanah liat...yg orang buat tembikar tu.

memang kaoliang....tah macamana rupa dia i pun tak tau hehehe

kaoliang is rye ker ?

then sekoi ape yer?

mbhcsf Publish time 4-4-2009 12:23 AM

well another situation would be in the case ...

satu lagi, i just find that events happen in 3D to be fascinating. contohnya, ajal maut seseorang... telah disuratkan yg dia akan mati di sekian2 coordinate latitude dan longitude...tapi bukan atas tanah, tapi 100 feet up in the air. rupa2nya tak lama lagi akan dibuat rumah pangsa kat situ dan dia akan meninggal di tingkat 10..

if a diver?

not only he is doing the action - static action but the verb/ action - diving it self is a dynamic process....they could easily u know moves around massive liquidmobile thru the liquid lah inmany coordinate points...
and different medium....
a school of fish - cthnya


mbhcsf Publish time 4-4-2009 12:34 AM

it is sometimes difficult to believe thatu know the Earth itself is having a solid core beneath those hot magma , kan? I 'd would be thinking that , hey...hmm there is a solid rock or? Fe or nickle as the core...

the earth's core ni - is it contributing to the earth magnetic field ker? or i amtotally way off the mark ?
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